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Qin Xiao handed it over is also a jade carving, Immortal Qi is haunting, ghostly and awe-inspiring, and at a glance it is known to be a very exquisite work of art.

And it’s not only as simple as artwork, so rich Immortal Qi is lingering, but also exudes a strong Xianwei, already has some spirituality, this is definitely a very good Immortal Treasure.

Just looking at it, you know that it is worth a lot.

After the store has been open for so many years, it naturally develops an occupational disease. Those who see good things and cannot to bear will want to take them over and have a good palm. Good things, I want to take them down.

What he just brought out is actually a more ordinary thing that’s all.

But at this time, what Qin Xiao took out was actually rare treasure, an art Peak product of resembles nature itself.

“This jade stone is-agar industry white jade, it is actually a rare agar industry white jade, so a lot of it is used to carve a piece of art, it is really not an ordinary luxury!”

The store immediately discovered that the material of the jade carving piece in Qin Xiao’s hands was not small, and his eyes lit up.

Seeing rare art seen rare, naturally makes the store very excited.

However, this store is obviously an old fox with rigorous schemes and deep foresight. Although the heart is very excited, but the surface is like an ancient well, there is no trace of waves, and no trace of emotion.

The store hand just wanted to move, but immediately stopped again, looked at Qin Xiao with a deep smile, and said: “youngster, do you want to play this with me?”

“Hehe, I still don’t want to eat your set. Do you think the little plot against in your heart, I will not understand?”

“Your thing, I’ll just glance at it, don’t pass it on to me, you put it away.”

Qin Xiao said with a pity: “Originally, when you open a door to do business, you will also shut out the business. I thought you were the one coming.”

“Although I don’t know how to do business, I haven’t heard of it like this.”

“Since the store you have confiscated the meaning of this Immortal Treasure, forget it. I’ll go to another house to ask. I wanted to take advantage of this time to sell a good price. It seems that the store doesn’t know the goods well.”

“Or, the store is so timid that you dare not accept it. That’s all, I think there will always be people who appreciate it.”

“Ben thought, if you sold this thing, you would compensate the store for your losses. Now, it seems that you can only think of another way.”

Lin Aran looked at Qin Xiao with some doubts. Is this to be recognized?

It doesn’t make sense, it’s not like Qin Xiao’s behavior. With such a big pit, how could he jump willingly?

The thing just now was obviously not broken by Ashok, and even if it was smashed by Ashok, it was not worth much, just a little fancy that’s all.

But if it is dead, it is worth 100 chaotic source that’s all.

The opening is 10000, obviously it is to pit people into the dead. How can I eat such a big loss?

10000 Chaos source stones, I am afraid that all the materials they sold this time, they can not get so many chaotic source stones together.

Along the way, Qin Xiao gave everyone the impression of being powerful, not afraid of power, dare to fight and kill, to be kind, but also jealous.

In case of injustice, dare to settle everything.

This is Qin Xiao, a genius and hero worthy of admiration.

So Qin Xiao’s actions at this time really made Lin Ao not understand it. This is not like what Qin Xiao did. Maybe there are any ways in it?

The store listened to Qin Xiao’s words, and after thinking about it, he relaxed a little: “Wait, youngster, are you sure you want to sell?”

Qin Xiao nodded said: “Yeah, otherwise? What do you think of us as if we can compensate for the Immortal Treasure just now?”

“So, there’s no way. I can only sell something. If you don’t take it away, I’ll just go ask someone else.”

“Pingyao City is so big, I think there should be people who buy it.”

“We are all honest people, and we don’t want to cause any trouble. But you shouldn’t bully our outsiders at the store. You raise your head 3 feet, but there is a god.”

Hum, still raised his head 3 feet with a god?

The shopkeeper chuckled, and Qin Xiao has been classified into a very good class.

To deal with this kind of person, he has 10000 ways to kill him.

The store also expressed a somewhat embarrassed look, saying: “I was really not a good thing for this thing, after all, our store does not lack good Immortal Treasure.”

“However, it’s also embarrassing to see what you look like, then make an exception, so don’t accept it for embarrassment.”

“This thing, although the craftsmanship of the carving is quite good, the overall is not bad. However, it is not worth much.”

“In this way, today I am also a bad luck. I will give you 5000 Chaos Source Stones. No one can give this price to the entire Pingyao City.”


Qin Xiao suddenly smiled and said, “Store, do you think everyone is a fool except you?”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the store’s expression suddenly froze slightly, frowning at Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao put the things straight away, his expression sinking and said: “Maybe we are not as smart as the store, we are outsiders with little strength, but it does not mean that we are stupid, and we are willing to let it be slaughtered.”

“Everything, why should we have a degree? Is the store really trying to drive us to a dead end?”

“The price of 5000 Chaos Source Stone was also reported by the shop owner. Since you are so ignorant and so clumsy, I’ll find another house.”

Not only did the store not be angry at this time, but instead he laughed and pulled Qin Xiao, saying: “Youngster, don’t worry, this is business, the particular thing is to bargain. I quoted the price, you can still report it The price.”

