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Hearing Mo Wangbei’s words, everyone’s expressions were dignified.

Trouble, I have come to this step, and there is such a big trouble, it is simply a pot of cold water for everyone.

It is about to succeed, but there is another skyrocketing. This huge drop is really uncomfortable.

“Qin Xiao, Lao Mo, what should we do now? Go straight?” Fengying suddenly asked.

The beard was not afraid. He gritted his teeth and said: “Afraid of a ball, this way has come over, I don’t believe we will fall on this last hurdle.”

“No matter how dangerous it is, we have all gone through it, and it is not bad.”

“Besides, this Styx is lying here, and we have no other way to go, only to cross it.”

“No one can figure out the situation here, and I don’t bother to touch it. I just go ahead and talk about it. Take a step by step, counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir, care about him.”

“I think it’s better not to be too impulsive. The more the last step, the more careful you should be. One step is wrong, then you will give up your efforts. The final test, we should get up and deal with it.”

“There is nothing to think about standing here, let’s go down this Styx and see what the hell. Let’s talk about it. Maybe, it’s not as we imagined it.”

“I think we might as well wait and wait for others to come over, maybe we know something.”

Everyone expressed their opinions, and said their own ideas.

Faced with this unknown test and danger, we are a little cautious.

“Lao Mo, what do you think we should do now?” Qin Xiao looked at Mo Wangbei.

Qin Xiao doesn’t know about Stygian, so I still listen to Mo Wangbei’s opinion.

Mo Wangbei Road: “I don’t see anything. In this case, I think I can only take one step at a time and cross the river by feeling the stones.”

“The beard is right, we are all in danger again, this last way, we can’t pass without reason.”

“And now there is no other way but to go.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he actually has the same idea. Since he can’t see it, he will go straight to talk about it.

The road is all coming out, not thinking out. If you can see everything thoroughly in advance, then it is not dangerous, but a road to health.

“Let’s go, let’s enter the Styx.” Qin Xiao said to everyone, there is no need to say anything else.

This 6000 years of running-in has already made everyone very acquainted and can achieve perfect cooperation.

“Brother Qin, Brother Mo, can the three of us follow you?”

At this time, three men came over, and one of them said.

The words of 3 people have just fallen, and I haven’t waited for Qin Xiao to speak, but the beard just refused to say: “Our team will not add anyone from the very beginning, they are all at the end, why are you joining us, everyone Let’s go to each other’s own, no need to think about other thoughts.”

If you have a beard, let the three people stand in embarrassment, and I don’t know what to do.

They seem to have expected such a result early, but just want to try that’s all again, but the fact not at all surprises them.

When they shook their heads and sighed helplessly, Qin Xiao’s voice suddenly came over: “It’s not easy for the three of you to get here all the way.”

“Cross this last hurdle again, but that can pass the test of this first test.”

“You will definitely not be added to join, but if you just want to follow us all the way, then just do it. Only when there is danger, we must not care about you, you have to face it yourself.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the three people were overjoyed with surprise.

“Thank you, thank you. Just follow it, we will face it in danger.” The three said quickly.

Originally, everyone was not willing, but since Qin Xiao opened his mouth, naturally no one objected.

The beard glanced at the three people deeply, and said nothing more.

The entire group is ready to go to the Styx.

“Yo, Qin Xiao brother, Mo brother, it happened that we finally met here.”

Just as everyone was preparing to go down to the Stygian River, a voice came from behind, and Qin Xiao could only hear who heard it.

Looking back, it turned out that Min Min was walking towards the side with the entire group quickly. In addition to Min Min’s team, there was another team. But the other team, Qin Xiao did not know, but the face can be recognized, after all, everyone has seen it before.

Of these 2 teams, Prince Min has 8 teams, and the other team has 7 teams. The 2 teams have a total of 5 teams.

In terms of numbers, it is not comparable, and only half of Qin Xiao’s all of them. But relatively speaking, this number is very good.

It is indeed okay to have such a large number of people for 6000 years in the celestial stream. It is also obvious that these 2 teams are strong.

Needless to say, Prince Min, Qin Xiao also knew he was a very powerful person.

Qin Xiao’s eyes looked at the head of the other team. From the perspective of the breath, he can’t see much about the strength of the other party.

But being able to lead a team to this place, I thought I knew it was a very simple character.

“Yes, Prince Min, you have also arrived. I haven’t seen you all along the way, but you have encountered this last hurdle. It seems that we can go together to break this last hurdle.” Qin Xiao nodded to Prince Min Road.

For Prince Min, Qin Xiao’s impression is not bad.

