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Although it has been safe for 100 years, it still makes Qin Xiao happy not raise.

At the current speed, Qin Xiao wants to get out of the central zone of the fire zone, even if it is at least tens of thousands of years. Just leaving the central area, it seems extremely long, not to mention the Nuo fire area.

Survival for 100 years is not as simple as tens of thousands of years, but it is not as simple as a few hundred times, but 100 times 1000 times.

Under such a situation, Qin Xiao wants to leave the fire area alive, and the probability can be said to be infinitely close to zero.

Qin Xiao naturally knows this, so he has always been cautiously moving forward, and he dare not relax at any time.

Good times, it really is not long.

When Qin Xiao walked out of a forest, he heard movements coming from the front, and looking at it in the past, he saw the lives of two flaming fire clan fighting there.

From the point of view of breath, it should be the two-step Heavenly Venerable Human Immortal.

Realm is not too high. Faced with a two-step Heavenly Venerable Human Immortal, Qin Xiao has several points of combatable power, not so desperate.

However, in the face of 2 respects at once, the defeat must be defeated.

The most important thing is that there are 2 flaming fire clan life, that can be summoned more flaming fire clan life.

So, seeing the lives of these 2 flaming fire tribes, Qin Xiao still has 2 words, just turn around and get back into the forest and quickly escape.

The 2 clansman Clansman Immediately also noticed the situation and looked at this at the same time.

“Lokke, there was a Human Race just now?”

“Yes, there is a Human Race, or a humble Human Race.”

“Hahaha, there will be a humble Human Race where the spirits ran into the center of our fire-fighting field, and there is really enough act recklessly. Rocco, we haven’t played Human Race in a long time. Playing with it once.”

“What are you waiting for, hurry and grab the human brat.”


Qin Xiao turned and fled into the forest, and was thinking about whether the 2 clansman clansman fairy would catch up.

But Qin Xiao didn’t think much about this problem, but felt a strong breath behind him quickly chased him, leaving Qin Xiao expression stunned and his face slightly dull.

The situation is not good, really catch up.

The most worrying thing is still happening.

“It seems that good luck can’t last forever. The troubles that will come will eventually come, and they can’t hide.”

Qin Xiao secretly hooked the head, and his heart was bitter.

There is no way but to fight. In the central domain of the fire-fighting domain, it is also impossible to expect that it is always calm and tranquil, which is safe, which is itself an unrealistic thing.

This is the central area of ​​the fire-fighting area. Where could there be such quietness?

The area of ​​flaming fire, which is known as the restricted zone of human beings, represents the endless and dangerous, but the name is outside, and it is a terrifying place. It would be a joke if Qin Xiao was allowed to leave safely.

In case of danger, it is actually as early as Qin Xiao’s expectations. This is an inevitable thing.

Both Lightning Boots and Cloud Shadow were rushed to the extreme by Qin Xiao, and fled at the fastest speed. With all his strength, Qin Xiao’s speed is barely able to reach the average Human Immortal level.

But the speed of the 2 clansman clansman cents was obviously faster, and the distance between the two sides was gradually reduced.

If this trend continues, it won’t take long for Qin Xiao to be caught up.

This situation, Qin Xiao also sees in his eyes, anxious. But no matter how urgent, there is no alternative. The speed can only be so fast, there is no way to speed it up faster.

Although it is really impossible to escape, it is still possible fight.

But Qin Xiao understands very well that fighting here with the lives of two flaming fire clan, no matter whether he has the ability to parry or not, it will bring bad consequences.

Once you do it, you can’t get rid of it, that is, the dead end.

In the current situation, Qin Xiao can’t find a good solution at all. Unless the lives of the 2 flaming fire tribes can be thrown away, I am afraid the situation may be slightly better.

At Qin Xiao’s current speed, there is simply no way to do so.

“It seems that it’s time to use an invisibility symbol.” Qin Xiao’s heart moved, it was forced to go a bit out of hand, so I had to use the last life-saving Immortal Treasure.

Now Qin Xiao only has 2 invisible characters left.

This is the last life-saving card, and with one card, there is really one less guarantee.

But there is no way, only so.

Qin Xiao directly urged the invisibility character, a strange force wrapped Qin Xiao into it, and soon Qin Xiao’s body disappeared into view.

“Huh, what about Rocco’s human brat? Why are people missing in a blink of an eye?”

“No, it’s not gone, it’s invisible. The human brat must have used the incognito, so we can’t see him.”


“Yes, invisibility, you can make a person invisible. Immortal physique, breath, completely hidden disappeared, people have no way to perceive. However, just invisible, but it does not mean that it really does not exist. People still exist. , It’s just that we can’t see it.”

“There is still such a good thing, what shall we do now? How can I find the human brat if I can’t see it.”

“Can’t see it, continue to find it. As far as I know, the effect of the invisible amulet is only one year that’s all. In a year’s time, he ran not far, we chased him, let him run away.”

