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This kind of auction has no appeal to Qin Xiao, but Lin Amaranth is participating in auction for the first time, so it seems a little exciting.

But Lin Ao was very tight at hand, and naturally he didn’t have the spare money to bargain for things.

For Qin Xiao, what is auctioned here cannot be seen. Such as middle grade Immortal Grade, peculiar Immortal Treasure, some rare materials, and some Rare Items. For ordinary people, these things are already very attractive.

Finally, when it came to the midfield, after the host’s heated speech, he said it was a heavy treasure to be auctioned.

The host knows how to control the atmosphere on the spot, fully mobilize all the passion and curiosity, and make everyone very excited and looking forward to it.

What a treasure is being blown away by the presenter?

Those who have thick wallets are already rubbing their hands together, and those without chaotic sources are also waiting to open their eyes.

Qin Xiao still hasn’t raised much interest in this host’s arrogance of the ultimate finale.

Here, what other treasures could make him feel unsuccessful?

Soon, the two maids pushed the so-called heavy treasure out, but it was temporarily covered with something, so it was not possible to see exactly what was inside.

The host also seemed to continue to appease everyone’s appetite, not at all, anxious to take away the things that covered the treasure.

Mysterious sense, but also a very powerful force.

Just after that so-called Zhongbao was launched, a voice suddenly came from the depth of Qin Xiao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Qin Xiao little friend–“

Hearing this sudden sound, Qin Xiao almost didn’t startle. Fortunately, his temperament was strong and firm enough, so he didn’t react at all and immediately calmed down.

In fact, Qin Xiao had always felt that there was any power hidden in his body. Although he had not noticed it, when the Spirit Valley died, that force saved him once, which made Qin Xiao always very sure. this matter.

But he has never been able to detect where that power is hiding, so he has not been investigating this matter too much.

It has been more than 600 and 10000 years since the death of Spirit Valley, and nothing has happened, so Qin Xiao is not thinking about it now.

But now, a sudden voice came out, and at this time, there was communication with him.

“I don’t know what Senior is called? Lord Tong Ji?” Qin Xiao tried to ask.

At first, in the ancient Gods Vestige, he triggered the prohibition, evoking the ancient power in the ancient Gods Vestige, and he felt a voice sounded in his mind.

The other Qin Xiao can’t remember it, vaguely remembering the four characters of Saint Biantong.

At this time, after Qin Xiao determined that a strong consciousness was lurking in the depths of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qin Xiao immediately thought of it, and he thought of Lord Ji Tong.

Said the Lord, that should be the existence of an Ancient Saint.

Qin Xiao is not strange because of the existence of Ancient Saint.

If it were not for the existence of Ancient Saint, it was impossible for so long and so deep in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

If it weren’t for the existence of Ancient Saint, it would also be impossible to save them in Spirit Valley.

“Yes, Wu Nai, the King of Daggers, a person who should have died for endless years, but it is struggle on whilst at death’s door. So far, there is still a trace of that’s all.” Italian Sea of ​​Consciousness That voice in the ocean It sounded again, seemingly vicissitudes, full of endless sorrow.

This sadness can even infect Qin Xiao.

How can a holy sorrow be so sad?

Qin Xiao is also quite puzzled in his heart. It seems that there is a lot of story about this Lord Biantong.

“I don’t know Senior, why do you say that?” Qin Xiao asked.

Sheng Ji, sighed, said: “Ai, that’s all that’s all, sad past, don’t mention it, don’t mention it.”

“I am now only a trace of Remnant Soul, Saint Physique is not there, my soul is incomplete, and my consciousness has not fully recovered.”

Just a hint of Remnant Soul?

Qin Xiao was a little relieved, no wonder he never found the location of Lord Beitong.

It just feels there, but it can’t be found.

How can a saint be reduced to the tragic situation where only a trace of Remnant Soul is left?

Moreover, there is only a trace of Remnant Soul, which was in the Spirit Valley before, but it has retreated from the endless bones. What level of existence does this King Jiongtong exist?

It feels like it should not be a step of Ancient Saint, realm should be higher.

2 steps to Ancient Saint? 3 steps to Ancient Saint? Or, does the existence of Ancient Saints of 4 steps fail?

Such a powerful existence, who made him so miserable?

Why is he so sad?

Behind this, there must be many things right, but these Qin Xiao can’t figure it out, it’s even harder to ask. Therefore, I don’t even think about it.

“Senior Senior of Bian Tong suddenly came out. Is there anything that Junior needs to do? If it is, then Senior is instructed that, as long as Junior can do it, it will certainly not be blamed.”

“I was killed in Spirit Valley before, and I was fortunate to have been rescued by the Senior Climber, otherwise my friend and I would have died there.”

“Junior’s life-saving grace is always remembered in mind.”

Qin Xiao said seriously, It shouldn’t be plain and invincible, suddenly came out to talk to him.

If Lord Biantong wanted to talk to him, it would not be hidden in his mind for more than 600 and 10000 years in the ocean of Sea of ​​Consciousness, before speaking for the first time.