“Buy and sell, it’s on both sides, and it’s up to you to be willing to do what you want. If you don’t care about what I don’t want, then can’t it be done?”

“Then, if you quote a price, I will see if I can accept it. If I can accept it, then the deal will become.”

Qin Xiao’s mouth was crossed with an indistinct smile, and the fish was already hooked, saying: “Although I also not quite clear the specific value of this treasure, but I can’t get 10000 sources of chaos.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the shopkeeper sneered again and scolded the fool.

This thing is more than 10000 source of chaos? It’s really awkward.

But it is normal to think about it. Where do people in the town have so much knowledge?

At this time, it would be cheaper for him.

“10000 Chaos Source Stone? Who do you listen to? A piece of art worth the price of 10000 Chaos Source Stone is very rare.” The store immediately said.

Qin Xiao pointed to the broken Immortal Treasure just now, saying, “Did you say that your Immortal Treasure is worth 10000 Chaos Source?”

“This one is very common to me, it can be worth 10000 source of chaos, why can’t mine?”

“Store, you still refuse to make a real price, then I think there is nothing more to talk about.”

Qin Xiao’s words made Fiercely smoke at the corner of the shop’s mouth. His thing was worth ten chaotic source stones. Where would it be worth 10000 chaotic source stones?

In his shop, there will be Immortal Treasure worth 10000 Chaos Sources.

Not to mention the one in his shop, even on this street.

But this piece of Immortal Treasure in Qin Xiao’s hand is indeed worth a few 10000 sources of chaos.

The store hesitated, and looked very embarrassed, saying: “OK, then I will suffer a second loss, even if you are the source of 10000 chaos.”

“Exactly, against the one you broke, you gave me that Immortal Treasure, and we will be cleared between us.”

“Hehe, goodbye!”

Qin Xiao smiled deeply for 2 times without saying much, and sent a goodbye to the store directly.

The store is also awkward. He thought Qin Xiao was very good at handling it. It should be very easy to deal with, but how is this situation a bit wrong.

How can he feel a little struggling with this youngster?

Seeing how Qin Xiao really wanted to go, the store pulled Qin Xiao again and ridiculed again: “Good, then I will give you the last real price, 10000 2. This is definitely my bottom line, can’t be more More. This price, I believe this street, and no second person dared to give it, don’t believe you can try it.”

“If you can’t accept this price, then please.”

“However, for this Immortal Treasure, you pay me first.”

After all, the store really made a gesture of asking for it.

This is obviously a method of retreating. Where does Qin Xiao know this technique?

If you are really selling an Immortal Treasure, then Qin Xiao will definitely not be like that.

But at this time, he has plans.

“10000 2 ——”

Qin Xiao pretends to be a carefully considered look, not sure about the price.

When the store saw this, he was already happy. According to his experience, people who generally show careful consideration will basically nodded.

At this time, he has made a lot of money. It’s good to meet such a person who has never seen anything in the world.

This time it opened, enough for him to eat a few eras.

The store also behaved in a hurry. Seeing Qin Xiao was still hesitating, he seized the opportunity and said: “Otherwise, would you go to another house and ask for the price first?”

“I’m not in a hurry. This price has already reached the top. I fully believe that no one in this street can afford it higher than me.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you are honest and can’t afford my Immortal Treasure, I will give you the price of 10000 2 impossible.”

The store’s words were full of confidence and determination, as if he had suffered a big loss.

In this case, it will hint to others.

Qin Xiao also showed a look that was shocked by the store’s words, and finally it was nodded: “Okay, 10000 2 is 10000 2. I can go back and explain.”

Seeing Qin Xiao nodded agree, the store has already blossomed.

This time, it’s really profitable, it feels too cool and cool.

He has opened a store here for so many years, but it is the first time he has earned so much.

This is indeed good luck.

“Then take it.” The store reached out to Qin Xiao, beckoning to give him something.

Qin Xiao didn’t hesitate anymore and immediately threw the Immortal Treasure to the store.

Seeing that Qin Xiao really sold Immortal Treasure to the store at 10000 2, Lin Ao was a bit anxious and wanted to speak a few times, but in the end he refrained.

On the one hand, he thinks that Qin Xiao should not do such a big loss.

On the other hand, I think that Qin Xiao may have other intentions, let’s look at it first.

If he speaks rashly, Qin Xiao’s plan may be broken.

After I got the Immortal Treasure, the store immediately put it away, fearing that the things in my mouth would fly away.

To be wild with joy in my heart, but the waves on his face are not surprised, this deep city is not something that ordinary people can have.

The store threw a space ring to Qin Xiao, saying: “You click, there are 2 1000 chaos source stones.”

Qin Xiao took the space ring and checked it. There are indeed 2 chaotic sources in it.

“Well, it’s not wrong, then we are 2 clear, leave.” After Qin Xiao said a sentence, he signaled Lin Ao to leave.

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