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“The flow is perfect, and it really is a villain.”

As soon as he entered the 9th Rubik’s Cube, Qin Xiao knew that the Rubik’s Cube was not very simple. Not to mention the use of power, even if it is the use of power, a 2-step Heavenly Venerable with a harmful point is not so easy to go out.

The lethality of this 9-square Rubik’s Cube is indeed not great, but the trapping ability is still very good.

But for this, Qin Xiao had actually expected it, and had long thought that Liu Wuxian would be a treacherous villain, but Qin Xiao didn’t care much about that’s all.

This can be considered boldness of execution stems from superb skill. Qin Xiao has a lot of information to trap him. If this all trapped him, it can only be said that his attainments in the machine armor were not enough.

However, after looking at the 9-squared Rubik’s Cube, Qin Xiao immediately had a full grasp. This Rubik’s Cube is not simple, but he can fully understand the principle at a glance.

It is not difficult to go out.

“Liuwuxue, since you want to play with Yin, then I will give you a big surprise.” Qin Xiao’s mouth also slipped across a strange smile.

…”Liuwuqiu, you are good base and shameless.”

After Xi Renlong solved his opponent, he walked over here with some displeasure. He also scolded Qin Xiao fool in his heart. Do you have any brains?

Don’t you understand the reason why people who guard against people are indispensable?

Another of his Xi’s was eliminated, so now Xi Renlong has a little hope in Qin Xiao’s body, hoping that Qin Xiao can help him.

Using a ants to hold Qin Xiao to do things for him is a very cost-effective deal for him.

But now, Renren Wu is going to destroy his good deeds, Xi Renlong is naturally unhappy.

Liu Wuxian did not know that Xi Renlong had a private transaction with Qin Xiao, so in the face of Liu Wuxu’s scolding, Liu Wuxian was a little puzzled, but he didn’t dare to attack too much when facing Xi Renlong.

It can only be said: “Xi Shao breathed his anger, a foreign kid that’s all, why care?”

Xi Renlong shook his hand, said solemnly: “I’m too lazy to talk to you nonsense, just one sentence, you quit.”

“Exit?” Liu Wuxie laughed: “Hehe, Xi Shao, we are the same people in Tianshan City, we don’t see our heads when we look up. In the past, I have nothing to offend you Xi Shao?

“Today’s Huakui is competing for the conference, everyone is here to join in the fun and have fun. Xi Shao, you let me withdraw like this, is it inappropriate?

“Although I have no lack of background as you did in Xi Shao, but it will not turn to you in a word, I will obey it?”

“Everyone comes out to play often. I think Xi Shao, you should not make the situation too ugly. I wonder if Xi Shao thinks?”

Xi Renlong’s expression became even more ugly, and he did not expect that Liu Wuqi should not give him a face, so it seems that his name is not so easy to use.

Ben Xirenlong also knew in his heart that if Liu Wuxun didn’t give him a face, he was really helpless.

After all, compared to strength, he is confident that he can dominate the competition, but here is the competition for Huakui, not the competition venue. Relying on strength is beyond words.

Xi Renlong suddenly withdrew the expression, showing a smile, and said, “Haha, Liuxiong said this. I have some friendship with Qin Xiao. If Liuxiong would give me this face, look back at me Please Liuliu drink a good wine, how?”

No matter how hard it is, Xi Renlong is also very smooth.

Can be regarded as a step to give Liu Wuxi a face.

If there is no lack of consciousness, then naturally it will be accepted when it is good, and will not offend Xi Renlong.

But Liu Wuxu is obviously not such a good talker. He smiled back and said, “We can drink wine at any time. Since you opened your mouth, Brother Xi, I will certainly not refute your face.”

“If Brother Xi is willing to promise me something, I will withdraw, how?”


But hearing this, Xi Renlong’s eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, his face sinking, apparently he already knew what was going on.

“Do you think it’s possible? Huh, no one dared to threaten me, no lack of it, don’t be too foolish.” Xi Renlong coldly snorted, obviously a little angry.

It seems that Liu Wuqi is also unyielding today: “It’s impossible, not to mention any threats, Xi Shao, you think more.”

“Otherwise, Xi Shao still has to wait and see, maybe Qin Xiao can come out within a year, this can still be expected a little.”

“Hmph!” This obviously irritated Xi Renlong, which made him very unhappy.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, it’s not good to have too many episodes at this time. It can only be heavy snorted, and ruthlessly glanced at Liu Wu.

After all, here is Huakui competing for the conference, and it is not a place to be arbitrary, otherwise it will be too ugly, and it is not worth the loss.

The inexhaustible 9-square Rubik’s Cube Xi Renlong also knows that Qin Xiao’s strength is good, but if he wants to come out within a year, there is no possibility.

What’s more, the strength cannot be used, and even if it can be used, the probability is not too great.

This piece is considered lost.

I have lost a helper before, but now I have lost another one, damn it.

Liu Wuqin has quite a few points of triumphantly looking at the 9 Palace Rubik’s Cube, the smile on his face is unconsciously thicker by a few points: “Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao, blame you for being stupid.”

“Hehe, I didn’t expect you to agree so readily, I thought it would take more effort.”

