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Old man shook the head, said: “Want to condense all the power, is it an easier said than done?”

“Since the departure of the first free City Lord, the cohesion of the Free City has been declining.”

“Although the current Liberty City cannot be said to be scattered, it will not be so good. The situation is definitely not optimistic.”

“Plus now, Monster and Demon Races gathered in Liberty City, and it was even the entire Liberty City people were alarmed. The critical moments are all flying separately.”

“So you have also seen that the entire Liberty City has become very quiet. In the streets and alleys, the silhouette is no longer visible.”

“That’s because everyone hid back into their own homes and just protect themselves. Where else do you think of uniting the people of the entire Free City?”

“One consequence of this situation is that it is difficult for the entire Free City people to come together, it is difficult to form a united force, and it is difficult to show the true strength of Free City.”

“I’m afraid people now have forgotten the heart of freedom, and there is no longer the bloody character that people in Liberty City should have.”

“Ai, God is going to die, I am Freetown, God is going to die.”

The old man in the canopy looked up to the sky and wrote about the pain and helplessness, as well as a copy of the vicissitudes and ancient vicissitudes.

An old ashes that has survived more than 10000 cosmic epochs, at this time the true feelings are revealed and sympathetic.

After listening to the so-called old man of the hood, so much, Qin Xiao and Yu Young Master also felt quite shocked and deeply touched.

Qin Xiao suddenly said, “Senior, do you also think Monster and Demon Races are going to launch a massacre battle?”

The old man in the canopy took a deep look at Qin Xiao, and then looked at all around again. After confirming that there was no one in all around, he said: “Why, you two Little Brat have any ideas?”

Qin Xiao nodded, there is no negative saying: “Yes, Senior, we have discussed before, unanimously feel that Monster and Demon Races should not do such a thing.”

“On the one hand, if they really prepared the slaughter plan, it would be possible for the impossible to spread the plan.”

“In terms of 2, if it really leaked out by accident, then I think they should immediately launch the slaughter plan instead of waiting like this all the time. I believe everyone understands the truth of the night.”

“However, it has been a long time since the news came out, but Monster and Demon Races still have no action. Isn’t this a very strange thing?”

“In terms of 3, even though Liberty City is a piece of sand, the heritage still exists after all. And there are countless lives in Liberty City. If you want to completely slaughter clean, then believe that Monster and Demon Races will also pay a huge price. Just come out.”

“Such a huge price, Monster and Demon Races should be considered carefully? Slaughter of Liberty City, how great is the benefit of Monster and Demon Races? Things that do not have huge benefits are really worth paying such a huge price. Do you think I’m a lunatic except for fools?”

Old man nodded, said with a straight face: “It seems that the two of you still understand people and can figure out these situations.”

“Based on my knowledge of Monster and Demon Races, it is indeed possible for them to do such things, and it cannot be said that it is completely impossible.”

“But this probability is indeed very low and very low. So, I think this is a big conspiracy, and that strange force is the one who is trying to pick up the battle between Monster and Demon Races and Liberty City. , Good sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.”

“But what’s the use of understanding this? Most people don’t understand it, it’s just worrying about Monster and Demon Races’ slaughter.”

“We speak lightly, and we can’t do anything at all. Even if we know these, there is no way to stand up and say anything. Even if you stand out and say something, no one will believe it.”

“We are powerless, so we can only wait and watch and live and die together with Liberty City. This is the only thing we can do now.”

“Ai, I am old too. I have lived for so long, enough, and tired. This time, I will die if I die. Anyway, my cultivation road has already been broken. I can live for so long, also It’s just because Liberty City that’s all.”

“If Liberty City passed away, it would be meaningless for me to live. It would only be a burden that’s all.”

Hearing this, the old man in the hood is desperate, without any hope, he is ready to die.

If a person has already thought about his death, then he is already fearless. Everything he says is floating clouds.

“Two Little Brat, I would like to persuade you, you should leave Liberty City as soon as possible. You have just come from Youcheng and you are just a passer that’s all, there is no need to stay to die.”

“You should leave in a hurry now. If you don’t go quickly, I’m afraid you won’t be in a hurry.”

“If the Battle of the Slaughter City broke out, it would be Barren. No one would be spared.”

The hooded old man suddenly looked at Qin Xiao and Yu Young Master seriously.

Qin Xiao shook his head laughed and said, “We want to go, but I don’t think I can go out now?”

“Monster and Demon Races have encircled Liberty City. It shouldn’t be to let anyone go out of Liberty City again.”

“We are going out now, it is also a very dangerous thing.”

