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Great Thousand Worlds, boundless, endless universe, endless universe sea, showing a dark, icy, quiet forest.

In the endless darkness, a huge celestial body stood there forever.

When the light goes out and it does not go out, the world collapses and it does not collapse.

The prestige of Supreme is enough to hold this endless darkness.

This huge celestial body exudes 7 colorful and brilliant rays of light, completely enveloping the entire celestial body, which looks extremely beautiful and eye-catching.

Looking far in the sea of ​​endless universe, it can suddenly add a lot of light to the dark world.

If people with eyesight know, this huge celestial body is the element Sacred Domain.

To say the most beautiful, among the 8 Sacred Domains, obviously the element Sacred Domain is the most beautiful. The entire Sacred Domain is composed entirely of colorful elements, highlighting the beauty to the extreme.

Anyone who sees the element Sacred Domain for the first time is afraid that they will be deeply shocked by the beauty of the element Sacred Domain and will go deep into the bones.

Among the element Sacred Domain, there is an element Holy Mountain. It is said that this element Holy Mountain is the origin of the elements of the entire element Sacred Domain, Converging Ground, unique and unmatched, Supreme Holy Land since ancient times.

It is also the power core of the element Sacred Domain, the center of everything.

On top of this element Holy Mountain, there is an ancient and dreamlike beautiful palace standing there, here is the Tianfa Dao Palace.

Heavenly Law Dao Palace, element Sacred Domain Supreme Existence, truly Sovereign all forces exist.

In an ancient palace deep in the Dao Palace of Tianfa, a silhouette walked in and saluted a statue at the bottom of the palace respectfully.

This silhouette is a beautiful woman, wearing colorful clothes, looks particularly noble and beautiful. It seemed to be the elements of the heavens, all gathered together, she was like the goddess of the elements.

“Master Mother!” that silhouette shouted cordially.

That stone elephant suddenly came alive, lips lightly raised, and a voice came out: “Why do you see me?”

that silhouette respectfully said: “Mother, Lingyue that girl has experienced 10000 reincarnations, I think it’s almost the same, is it time to take her back?”

“With this layout, we have spent 10000 cosmic eras, and it is time to release them.”

“The position of the lord of the palace, we Gu Family must take back, for the Supreme honor of our Gu Family, must.”

“Well, where is Xiaolingyue now?” The stone elephant spoke again.

That silhouette was immediately replied: “Now in a mustard universe called Hongmeng universe, I have sent someone to pick up Lingyue.”

“Go!” The stone elephant didn’t say much, and simply spit out two words, and it dimmed.

That silhouette did not say much, but retreated with respect.

…Qin Mansion, Peach Garden.

Gu Lingyue is playing the piano under a peach tree, and the peach blossoms are flying all over the sky, all beautiful.

The deity of Gu Lingyue has been following Qin Xiao in 4 places in the universe, on the one hand it is experience, on the other hand it is also cultivation.

Gu Lingyue has reached the 4-step universe, another step is the Heavenly Venerable realm, and she is also striving to impact the Heavenly Venerable position.

It’s just this step, it’s too difficult to step out.

Her Avatar has been staying at Qin Mansion, except for occasional outings and walks, she spends most of her time in the Peach Garden, admiring the peach blossoms, and doing what she likes, full of happy laughter and cheerful voices .

Gu Lingyue is playing the piano with emotion, and is very engaged in the beautiful music melody.

But what she didn’t notice was that there was a silhouette standing behind her, watching her silently.

Gu Lingyue Ke is a 4-step universe. For this situation, I didn’t even notice it at all, so I had to say it was very strange.

After the song finished, Gu Lingyue stopped with satisfaction, wanting to rest for a while.

At this time, suddenly a voice came from behind her: “It plays well.”

This is a strange voice, a voice she has never heard before, a woman’s voice.


Gu Lingyue’s surprise is not small. You must know that this is the Hongmeng Universe. The entire Hongmeng Universe except Qin Xiao has the ability to appear silently behind her without being noticed by her. ?

However, there were people who said that they played well, obviously after listening for a while.

Someone stood behind her for so long, she didn’t even notice it?

How does that exist?

Gu Lingyue turned around, and saw a pretty suffocating woman standing behind her. Even she did not consciously be attracted by the beauty of the other party.

Standing there, it feels like a mortal seeing the endless sky, deep, immense, and powerful Supreme.

This is a feeling that ants face the sky.

Her ancient spirit moon is a 4-step universe, and half of her feet have stepped into the Heavenly Venerable ranks. How can it feel like this?

The powerful Qin Xiao, in her feeling, is far from that.

who is it? What exactly is there? How could it be so powerful?

Being able to come here silently, even Qin Xiao, the Hongmeng Universe Source controller, didn’t even notice it. What kind of existence should it be?

Can’t a Ancient Saint succeed?

The thoughts of each and everyone flashed in a flash in Gu Lingyue’s mind, and only this probability.

If is a Ancient Saint exists, then everything is explained.

But how could an Ancient Saint appear here?

