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After being pushed away by Qin Xiao, Ah Man was also blushed with shame for a while, and quickly said: “Brother Qin Xiao, you misunderstood, I didn’t break the back mountain. This is not-I was so excited just now, so I didn’t endure for a while live.”

“You can’t understand my mood.”

A man’s miserable look on his face seemed to have been aggrieved.

Looking at his uncomfortable look, Qin Xiao asked involuntarily: “Aman, what happened? You told me carefully, what you just looked like was really strange.”

Speaking of just now, Ah Man’s body shivered involuntarily, as if remembering something very terrifying.

After trying to calm down for a few minutes, Ah Man said: “This is Brother Qin Xiao. After I jumped down with the knife, I can’t find you. No matter how I find it or how to call it, I just miss you. Traces.”

“After I couldn’t find you, I had to go alone. I walked and walked, and I somehow entered the stone forest.”

“This stone forest is like a huge labyrinth. When I entered it, I was completely confused and couldn’t get out.”

“No matter how I go, I cannot leave this stone forest.”

“But it’s not terrifying, it’s terrifying that I met a few people.”

How many people did you meet? What’s so terrifying about this? Who did you encounter?

If it is really terrifying, then Ah Man can still live well? Except for some embarrassment, nothing hurts.

So, this makes Qin Xiao very puzzled.

A Man continued: “The first person I met was a beard. After walking in the Styx for so long, I finally met myself. My mood at the time, Brother Qin Xiao, you should have come up with it.”

“I hugged in a hurry to meet the beard, but–“

Speaking of which, Ah Man also looked angry, not only angry, but also has several points of fear.

Isn’t it a good thing to merge with a beard?

When I came down, Aman and the beard were swept away by the flowing space together. They can meet each other. That’s a good thing. You can take care of each other.

But it seems that something has happened, otherwise Aman will not say so, nor will he be alone now.

Ah Man was also paused, trying to calm down his mood, and then continued to teach: “I really can’t think of it, and I still don’t understand why until now, the beard saw that I had attacked me like crazy and was going to kill me.”

“No matter what I say, how to call him, he just wants to kill, completely mad, like a demon.”

“Moreover, he still said in his mouth what I didn’t understand, saying that I was possessed by ghosts, something of a demon, something that would kill me.”

“Anyway, it’s very weird. I don’t understand it at all, it’s crazy to kill me. If I don’t run fast, then I might have to die in the hands of a beard. It’s too terrifying. It’s too dangerous. I have never seen such a fierce beard.”

“What’s the matter? The beard doesn’t know you? I still want to kill you?” Qin Xiao frowned involuntarily. This sounds really strange.

How could the beard not recognize Ahman? How could you kill Aman without saying anything? Is this a complete loss of mind?

This sounds like a very strange thing, so Qin Xiao can’t think of it at all.

Hit Illusion Technique?

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but came up with such a single thought. If Illusion Technique is said, it can be explained.

After all, Fengying had hit the Illusion Technique of the Underworld before, and then fell into the Illusion Technique. Simply nobody knew it, and it was extremely crazy. If the beard hits Illusion Technique, it can be explained.

But Illusion Technique is generally controlled by someone behind it, and someone who can control such a powerful Illusion Technique is by no means to be trifled with.

If someone is operating behind the scenes, then Ah Man shouldn’t be able to escape so smoothly.

Not only did Aman escape, but not at all hurt, this is an incredible thing.

Aman shook the head and said, “I don’t know, Brother Qin Xiao, I really don’t know. I was completely ignorant at that time, and the whole person was frightened. Because of this, I almost got hit with a beard. If it wasn’t for the last moment, I would suddenly wake up, I’m afraid I’m going to die in my beard.”

“If it is just a beard alone, then I just saw that you will not have such a big reaction.”

Any other people?

Qin Xiao is also a fierce pick in his mind. Putting it that way is not only a mustache, but this situation is really scary.

“Yes Brother Qin Xiao, there are others, do you know who I met the second?” A Man seems to be remembering very painful things, making his mood extremely exciting. .

Qin Xiao can clearly feel that his mood is very excited, and his heart seems to jump into his throat at any time.

But think about it and understand Ah Man’s mood. The trusted person chased the attack without saying anything. This is indeed a very terrifying and exciting thing.

“Aman, wouldn’t you say that the second one you encountered was a knife?” After hearing Aman say this, Qin Xiao thought about it, and immediately thought of a probability.

After calming down a little bit, Aman was nodded, and his voice was a bit jerky: “Yes Brother Qin Xiao, the second one I encountered was a knife.”

