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“You, you, Qin Xiao you–“

“Ah, Qin Xiao, you actually poisoned me? In the wine just now? You were poisoned?”

Hua Zhu Human Immortal snarled at Qin Xiao with a very painful expression. This kind of pain, as he just moved immortal strength, quickly rushed all over his body, and the toxicity completely broke out.

“Tiaoxiang Bone Powder, you actually got this terrifying poison. Tiaoxiang Bone Powder, colorless and tasteless, is difficult to detect. And if you drink it, it will not happen immediately, as long as immortal strength is not working Will attack.”

“However, once the immortal strength is operated, the toxicity will occur and the situation will be fierce.”

“Hmph hmph hmph, didn’t expect I was wise, but I was confused for a while. Plot against you failed, but you gave plot against.”

“Qin Xiao, I really look at you too little, look at you too little.”

Hua Zhu Human Immortal’s azure is ugly and unsightly.

He always thought that Qin Xiao was a sad person, but didn’t expect him to be a truly sad person. What kind of irony is this?

His wise life was ruined.

He plots against others all his life, and countless people got against him, but didn’t expect that he fell into Qin Xiao’s hands today. How ridiculous is this?

“You are not too small to look at me, you are too overestimating yourself, too arrogant. You think you can easily hold me, so you will lose to my hands.” Qin Xiao coldly snorted.

Qin Xiao has experienced too many things about plot against things, and Qin Xiao until now has very keen awareness. There are very few things that can escape his awareness.

Because of this, Qin Xiao often catches small details that seem to be tiny.

One or two details, you might not think there is anything, but once more, it must be unusual.

Guaixianggugusan is not really a terrifying poison, because this poison is actually very difficult to poison a fairy, especially a Human Immortal.

There is no way to kill this poison alone.

But Qin Xiao also not at all expects to rely on this poison to kill Hua Zhu Human Immortal, which is obviously also not practical.

The biggest effect of Bixiangxiang Bone Poison is that it can cause the opponent to fall into extreme pain for a period of time and almost lose the resistance.

Even if this period of time is not long, it is enough for Qin Xiao to kill Hua Zhu Human Immortal.

Strange fragrance eats bone poison, which can be slowly solved with immortal strength, but it will take some time.

As far as this kind of poison is concerned, there is no poisoning of human immortal from Hua Zhu, and the price is not expensive.

This poison is the list that Fatty gave Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao didn’t understand it before, and didn’t think that this poison can be used in a big way, but didn’t expect it. This poison actually made a big use.

“Who the hell are you? Killer? Yingge’s?” Qin Xiao asked coldly again.

Among the Ten Great Influences in Linfu City, the Shadow Pavilion is a special Killer Organization. Moreover, even Immortal Palace does not dare to care about the shadow pavilion. Therefore, as long as you pay the price, the influence will dare to assassinate the people of Fummortal Palace.

“Hmph, do you think it is possible for me to tell you? I said I am a fairy court, and I need you to believe it.” Hua Zhu Human Immortal knew he would die, so he didn’t care about anything.

As a killer, ready to die at any time, that is a basic condition.

The killer must be not afraid of death. If you are afraid of death, then you are not a qualified killer.

If it really came from a special Killer Organization like Shadow Court, then it would naturally not be afraid of death.

Qin Xiao just asked, and just wanted to test that’s all to see if the other party was a professional killer.

If it is a professional killer, the ten-nine is the person in the shadow pavilion.

He was assassinated by the Shadow Court’s killer before, but fortunately he was rescued by Nangong Ling Princess.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this time was the killer of Shadow Court.

Just this time, who will be behind the scenes?

There are only two people who want to kill Qin Xiao. One is Dao Hefeng, the other is Hao Guixuan.

In addition to these two people, Qin Xiao couldn’t think of a third with such a deep hatred against him, so that he must die.

And, to be able to hire a Human Immortal killer, the price must be very high. Most people don’t have this kind of ability to be invited, and only these two people are a bit possible.

It was Dao Hefeng who invited the Shadow Court killer last time, and this time is him again?

However, this question Qin Xiao knew that there would be an answer to “Hua Zhu Human Immortal’It’s definitely impossible”.

Professional killers must have professional integrity, impossible will disclose any news. Moreover, he shouldn’t know the situation of the employer behind him, so he asked in vain.

“That’s it, then you are still dead.” Qin Xiao said coldly, and was not interested to talk to the killer any more.

And Qin Xiao is not sure how long the drug efficacy will last, so it is better to kill it early to prevent future troubles.

Watching Qin Xiao want to kill himself,’Hua Zhu Human Immortal’ desperately wants to resist, but the more he resists, the more painful he is.

The poison of Biaoxiang Bone Powder is that the more you use immortal strength, the more terrifying the poison effect, the more painful. The more painful it is, the more it can’t exert its strength.

Therefore, although’Hua Zhu Human Immortal’ wanted to resist as much as possible, but there was no way to resist. The strength was completely imprisoned and could not be exerted at all.

Can’t resist,’Hua Zhu Human Immortal’ can only look at Qin Xiao with a wild look, like a wild beast that is crazy.


Qin Xiao didn’t have any pity, he shot directly, struck with a strong sword to Hua Zhu Human Immortal.

