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As he approached the pagoda, Qin Xiao discovered that the gate of the pagoda was false, not at all closed and died.

There is a Buddha’s radiance revealing from the false door slit, writing a kind of mysterious and sacred.

The gap is too small to see the scene inside.

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Xiao reached out and released it to the tower door, and soon put his hand on the tower door. With a strong effort, the tower door opened slowly.

Qin Xiao did not dare to push too fast, but slowly pushed open, slowly let the tower door open, staring deadly inside, trying to see what was in the pagoda.

But even if there are Buddhist practitioners, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, the Buddha will not hurt people, it will only attract people into that way.

The tower door opened slowly, but the Buddha’s radiance that came out from inside became more and more prosperous and dazzling, making Qin Xiao unable to see the situation inside.

All I can see is a piece of Golden’s Buddha’s radiance. In the thick Buddha’s radiance, I can vaguely see a Buddha sitting on the Golden Lotus, exuding Buddha’s radiance.

is a Buddha can’t do it?

It should be impossible too. If there are so many stupas here, if there is a Buddha sitting in a stupa, wouldn’t it be to scare the dead.

Buddha, that’s the title that Ancient Saint realm can have. A Buddha is equivalent to an Ancient Saint. And in terms of realm, it is also the realm of Ancient Saint.

Among the Buddha Country of these days, it is good to have a Buddha sitting in town, there are many impossible.

The Buddha is also pitiful and rarely appears.

According to the records, Buddha Country is a Buddha town.

The Buddhist sound of Dadao also immediately sounded, and it came out, and thundered into Qin Xiao’s mind.

“As I heard: At one time, the Buddha gave a lonely garden to the lonely garden in the Weiwei Kingdom, and he was with 1000 people in the Great Bhikkhus. At that time, when the world respected food, he wore a bowl and clothed in the Shiwei city. He was begging for food in his city. , Back to the place. Meals, collect Legacy, wash your feet. Sit down and sit—”

In Qin Xiao’s mind, the sound of Thunder sounds is Buddha’s language, not the common language of Great Thousand Worlds, but Qin Xiao can understand.

Qin Xiao previously learned about the Buddhist Six-syllable True Words, so he can basically understand the Buddhist language.

Listening to this avenue of Buddha, a word poured into Qin Xiao’s mind, exuding Supreme’s Buddha power.

This is not the mantra of Buddhism. This is the Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, Supreme Buddhist Law, Buddhist Road, all in the Buddhist scriptures.

Qin Xiao does not know what this is, but he feels very esoteric and has Supreme’s great wisdom, Buddha’s radiance. It is an interpretation of Buddhism, a guide, a true meaning.

The Buddha chanted the scriptures, and listening to Qin Xiao felt like he was on a piece of pure land, all around was the sacred Buddha’s radiance.

As long as he is willing to sit down, listen to the Buddhist scriptures, listen to the Buddha’s way, conform to my Buddha, and enter the Buddha’s way, then he can get endless benefits, and cultivation can be quickly improved.

That many powers will belong to him.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger under the influence of the Buddha’s chanting power.

I am not attracted to myself by myself. This kind of feeling is like a little child seeing a delicious candy, instinctively unable to resist the temptation.

Under the spread of Buddha’s radiance, the road ahead is a piece of light, a divine beauty.

“Buddha tells Bodhisattva: “The Bodhisattva Mahasa should subdue his heart as such: all living beings like-if born as an egg, if born as a fetus, if born as wet, if as metamorphosed; if colored, if not colored; if you want to If you don’t think; if you don’t have any thoughts, you will have no nirvana and you will destroy it. If there is innumerable immortality of innumerable beings, there are no living beings that have been destroyed. Why? Sudden Bodhisattva! Phase, portrait, painting of All Living Things, life phase, that is, non-Bodhisattva.”——”

The Buddhist scriptures continued to recite in Qin Xiao’s mind, presenting a piece of light before Qin Xiao’s eyes.

The bridges leading to the heights and the ladder connecting the higher realm are all one after another.

As long as Qin Xiao is willing to reach out, he can easily catch it.

In this piece of Buddha’s radiance Holy Zeal, everything seems to be very easy and simple.

“The Buddhist scriptures are really too mysterious, too esoteric and philosophical. The 100 forms of life are all in this Buddhist scripture. Being human is like what this Buddhist scripture says.”

“The world is bright, this is the case. My cultivator, so should it.”

“People are only for themselves, too selfish. Selfishness is 10000 poisons of evil—”

Qin Xiao has mutter incantations in mind, analyzing some of the problems he understands.

The more you analyze, the more you feel that you have too many sins. You need to abandon all these sins in order to protect yourself from karma.

It is very esoteric, but Qin Xiao will slowly understand and understand through listening to this Buddhist scripture.

The more cited, the more entered. The more you enter, the deeper you are. The deeper, the more unable to extricate themselves.

In this way, he will slowly walk up to Buddhism and cannot look back from now on. As soon as I entered Buddhism, I was afraid that I would never want to look back, and my thoughts have completely changed.

Introducing people into Buddhism is actually changing people’s thinking.

At this time, the Buddha chanting is obviously changing Qin Xiao’s thinking, and he is going to introduce Qin Xiao into Buddhism. The formidable power of the Buddha’s chanting is indeed too large and too large to be resisted.

The more you enlighten the Buddha, the more you feel the greatness of the Buddha, and the more the Buddha’s Supreme rays of light will fall into it.

The Buddha itself is just and honourable and has a mighty righteousness.