Gu Lingyue didn’t think much about these problems. Just intuition told her that the person in front of her gave her a very cordial feeling, without a little bit of hostility. On the contrary, I also felt a wonderful feeling, just like seeing a long-lost relative.

This feeling has also reduced the vigilance in Gu Lingyue’s heart a lot. What is certain is that the other party is not at all hostile.

“Gu Lingyue has seen Senior!”

Gu Lingyue is about to give a big gift, but it is blocked by a powerful invisible force. This intangible force makes Gu Lingyue more certain that the people in front of him are afraid of the existence of is a Ancient Saint.

“Lingyue younger sister, you don’t have to be polite, you are a Princess, but if you can give me such a gift, it will hurt me.” The beautiful woman said, smiling more beautifully, and there was an unspeakable female charm Come out, the Divine Soul is turned upside down.

Fortunately, Gu Lingyue is a woman, and she can still resist this charm.

But this remark made Gu Lingyue a face of doubt puzzled. What do you mean?

She doesn’t know the person in front of her, what’s so expensive about Princess?

She was expensive for Princess before, but that was how many years ago, and that Princess was too weak.

How could the existence of this suspected Ancient Saint be so polite to himself? What exactly is going on?

Seeing Gu Lingyue a face of doubt, the beautiful woman laughed and came to hold Gu Lingyue’s hand.

As soon as Gu Lingyue’s hand was held, her body touched involuntarily, as if she was electrocuted. This is a kind of intimate connection.

Although Gu Lingyue does not know the person in front of her, at this moment she feels that the person in front of her is her loved one.

So Gu Lingyue stared at the other party with wide eyes, even if he didn’t need to ask anything, he could feel the other party’s meaning.

“Lingyue younger sister, don’t be afraid, I’m here to pick you up. You don’t know yet, it’s because your memory hasn’t been awakened. Wait until I wake up your memory, and you will think about everything Woke up.”

“However, for the time being, I will seal your power, only let your memory be awakened, and not let your strength burst out. Otherwise, you will destroy the universe.”

The pretty woman said softly.

Although Gu Lingyue is still a misty water, but instinctively nodded, she knows that the person in front of her will not deceive her to harm her, so she is willing to do what she says.

With a wave of a pretty woman’s hand, a powerful force poured into Gu Lingyue’s body, straight into the mind in the depth of one’s soul.

Suddenly, Gu Lingyue felt that her mind was completely overwhelmed by power, and suddenly there was a blank space, nothing at all. Under the turbulence of power, she just felt like her mind was about to explode.

This is a feeling of death.

But Gu Lingyue is not afraid. She deeply in one’s heart believes that the beautiful woman believes that she will not harm herself.

I don’t know how long it took before Gu Lingyue felt the calm in her mind gradually, and she gradually saw the light.

After this piece of light, a long-lasting memory rushed into my heart like running water.

The past is like smoke, and scenes flashed out. Those people, those things, those pictures, those years, all came out one after another, and the details were presented in her mind.

Gu Lingyue stayed in place. There were too many memories flowing into her mind at once. She needed time to digest it, calm down herself, calm herself down, and accept so much. Information.

I don’t know how long it has passed, it seems 100 years, it seems 1000 years, maybe even longer.

Gu Lingyue’s eyes became a bit firm expression, digesting everything, and releasing everything.

“It turned out that I experienced samsara reincarnation of 10000 cosmic eras and lived no less than 10000 lifetimes. The reincarnation of the 10000th lifetime is just to hone my mind. This is the woman of our Gu Clan, many things that I need to experience.

“Wearing the 10000th century, the Myriad Tribulations, and the emotional entanglement of the 10000th century, so that I can truly achieve love and love, and will not be surrounded by the love of the world.”

“The 10000th century is over, I am great Accomplishment, I can go back.”

Everything is so calm, like saying a very plain thing, without any slight fluctuations.

In Gu Lingyue’s heart, there was no joy or sorrow, even no attachment.

A thick smile appeared on the pretty woman’s face: “Congratulations to Lingyue younger sister, you have finally succeeded and you are welcome to return!”

“Come on younger sister, let me take you back to Dao Palace.”

Gu Lingyue was nodded, hesitated for a while, and then said: “Minghua elder sister, I still have one thing to solve, please wait for me.”

“What’s the matter?” The pretty woman froze a little, and immediately reacted: “Oh, your deity is still with the little brat named Qin Xiao. You are in this life, and you are in love with him. Now you have to go, The farewell should also be.”

“I have seen the situation of you in this life carefully, and the kid named Qin Xiao is quite good and a potential person.”

“But after all, the background is too humble, and it is difficult to really go to the Peak of Great Thousand Worlds, there is nothing to miss.”

“Okay, Lingyue younger sister, please say goodbye to your deity. We can’t delay it for too long, and avoid any trouble. We must rush back to Dafa Palace as soon as possible.”

“Only when I get home, everything is safe, and this is the most important thing. Other things are not important anymore. You can have 10000000 million people without women’s kindness.”

Gu Lingyue solemnly nodded, said: “Minghua elder sister, I know, rest assured, I will deal with it.”

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