“You want to come out of the 9th house of the Rubik’s Cube, there is no possibility, um—how—how—”

But Liu Wuqian’s words hadn’t been finished yet, the smile on his face came to an abrupt end, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at him with surprise.

I saw a silhouette came out of the 9th house cube, who is not Qin Xiao?

This scene, not only Liu Wuxu looked dumbfounded, many people were very surprised, some looked dumbfounded here.

Qin Xiao walked out of the 9-square Rubik’s Cube easily and comfortably, and stepped over to Liu Wuxue’s side step by step.

Until he came to Liu Wuxian, Liu Wuxie blurted out in amazement: “How are you possible? How is it possible to come out of the 9th house of the Rubik’s Cube? You only went in for a while? How is it possible?”

Qin Xiao did not go in for a while, that is, Liu Wuxie said to Xi Renlong that a few words, that’s all, I am afraid that there are only a few hundred breaths that’s all added up.

All he gave to Qin Xiao was a year, but now even 0.1% has not passed, Qin Xiao has already come out.

“Hahaha, Qin Xiao, good!” Xi Renlong also burst out laughing.

Just now, he was able to be given a lot of gas, but now it was found by Qin Xiao. He was relieved.

“Liuwuqian, it seems that your 9th Rubik’s Cube is rubbish. I used to look at you too much.” After finding the opportunity, Xi Renlong sarcastically ridiculed.

The muscles in Liu Wuxian’s face twitched, but he was powerless to refute.

His confident 9-square Rubik’s Cube didn’t have the ability to trap Qin Xiao, which really stimulated him.

Everyone around all, there was also a heated discussion.

“What’s the matter? In the end, is the inexhaustible 9-square Rubik’s Cube too garbage, or is Qin Xiao too ruined? How come it came out so quickly?”

“No way, don’t you all say that 9 Palace Rubik’s Cube is very harmful? Although I haven’t felt it, It shouldn’t be fake. 9 Gong Rubik’s Cube is not only a lack of lack, other people also have it, formidable power It should be fake.”

“Well, the 9th house Rubik’s cube sells, formidable power should not be in doubt. Qin Xiao is too evil, it’s just a freak. Without using strength, he walked out of the 9th house Rubik’s cube so quickly.

“This Qin Xiao is really going to be against the sky, would he want to win Huakui? Liu Wuxie is also a bad luck, plot against everyone is not plot against good, this is really a pit of himself.”

“I feel like we have to pay attention to Qin Xiao. This is a powerful competitor.”

“We have all been beaten, I just told him to disdain as beneath contempt just now, didn’t expect ah didn’t expect, this time has gone blind.”

“Haha, there is no shortage, just now you were very proud, now gutter has turned over the boat.”

Liu Wuqian’s face is rather ugly. This time is not only ugly to lose, but also offends Xi Renlong.

“You let me win!” Qin Xiao didn’t say much, he said casually.

Although he didn’t say anything, Liu Wuxi still felt that his face had been fiercely pumped, which embarrassed him.

After holding back for a long time, Liu Wuque squeezed out three words: “I admit defeat!”

After talking, Liu Wuxie and faceless stayed here again, and left in a vain manner.

Not only is it a miserable loss, but it’s not honourable at all.

In the second test, Qin Xiao took it off smoothly, and it was indeed too easy to win.

It is an impossible task for others, but for Qin Xiao, it is easy and simple.

“Qin Xiao, it seems that you are quite accomplished at the institution.” Xi Renlong smiled at Qin Xiao and said.

Qin Xiao replied at random: “I can’t talk about it.”

There is no need to say anything else. The technique of organizing the formation of armor can be regarded as a major method of Qin Xiao, and naturally it cannot be exposed too much.

The second test quota gradually came out, and soon it was all over.

After some fun, the third test also began.

This third test is a bit special. It turns out that everyone can take out a kind of wine that can be taken out of their body at this time, and then give all of them to Huakui to taste. Finally, Huakui chooses 90 kinds of wine.

In other words, the rules of the game at this level give the decision to Huakui. And these wines will be handed over to Huakui by hidden information, which means that Huakui won’t know who the wine is from, and it is entirely her choice.

This uncertainty will be very large.

But there is no way, this is the characteristic of Huakui competition, every time there will always be some very special rules of the game.

Therefore, to win Huakui, luck is also very important.

In fact, there are so-called Huakui competitions in many places, but most Huakui competitions fight for 2 things, either for strength or for money.

That kind of Huakui competition for the conference seems very monotonous, not much fun.

The reason why Huakui’s Huakui competes for the conference is so famous is because it has too much fun and can bring too much fun to everyone.

Even if you can’t win Huakui, it will make participants feel worthwhile.

After all, there is only one Hua Kui, and there is only one lucky person that’s all. Others can only enjoy this process. The Huakui Huakui contest for the conference is to do this process as well as possible, so that all the participants can feel happy.

“Qin Xiao, if you don’t have any good wine there, I still have a good wine here, I can give you a copy.” Xi Renlong suddenly said to Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shook the head and said: “No, it doesn’t necessarily need good wine. Perhaps the most important thing is that it’s right.”

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