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Yes, there are important things to do.

Everyone’s eyes looked towards the 3 raw flowers over there, and now all the obstacles have been completely removed. Should there be no power to stop them, they should pick the 3 raw flowers?

“Let me come, I have tried 2 times without success, should this time always succeed?” Fengying stood up and asked Sakura to take the initiative.

The first time he shot, he hit the Illusion Technique of the Underworld, and the second time he hit the Illusion Technique of the Underworld.

Both shots ended in failure. It really made Fengying want to work harder. How could he pick the three flowers from him?

“Haha Fengying, no one is robbing you of your merits. Go ahead, who picks it or not. But you can’t pick it again.”

“Haha, if you can’t pick it again, then I think Fengying can hit tofu and forget it.”

“Tofu? It’s so exciting, are you talking about girl’s tofu? hehe.”

… Listening to everyone’s jokes, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but shake his head and laughed. It is indeed a very interesting group of people, and still very loving.

Fengying walked past quickly, but this time came very smoothly to the front of 3 Shenghua.

But there are always things that go against the wishes.

Fengying’s hand just touched the three raw flowers, and a burst of floral rays of light came out of the three raw flowers. The rays of light of this flower penetrated directly into Fengying’s body and could not be stopped.

As soon as the rays of light of this flower came into the body, Fengying could not help but shivered.

Such a situation is also a blow to the hearts of everyone, and they immediately knew that something had happened again.

Both Qin Xiao and Mo Wangbei quickly walked over to this side, and the others only reacted for a long while, and then quickly came over here to see what was going on.

The wind image is magical, the expression on the face is constantly changing, and the lips move frequently. Although there is no sound, I feel that I am talking about something.

This expression is sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes tense, sometimes cold, and sometimes sad.

“What’s going on here? How can this be? There is Illusion Technique? Isn’t that right? Hades haven’t been killed by us yet?” someone asked doubtfully.

Someone even made a bold guess: “is it possible that Hades are not yet dead? Are we still in illusion?”

Qin Xiao frowned deeply, looking at the scenery, he also wanted to understand what was going on.

The Wraith is dead, impossible is still alive, and impossible and Illusion Technique exist.

If there is an Illusion Technique, impossible has escaped his awareness.

Even though he can only use the power of immortal dao, there is no realm distinction between eyesight and experience, which is not cheating.

“I think I know what happened.” Mo Wangbei said suddenly.

Hearing Mo Wangbei’s words, everyone’s eyes fell on him.

Mo Wangbei continued: “I’ve heard about some three-flowered flowers before. The three-flowered flowers are immortal and rare.”

“The more rare the fairy, the more power there will be to guard it. 3 flowers, it also has power to guard it. If you want to pick 3 flowers, you have to break this guard power.”

“I heard an old man say that 3 shenghua has 3 sheng 3 sheng. At the time not at all taking seriously, I didn’t quite understand what it meant. Now looking back, I think I understand the meaning of 3 sheng 3 sheng. Now.”

“The flowers rays of light that the 3 Shenghua just released have entered the soul of Fengying Divine Consciousness, and brought Fengying into the reincarnation, which has passed through the reincarnation of 3 births and 3 lifetimes.”

“If Fengying can break into the past, then this guardian power can be broken, and the three raw flowers can be taken away.”

“If Fengying can’t break through, it can’t break the power of this guardian, and the 3 flowers will naturally not be picked.”

3 born 3? Reincarnation?

The audience who listened to Mo Wangbei’s words were also surprised. Didn’t expect such a magical situation.

What kind of experience should be the reincarnation of the 3rd birth and the 3rd generation? Think about going to Poyang and think that this must be a very terrifying test. It is definitely not that simple.

It’s really not easy to pick this 3 raw flower.

“Then what should we do now? Fengying should be caught in reincarnation. What if he can’t pass these three reincarnations?” Xiaodao asked.

Qin Xiao doesn’t quite understand the reincarnation of these three lives and three lives, so looked towards Mo Wangbei. Even if Mo Wangbe said this situation, let Mo Wangbe solve it.

After Mo Weibe thought for a while, he said: “If you can’t pass the 3rd cycle, it may hurt you. But I also don’t quite clear, after all, I just heard about 3rd generation 3rd. Just once, I don’t know the specifics.”

“So, what kind of probability should be there, this is where I worry.”

“If Fengying couldn’t get through these three lives and three lives, what would happen?”

“3 Shenghua is an immortal, and the test of 3sheng 3rd should not be so easy. I am more worried that Fengying can’t break through.”

Everyone is nodded, there is indeed such a worry.

It is not to despise Fengying, but it is. Thinking about it, where can the test of 3rd and 3rd life be so easy?

The key now is how to solve this game.

“Lao Mo, according to what you said, is it possible to release everything as long as someone breaks the power of these three lives and three lives?” Qin Xiao said suddenly.

