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Elf Race’s long and deep eyes looked at the old man in the hood, secretly hiding a strange sharp edge.

Being stared at by Elf Race for so long, the old man in the hood also felt like a needle.

This look is very bad, full of cold anger and hostility, it seems to be warning or threatening.

But the hooded old man is still fearless, still standing straight, still so loyal.

“Elf Race is long. If you refuse to say it, then I will.”

“Don’t say that fencing is the only choice, this is simply the worst choice.”

“The unity of the 10000 ethnic groups should be done, and it is also the first thing to do. So today’s gathering meeting must be opened, and it is very meaningful to open.”

“But I feel that uniting the 10000 clan and consolidating the power of the 10000 clan is not purely to lead the war.”

“I believe everyone should know very well that once the war breaks out, it must be irreconcilable.”

“Our 10000 clan Qi Li, it is indeed very strong. But we must also recognize a reality, bloody reality, we are helpless, but Monster and Demon Races can be continuously increased.”

“And in terms of the strength of the Monster and Demon Races now, our 10000 clan wins are very small.”

“As a result of the war, the probability of our 10000 clan extermination is definitely more than 99%. I think everyone knows this in fact.”

“Since you can see such a result, why did you Elf Race lead the battle when you first came up, but did you choose this Road of No Return directly?”

“Why not try it first and negotiate with Monster and Demon Races to try to resolve the crisis of this time in a peaceful way?”

The old man’s words made many people silent.

Many people originally disagree with direct fencing. In fact, they have also thought of the path of dialogue and negotiation. It is worth fighting for it anyway.

Only in the atmosphere at this time, under the momentum of the activists who fought, no one dared to stand up and say that’s all.

The words of the old man in the hood, naturally aroused the resonance of many people, and also brought back the thoughts of many people.

Yeah, why must lead the battle? Why can’t we find other solutions?

Once the massacre war broke out, the 10000 races can be said to be invincible unless there is a miracle.

But who can see this miracle?

No one can see, what is the difference between dreaming and dreaming?

Elf Race was coldly snorted and said: “Old Broke, do you think we haven’t tried it? Monster and Demon Races this time is an iron-minded city to be slaughtered, to destroy our 10000 races, and to destroy Liberty City.”

“So, we have no choice, do you know?”

“Do you think we want to fight? We don’t want to fight, but there is no way. No war, that is to sit and wait for death, that will only make Monster and Demon Races win more easily.”

“Therefore, we have no way to go, only one war will rest.”

“As long as we are united and fighting hard, we will not lose Monster and Demon Races even if we lose in the end.”

“We can die, but we cannot die cowardly and humble. We must die vigorously and make our lives valuable.”

“Have you tried? Monster and Demon Races are really iron-hearted?” the old man in the hood asked frowningly.

Elf Race is long nodded and definitely replied: “Yes, that’s true. If you don’t believe you can ask them a few.”

At this time, there are also many 4-step Heavenly Venerable environments followed by Eld Race long nodded.

It seems that Elf Race is not the only one under control.

However, this is also normal. If you control Elf Race for only one person and think of it, it is naturally impossible.

“Hmph, I think yours is just a breath, talk nonsense, and fabrication of facts.” The old man in the hood shouted angrily.

“Monster and Demon Races, if they are really determined to launch a massacre battle, why are they late? Why give us the opportunity to unite 10000 races?”

“Are Monster and Demon Races both fools? Don’t you understand the most basic truth?”

“If we start the Battle of the Slaughter City when our 10000 Clan in Liberty City is still in a mess, isn’t it easier to win? We have to wait until our 10000 Clan unites and condenses into a force to start the Battle of the Slaughter City, Monster and Demon How stupid is Races? Did each and everyone get water in their heads?”

“Elf Race is long, please don’t tell me that Monster and Demon Races are not ready, the power has not gathered together to cheat the 3-year-old child.”

“Monster and Demon Races have already gathered enough power in Liberty City to start a war. Even if they wait for the slowdown, they can wait for the battle.”

“Well, what would you explain to Elf Race?”

Elf Race was calm but said: “I don’t give any explanation because I really don’t know what medicine is sold in Monster and Demon Races bottle gourd.”

“But it’s not important. What’s important is that we have clarified the attitude of Monster and Demon Races, and clarified that the massacre battle will definitely happen, that’s enough.”

“We don’t care what other people think. What we have to do now is to unite the strength of our 10000 people and prepare for war.”

“If it’s just because we don’t understand the intentions of Monster and Demon Races, then negate everything, how ridiculous is that?”

“Everyone, I have said enough. Do you want to listen to his nonsense, or believe us?”

“Time doesn’t and the others, don’t hesitate, you have to make a decision as soon as possible, and bring us time to condense 10000 clan strength. The tighter our strength is, the greater the chance of winning.”

Elf Race obviously didn’t want to get entangled with the old man in the hood, so he directly used the method of “rogue” and dealt with it without knowing it.

Then, it is also necessary to guide others quickly, as long as most people agree, then control.

Under the impetus of the situation, under the turmoil, then naturally no one will stand up to object again, even if there is something wrong with it.

“Yeah, we don’t want to listen to this Old Guy talk nonsense. He is just trying to confuse people, striking people’s hearts, and he is very suspicious. I think he is a spy.”

“It can’t be said that it is a spy, it may just be corrupted. Don’t worry about him. We can continue to express our position. I firmly support Elf Race’s suggestion.”

“Yes, I also strongly support, we are not afraid of a battle.”

“I agree.”

“If there is no other choice, then there is only one battle.”

…Once the rhythm is brought up, it can sweep everyone.

“This Elf Race is absolutely under the control of people. The people behind it are really a good way. They can control those 4 step Heavenly Venerable environments. It really is a disaster.”

“Controlling these four-step Heavenly Venerable, it is basically equivalent to controlling the power of the 4 clan in Liberty City, and what is missing now is guidance.”

“No, no, if you go on like this, the conspiracy of the people behind it will succeed. If the lead battle succeeds, then the next battle must be the outbreak, and the Free City will not be saved, and it will be powerless.”

“Brother, Qin Xiao, we have to find a way to prevent this from happening.” Yu Young Master also screamed at Elf Race, and he got anxious.

100 Chuanfu Su deep frowns, the expression looks unprecedentedly dignified.

He is also thinking about this problem, but he really does not know how to get started, how to help the old man.

This matter is too tricky.

Qin Xiao is also hard to come by, and he also has to admire the means of the people behind him, and he really played hard enough, and this move is sinister enough.

But also have to admit the power of this move.

“It’s not going to go on like this. If the old man with the hood is too big, not at all plays a big role, and it is directly attacked by Elf Race.”

“If you drag on, the crafty plots and machinations of the people behind will be successful, and Liberty City will be over.”

“It seems that there is no other way. I can only stand up and give it a go. I can’t do it. I can only force it to see if I can force the person behind.”

Qin Xiao could only gritt his teeth in the end, so he took a chance.

There is really no other way, it can only be a fight.

the thoughts got to this point, Qin Xiao also resolutely stepped forward, stood next to the old man in the hood and gazed at everyone.

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