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As Qin Xiao moves forward, he also feels carefully, seeing if he can perceive the flowing space.

But it is really not noticeable. The flowing space is indeed too peculiar, it will not cause any trace of space fluctuation at all.

It completely overlaps with the space of reality, but flows independently. This kind of feeling is hard to imagine.

It is like a small vortex in the lake water. It is integrated with the water, but it can flow and can be taken into it.

The flowing space cannot be felt at all, and people can be taken away unconsciously.

Of course, it may be that realm’s strength is too low, so it can’t be noticed.

That is why Qin Xiao is also trying to perceive the flowing space to see if it can be noticed. If you can find the flow space, you can come up with some countermeasures.

If you are afraid, there is no way to detect it, and you can’t even guard against it.

“Not good, Fengying is gone.” I don’t know who suddenly shouted, everyone’s eyes also looked at it, swept the circle, and found Fengying was gone.

“Fengying was still by my side just now, and I said something to me. Just now, when I looked at him again, people disappeared. An in an instant, he disappeared.”

Qin Xiao said solemnly: “Then it seems that Min Min is right, it is indeed caused by the flowing space. Otherwise, Fengying is a big living person, and he will not be gone if he says no.”

“We are all careful and pay more attention to the situation of people around and all around. If there is any situation, say it in time.”

On the other side, Prince Min’s voice also came over again: “Brother Qin Xiao, I have also disappeared from my side just now. 1000 buddha is worse, just 2 people disappeared at once. This is not much effort, we Then 4 people were gone.”

“It seems that the flowing space in the Styx is really as I guessed just now. It must be that there are 4 places full of flowing space, very much.”

“Accidentally, it will fall into the flowing space.”

“This is a deliberate means of Fuma Immortal Palace, just wait for us to come in and then separate us from each and everyone. I think this is the general trend, it is the general trend that we cannot stop.”

“No matter how hard we try to resist, I’m afraid it will be hard to stop.”

Qin Xiao heard Prince Min’s have hidden meaning and asked involuntarily: “What do you mean?”

Prince Min said: “Since this is the case, then I don’t think we need to resist. Since it is the means of Fufu Immortal Palace, this is probably a test, it must be a test for all of us.”

“So I think, instead of this, we might as well simply separate all of them, and then we will go to the opposite side with our own luck and luck.”

According to Prince Min, Qin Xiao also has to admit this.

If you go on like this, you will eventually come to this step.

It is now relatively straightforward to directly reduce it to zero.

“It doesn’t have to be changed to zero, I have a suggestion, we might as well hold hands together. I don’t believe it, this flowing space has such a problem. We all hold hands and can also disperse us all Not successful?” said one of them.

This suggestion attracted many people’s approval.

“Yeah, it might be awkward to hold the hand. You don’t need to hold the hand, just use force to connect us all together. No matter who wants to get involved in the mobile space, we can immediately know that we can use force to pull .Once we are all aware, we can believe that the mobile space can also take people away.”

“Well, I think this method is good. If you divide it into zeros, it will increase a lot of danger, and it is not necessarily a good method.”

“I don’t think it matters. Since it’s a test, there is no need to resist. I agree with Prince Min’s words, and it will be reduced to nothing, saving you so much trouble.”

“Anyway, this level will have to be faced sooner or later, depending on strength, and that’s all about it.”

…The opinions were divided into two, and it was difficult to compete for a while.

Prince Min said: “Brother Qin Xiao, I and 1000 buddhists just discussed and decided to directly reduce our team to zero. Since it is a test that cannot be avoided, then we should face it directly and don’t have to think about it anymore. What thoughts?”

“Crush the axe and sink the boat, pushing everyone to a dead end, then there is more power potential.”

“We have already decided, how do you decide, then you will agree on it. That being the case, then we will leave immediately, we’ll meet again some day.”

Qin Xiao nodded, since it was Prince Min’s decision, they naturally respected them: “Farewell, we’ll meet again some day.”

Prince Min and the two buddhas of 1000 buddhas took their people away. Soon these two teams disappeared into their horizons, and now only Qin Xiao is left.

Their team of 29 people, beard and Fengying, and Aman 3 were all gone, and there were six people left.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Qin Xiao and Mo Wangbei, and they wanted to hear their decisions.

As long as it is Qin Xiao’s order, everyone will definitely listen.

Qin Xiao looked at the crowd and was silent for a while, before saying: “I heard all your opinions just now. Some people think that it is good to turn it into zeros. Some people think they can continue to fight together, or hold hands or use Power is connected.”

“Either way is ok, I don’t think there is any problem. However, on the whole, I actually agree with Prince Min.”