Hua Zhu Human Immortal is a 2-step Heavenly Venerable Human Immortal, immortal physique is also strong enough, but at this time there is no resistance at all, let Qin Xiao beheaded.

Qin Xiao full strength attack, formidable power is also extremely powerful.

However, Rao is so, Qin Xiao also not at all killed Hua Zhu Human Immortal, and also used ten strokes, Qin Xiao finally cut the “Hua Zhu Human Immortal” under the sword.

“I haven’t always liked killers, there are many people killed, Karmic Retribution always will come, you die without regret.”

After looking at the body of Hua Zhu Human Immortal, Qin Xiao pouted.

Qin Xiao has always been not soft-hearted and soft-hearted.

Those who want to kill him, he will not let go.

After solving the Human Immortal of Hua Zhu, Qin Xiao took out all the things of Human Immortal within the body world of Hua Zhu. This is the spoils of war.

It is worth looking forward to the whole family of Human Immortal.

But Hua Zhu Human Immortal is only a Avatar, not at all how much treasure is on his body.

“A fairy sword is probably middle grade. A Teleportation Symbol is worth a little money. Others are all worthless baubles. It seems that this Avatar is really poor.”

Checked the spoils of war, but did not surprise Qin Xiao.

But it doesn’t matter, Qin Xiao is too lazy to care about that many.

After all the spoils of war were collected, a strange token attracted Qin Xiao’s attention and was carefully held in his hand.

This token, in the shape of a scarlet, is like a flame.

On this token, a weird ancient character was carved, and Qin Xiao recognized it as a blood character.

“Blood?” After frowning and contemplating for a while, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but a single thought came out of his mind: “Is it blood alliance?”

Among the Ten Great Influences in Linfu City, there is a blood alliance.

Blood Alliance is a relatively mysterious organization. It is said to be an evil organization as well. It also does killer business. In addition to the killer business, there are other businesses, unlike Yingge is a specialized Killer Organization.

For the blood alliance, there is not much information about Qin Xiao’s information, which is very mysterious.

“How do I feel familiar with the pattern on this token?”

Qin Xiao’s brow furrowed again. In his mind, one after another flashed involuntarily, searching for memories related to this.

After thinking for a while, a screen suddenly flashed out suddenly. Seeing this screen, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but startled.

“Huge warship, Ancient Saint exists, You Rakshasa—”

The last picture that flashed in Qin Xiao’s mind was the scene when he was previously descended by You Rakshasa Ancient Saint.

The Blood Temple, Rakshasa Ancient Saint, captured Mo Ba.

Qin Xiao vaguely remembered that when the Rakshasa Ancient Saint came, there was a mark on the huge warship exactly like the pattern on the token.

“How could it be exactly the same? Coincidence?”

“No no no, impossible is a coincidence. The pattern, that represents the badge. On the token, on the huge warship, that is the mark.”

“Therefore, there must be a connection between the two. Is it possible that said, this killer is a blood sect?”

“But the power of the Blood Sect can still be extended into the fairy realm? I am the Blood Sect that I provoke in the sea of ​​endless universe.”

“And in Linfu City, not at all the power of the Blood Sect, there is only one blood alliance. Is it possible that, the blood alliance has an inseparable relationship with the Blood Sect?”

The thoughts of each and everyone spring up, making this matter seem a little more complicated.

Many doubts made Qin Xiao seem to see layers of mist. I always feel that there is not simple behind this, maybe there are some amazing secrets.

Only in these circumstances, Qin Xiao couldn’t think of a reason.

Since I can’t think of anything, I don’t think much about it.

Qin Xiao shook the head, put away the token: “that’s all that’s all, I don’t care so much at first. I’m going to find the Blood Sect, but my strength is too weak and too weak to be provoked at all. Starting the Blood Sect.”

“Ai, I can’t make Ancient Saint. I don’t have the strength to find the Blood Sect, there is no way to save the baby.”

“Strength, strength, everything needs strength. And now, I am still too weak and too weak.”

“Forget it, let’s leave the fire area first, so as not to regenerate the incident.”

Qin Xiao quickly put away her thoughts and left quickly. It is not appropriate to stay here for long.

Rao is much safer now and can’t stay longer here.

…Gan Yeling, in a luxurious palace.

A group of voluptuous and beautiful women dressed in dancing lightly and gracefully on the great hall of splendorous and majestic, very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

At the bottom of the great hall, above a huge and magnificent throne, a man in a loose brocade lies on the legs of a voluptuous woman, surrounded by four beautiful women cautiously.

Watching is an ultimate enjoyment.

However, Jin Yi’s brow suddenly wrinkled deeply and became 2 Dachuan characters.

“Hmph, ah!!!”

Suddenly, the Jinyi man pushed away the four enchanting women, and stood up with an angry face, Ominous Fiend Qi with a full face, howling.

This sudden outburst made the face deathly pale, scared by those fascinating women each and everyone, kneel on the ground.

“Ahhh, damn Qin Xiao, you are so cruel, so cruel.”

“Lao Tzu’s Avatar actually died in your hands like this. Lao Tzu dignified 2 steps of Heavenly Venerable Human Immortal would actually die in the hands of a 4 step universe.”

“Shame, it is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation, I hate it, not willing. This hatred, I must report, must report.”

“Lost the hatred of Avatar, Qin Xiao, you wait, wait, Ahhhh!!!”

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