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After sending Ha Sheng away, Qin Xiao is one to start practicing Dragon Transformation Art.

Dragon’s blood enters the body and produces dragon power.

The 1st Step that Qin Xiao has to do is to bear the invasion of dragon’s blood, generate dragon power, and then control these dragon forces.

This 1st Step is very, very difficult, dragon’s blood is madly hot and has powerful power. Infiltrating Qin Xiao’s body from every pore, entering every cell and every nerve in Qin Xiao’s body, internal organs and even spiritual consciousness are not spared.

Under the penetration of this powerful force, it is even possible for Qin Xiao’s body to explode.

This force is too terrifying. Resisting, it must be a great improvement to the body. Can’t resist, immortal physique will collapse.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s body is still relatively strong. Even if it can’t be a normal 4 step Heavenly Venerable, it should be too much worse.

Furthermore, Soul Willpower of Qin Xiao is strong enough, so it can control this power.

As soon as Longli was born, Qin Xiao took control.

Control this dragon power, and then wait for the dragon power to accumulate slowly, to a certain extent, you can try to use the dragon power to condense the spirit of World’s All Living Things.

First of all, this 1st Step is more difficult, and the speed of Dragon Force is very slow.

Not only is it slow, but dragon’s blood penetrates into the body, and the powerful and hot force makes Qin Xiao very painful. This pain is a bit more painful than Qin Xiao’s previous tempering body.

Just living this pain is already a huge test.

This pain, not for a while, will last for a long time. This torment will become more and more terrifying as time goes on.

There are not many people who can bear this sustained pain, it will be very difficult.

Mystery, although it is said that there is no such threshold as high grade Immortal Technique, it does not mean that mystery is easier to practice than high grade Immortal Technique. This is a wrong perception.

High grade Immortal Technique is also extremely difficult to practice, and secret techniques are also well practiced.

But generally speaking, in fact, the difficulty of practicing secret techniques is higher than that of high grade Immortal Technique.

Dragon Transformation Art is obviously a secret technique that is extremely difficult to practice.

Just accumulating dragon power, it took Eighty thousand years to bear the extreme pain of Eighty thousand years. It was a difficult torment for anyone.

The immortal physique, the will, and the soul are all great tests. The average person simply cannot bear it.

But Qin Xiao still withstood it, which is definitely an extremely rare thing.

“Longli should have almost saved up. Now it’s time to condense the spirit of World’s All Living Things with Longli. This step is very important and crucial. If it is successful, you can continue to practice. If it fails, then It is time to regain the dragon power.”

“Even if it is easier to accumulate dragon power than before, it is still suffering.”

“The most important thing is that if you do this, it will waste a lot of time.”

“I only have millions of years, and I can’t afford that kind of waste.”

“So this step, I must succeed. It should be said that each subsequent step must be successful once.”

“If any step fails, the entire cultivation must start from the beginning. If one step is wrong, it will start from the beginning. This will delay a lot of time, so that for millions of years, I simply impossible to practice.”

Qin Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and also made up his mind to cheer himself up.

You have to go up and practice smoothly, and you can’t make any difference, otherwise the consequences will be more troublesome.

must do.

After cheering himself up, Qin Xiao started the second stage of training with all his heart.

To condense the spirit of World’s All Living Things with dragon power, the dragon is born of the spirit of World’s All Living Things. Through the theory of Dragon Force, you can feel the spirit of World’s All Living Things.

Then use Supreme’s dragon power to condense the spirit of World’s All Living Things, which is to communicating the world and communicate Taoism.

This process is very difficult. If you regard the accumulated dragon power as “physical activity”, then it is now “brain power”. Generally speaking, physical work is relatively rough, and mental work requires a certain amount of brain, which means that the threshold will be higher.

Naturally, it is even more difficult.

Cultivation will be more difficult in the future, and this Qin Xiao has already prepared for it.

Qin Xiao’s mind sank completely and was released into the world, trying hard to communicating the world 10000 things.

The so-called 10000 things, everything in the world is 10000 things, this is a general term.

Everything that can be seen and cannot be seen belongs to 10000 things.

Communicating the world 10000 things is not particularly difficult for Qin Xiao. After all, Qin Xiao’s state of mind is extremely high, his mental strength is also very strong, his will is firm, his soul is strong.

So Qin Xiao can easily enter the mood of One with Heaven and Earth, and this mood can communicating the world 10000 things.

What few people can do is really not difficult for Qin Xiao.

In his cultivation along the way, he also often enters the mood of the heaven and the whole.

So this step is not an obstacle for Qin Xiao.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao entered the mood of One with Heaven and Earth.

How do you feel about this feeling? Qin Xiao’s consciousness has been integrated into World’s All Living Things, and has become a part of World’s All Living Things. Naturally, you can clearly see World’s All Living Things.

Next, it is to communicating the world 10000 the spirit of things, this is the most important step.