Although this person’s feeling is still several points of arrogance and has several points of juvenile king’s aura, but it is not unreliable, nor is it impossible for a lifetime, nor will it actively bully others.

His arrogance may just be that’s all with fear.

Prince Min’s eyes fell on Qin Xiao’s team, and there was also a burst of tongues and a look of admiration: “Brother Qin Xiao, Brother Mo, you really are Deity, and created an incredible miracle. .”

“Your team has only 30 people, but now, only one person that’s all has been sacrificed. At such a small cost, only such a great success has been exchanged. It is really a prostrate oneself in admiration, I am completely convinced.”

“My team, but there are 100 people, but now, there are only 8 people that’s all left. The casualty ratio is too heavy. Compared with brother Qin Xiao, it is simply terrible.”

“Ashamed, ashamed.”

The eyes of the other team leader also looked at Qin Xiao in surprise.

Qin Xiao is the leader of this team, as Captain’s greatest credit must be his. All victories must be due to him.

To be able to bring a team of people here safely, how much patience is required? Think about it, it’s all startling.

Therefore, arrogance like Prince Min, really admire the prostrate oneself in admiration.

He thinks he is powerful, he is very strong in every aspect, and his experience is full, and he is even smarter.

However, he led a 100-Man Team to the present, and there are only 8 people that’s all left, and the number of people sacrificed is as high as 92 people.

Only at such a great price has the current situation been exchanged.

Compared with Qin Xiao and their team, it is simply too far away.

Qin Xiao said: “There is nothing to be ashamed of, it is not easy. We may just be more lucky.”

“Haha, yeah, it’s not easy, it’s not easy. It’s really a lucky thing to survive.” Prince Min Min laughed and pointed to the men’s road led by the side team: “Qin Brother Xiao, Brother Mo, let me introduce to you, this is a 1000 buddha, but he is a ruthless character, and his strength is not under me.”

“However, being a low-key person is a fierce person who is well-understood.”

Hearing the introduction of Prince Min, 1000 buddhas also signaled Qin Xiao and Mo Wangbei nodded with a chuckle: “I am like thunder piercing the ear for the 2 names, I had no chance to get acquainted before, Thank you.”

“Nice to meet you!”

Qin Xiao and Mo Wangbei also responded, but they were still slightly surprised.

If Prince Min even said that the strength of 1000 buddhas is not under him, it can be seen that this is indeed the case. 1000 The strength of the bergamot is indeed very strong.

In this way, it is really a bit hidden.

After a polite look, Prince Min and 1000 buddhas also checked out the situation of this Stygian, but the two obviously did not know much.

Prince Min said: “This should be a good Stygian. I don’t know much about Stygian, just a little bit.”

“It doesn’t look good to see, just go across this Styx.”

“Brother Qin Xiao, since we met, let’s act together. This Styx should be the last hurdle. We still have 4000 years to go. If there is no accident, it should be able to pass this test. .”

Qin Xiao nodded said: “Well, let’s get started. When you get here, there is nothing to pay attention to. The last hurdle. Perhaps, more people will be more powerful.

So, everyone is acting together.

Qin Xiao’s team of 29, plus the three men, plus Prince Min’s 3 and 8 buddha’s 1000, a total of 7 teams walked towards the Stygian river.

The number of people in this team is really not much, 47 people can even form a team.

However, they do not form a team. The four teams are still separate. They only act together. It is a cooperative relationship.

Qin Xiao jumped into the Styx in a leap, and soon his body completely submerged into the Styx, and was completely wrapped in the Styx.

The Stygian water is very cold, very cold, very cold, and very quiet, with a strange force invading.

This strange power is very powerful. If it is not forcibly resisted, it will be difficult to resist.

“What a strange and powerful force, Divine Consciousness has been suppressed, and the field of vision has become very turbid. With my eyesight, the visual range is less than 100 miles. No matter how far, simply cannot see clearly. Others, estimate Less than 10 li’s horizon.”

As soon as he entered the Styx, Qin Xiao’s eyes looked all around while cautiously.

All around is a piece of ghost forest, as if entering into the nether world.

Nether-River Water looks calm and calm, but there are actually undercurrents, and there are surging forces.

The Styx is very deep, and after reaching 100,000 zhang, it finally reached the bottom and stepped on the ground.

Others also fell down one after another, each and everyone expression became a bit dignified and cold, smelling a dangerous breath, so they all became alert.

“Everyone should be more careful. After we come down, we can lean on our side, and we can’t be dispersed. Below this, the field of vision is blocked. Be careful not to fall behind.” Qin Xiao said to everyone.

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