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As the saying goes, it is up to the people to do things, to the sky.

Some things can’t be decided by you alone. But you can decide which part of you, how to do it, that is your business.

Having figured it out, it was clear comprehension, and the trouble in my heart was suddenly removed, and I felt a sudden and cheerful feeling.

Qin Xiao’s eyes also regained his clarity and firmness, and he removed the sadness.

“I understand, what Lingyue wants to think, I don’t know, it can’t be changed for the time being. I just need to be clear about what I think, and then work hard to do it.”

“I love him very much, at least this moment is true. So, no matter what, I must go to Dao Palace to find her and ask her clearly.”

“And now I should move towards this clear goal to move forward.”

“And this goal will be much higher than my previous one. I need more effort, stronger determination, and firmer belief.”

“Together, now for me, it’s just a small test that’s all.”

Everything, clear comprehension.

Then, continue to appreciate cultivation. This is the only thing I have to do now, and I must work harder and harder than before.

Qin Xiao continued to appreciate cultivation, and the three white fans also stepped aside without disturbing Qin Xiao.

“Ai, love and love, it’s really a grind. Some people just taste it, some people get deep. Some people live as a game, some people are pure enjoyment. So you say, love love this thing Is it good or bad?” Bai Fan sighed with emotion.

Tie Yulong rolled his eyes at Bai Fan and said, “You don’t seem to love what you said.”

“Hahaha, I love, but I also love the chic, and I don’t have to get it. I’m not obsessed or mad. I am fortunate, I am fortunate, I am not killed, and I am not forced.” Bai Fanlang laughed.

“…You’re so smart, I can’t be as smart as you.” Tie Yulong said the head.

Yiyong’s Purple Box Fairy seemed a little helpless, because Bai Fan and Tie Yulong loved her.

But how to say, for Bai Fan and Tie Yulong’s love, she never knew how to accept it, or who did not know who to accept.

So, it is better to keep the status quo. She doesn’t want to think about love and love, too deep and tormenting people.

“Haha, boxes, you just said one set, 3 2 sentences to persuade Qin Xiao to persuade, but it’s really okay. If you don’t know you, specify that you will feel that your emotional experience is very rich.” Bai Fan suddenly Jokingly said.

Zixiang Fairy gave her a white look and said angrily, “Why can women’s perception of love be comparable to that of your men?”

“I haven’t experienced it, haven’t I seen it yet? How much is life perception?”

“The main reason is that Qin Xiao has too little experience and doesn’t know much about love, so it’s easy to be persuaded.”

“Of course, his state of mind is already very good, and he persuaded himself to understand 2 sentences. The key is still his own. If he doesn’t understand, then it is useless for me to persuade.”

The white fan and the iron jade dragon are nodded, indeed.

Speaking of which, Qin Xiao is indeed relatively simple.

And the experience is indeed relatively small, many things are not profound.

But in general it is a good thing, and it’s worth everyone’s delight, but I just squeezed the sweat just now. Fortunately, Qin Xiao calmed down so quickly.

“However–” Zixiang Fairy suddenly took the head again and said darkly: “Although it is temporarily persuaded, but we all know Qin Xiao’s character, we must believe that one thing, we will stick to the end.”

“He has now decided to go to Dao Palace in Tianfa and ask the girl named Lingyue to ask a clear understanding, so he will definitely move towards this goal to cultivate.”

“And we also know that Dao Palace in Tianfa is a great Thousand Worlds Sovereign force, and Supreme’s existence is so powerful that we can’t imagine it.”

“Qin Xiao wants to go to Dao Palace in Tianfa, and easyer said than done? Even if he set foot on Ancient Road and achieved the position of Ancient Saint, there is no way to do so.”

“An Ancient Saint is in front of Dafa Palace in Tianfa, it’s just an ant that’s all.”

“So Qin Xiao’s future path is afraid it will be extremely difficult. Even, he may ruin himself because of his goal.”

White fan hook the head, helpless sighed.

This probability is indeed true, but there is no way to do it.

“Maybe-time can smooth everything, for now we can only think so.”

Bai Fan said nothing more and said, “Okay, don’t mention these things that are too far away, let’s take care of the present moment, the moment is the most important.”

Feeling cultivation has always been a very long thing.

For Qin Xiao, the blow of this time actually inspired him even more, and gave him a more powerful thought.

Being hurt by love will make it easier for people to realize many things and understand more about love.

“Together with flying knives, ask with feelings, and feelings into flying knives can only understand the deep meaning.”

“I have a flying knife in my hand, and I have emotion in my heart.

“Flying knives, feelings, effort–“

With more understanding, there is also more clear comprehension.

Love words are very important for Fei Dao.

The more you understand the emotions, the deeper Qin Xiao’s understanding of the flying knives will be. It will be easier for you to understand the true meaning of the flying knives. Many things that I didn’t understand before, can now be suddenly understood.

Everything started with love and concentration.