This is like Qin Xiao is a small fish in a river at this time. Although he is in this river, he can clearly perceive this river. However, what he wants to do is that he wants to control everything in this river.

It is extremely difficult to control all the fish in this river and obey his orders.

Therefore, you need to communicating the world 10000 things, and then come to control the spirit of World’s All Living Things.

One communication and one control are actually divided into 2 steps.

What Qin Xiao has to do now is to first communicating the world 10000 things. He consciously entered World’s All Living Things, and then came to communicating the world 10000 things with great ideas, so that World’s All Living Things can respond.

This step is very difficult, so Qin Xiao is constantly trying and working hard.

But obviously, there is no easy thing.

After repeated attempts and repeated efforts, no good progress has been made.

At this step, Qin Xiao is a bit embarrassed.

Of course, Qin Xiao is not an easy loser. Since being temporarily stumped, Qin Xiao is also confident and continues to work hard.

Time is running out again.

This attempt took 50,000 years, and Qin Xiao finally stepped out of this step.

Successfully communicated World’s All Living Things, in fact, the idea is also very simple, at first Qin Xiao has entered a misunderstanding.

To compare with a river, Qin Xiao at first’s idea is to communicating the world 10000 things, then find each fish in the river to communicate. But there are countless fish in this river. In a limited time, you can communicate with all the fish well.

Therefore, if you move towards this direction, then it will not help if you try harder.

Unless you are given unlimited time, but even if you step out of this step with unlimited time, it only shows that you do not have this potential at all to practice Dragon Transformation Art.

Later, Qin Xiao wanted to understand that he didn’t need to communicate with each fish at all, he just needed to communicate with the river.

Because all the fish are in the river, you only need to communicate with the river. Then the river communicates with each fish, and naturally all of them are communicated at once.

Communicating the world 10000 things, and wanting to understand the key points to be successful.

“The next step is to condense the spirit of World’s All Living Things.”

“World’s All Living Things have spirits. The so-called spirit is the power of World’s All Living Things itself. This is like my own strength, which is’Spirit’. Just like between Heaven and Earth, there is Qi of Immortal Spirit. A spirit.”

“But the spirits of World’s All Living Things are different, not just the power of immortal spirit.”

“Condensing the spirit of World’s All Living Things is actually to condense the power from the heaven and earth, for me to use.”

“The secret technique is called the secret technique because it has a unique place and a strong place. It can be very powerful when it is displayed.”

“So, you need to borrow power from the heavens and the earth, or borrow power from the immortal dao law. With this power, to make the means more powerful, this is the immoral technique.”

The next step is slightly easier than communicating the world 10000 things.

Of course, it’s just that Qin Xiao feels easier, in fact, in theory, the more difficult it will be in the future.

But maybe the mood is different, and the mentality of the problem is also different.

Although it feels easy, this step is enough for Qin Xiao to spend nearly 100,000 years, which is enough to condense enough Spirit of World’s All Living Things.

The spirits of World’s All Living Things exist between Heaven and Earth, and Qin Xiao controls the spirits of World’s All Living Things with Supreme’s Power of Thought.

The next step is the last step, and it is also the most critical step of the cultivation Dragon Transformation Art-Hualong.

The last step is to transform the dragon with the spirit of World’s All Living Things.

If you can complete this step, then practice is accomplished.

So success or failure can be said to be here.

The difficulty of this step is that the spirit of World’s All Living Things is different in itself. It is naturally very, very difficult to fuse different forces together to achieve perfect integration.

Endless power, endless integration, and finally to the point where perfection is achieved, can it exert its maximum effect and condense into the strongest power.

This step is too difficult.

It’s rare that Qin Xiao can’t help being frowned: “The last step, anyway, I have to take it down and fight it.”

“If everything goes well, then I can practice successfully within a million years.”

“If this time is not going well, then I have to start all over again, and it will take another 200,000 years. In that case, I am afraid that within millions of years, it will be difficult for me to practice and succeed.”

“Now that you have chosen the secret technique of Dragon Transformation Art, you have to believe that you can practice successfully. Otherwise, if you don’t have the secret technique, then the next battle, I simply don’t have to shoot, just admit defeat.

“Put away?”

Qin Xiao firmly shook the head: “Impossible, always impossible.”

“I was born Qin Xiao now, but I have never voluntarily conceded defeats. No matter how difficult it is, I believe I will definitely be able to get past.

“Come on, fight.”

For Qin Xiao, this last step is also desperate to fight, regardless of everything.

In order to win, to honor, all must be done.

Start, practice!

“Dragon Transformation, how can Dragon Transformation be done?”

Qin Xiao recalled the scene when Ha Sheng gave him a rehearsal in his mind. Although he had digested it deeply enough, he always felt that there was no place to catch it.

Now I revisit it again, meticulously, and then analyze it, I want to catch some key points from it, and important clues come out to help him understand.

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