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This is casual, but it gives a very arrogant feeling.

This is not an encouragement, it is just a kind of superior to the weak-how to say, perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it with a mention.

It also fully shows that in the center of Heaven’s Chosen, Qin Xiao is not taken into consideration at all.

Perhaps in his view, Qin Xiao is nothing but a stronger ant that’s all.

But the ants are ultimately ants, and no matter how powerful the ants are, they will not be seen by the dragon. This is Supreme arrogance.

Therefore, this meeting also made Qin Xiao not like Heaven’s Chosen very much.

In fact, Qin Xiao had no affection for Heaven’s Chosen before. Extreme Bliss Island was also helping him find their whereabouts in the sun. Afterwards, Heaven’s Chosen said, Extreme Bliss Island withdrew.

Since that time, Qin Xiao has no interest in Heaven’s Chosen.

Meeting today, I don’t have any good feelings.

This thing actually made the atmosphere on the scene a little strange.

“let’s start!”

Suddenly the voice of Lord Fummortal Palace broke out, breaking this strange atmosphere.

Yunku Elder came out, and the disciplinary of this time was presided over by him. The curtain officially opened.

In theory, arrogance does not participate in the comparison of the discipline. After all, the arrogance has already stood at the highest sequence of the discipline, and it is impossible to be promoted to another level.

For Jiaozi, the time of an epoch is actually very short, so it is used to test the strength, and nothing can be tested.

Of course, if there are 2 arrogants willing to come out to discuss and help everyone’s interest, that’s okay.

The most lively, but also the most common base disciple, the common disciple over 10000 together today, is a good opportunity to communicate.

The rules of disciple are not complicated, unlike the previous selection of the discipline. In the case of disciple, the emphasis is on the communication between disciplines, and the emphasis on disciples showing themselves is an up-and-coming opportunity.

For common disciple, everyone needs to participate in it, and then Elder comes out to comment on it, and even the owner of Fufu Immortal Palace will occasionally open a golden mouth and give pointers to 2.

Those who have greatly improved disciplines will be commended. To promote a smaller discipline, there will be some blame, and blame is also a little pressure to make him more motivated.

Entering the Immortal Palace does not mean you can sit back and relax. If you don’t work hard, it’s also a shame to be criticized and blamed in the discipline.

Qin Xiao’s strength has long been undoubtedly recognized. Coupled with Heaven’s Chosen’s shot just now, it also makes Qin Xiao rays of light dazzling.

Therefore, when Qin Xiao comes on the court, the opponent directly admits defeat and does not even have the courage to shoot.

For Qin Xiao, Elder is also unanimously praised and highly appraised.

Therefore, Qin Xiao has basically not shot, has been watching others’ competition.

The growth of Cai Fatty and Xiao Dao in these years is also very good. Although their strength is still among the bottom of the common disciple, their progress has been affirmed by several Elders and has given certain praise.

Progress is a good thing.

All the rays of light of common disciple are completely covered up by Qin Xiao.

Disciple has been held in a lively and festive atmosphere for 1000 years. From time to time, news has spread out, which can also make Linfu City lively.

Finally, among the common disciple, 4 people were promoted to Core Disciple.

These four people are: White Fan, Purple Box Fairy, Tie Yulong and Hao Guihu.

Among Core Disciple, no one was promoted to be the proud.

The number of pride is only ten or eight, which is very rare. It is really, very difficult to promote a pride.

Sometimes, it is relatively common that no one has been promoted to the arrogant for more than 10000 consecutive disciplines.

The promotion of Qin Xiao has not yet been announced, which has caused many people to speculate.

In terms of Qin Xiao’s strength, impossible at this time disciple is not promoted.

Therefore, many people think that it may be that Qin Xiao really wants to be promoted directly from common disciple to pride, so he has not announced it for a long time.

In fact, many people think that Qin Xiao is most likely to be directly promoted to an arrogant. After all, Qin Xiao’s current evil spirit is no less than Heaven’s Chosen. Even-it’s better than nothing.

So, many people think that Qin Xiao should be directly promoted to be the pride.

After all, in terms of strength, Qin Xiao has definitely reached the point of being proud.

In terms of talent potential, I am afraid that only the Heaven’s Chosen and Xiaoyu County Master can compete with one of the entire Fummortal Palace’s disciplines, and others must be far away.

If you can’t be promoted directly to be the arrogant, it’s a bit unreasonable.

The disciple lasted more than 1000 years, and it was finally over.

Four fans of the white fan became the winners, which is also a deserved reward.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the master of Fufu Immortal Palace, waiting for his final speech and final decision.

The main eyes of Fuma Immortal Palace swept softly on the side of the crowd, and a loud voice rang out: “My Fuma Immortal Palace disciplines, this time your performance makes me fairly satisfied. Barely going back, not at all surprised me unexpectedly.”

“The future of Fumar Immortal Palace depends on you. Only if you are all strong, can Fufu Immortal Palace become stronger.”

“You are the future hope of our Fumar Immortal Palace, which is the cornerstone for the continued growth of Fufu Immortal Palace.”