Mo Wangbei thought about it, or nodded and said: “Yes, Qin Xiao, I think it should be like this.”

Qin Xiao said: “If this is the case, then I think if I come to break these three births and three generations, Fengying should be fine, and we can also get three births.”

Let’s just say, Qin Xiao’s hand was also put on the three raw flowers.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao’s hand touched 3 flowers, and suddenly a ray of light of flowers poured into Qin Xiao’s body, and directly infiltrated into Qin Xiao’s body. It seemed that there was an invisible powerful force, directly Qin Xiao suppressed the general.

Qin Xiao’s eyes closed slowly, and the whole person seemed to freeze there.

However, Qin Xiao is very different from Fengying in that Qin Xiao’s face is very calm and there is no trace of expression change, just like she is asleep, there is no trace of fluctuation.

Now Qin Xiao and Fengying 2 have entered the rebirth of the 3rd, 3rd, and 1rd generations, and the others are waiting there.

Time, day by day, Fengying’s situation makes him more and more worried for him, sometimes crazy, and makes him feel that he may collapse at any time.

Once it really collapsed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qin Xiao is still as calm as ever, giving people full confidence in him.

“Lao Mo, 3 births and 3 reincarnations, will you really experience 3 rebirths in reincarnation?” Moustache curiously asked.

Mo Wangbei said the head: “I am not sure, but I heard that it is like this. It is estimated that it is very likely to be like this. It has gone through 3 births and 3 lifetimes in reincarnation.”

“But this within reincarnation’s life should not be as long as a cosmic epoch, and it should be relatively short. Moreover, the time flow speed of within reincarnation must be very fast, impossible said that in reality it will go a long time. “

“In my guess, the reincarnation of 3 births and 3 lives can be completed within 100 years.”

“However, in the time of reincarnation, the time spent will definitely be much longer than this. This is a test of 3 births and 3 lives, a test of terrifying.”

“It is probably not an easy task to complete this test.”

The beard seemed to understand nodded, and asked again: “Can Qin Xiao ever break through?”

“It must be possible, I believe Qin Xiao.” Mo Wangbei was directly nodded without any hesitation.

Others are also nodded. In fact, everyone believes in Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao has proven his strength and ability in all aspects along the way. Captain is well deserved.

“Cough cough, in fact, I also believe in Qin Xiao.” Beard may have noticed that he asked an embarrassing question, so he said it immediately.

Believe it, believe it, but if you have nothing to worry about in your heart, it is obviously impossible.

After all, Qin Xiao’s success or failure is most likely related to whether he can pick up these three fresh flowers.

Everyone worked hard for so long, worked hard for so long, and lost their lives at the loss of karma. Everyone had a bit of injury. If there is no way to remove these three flowers, it will really make people vomit blood.

3 Raw flowers, but what everyone fights to fight, but everyone’s blood.

So no matter what, everyone naturally wants to get these three fresh flowers, even if they need to work harder, they will spare no effort.

Seemingly seeing everyone’s mood, Mo Wangbei said: “Don’t worry, we should all believe that Qin Xiao is, he must be successful.”

“Although the test of the rebirth of the third and third generations has suffered, it is not always unsolvable. It can still be obtained. If there is a solution, then it can be solved. Just see, can you solve that’s all.

“If Qin Xiao has no way to solve it, then we all have an impossible solution.”

“Yes, I believe Qin Xiao completely anyway.”

“Yeah, there’s nothing to think about. We can’t help now, just wait patiently. It’s still early in 100 years.”

“I am a little curious about wanting to feel the feeling of the 3 births and 3 reincarnations. After passing through the 3 reincarnations in reincarnation, I think it will be a very meaningful thing.”

“Beard is just about you. You have a face and say this. You are not afraid of death. Just try to chant it, and no one stops you.”

“Ah, will you speak again, how can I be afraid of dying?”

“If you are not afraid of death, then you should try it.”

“If you don’t go, if you let me go, I’ll go, then I’m not too shameless. I won’t go.”

“Haha, if you don’t have the guts, you don’t have the guts. Come on, don’t be embarrassed. We all know you.”

“Understand your uncle!”


The time has passed year by year, and the time of 100 years is not long, but soon passed.

After so long, there have been some subtle changes in the situation.

Everyone’s expression has a little dignified.

“Lao Mo, Fengying is about to die, I feel that he may collapse at any time. He should be struggling with support now. What is he going through during the reincarnation? If he goes on like this, he will be in trouble ?” The beard asked anxiously, he has always been an impatient.

Mo Wangbei was also looking at Fengying, deep frowns, and was actually thinking about this.

However, Mo Wangbei can only shake his head and said: “I don’t know, Fengying’s situation is indeed dangerous, but I don’t know what to do to help Fengying.”

“It has been 100 years, and logically, it should be almost over. What’s going on?”

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