Obviously, the former Lord Tong Ji shouldn’t want to let himself know of his existence, so he has been lurking deeply.

Suddenly emerged today, there must be a demon in that impermanence, something must have happened.

Sheng Ji, said: “Well, Qin Xiao, you are abnormally intelligent, and you can communicate with everybody.”

“Yes, yes, I came out to talk to you this time, there is indeed a very important thing I want you to do for me.”

“The thing that is being auctioned now contains a piece of my holy artifact, which has a great effect on me.”

“So, I want to ask you for help, must give that thing to auction.”

Is that auction item only?

This matter was simple, and Qin Xiao didn’t think much about it. Immediately, nodded agreed to it: “Good Senior Climber Saint Senior, this little thing is naturally no problem at all.”

“I assure you that this auction will definitely be taken down.”

Qin Xiao can still have 5,000,000 source of chaos. He doesn’t believe it yet. The treasure auctioned here can exceed this price?

1,000,000 Chaos Source Stones are enough to buy a high grade Immortal Grade, 5,000,000 Chaos Source Stones, but you can buy a lot of things. It is enough to buy an extremely secret mystery.

The financial support also gave Qin Xiao confidence.

Originally, Qin Xiao had no interest in this auction at all. Now, naturally, he has raised his interest and stared at the treasure.

Qin Xiao didn’t take it to the host that the auction item had been sold to the sky. Qin Xiao didn’t take it for granted. Now I believe it is a treasure. After all, it contains fragments of Holy Artifact.

Holy Artifact!

Qin Xiao has not seen a Holy Artifact yet.

Prestige of Saint Artifact, how powerful should it be?

“Friend Qin Xiao, I may need you to do a lot of help in the future.”

After finishing the speech, Sheng Jiong added another sentence: “Of course, you help me, I will definitely repay you, and will not let you help in vain.”

“It’s just that now I’m just a little Remnant Soul, and I haven’t been able to help you yet, but in the future I will be grateful to you and thank you.”

How grateful is it to get a gratitude from a saint? What a good thing is this?

But Qin Xiao didn’t care too much about it, smiled and said: “Ben Tong Shengzun Senior’s words are too heavy, just relying on your life-saving grace with me, it’s also worth Qin Xiao to do everything for you It’s something.”

“Therefore, it is not necessary for me to be so polite to the Senior Climber of Senior Climbers. No matter what happens in the future, I need Qin Xiao to do it, as long as the Senior Climber of Senior Climbers is a word.

“Whether it is possible or impossible, Junior will do everything he can to do it.”

“The destiny of the Senior Climber of King Tong, will also be completed as much as possible.”

Lord Tong Ji seemed to be flustered, and after a while, he said: “Qin Xiao, I don’t think I am wrong.”

“I was banned in the ancient Gods Vestige for countless years. I have not counted, I don’t know if it is 10000 cosmic eras or dozens of several millions, or even longer. I can’t remember, I can’t remember.”

“Since the endless years, there have been countless intruders, but none of them can hide in peace.”

“It wasn’t until I met Qin Xiao, you, that I saw my last hope. If Qin Xiao, you don’t show up again, maybe I can only leave this World with regret.”

“That’s what I don’t want!”

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but touched his nose and thought to himself, it seemed that he was really a lucky person.

Such good things have been encountered by myself, maybe this is luck.

“I also had some prescient names at that time, and knew that the big difficulty was coming, so I secretly made some preparations.”

“Although I only have a trace of Remnant Soul, my immortal physique still exists. However, I saved the immortal physique in my holy artifact, and then shattered my holy artifact into 9 fragments, Then I was broken up to all parts of Great Thousand Worlds.”

“Now, the most urgent thing for me now is to collect these 9 pieces together, so that my life, Holy Artifact, can be seen again and again. Then, my immortal physique can return, and I can be resurrected.”

“But I only have a trace of Remnant Soul, I can’t do anything, I can only hide in your body.”

“Looking for the fragments of my holy life artifact, I can only ask you to do it. As soon as I get close to the holy artifact fragments, I can sense them.”

“However, Great Thousand Worlds is vast and time has passed so long, so it is indeed very difficult to find these 9 pieces now. Very difficult. Moreover, it is not an overnight thing, I am afraid it will be a very long process. .”

“So I know this, it is very embarrassing to you, but now I have no choice but to choose you and believe you.”

“If you have any conditions, you can come up with it, and I can do my best to satisfy you.”

Hearing here, Qin Xiao understands what the Supreme Master Beitong wanted to do. Qin Xiao laughed and said, “Senior Senior Master Tong, you are really serious.”

“It’s still that sentence, Senior Biantong Senior, you are my life saving benefactor, and I should repay you.”

“So no matter what you have to do, just open your mouth.”

“No matter what I can’t do, I Qin Xiao will do my best.”

“This matter, I will definitely make every effort to do it, no matter how much cosmic era time.”

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