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Elf Race came to Qin Xiao and said apologetically: “Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist, I feel extremely ashamed.”

“It was a misstep that was manipulated by the adulterer and almost killed the lives of the 10000 people. That is a great sin, and it cannot be forgiven.”

“Fortunately, Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist shot out with justice and turned out, preventing this from happening and saving the lives of 10000 people in our Free City.”

“This kind of great kindness and virtue, please accept me.”

Let’s just say that Elf Race Chief really wants to give Qin Xiao a big gift. Qin Xiao sees it. Where can Elf Race Chief give him such a big gift, he quickly stopped.

Hold Elf Race Chief and say, “Elf Race Senior Senior doesn’t need to be so polite, my cultivator takes care of justice, when there is noble righteousness. In case of injustice, it is shot when it is shot. , It’s really hard to just ignore it.”

“Furthermore, my two brothers and I are also trapped in it, so we have to take action.”

“Senior, the leader of Elf Race, you are also victims. You are under the control of the humane spirit behind it. It is not what you really do. I think everyone can understand.”

“This matter has passed, Senior Senior of Elf Race, you don’t need to care so much. Everyone to live together in harmony, this is the best ending.”

Yeah, everyone is still alive, and Liberty City has kept it. This is the best ending.

Everything else is not important, after all, this is just a big conspiracy that’s all.

Everything is controlled by the person behind, everyone is a victim.

After the rain has cleared, Qin Xiao is a hero, and the image of Gao Dawei’an is also inscribed in everyone’s heart.

In Elf Race’s mind, Qin Xiao was regarded as a Li Holy Sect person, which made Qin Xiao’s image suddenly much taller.

Li Holy Sect, people have always been like legendary existence, and rarely walk in the world, very rare seen.

Moreover, Li Sheng’s demands on the doormen are extremely harsh, and they must be upright gentleman. They are full of integrity and worthy of respect.

Therefore, the people of Lee Holy Sect are extremely brilliant images, and they can be respected everywhere.

“Everyone, since everyone is here today, then I think there is a very important thing that needs everyone to discuss together.”

Chief Elf Race suddenly said to everyone, everyone also got up and looked at it, and basically guessed what was going on.

Elf Race continued: “Since 10,000 years ago, when our City Lord of Liberty was disconnected, the position of our City Lord in Liberty has been vacant for 10000 years.”

“The so-called country cannot live a day without monarch.

“Although our Liberty City is small, it is also our common home for 10000 people, a free home.”

“Election of a new City Lord is an urgent matter for us. Today, we took this opportunity to implement this major event and let us stabilize the Liberty City, reinvigorate and reinvigorate the new trend.”

“Never change our Liberty City, and do not reform it again. I am afraid that similar incidents will happen again.”

“We are lucky once, impossible will be lucky next time.”

As for Elf Race’s long suggestion, everyone naturally agrees seriously. This matter should have been implemented long ago.

In the past 10000 years, in fact, I have tried to promote the election of the new City Lord many times, only because the people behind them caused a lot of trouble, and then Monster and Demon Races entered the Free City in a big way. Delayed.

Now it is mentioned again, it is naturally supported by the audience, and it should be a long time to elect a new City Lord.

Elf Race continued: “The election of our City Lord in the Free City has always been fair and fair and open to the capable. In addition to the capable, we should also meet several necessary conditions. It only takes millions of years to live in the city.”

“Only people in Liberty City are eligible to compete for the position of Liberty City Lord.”

“Many free city lords walked and died, and many were challenged, which caused the current chaos in our free city.”

“Our Liberty City has just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe. We are all in great trouble, so we should wake ourselves up.”

“This chaotic situation must be completely changed, otherwise our Liberty City will still embark on a path of decline, which is not what we all want to see.”

“Free City Lord, capable people live. Whether it is strength or prestige, it should be able to serve the crowd.”

“However, I feel that at this time, we will make some appropriate changes. I suggest that Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist will directly take over the City Lord of our Free City and become our new City Lord, leading our Free City, How do you feel about moving towards a better future?”

Juli patriarch immediately echoed: “If you talk about strength, prestige, and talent, I believe that Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist is well deserved.”