“Yes, I finally encountered a human brat. I can’t be run by him. I haven’t played with him. I can’t let it go. We will continue to chase. For a year, see where he can run.

After using the incognito, Qin Xiao also clearly felt that he seemed to have entered a parallel world. Everything in this World, will not become his obstacle again, he can move forward unscrupulously.

“In a year, I must get rid of these two clansman clansman. I have only two of them, leaving me too much space. So, I still have a chance to escape.”

Qin Xiao watched the 2 clansman clansman immortals while escaping quickly.

Although it was only one year, Qin Xiao was able to escape with all his strength.

It is really not so easy for the 2 flaming fire tribes to chase their lives.

However, Qin Xiao did not dare to carelessly, only one year, the way to escape is indeed limited. After all, here is the inner domain of the fire zone. Here, every aspect has been constrained by considerable pressure, and the speed cannot be as fast as outside.

Moreover, there are many obvious and dangerous places that must be bypassed.

A year’s time, under the state of escape, passed very quickly.

Soon, a year is coming.

“The effect of the incognito is about to be disappeared, but fortunately, I have already thrown away the two clansman clansman.”

It didn’t take long for the role of the invisibility to disappear completely, and Qin Xiao also appeared again.

Qin Xiao didn’t stay. He continued to move forward at a rapid speed, and it was necessary to increase the distance.

After walking at a speed for another year, Qin Xiao took a breath. Such a walk in the fire field is very dangerous. The greater the movement, the more dangerous it will be.

When running away, Qin Xiao didn’t care about that many, that was the case.

But if this has been the case, it will definitely not work, and it will soon cause trouble.

So Qin Xiao slowed down a little bit before moving on.


It didn’t take long for Qin Xiao to frown suddenly, his expression froze, his eyes slightly narrowed.

He noticed that a bad breath came over, and something happened.

Sure enough-I haven’t waited for Qin Xiao to react. I saw a silhouette of lightning flashing towards him. It was just one of the 2 clansman clansman I just encountered.

“Why didn’t you get rid of it? Haven’t you seen the shadow for the past 2 years? Why did it suddenly appear?”

Qin Xiao frowned deeply, he thought that he had already thrown away the 2 clansman clansman fairy. But didn’t expect, not at all thrown away, has chased to the front.


Qin Xiao shook his head sighed, there was no choice but to continue to escape.

Even in the face of a clansman clansman, Qin Xiao did not dare to fight. In the case of World War I, once dragged on, there will soon be the life of other Chuhuo clan to slow down.

By that time, it would be dead end. Now escape, and a glimmer of survival.

“Haha, human brat, you can’t run away. You are just a humble mortal spirit, how can you escape?”

“Don’t be delusional and daydream. Come to all the domains in our fire domain, then only dead end, impossible have any vitality.”

“Do you think you can escape if you have Immortal Treasure on you? Although the invisibility symbol is ruined, but your strength is too weak and the speed is too slow, you can’t escape far. We want to find you, not one Difficult.”

“Human brat, obediently surrender.”

The clansman clansman laughed wantonly with a playful look on his face.

He quickly chased to Qin Xiao, and the distance between the two was rapidly getting closer.

Qin Xiao expression was sober and knew the situation was very bad. It’s really difficult to escape.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to give it a try. Obediently surrender, Qin Xiao will naturally not do it.

Escape can only be escape, desperate escape.

Without escaping for a long time, the life of another flaming fire clan appeared in the distance in front of Qin Xiao, and he flew over here with a sneer.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and the double-sided pinch makes Qin Xiao see no hope of escaping.

Under such circumstances, Qin Xiao can only escape in a changing direction. But as soon as he changed direction, the 2 clansman clansman also changed direction. Coming in from two directions, no matter how Qin Xiao changes direction, it is useless, and still in the range of pinch.

How can this escape?

Qin Xiao’s eyes became extremely cold, and he couldn’t help thinking: “is it possible that, do you really want to take a fight?”

“If it can really be solved by combat, then it will be easier to handle. Fear, I have no way to solve the crisis of this time.”

“Fight against 2 immortal Human Immortal, I don’t have this ability at all.”

“Huh-there seems to be a passage there, I feel the breath in that passage is a bit unusual, what’s going on?”

“No matter, let’s talk about it first. At least from that passage, I didn’t feel the dangerous breath. Maybe, there can be a glimmer of survival in there. Otherwise, there is no way to get rid of the 2 people like this. Clansman immortals.”

“Now, there is only the danger of soldiers.”

Qin Xiao didn’t have any room for thinking, he could only do it.

Qin Xiao quickly flew towards a hidden passage over there, and quickly approached the passage. The closer to that channel, the more brilliant rays of light bloomed. Indistinctly, Qin Xiao saw three ancient characters on the wall of the passage: Peach Blossom Valley.

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