“The situation here is also very clear. It is indeed the test that Fummi Imtaltal Palace gave us. That is the test, then no one can escape.”

“So, the probability of the joint effort is not great, and we will certainly find a way to spread all of us apart. Even if we persist in our efforts, I am afraid that it will not last long, and we will eventually be completely disbanded.

“Instead of waiting for this step, then not equal to me, we will now directly reduce to zero, and directly plan to go directly to ourselves. Perhaps, it may be better.”

“Of course, it is only possible, and it may not necessarily be better. This is also a very difficult thing to say. So, although I agree with Min Min’s statement, I don’t deny that I will join forces to try it together. Maybe, also Can avoid most of the dangerous.”

“So, after thinking about it, I still feel that I am willing to turn it into nothing and I can go on my own. If I think I can join forces, then you will find the objects of the team together, and then look at how to join together to break in.”

“I will go with a knife, and you will decide for yourself.”

After listening to Qin Xiao’s words, everyone was in an uproar, and there was another hot debate.

Mo Wangbei also said: “The two roads are in front of us. It is up to you to choose any way. No matter which road you choose, it is okay. Now both roads are unknown roads. I don’t know which way would be better.”

“Qin Xiao chose to go with the knife, and I chose to go alone, and it was directly reduced to zero.”

“Of course, if someone really wants to follow me, that’s okay. I can take people or not, it depends on who you have.”

“Okay, brothers, you start to decide. If you have decided, then we can prepare to move forward. Although the road ahead is difficult, we must also try our best to break down.”

After a round of discussion, decisions were made one after another.

Twenty six people, Qin Xiao and Xiaodao broke together, 2 people said they would follow Mo Wangbei, Mo Wangbei did not refuse, there were 5 people here, and the remaining 21 people, 6 of them were willing to go alone , Directly rounded to zero.

The remaining ten or five people were divided into three groups, with five people in groups.

Everyone made a good decision, all the staff were allocated, and everyone continued to move forward. However, at this time, they were dispersed directly instead of moving together.

“Brothers, then we will act on our own. The road ahead is hard and dangerous, everyone should cherish each other. Hope-across the Styx, all of us can still reunite, which is perhaps the greatest wish.” Qin Xiao A solemn way to everyone.

This one is very likely to be a farewell.

The danger in the Styx has been exposed for a while, and it can be felt completely. The extremely dangerous inside can be dead at any time.

So this difference is naturally has several points of parting there.

But it has already gone through this way. With these 6000 years of life-and-death training experience, everyone’s heart has also been tempered a little bit of tenacious out, not afraid of death.

After saying goodbye, Qin Xiao left with a knife.

“Brother Qin Xiao, I think you still let me go alone. I’ll follow you like this, I’m afraid it will affect you.” After a while, Xiaodao suddenly said.

Qin Xiao naturally knew the meaning of Xiaodao and smiled: “It’s okay, you follow me. Your strength, I’m still a little uneasy.”

“I can’t do everything, and can’t bring too many people, but there is no problem taking you alone. I can ignore the life and death of others, but I can’t ignore yours.”

“You were the first friend I knew in Xianyu and saved my life. Xiaoyu entrusted you to me, and I must let you go back alive. I can’t let Xiaoyu go it alone, not let him connect None of my loved ones.”

“So, you must not die. If you die, I will have no face to return to the Huoshi.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, Xiaodao also looked at Qin Xiao with gratitude. Although he was indeed not afraid of death, he still lost some courage when thinking of Sister A.

Yes, not for others, but also to live hard for Sister Ai.

But want to live, easy said than done?

“Xiao Dao, your 6000 years of progress have been great, I see it in your eyes. Although your talent potential is not particularly good, but you are willing to work hard, you have perception, you are willing to fight, you dare to put yourself as dangerous Situation, you have a desire to become stronger. These are good things. As long as these things are there, then you have hope to grow up.”

“So, you are still very promising. But you are still a little bit worse, so I have to pull you and give you more opportunities to fight.” Qin Xiao said again.

“Big Brother Qin Xiao–” Xiaodao’s tears are about to shed, and they are already turning in his eyes.

Qin Xiao waved his hand, stopped the knife, and said: “Nothing to say, since you call me Big Brother, then everything listens to me.”

The knife is heavily nodded, and I can’t say anything, so I’ll listen to Qin Xiao’s brother.

When Qin Xiao moved his hand, a fairy rope wrapped around the knife and tied it up. The other end was dragged by Qin Xiao in his hand and held tightly.

In this way, Qin Xiao pulled the knife forward. This style of painting seems strange.

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