So the Buddha itself is indeed admirable and fascinating.

All people in the world can become Buddhas. This is the idea passed by the Buddhists. Ordinary people only need you to be pious to the Buddha, without distractions, and concentrate on repairing the Buddha, and you will certainly be able to achieve positive results.

Buddha can cross the world, this is the Supreme power of Buddha.

Buddha, don’t pay attention to your talent potential, don’t care about your physique. The Buddha only cares whether you are sincere to the Buddha, whether you can cut off 7 feelings and cut off 6 desires, and you can do it without desire.

As long as you can do this, under the purification of Buddha’s radiance’s baptism, you can cross you into a Buddha, lead you to the road, and take you to the top.

And this is the Buddha’s Supreme formidable power, which gives the world the greatest temptation.

Under the Buddha’s power to recite the Scriptures, Qin Xiao is submerged in this piece of Buddha’s radiance and wants to embark on the path of Buddhism.

“Qin Xiao, wake up–“

Qin Xiao deep in one’s heart, suddenly a voice came out, like a sword fiercely plunged into Qin Xiao’s mind and burst into azure glow. As if it were a clear spring, cool down Qin Xiao’s heart.

Qin Xiao’s thoughts suddenly became sober, and he realized many problems.

Very terrifying power of Buddhism, very powerful Buddha chanting, Buddhism contains Buddhism Avenue, has Supreme Buddha power. “

“Under the sound of Buddha, it attracts people into the Buddha. The powerful force, which makes people unconsciously, is introduced into the Buddhism and throws everything away.”

“Being invisible, I have been reminding myself, but it is difficult to be embankment.”

“Just now, it was almost introduced into the Buddha Dao road. If it is not sober in time, it is really very dangerous.”

“I should have borrowed the power of Buddhism to cultivate my mental strength, rather than being influenced by Buddhism and being introduced into Buddhism. Just now, what is going on?”

“As soon as the Buddha chanted the scriptures into his mind, he completely entered a whole new world within the realm. At that moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything and only saw the beauty in front of him.”

“My goal should be to cultivate mental strength, and take this opportunity to cultivate mental strength.”

“My heart is one, my faith is firm, and my strength is endless.”

“Mind-is the root of man and the root of all strength. Controlling the heart, then you can control everything.”


Qin Xiao’s thoughts and thoughts strengthened his conviction and returned to his own path, excluding all influences.

The Buddha’s power to recite the Scriptures is indeed a strong terrifying. Under this Supreme power, Qin Xiao felt the pressure of terrifying.

And this great pressure is what Qin Xiao needs and wants to see. He took advantage of this great pressure to cultivate his mental strength.

Qin Xiao pushed the gate of the pagoda with both hands. The more it was pushed, the stronger the Buddha’s radiance was, and the stronger the Buddha’s voice, the greater the pressure.

The pressure is slowly increasing, and Qin Xiao’s heart is also forcing himself to gradually become stronger.

What reflects the heart?

Nature is the mental strength. Qin Xiao urges his mental strength, mentions polishing, refining, and improving. This is a process of mental cultivation.

This process is very difficult, and the effect is very low. It needs to accumulate bit by bit, accumulate slowly, and finally as the tide rises, the boat floats, Ji Kui step into 1000 miles.


Suddenly, the Buddha’s radiance in the pagoda is like a blazing sun, and the instantaneous expansion has become stronger than many times.

The thunderous sound of Buddha also came out loudly, stunned and deafened, like a sky collapse, like a land.

Under the Buddha’s radiance of the terrifying Buddha, Qin Xiao was shocked out of forcibly, and retreated back and forth in shock.

Terrifying’s fiercely smashed into Qin Xiao’s body fiercely, making Qin Xiao extremely uncomfortable. If he didn’t retreat just now, then Qin Xiao felt that he would be directly killed by this Buddha’s way.

So just instinct just wanted to retreat, the faster you retreat, the better, it is a sense of fear in the bones.

After Qin Xiao retreated, the door of the pagoda was closed again, Buddha’s radiance Buddha sound was completely disappeared, and everything returned to peace.

The soft voice lingered, the avenue murmured and calm Antai.

“hu ——”

This calmness also made Qin Xiao feel relaxed. The situation just now made him a little afraid, but fortunately everything returned to calm.

“I didn’t know what happened just now, did I attract the Buddha’s backlash?”

“But no matter, since it shocked me, this stupa does not welcome me, and I can no longer listen to the Buddha chanting.”

“But there are a lot of pagodas here, which is enough for me to listen. I’m afraid I can’t finish it.”

“With this good opportunity, if I can’t train my mind to Heavenly Venerable level, it would be too wasteful.”

“I don’t think about other things for the time being. I will talk about the realm breakthrough of the mental power for the time being. The breakthrough of the mental power, maybe everything is suddenly bright and not necessarily.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Qin Xiao did not stay here more, but walked to another stupa.

The situation, as he expected, there are also Buddha chanting in other stupas, and different chanting.

Different Buddhist scriptures have different Buddhist laws, different Buddhist prestige, different pressures, different tests, and naturally have different help for the training of mental strength.

With such help, the cultivation of mental power becomes much smoother.

This is a great thing for Qin Xiao. Here, there are 1000 to 10000 stupas. If each one can give some help to the cultivation of mental strength, then if 1000 to 10000 stupas are superimposed, the effect will be very amazing.

With such improved results, Qin Xiao has every reason to believe that he can definitely help his mind break through the Heavenly Venerable realm.

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