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Danger, here comes!

This is the case in the area of ​​flaming fire, which cannot be relaxed at all times, and is full of danger everywhere.

You have no idea when the danger will come. Perhaps, you just want to relax for a second, and that second danger comes.

The fire-fighting domain can be famous, it can make people frightened by the wind, and it can bury the lives of unknown gods.

“Brother Mang, you enter my within the body world, and I will hand it over here.” Qin Xiao said face to mangly.

Recklessly refused in a hurry, solemnly said: “No, Qin Xiao, since the danger is coming, how can I leave you alone to face the danger and fight alone?”

“To fight, let’s fight together. If you have something, I will die. Instead, not equal to me, we brothers fight side by side, killing a way out.”

Qin Xiao shook his head and said: “You big brother Mangkuang, listen to me, your current strength is at most restored by 30% that’s all. With your current strength, there is no way to participate in the battle. I put you into within the body world, so I can also fight without regard.”

“Brother Mang, don’t worry about me. Since I can come here to save you, then I must be able to survive.”

“Although my strength is not very strong, I have a lot of Immortal Treasure on me. When necessary, I will use Immortal Treasure. With these dangers, if I want to threaten the life of Qin Xiao, what else do I have? Come here with confidence?”

“I’m here this time and I’m quite prepared. Believe me, I don’t have time.”

Manghuang looked at Qin Xiao with a serious face. He actually understood that he stayed, I am afraid he could only drag Qin Xiao’s hind legs.

Not to mention that his current strength is only 30%. Even if he is at full strength, he can’t help.

After all, this striking breath is obviously the breath of a fairy. Facing an immortal, then his reckless nature has little power to parry.

Although there are still some concerns about Qin Xiao, but the recklessness also has a lot of helplessness, the pain of being too weak.

But it is impossible, and the wildness can only be nodded. It is indeed the best choice to enter Qin Xiao’s within the body world.

Without any hesitation, Qin Xiao directly collected the recklessness into the body world within the realm.

After doing this, I had no more time to escape, and I saw a raging fire screaming here, like a Fireball.

But these are not Fireball, but the life of the fire clan.

Apparently, it was the life of the slain Wuhuo Clan that notified the other clansman with a secret technique.

So this time, as many as there are more than 20 names. And from the point of view of breath, all are one step Heavenly Venerable fairy.

If it is a single fight, then Qin Xiao will naturally not be afraid of any step of Heavenly Venerable’s Wuhuo clan.

But the advantage of the number of opponents is too big, more than 20, that is the advantage of crushing there, let Qin Xiao see a little hopeless rise in the mind.

At the same time, Qin Xiao still has self-knowledge and fights against the lives of more than 20 Xiaoxian’s Wuhuo clan.

This is a hard fight.

Moreover, the terrain of this place is too unfavorable, there is no possibility of escape, and the way out is completely blocked by the lives of more than 20 flaming fire clan.

Therefore, at this time Qin Xiao’s only choice, only one battle, even the probability of escape was cut off.

The vigorous burning of the flaming fire of the life of the flaming fire clan represents their extreme anger.

The Huohuo tribe, but a very united race, when other clansman is killed, will naturally anger the life of the Wuhuo tribe.

Under the flames is a face with rage and rage.

“Damn human brat, dare kill my clansman, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

“Crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

The life of a flaming fire tribe rushing in front was snorted, and all other clans fire clansman also followed the shouting, imposing manner like Hong.

Hu hu hu!! !

More than 20 flaming fire clan life rushed and killed, forming an impenetrable killing net, with three rows in front, middle and back, which cut off all possibilities of Qin Xiao to escape.

Under such circumstances, even Qin Xiao can’t escape even if he uses the invisible character.

Invisibility can only hide people, but there is no way to hide people completely. Invisible, it’s just that others can’t see that’s all, but people actually exist there.

So invisible characters are actually invalid in many cases.

Under such circumstances, unless Qin Xiao directly used Teleportation Symbol to leave, otherwise, it would be too difficult and too difficult to escape from here.

Teleportation Symbol, Qin Xiao still has 2 on his body, it is also possible to use one.

However, Qin Xiao is not willing to use it easily. This thing, but at a critical time to save lives. If you use one, there will be one less life-saving method.

If at a critical time, without these life-saving methods, it may be that there is no way to do it.

Teleportation Symbol, can not be used lightly!

“I can’t do it anymore. I have to fight it first. Now that I have rescued the big brother, I am a lot easier. My purpose now is to escape. “

Qin Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and his thoughts moved, and the ice pincers appeared, wrapping his entire body into it. Let Qin Xiao at this time be like a mechanical warrior, covered in ice pincers.

Fighting with the Fire and Clan, the Ice Claw Armor is a life-saving Divine Item.

One after another powerful flaming fire with terrifying Xianwei bombed Qin Xiao. The powerful terrifying of these flaming fires was enough to easily destroy Qin Xiao’s immortal strength barrier and directly bombard Qin Xiao.