“Because I was just attacked by a beard and almost fell in his hands, my mood at that time, Brother Qin Xiao, you can imagine it. So-how kind and how kind I was when I met the knife Happy. I just ran over, looking for a knife to complain, and wanting the knife to comfort me.”

“However, I didn’t think of killing him. The knife was like a beard, and it immediately attacked me to kill me without saying anything.”

“I was really dumbfounded at the time, with a beard, how about a knife?”

“Me and Xiaodao are of the same family, but brothers of arms and feet, but relatives from childhood to big, but the closest ones.”

“How can he attack me with a knife? How can he want to kill me? My mood at the same time is like Five Thunderbolts, and I feel that the entire world has collapsed.”

“The situation of the knife is exactly the same as that of the beard, and it is completely out of mind. No matter what I say, it has no effect. If I lose it, I will kill me like crazy.”

“So I have no choice but to escape. I have to flee desperately before I can escape.”

“In terms of strength, I’m not under the knife. I wanted to escape my life with all my heart. The knife didn’t chase me all the time. Just after a bit, I didn’t chase it anymore.

“So I was able to escape the attack of the beard and the knife safely. I was very lucky. I was thinking, what the hell is going on? How did it all happen when I met again? The entire world has changed. What the hell is going on? But no one can tell me, I can only continue to run by myself, cautiously, like running on thin ice.”

Qin Xiao pats Ah Man, comforted: “Then you are really a bit miserable, you are continuously attacked by beards and knives, and your mind is also a big hit. Your mood, I can fully understand.”

“But don’t think too much about what they should be doing. It may be similar to Illusion Technique or something else and so on. They attack you, certainly not their own will, you are only given by the consciousness of being controlled by others Attacked that’s all.”

Aman nodded, said: “Well, I know Brother Qin Xiao, although I did not respond at the time, but after careful consideration afterwards, I understood.”

“I can’t believe anyone, but I will believe in Xiaodao. I and Xiaodao are of the same family, but relatives. In any case, I believe that Xiaodao will never kill me.”

“He attacked me frantically just now, that must be controlled by others. I wouldn’t doubt this. It’s just that I’m worried about the knife now.”

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “Well, the situation of the knife is really worrying.”

“But it’s useless for us to worry, and we have no way to rescue him. I don’t know what he is doing. Wait for us to go find them with a knife. After I find it, I can know what to do. Now, I won’t talk about that first.”

“In addition to the beard and the knife, who else has shot you? You should be clear about these situations, so that we can be targeted.”

Ah Man didn’t guarantee the bottom, and said: “Yes Brother Qin Xiao, I am also preparing to tell you.”

“The third person I met, I guess you can’t even think of Brother Qin Xiao. I originally had the previous 3 experiences, and I became cautious. But when I met the third person, I still subconsciously believed Got him.”

Qin Xiao Meiyu wrinkled slightly, thinking of it seriously.

To sum up these situations, Qin Xiao quickly thought of a person: “Mo Wang?”

Hearing Qin Xiao listening to the three words of Mo Wangbei, Ah Man couldn’t help but shuddered, his eyes wide open and looked at Qin Xiao with a few staring eyes, saying, “Yes, Qin Xiao, you are really divine strategy and wonderful planning, I guessed it directly. The third person I met was indeed Lao Mo.”

“So, I subconsciously believe in Lao Mo. I want to tell Lao Mo about the situation of the beard and the knife, so that Lao Mo can find a way to save them.”

“I complained to Lao Mo, but didn’t expect that Lao Mo even attacked me and wanted to kill me.”

“This time, I was really scared enough to choke. This is old Mo, but it is not comparable to a beard and a knife. So, at that time, I was scared and stupid. I felt like I was almost finished.

Not to mention Ah Man, even Qin Xiao who listened to it was all stunned, and he gave out a cold sweat for Ah Man.

This is old Mo, but not to be trifled with ah, but the strength is very powerful.

5 Ah Man, certainly not Lao Mo’s opponent. So Ah Man encountered Mo Wangbei, would he still be alive?

But 10000 Fortunately, 10000 was alive and survived. Enron appeared in front of him. This sounded like a big miracle.

Qin Xiao is more and more interested. How did Aman survive Mo Mobei? It stands to reason that this probability should be infinitely close to zero.

It is understandable that Aman can escape the hands of the beard and the knife, but he can survive from Mo Wangbei’s hands. This really requires a very strong ability, otherwise he can do it impossible.

“Then?” So, Qin Xiao’s interest was completely hooked up, asked Unable to Bear.

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