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Confidence is the power of prerequisites, and emotional understanding is the power of growth.

With absolute self-confidence and super-sensation, everything is possible.

What Qin Xiao needs now is these things, to understand and understand the root of this chaotic space, and only then can we go out of this chaotic space.

“Organization Array A, everything here should be related to Array A.”

“This one, I have never heard of it before. In the Fumar Immortal Palace, in Linfu City, I have never heard of the saying that there is an organization.”

“This trail, perhaps very few people know, is a very special trail.”

“My contact now is a brand new thing, a brand new Tao. Everything for me is brand new, and it starts from scratch.”

“Every comprehension and understanding is a kind of cognition of organ formation. When the accumulation of knowledge reaches a certain level, it is possible to really enter the gate of this course, and even master the organ formation.”

“The master of Peach Blossom Valley enters the organza to test, what is the purpose? Is it possible that I want to practice organza together?”

“I didn’t focus on it all together, what did Peach Blossom Valley do?”

“As a team, although I feel that it is indeed very out of the ordinary. However, I am still unwilling to let me concentrate on pong class now.”

“It’s just that at this time of the test, I have to be relieved of this reluctance, and I have to fully understand and understand this organization.”

When you are in trouble, be calm, calm, and understand everything carefully.

Qin Xiao is also trying to understand everything from this chaotic space at this time. Any information will not be missed, and he will think carefully to see if he can understand useful information.

This process will obviously be very difficult.

Time is still running away.

1000 years, 2000 years, 3000 years-in a messy space, one sleepy is 10000 years.

In 10000, how much space Qin Xiao has traveled, he can’t fully count, it is too much.

From the innumerable messy information, to extract useful information, and then carefully understand, rigorous analysis, sublimation 3 sublimation, and finally come to enlightenment.

This is a process of ascension and transformation.

This feeling is like teaching a little child to practice sword, and then let him slowly explore to create his own sword way.

This process is naturally very difficult.

In 10000 years, Qin Xiao also had a lot of insights and understandings, and also learned a lot of things, and had a certain idea of ​​the technique of organizing armor.

Of course, these ideas were all pondered by himself, are they completely correct, that is 2 words.

“Organization Zhenjia actually involves three trails.”

“First of all, the organs are one, all kinds of organs are also vast, wide-ranging and profound. The organs together can not be underestimated.”

“Injured institutions can indeed kill people easily. And the institutions are also very wonderful and have many magical uses.”

Qin Xiao understands the government well. After all, he has been in touch with this thing.

In the Hongmeng universe, some institutions are often encountered. Moreover, he is relatively good at organs, and various organs can be arranged.

The technique of organs is extremely delicate, a very profound knowledge, and a knowledge integrating great wisdom.

Of course, this is the fairyland, and everything can no longer be measured by the standard of Hongmeng universe.

Everything, has risen a big step, transformed into a high level.

The technique of organs here, that complexity and subtlety, are naturally far from those in the Hongmeng universe that can mention on equal terms.

Of course, although it is far from being possible to mention on equal terms, some things are still interlinked and can be borrowed. So, if you understand it, it will become much easier.

After all, the technique of organs is not like the path of cultivation, the road has the root of the road. If it is fundamentally different, then it is completely different.

But the ways of organs are interlinked, and they are interlinked everywhere.

It’s just that the technique of organs in the Hongmeng universe seems rough, simple, and weak that’s all.

If you consider the technique of organs in the Hongmeng universe as a child’s play, then the technique of organs here can be called an intrigue between adults. This is the gap.

But no matter how big the gap is, there are many things that can be connected.

This is why Qin Xiao borrowed his own experience and deduced it step by step. He also had a lot of understanding of the art of organs.

This chaotic space is actually integrated into many organ arts, but it is perfectly integrated with other Tao, so it is difficult to find the shadow of organ art alone.

But if you understand it carefully, you will obviously find it again.

In addition to the technique of organs, the most important thing is the technique of formation.

Qin Xiao is no stranger to the technique of formation. He is still caught in the test of formation technique in Heartless Island, and finally passed the test successfully.

The reason why this chaotic space will present such a complicated and wonderful chaotic space is mainly due to the technique of formation.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but blame for the strange and chaotic space that came out in the technique of formation, which was cleverly and perfectly integrated into the technique of organs.