If there is no protection from the ice pincers, those few waves offensive will come down, and Qin Xiao is definitely going to drink the hate directly.

Once the blaze fire invades the body, it will be madly destroyed. The more intrusive fire, the more terrifying the destructive power.

After being invaded by flaming fire, Qin Xiao’s strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and naturally he will lose faster.

Fortunately, with the protection of Frost Pincers, Qin Xiao’s threat has also been mitigated a lot.

Of course, I just said that the threat of flaming fire has been reduced a lot, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Qin Xiao held the fairy sword, his eyes were extremely cold, and he went forward without retreating.

The fire attack was too much, Qin Xiao simply could not withstand the attack of so many life of the fire family at the same time.

After dealing with one offensive, there are more than ten other offensives that hit Qin Xiao.

Fortunately, it was protected by the ice pincers, which blocked the power of the fire, but it only blocked the strange power of the fire, but Xianwei still fell firmly on Qin Xiao.

If it weren’t for Qin Xiao’s immortal physique is strong enough, under such an offensive, immortal physique must also be damaged.

Qin Xiao’s powerful immortal physique, coupled with the protection of the ice pincers, did not suffer much damage under this wave of offensive.

Although this wave of offense can be stopped, there is nothing to be pleased about. If the delay continues, it will definitely not work.

If the ice pincers are attacked a lot, they will break. Once the protection of the ice pincers is lost, the slow fire invasion will also hurt Qin Xiao’s immortal physique.

It seems that there can still be a battle for the time being, but time does not last as long as it is impossible, and Qin Xiao knows this very well.

“Taking advantage of this time, I have to break out of the encirclement. I have Immortal Treasure in the speed category. As long as I can get out of the encirclement, I still hope that I can throw them away.”

“The formation of 3rd-layer is really not an easy task if you want to charge ahead.”

“The life of these tribes is fierce and bloodthirsty, but the IQ should not be very high. At this time, I can only outsmart.”

“As long as I can rush before the last formation, then I can launch another final attack, and I should be able to tear a hole out.”

“Now what I should think about is how to break through the two lines of defense in front of me. If the means are done now, it will surely make the life of these flaming tribes attack me and cut off all my possibilities. “

Qin Xiao is fighting hard, but he is also thinking about how to deal with the life of these flaming fire clan.

If it is a full shot, the Immortal Treasure that Qin Xiao can use has lightning wings and cloud shadow. Immortal Treasure, coupled with this speed class Immortal Technique, is enough to allow Qin Xiao’s speed to throw away the life of these flaming fire clan.

In terms of strength, Qin Xiao has the killing move of the heart, and with all his efforts, if he only deals with the life of a flaming fire clan, it is still easy to repel.

Therefore, if you only need to rush to the last line of defense, if Qin Xiao tries his best, there is still a great chance that he can tear open a mouth.

Now, it is not appropriate to reveal all the strength.

Without revealing the strength, under such an offensive, Qin Xiao naturally has little strength to parry, only to be ravaged.

Fortunately, there are ice pincers and a powerful immortal physique, otherwise, Qin Xiao simply can’t stop it.

Bang!! !

Several times Qin Xiao was directly shot out, and Qin Xiao was intentionally adjusting his direction while being shot. It seems to be unintentional, but it is actually interested in approaching the 3rd line of defense.

But in terms of performance, Qin Xiao is vulnerable and is the torn party.

While showing weakness, it will naturally paralyze the lives of those who are blazing.

“Hmph hum, ice pincers. Human brat, it seems that you still have a little head to be able to own the valuable Immortal Treasure of ice pincers.”

“It’s also a bit powerful, it seems to be a genius.”

“But it’s useless, dare kill my clansman, his sin is dead, dead end.”

“No more needless resistance, your strength is too weak and too weak. The ice pincers can protect you for a while, but not your life.”

“A piece of ice pincers that’s all, it takes only a little more effort to break it.”

The life of the flaming fire clan who just spoke out again once again, killing intent is still very indifferent.

“Anyway, it’s all dead. I want to obediently surrender. It’s impossible.” Qin Xiao gritted his teeth, pretending to say.

“The Human Race of base and shameless is really damn, it’s all Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin. Annoying Human Race, see how long you can last.” The life of the fire-fighting tribe said A sentence.

His offensive was even more fierce.

Other clansman’s offensives were also extremely fierce.

They wanted to kill Qin Xiao as soon as possible, a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

Qin Xiao is performing his plan while showing weakness.

The IQ of the life of the Wuhuo family seems to be average, and Qin Xiao soon moved from the first line of defense to the second line of defense. Only need to go further, it will rush to the 3rd line of defense.

Once you reach the 3rd line of defense, if you try your best, you can tear open a hole.

It was for this moment that I suffered such a blow.

And this moment is getting closer and closer.

Bang!! !

Qin Xiao was once again knocked out and flew out. With the help of this time, Qin Xiao successfully completed his plan.

Finally, he broke out of the second line of defense and reached the 3rd line of defense.

At this time, Qin Xiao also seemed to be dying, there was no way to support it.

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