Feeling the flying knife is actually a bit like feeling the sentiment.

The knife is ruthless, but people are ruthless. Incorporating affectionate things into the ruthless sword will make the sword affectionate.

If the knife is sentimental, then it will be more under your control, making the formidable power more powerful and coming out of your own way. It’s like opening a new world, blooming Supreme’s rays of light.

Speaking of which a lot of things, it seems like a very simple feeling, only because you understand, it will be said, it will appear simple.

But to do it is too difficult.

Cultivation has always seemed to be caught in the puzzle of each and everyone, the authorities. There are a lot of seemingly simple things behind, but at the time, it was very difficult, very very difficult.

Time is running out again.

100,000 years, 200,000 years, million years.

In an instant, 100, 300,000 years have passed.

Fortunately, it’s also very quiet here, not at all others are coming, there is no dangerous force coming, it has always been very quiet.

Weng! ! !

A broken voice suddenly broke the sky and resounded.

Hearing this huge movement, I felt a powerful edge burst out, and the three white fans immediately moved and looked at it.

I saw Qin Xiao’s side, a throwing knives flew out of his hands, suddenly glorious, 9 days.

The flying knife was flying in the air at a speed, so fast that they couldn’t detect it with white eyes.

Speed, sharpness, and prestige all make people feel very powerful, and people can’t help looking a bit out of dreading.

Seeing this, the white fan 3 people were immediately delighted.

“The Flying Accomplishment of Small Accomplishment, in only 100, 300,000 years, Qin Xiao has reached the point of Flying Accomplishment of Small Accomplishment. This speed is really terrifying.”

“Such a talent potential, I am afraid that they are all qualified to enter Lee Holy Sect, right?”

“And Qin Xiao just got an insight guidance from a predecessor, not at all too great guidance power, can be trained to such a point, it is too unimaginable.”

“Tsk tsk, is really a comprehensive demon. No matter what aspect, it is a peerless demon.”

“Give him enough time, he can really grow to a very terrifying point. I feel more and more that walking on Ancient Road is not a difficult thing for Qin Xiao, but sooner or later. It is really some expectations, This day will come early.” Bai Fan said with admiration in his face.

Although he admired and praised him, he also said a lot, but Qin Xiao really will give people surprises again and again.

Tieyu Longdao: “I think you still think about yourself a lot. We have been going for Ancient Road for years even for something even in dreams.”

“Hahaha.” White fan shook his head laughed, said: “I don’t want to think about it, there is nothing to think about. It’s still a little self-knowledge. It’s better to think too much. I will only ask for trouble.”

“Now, let’s think about how to achieve the position of immortality. This is more realistic.”

“Want to step on Ancient Road, it’s easier said than done.”

“That is the ultimate goal, that is, the ultimate goal is naturally not easy.”

Tie Yulong was too lazy to say anything.

Purple Box Fairy has some helpless shook the head, these two people are used to fighting.

On the other side, Qin Xiao put it away after putting it out.

“Flying the knife together with Small Accomplishment, into the flying knife with feelings, understanding this, the cultivation has become much smoother, so that I achieved the Small Success Realm in one fell swoop.” Qin Xiao curl one’s lip, his face also appeared A little smile came out of joy.

100, 300,000 years of hard work can be regarded as uncompromising, with such gains.

Flying knife together with Small Accomplishment, the power of flying knife alone, can also be enough to kill 2 steps Heavenly Venerable.

If you want to go further, it will not be an easy task.

In fact, Qin Xiao reached Small Success Realm earlier, but only continued to consolidate and perfect it later, and then stopped.

Now Qin Xiao, with the flying knife, is already impacting the Great Success Realm, and has reached the edge of impact. Taking it one step further, that is Great Success Realm.

Originally, Qin Xiao also wanted to practice the Great Success Realm in one fell swoop, but it was too difficult, so it was only necessary to give up temporarily.

“Qin Xiao, I have to congratulate you again, haha. No matter how much I say, I won’t say it anymore. I used to say it too much, and I’m tired of it.”

Indeed, congratulations to Qin Xiao too many times, let alone numbness.

Qin Xiao will not surprise anyone no matter what he does, he is the creator of miracles.

Qin Xiao said with a smile: “There is nothing to congratulate, this time is indeed my chance. This trip, I have gained a lot, and it has been enough for a long time.”

“Okay, let me try to open the flying sword array first. I think it should be almost the same.”

“If it can’t be opened in this way, then I’m afraid it will have to spend millions more years, and even countless years are possible.”

“If you want to enter another world, it is too difficult, too difficult, and the time spent must be inestimable.”

Qin Xiao has talent potential, but after all, Flying Sword didn’t give him too much guidance, only there is a person’s lifelong insights left by his predecessors.

Therefore, if you want to practice to Great Accomplishment, then Qin Xiao doesn’t have much confidence there, and can only spend time to grind.

Because of this, Qin Xiao naturally hopes that this will successfully open the flying knife array.

Try it and say it again!

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