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“Only for the killing of Monster Race and Demon Race powerhouse? This is strange. How strange is this strange power to Monster Race Demon Race? How to deal with Monster and Demon Races in this way. And it can be done like this. Yes, I am afraid that the strength is also terrifying.”

“Such a strong Great Influence hiding in Liberty City is really chilling.”

“Fortunately, it does not deal with the lives of other races, only for Monster and Demon Races.”

“No wonder, Monster and Demon Races are gathered in Liberty City. When we entered the city, we also saw a lot of Monster Race and Demon Race, watching them look alert.”

Zhai Rong was somewhat relieved, and some situations were resolved well.

This situation is indeed strange.

“Of course be wary, that weird power may be shot at any time.”

“So now the entire Liberty City is full of demon race people. They are responsible for strictly guarding the entire Liberty City in case the strange power people will shoot.” Little second brother nodded.

Qin Xiao They also understood why those demon race lives would look at them with that kind of eyes when they came in, and advised them to leave Liberty City.

I am afraid that those demon races also doubt that they are the strange power people.

It may be fortunate that their realm is relatively low, so they have nothing to do with them.

If is a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment comes in, I am afraid you will get special care.

“This strange power still has a moral bottom line. It only deals with the demon race, not affecting the lives of other races.” Qin Xiao pouted and suddenly said.

In terms of feeling, Qin Xiao feels that this strange power has a sense of justice.

It’s not like killing, killing innocent villains indiscriminately.

“Hush!” Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the little second brother suddenly made a boos motion, a terrified look.

“This lord, you can’t talk nonsense like this. Well, the wine and vegetables are ready. Please use it slowly for a few adults. The little ones will leave first. If you have any orders, call the little ones.”

Having said that, the second brother also left in a hurry, seeming to escape.

For fear that staying a little longer will bring him a killing disaster.

The situation in Liberty City is very chaotic, complicated and weird.

100 Chuanfusu noodles said slightly: “It seems that it is meaningless for us to stay longer in this Liberty City. Monster and Demon Races are under martial law here, and the lives of other races are temporarily hiding in the building, so they dare not easily come out.”

“The whole Liberty City is filled with the smell of smoke.”

“And this strange power is very powerful, and Monster and Demon Races have a lot of 4-step Heavenly Venerable realm dying in their hands.”

“So, I don’t think we should stay longer in Liberty City. We should leave early and enter the realm of Wujian, focusing on the overall situation. After all, we came out this time for the mission of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven. “

“Complete the task first, other things, and talk about it later.”

Qin Xiao agreed with the reminder of 100 Chuan Fu Su.

Young Master Yu naturally needless to say, he is unwavering in following the steps of his brother, regardless of right and wrong.

Qin Xiao always feels that the atmosphere in Liberty City is very wrong. It is estimated that something important is going to happen.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

And there is a lot of life of Monster and Demon Races gathered here, Monster and Demon Races and Human Race can always be incompatible as fire and water, has several points of feeling of natural enemies, this is also a hidden danger.

So, it’s better to leave Liberty City quickly.

The most important thing is that this time they are also to go to Wujian Demon to perform the enforcement justice on behalf of the Heaven task, which is the most important thing.

However, Zhai Rong disagreed, and chuckled, saying, “How can you be afraid of nothing if you are 100 Sichuan Fusu?”

“What’s so scary about it? Didn’t listen to the second brother, the strange power is only for Monster and Demon Races, and not for the lives of other races.”

“So, naturally, we will not target us anymore. We stayed in Liberty City, which is very safe.”

“Monster and Demon Races have to deal with that weird power, so it won’t do anything to us. Is there any place that is safer than in Liberty City?”

“So, why should we leave?”

Regarding Zhai Rong’s remarks, 100 Chufusu was also a little displeased and said with a dull face: “Just because of security, so we don’t leave Liberty City?”

“Again, safety is just that’s all you think, I don’t think it’s safe here.”

“A lot of things are sudden, not found before, does not mean that it will not happen in the future.”

“Now Liberty City is full of dense medical smell, and it will only intensify. The strange power has ceased for hundreds of years, and Monster and Demon Races have martial law in Liberty City for 100 years.”

“Under this few waves, it is very likely that a big storm will brew.”

“We don’t need to plunge ourselves into this storm, so I think it’s better to leave Liberty City earlier. It’s not a matter of fear, but we have the task of enforcing Justice on behalf of the Heaven Here it takes.”

“Entering the Wujian Demon Realm, there is still danger waiting for us to face it, and it is not an easy thing.”

“So, we don’t need to leave the risk here.”

“No no no ——”

Zhai Rong, however, shook the head and said, “100 Chuanfusu, I totally disagree with you.”

Completely disagree?

Between 2 people, there was a pin against an awl feeling, facing each other fiercely.

“I said I shouldn’t leave in a hurry, but it’s also for our task.”

“You think, what is the most in Liberty City now? Isn’t it Demon?”