The technique of organizing, the technique of formation, this is the first three words in organizing array A. Qin Xiao, the last letter A, has not yet been determined. The temporary conjecture is that Mecha, puppets, and other attack methods are together.

Putting these 3 roads into a perfect fuse together, the presented organs together will naturally become very, very terrifying.

With the integration of 3 channels, the formidable power is not as simple as one plus one plus one equal to three, there must be a full sublimation.

Qin Xiao also made a bold vision for this 10000 years of understanding.

“The chaotic space, if you want to go out, I think either, it is a complete understanding of this way, very familiar with the chaotic space, hit the root, and then leave the road.”

“However, if you want to go this way, it is too difficult, it is too difficult. It requires a major breakthrough in the organization array, and it is necessary to control the organization array to a certain extent.

“The information presented here is still too little. I rely on this information alone, and I want to take control of the organization. That is obviously impossible. So this road is definitely not going to work.”

“Except for this road, then I think it will be treated with the principle of breaking Formation.”

What is the principle of breaking Formation?

Like Qin Xiao, when he was in Heartless Island before, breaking the Formulation is the root of knowing the Formulation, and then use the most clever method to get out of the Formulation.

Instead of forcibly breaking the formation and the like, Qin Xiao feels that there should be a more clever method here.

As long as you can find this more clever method, then it will become much easier to go out.

If we really want to forcibly break through this chaotic space, I am afraid that the probability is almost non-existent. It is unwise to try in this regard.

In response to this, Qin Xiao has made countless ideas, and finally finalized one.

“Since this space is incredibly chaotic, then if I want to go out, I need to go against it.”

“It’s chaotic, then I’ll chase it anyway, and solve the problem from the opposite direction.”

“So, the difficult question for me now is, how can we get rid of chaos anyway?”

The thing is often speaking of which seems to be very easy, but when done, it will feel very difficult.

Solving problems has always been a difficult process, a process of gaining a sense of accomplishment.

Determined the idea, with the direction, at least do it again, will not be blind again.

Along this direction, Qin Xiao continued his efforts.

“Try it out, you will always find a way.”

Qin Xiao did not hesitate, but started to try.

He actually has 10000000 million ways of thinking in his mind at this time, but he is not sure which way of thinking is effective.

Therefore, now it can only be tried by each and everyone. From the trial, we can find more information to make further understanding and confirmation.

Qin Xiao tried a method and failed.

second, failed.

third, failed.

Fourth, failed.

……Every method has failed, but Qin Xiao is not discouraged at all, and on the contrary is very happy.

Because of every failure, there will be some inspiration for Qin Xiao, with new ideas and understanding.

After repeated failures and accumulations over and over again, that way of thinking is much more open.

In this way, many wrong things will be eliminated, new things will be added, and new inferences will be made, which is a manifestation of progress.

Continuous failure, continuous progress.

In this way, the slow accumulation will naturally bring you closer to success.

Gradually, the right things will come out, and the right things will accumulate and accumulate slowly, the way will become more and more correct.

This journey is another 1000 years.

Qin Xiao kept correcting his mistakes and kept correct steps. With such a slow accumulation and improvement, he was finally completely right.

“Haha, finally succeeded, straightened up a messy space back.”

“If you do this, you’re half successful. The next thing to do is to completely disturb the entire messy space anyway.”

“I already know how to straighten out the chaotic space. It’s nothing more than going the other way. It’s okay to go the opposite way.”

“I have understood a lot about the root of the chaotic space. Many chaotic spaces are actually the same. At most, it is a little different that’s all, but this does not affect me to pull the chaos anyway. It just takes some time that’s all.”

The most important step, Qin Xiao has gone out. Then the next thing is much easier.

Qin Xiao went on to correct the space and upset anyway.

Each and everyone’s chaotic space has been corrected, at first takes some time, and it needs more comprehension.

The further you go, the more convenient you are, and the easier it is to operate.

Therefore, the speed will become faster and faster.

The faster the speed, the bigger the impact on the entire chaotic space and the bigger the correction.

It’s like a large area of ​​light is hitting the darkness. The darkness is slowly being dispelled, and more and more light. If this continues, soon the light can completely occupy the darkness.

This is also the case with Qin Xiao.

He was quickly chasing chaos anyway, pulling a large amount of chaotic space back, and the road became clearer and clearer.

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