“So I have always placed very high expectations on you, and I hope that you can work harder to go out of your own world and glory.”

“Our Fummortal Palace will always be your most powerful backing, the most powerful embrace, and the warmest home.”

The words of Lord Fummortal Palace, although simple, with only a few words, are extremely exciting and inspiring everyone.

Let many disciples, all bursting with blood and fighting spirit.

They will fight for themselves, and for the strength of Fummortal Palace. They bear the sacred mission and glory.

Try Harder!

The vision of Lord Fummortal Palace finally fell on Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao couldn’t help but straighten his waist and was a little bit spirited after being looked at by Fuzhu Immortal Palace.

Everyone looked at it one by one, waiting for the final decision of the palace owner.

“Qin Xiao ——”

When the master of Fufu Immortal Palace shouted to Qin Xiao, his tone seemed a bit heavier.

“You are very good. You are the pride of Im Futal Immortal Palace now, the luck of Im Futal Immortal Palace. I feel lucky to receive a recipe like yours.”

“You came from the universe, came out of humbleness, and reached the point where it is so powerful today. In the meantime, you must have experienced endless hardships and dangers. You have the unique talent potential to get to this step by step.”

“You have a humble body, but it’s almost comparable to Heaven’s Chosen Child in Immortal King’s physique, which is very good.”

“As long as you walk down the cultivation path, you will one day be on Ancient Road. I look forward to your day.”

“However, the road to cultivation is long and full of countless uncertainties. Your talent potential is indeed very strong, and in all aspects, it is very good.”

“But this does not mean that you can definitely go on the Ancient Road and have achieved the status of Ancient Saint. Everything depends on your own fortune and your own efforts.”

“To go your own way, you must not take the wrong step, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble.”

Qin Xiao is still able to listen to the instruction of Fuma Immortal Palace.

Although he knew the truth, he still listened patiently. After listening, he also solemnly nodded that he understood.

“Qin Xiao, in view of your talent potential, evil performance, amazing strength, and won an honor for the Immortal Palace in Tianshan City. The owner of this palace decided to promote you directly to a proud son Announce the world to show the correct name.”

“Gift the 100 clan, centered on the Firefire clan, and radiate the surrounding 100 clan, for you, you are the lord.”

The master of Fufu Immortal Palace finally announced an exciting news.

Qin Xiao, who was directly promoted by the public, became an arrogant, and gave a land of 100 clan.

The last time the land of 100 clan was given, it was Heaven’s Chosen.

The other arrogants will only give the land of the 36 tribes as their territory.

The so-called realm is that after it is given, the 100 races in the realm are completely under your command. You can collect taxes from the 100 tribes, you can make private armies, you can set your own rules in the territory, and you can build your own government.

Owning territory, the significance is extraordinary.

The benefit of collecting taxes alone is enough to make people rush, it means that there will be a source of chaotic sources when walking.

And among the territories, the precious territories are also in charge of the lives and deaths of countless people. What really dominates one side.

Generally speaking, as long as you don’t overdo it in your territory, the Immortal Palace will not control how you rule your territory.

At least, there is no precedent for the deprivation of lordship among the years of the Fummortal Palace.

Being able to be an arrogant, that is the talent of Dragon Phoenix in ten-thousand does not have one, all parties are very good, so that kind of extremely evil thing, certainly will not do it.

Qin Xiao was directly given a place of 100 clan, which shows that Qin Xiao’s status in the mind of Lord Fummortal Palace is already comparable to Heaven’s Chosen. The reward is also based on Heaven’s Chosen specifications .

“Thank you Gongzhu!” Qin Xiao thanked the horse on the horse.

Qin Xiao has heard a few things about the territory before, but I don’t know much about it, so I have never taken seriously.

didn’t expect this time, it was unexpected surprise that I was given the land of 100 clan by the palace master. Qin Xiao did not think about this situation before.

The master of Fufu Immortal Palace left with Xiaoyu County Master and Heaven’s Chosen, and the disciplinary official ended.

An uproarous festive voice broke out.

“Haha, Qin Xiao Junior Brother, congratulations.”

“If you don’t understand the rules, how can you still call it Qin Xiao Junior Brother, you have to change your name to His Royal Highness Qin Xiao, or Lord Qin Xiao.”

“Yes, yes, it’s time to change the rules. You can’t mess with the rules.”

“Your Highness Qin Xiao, congratulations.”

“Lord Qin Xiao, good luck and congratulations.”

Faced with a good voice from everyone, Qin Xiao’s faint laughed was a response.

For the time being, he didn’t feel much about the name of the arrogant or the territory, so he didn’t feel much joy at all.

“Qin Xiao brother, you really made it this time, and made it big. Hahaha, I envy the dead.” Cai Fatty looked at Qin Xiao with envious looks.

Xiaodao corrected the words: “Cai fatty, be careful, you should call His Royal Highness Qin Xiao, Lord Qin Xiao.”

“Hahaha, yes, Lord Qin Xiao is good.” Cai fatty smiled even more happy.

Qin Xiao gave these two people a blank speech.

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