Of course, Qin Xiao not at all said that the real reason is that Zhai Rong couldn’t leave.

If he really wanted to leave Liberty City, there should be no problem.

However, once the Battle of the Massacre broke out, then it was really hard to say.

After all, if the Battle of the Slaughter City, the situation is completely uncontrollable, then Monster and Demon Races will also be crazy killing, killing when you see people, there will be no room for talking at all.

If you leave now, there is still some room for it, and it is still very likely to leave Liberty City smoothly.

Yu Young Master curl one’s lip, said: “We want to go, but someone is holding us.”

“Forget it, but now I don’t feel like leaving anymore. It’s such a good Liberty City that it is a pity to say that it will be destroyed.”

“Senior, do you really feel that there is no hope at all? Will Liberty City be at the point of being destroyed by the Slaughter City?”

“Perhaps, what else can we do. I always feel that we should not give up until the moment of death?”

“Others don’t have a free heart, but we still have it. Is it possible that we can try to awaken the free heart of others?”

“The old residents in Liberty City should account for the overwhelming majority. If they can unite the majority, it will also become a very powerful force.”

Old man shook the head, said: “Speaking of which is simple, it is very difficult to do.”

“We have no strength, 2 has no status, and 3 has no credibility, so ah, there will be no appeal at all.”

“Furthermore, the people in Liberty City are now in their own camps, each defending their own piece of land and hiding in their own places.”

“In such a situation, how do you gather others? Do you knock on the door one by one, each and everyone’s conversation?”

“It is estimated that after you have finished the talk, the Battle of the Slaughterhouse is over, which is very unrealistic.”

Yu Young Master expression dimmed, and what the old man in the hood said was quite reasonable.

Want to call the people of Liberty City, that is an easier said than done?

Free City has no City Lord. It is a group of dragons without a head. Now it is scattered into a sand. Simply there is no way to condense it.

“Actually, it is not necessary to condense everyone? It is indeed a fantasy story to want to condense everyone, and we do not have that ability to do it.”

“Even if there is, it will take a lot of time. With that time, I am afraid that the Battle of the Slaughter City will be over.”


Qin Xiao looked at the hooded old man before continuing: “If we can get in touch with the 3000 most primitive clan powers, it would be almost the summon’s power of most free cities.”

“Strength can be transferred. As long as you have mastered this part of the power, it is possible to unite the power of the Free City.”

“And the 3000 clan powers can also call for free Legion to take action. If these forces are added together, then they will be qualified to negotiate with Monster and Demon Races.”

“War, for Liberty City, is definitely not a good thing, it will only destroy the entire Liberty City.”

“If you can’t fight, that is the best solution. If you want to not fight, you must be able to consolidate the power of the entire Free City to have the bargaining chips.”

“From the perspective of Monster and Demon Races, they should and do not want to start the Battle of the Massacre, unless it is time for as a last resort.”

“And it’s a huge conspiracy in itself. It is estimated that Monster and Demon Races are aware of it, so their slaughter of the city has been delayed.”

“Under such circumstances, as long as we have chips in hand, we believe that we can start a conversation and talk about a good result.”

The old man in the hood still shook his head and said, “It’s still that sentence, speaking of which is easy, but it’s difficult to do.”

“3000 primitive clan power, you can’t talk to each and everyone?”

“And do you know where their family land is? Do you know who to talk to? Can you enter their family land?”

“At this time, I believe that their family land is also martial law, can outsiders easily let you in?”

“So, this matter is too difficult, too difficult. Even if you can enter, but the 3000 clan strength, you and everyone talk about it? Then after you finish talking, you must be sure that the battle of the city of slaughter is over.”

“These ideas from your youngster are good, but they won’t work. What you think, old fogey, I thought about it a long time ago.”

“It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work at all. We, helpless, really helpless.”

“Ai, drink the bar anyway, there may be no way to drink it in the future.”

Qin Xiao was hard-laughed, it seems that Old Senior is really completely desperate, so no matter what he mentions, he feels impossible to do it.

But really, it’s really difficult, it really doesn’t seem to have any probability.

But how to say, no matter how low the probability, there will always be a trace. As long as there is a trace of probability, it can be tried.

If you don’t try it, it’s definitely impossible.

If you give it a try, there will always be a little hope that there will be, even if it is only 1000 1/10000th, it is hope that it is not.

But this thing really caused Qin Xiao to have a headache, and he didn’t have a better plan to do this thing.

Yu Young Master shook the head, he is also completely helpless, feels powerless, it is really uncomfortable, it makes people have a urge to be crazy.

How to do it?

Is there really no way out?

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