“So, think about it, does it mean that if we can seize the opportunity, in fact we don’t have to enter the Wujian Demon Realm, we can directly complete the task of enforce justice on behalf of the Heaven in Liberty City? Now.”

“I think the number of human demons in the Liberty City at this time must be more than 3000? The number of great demons must be more than 100?”

“The number of Demon Races in Liberty City is enough. Why do we need to stay close? It is not enough to shoot directly in the Liberty City.”

“And it doesn’t have to be so troublesome, it can be solved directly with one start, isn’t it better?”

“So, we can’t leave Liberty City so urgently.”

“Haha, yeah, Rong Shao is right, this is the perfect time.”

“Isn’t it said that you can complete the mission in Liberty City, and why do you still need to enter Wujian Demon Realm? Do you want to enter Wujian Demon Realm so much?”

Fu Renyi and Qi Li also echoed, helping Zhai Rong.

100 Chuanfusu’s face sank slightly, thinking about some problems.

Although he disagreed with Zhai Rong’s plan to stay in Liberty City, he was hard to find words to refute Zhai Rong’s words.

Indeed, if they have this ability, then it is definitely possible to complete the mission in the Free City at this time.

The number of Monster Races gathered in Liberty City at this time can be much more than the number they need to complete the mission.

But 100 Chuanfusu is still unwilling to stay in Liberty City. He always feels that the risk of staying in Liberty City is too great. Maybe something unexpected will happen.

But Zhai Rong and they all agreed to stay in the Liberty City, which made the 100 Chuan Fu Su very helpless.

He does not have the leadership of the team, and the words will not work.

So ah, if you don’t want to, you can only do that’s all temporarily.

Although Qin Xiao agrees with the idea of ​​100 Chuan Fusu, but he does not at all have the right to speak, but he can only shut up.

“Brother Fusu, Young Master Yu, wait for the three of us to be more careful. If there is any situation, we are all close together, do not separate, so that we can better protect ourselves.”

“Hope now, don’t let anything happen, otherwise we will be harmed by Zhai Rong guy.” Qin Xiao sound transmission to 100 Chuanfu Su and Yu Young Master said.

Young Master Yu gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Brother, let’s go wrong, why not listen to him Zhai Rong.”

“I can’t bear it enough. Why should the leadership be in Zhai Rong’s hands? Why can’t we say anything? It’s such a shame.”

“We, brother 2, must be led by them and direct our actions.”

“If they don’t want to leave Liberty City, let them stay in Liberty City. At the worst, we can do this task ourselves, we don’t need them. At most, just share the results with them, we are generous. “

100 Chuan Fusu was silent for a long while before saying: “Second Brother, don’t be impulsive, you can’t act recklessly.”

“What I’m thinking now is that I don’t know what medicine he sold in the bottle gourd.”

“There must be no good water in his stomach, there must be some hidden means to deal with us.”

“So Zhai Rong insists on staying in Liberty City, will he have any means to show it.”

“That’s the eldest brother, Zhai Rong’s guy, he must have a bad stomach. He must have set up the means to deal with us.”

“So, brother, we can’t let him do it anymore, and we should rise up to resist and leave the Free City directly. If they don’t leave, then we will leave, and we will do the task ourselves, which is better than being plot against them. Right?” Yu Young Master said again.

100 Chuanfusu thought for a while, but shook his head to deny Yu Young Master’s words, saying: “It can’t be said that it is a blessing or a curse, a curse can’t be avoided.”

“Even if we insist on leaving Liberty City, he still has the means that Zhai Rong should have.”

“Some things can’t be avoided. Besides, why should we hide?”

“If Zhai Rong really played tricks on us, then it would just give us reasons to deal with them and teach them a hard lesson, wouldn’t it be better?”

“So, since Zhai Rong wants to play, then we’ll just stay and play with them, what’s the fear?”

Young Master Yu was flustered and thought for a while, but there was still some uneasiness in his heart.

“Qin Xiao, what do you think of this matter?” 100 Chuan Fusu asked Qin Xiao again.

Qin Xiao was also thinking about this issue, saying: “I also just mentioned leaving Liberty City just now, but listening to Brother Fusu you just said that it really makes sense.”

“Blessing is not a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided.”

“So, there is really nothing to hide. If he Zhai Rong really wants to play any means, it is better to hide, but to accompany them to play.”

“As long as they dare to play, then we dare to teach them well, A Tooth For A Tooth, or even double back to them, is this a happy thing?”

“Avoid their plot against, that’s really suffocating.”

“We also expected what means they would play, so there is nothing surprising.”

“Since Zhai Rong wants to stay in Liberty City, it is very likely that he has designed crafty plots and machinations here, so he is waiting to deal with us.”

“If this is really the case, then there is no need for us to leave.”

Yu Young Master curl one’s lip, he doesn’t understand such a profound truth.

But since Qin Xiao and Big Brother both said to stay, then stay.

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