“The only condition is that Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist not at all lived in Liberty City for too long, but I think the rules are dead and people are alive. Liberty City is all of us, and the rules are naturally all of us. “

“So, I also very much agree with Elf Race’s suggestion. I think Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist is the candidate for our new City Lord unique and unmatched in Liberty City.”

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

“Raise your hands in agreement!”

“My Red Fox tribe, the whole tribe agrees.”

“I Dwarf Race, the whole family agrees.”

“I Demon Race, the whole family agrees.”

“I also agree with Monster Race.”


Elf Race’s long idea came out, the sound of approval was higher than the wave, and immediately pushed Qin Xiao to a high point, supported by the lives of 10000 families, and the prestige reached a very high point.

With such prestige, I am afraid that only the first free City Lord can compare.

100 Chuanfusu and Yu Young Master 2 people also jokingly agreed, especially Yu Young Master, that was an excitement, as if he wanted to be a free City Lord.

In addition to the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment of Liberty, the other 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment has expressed its position, and most of the patriarch has also expressed its position.

Liberty Legion had no power to intervene and express its position in the election of the City Lord of Liberty City, so Liberty Legion chose silence.

Being so elected by everyone as the new City Lord of Liberty City, Qin Xiao was very sincere and fearful, but he did not expect Elf Race to push him for a long time.

For such a thing, Qin Xiao is really unacceptable. He shook his head and quickly waved his hand: “no no no, Elf Race is long, I can’t 10000 10000.”

“To speak of the new City Lord of Liberty City, I feel that Elf Race should be yours.”

“I’m just an outsider, a passer that’s all. The position of free City Lord is really not competent.”

“Furthermore, I will leave Liberty City immediately. I am immersed in cultivation, and I have no intention to care about other things.

“Let me govern a city, that’s 10000 10000.”

When this Liberty City Lord, Qin Xiao is definitely unwilling, even if everyone is so enthusiastic.

“Haha, Qin Xiao brother, Bai gave you a City Lord when you are not right. tsk tsk, the strength of Liberty City is also very strong. If you become this free City Lord, that is equal to your power all at once It is many times more powerful, so powerful. Tsk tsk, I think it’s cool to think about it.”

“If you don’t do it properly, then let me be the chant, I want to be the one.” Yu Young Master quipped.

Qin Xiao bitterly laughed and said, “That’s for you, you should be the chant.”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, I have how many catties and how many taels. I know it myself. I just want to be, and no one supports me. If I really want to fight, I can’t fight Elf Race. They. So, forget it.” Yu Young Master immediately took the head.

He was just kidding that’s all, he really wanted to be, and that also requires the consent of the 10000 people of Liberty City.

Obviously, no one except Qin Xiao has this prestige.

Qin Xiao saved the Free City and saved the lives of 10000 people. Only after being thanked and supported by the lives of 10000 people would they be elected as the new City Lord of Free City.

This is irreplaceable and no one can enjoy treatment.

Elf Race looks at the head with a solemn face and says to Qin Xiao: “Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist, I had been a City Lord before, but I really couldn’t get it, and I was challenged later. So, I Naturally impossible come out as this City Lord again.”

“Now you are what people want, and there are no two candidates that everyone supports.”

“You saved our Liberty City, but our Liberty City is still a piece of sand, and still lives up to its prospects.”

“You will do good things in the end, be our new City Lord in Liberty City.”

“You only need to make good rules, and other things can be left to Free Legion to do it, and you don’t need to do it yourself.”

“Freedom City Lord is also extremely free, just a symbol of spirit, a symbol of strength.”

“You have to go out for cultivation in the future, that is also possible. I believe that only you can reorganize our Free City and lead us on the right track.

“So, on behalf of the 10000 lives of the Liberty City, I would like to invite Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist to save us, reorganize the Liberty City, and lead us to reshape the Liberty City, the heart of freedom, and the struggle for soil.”

“Yeah, Qin Xiao Fellow Daoist, please, I’m willing to ask you to be our City Lord.”

“Qin City Lord, you agree, I will kneel for you.”

“Qin City Lord, you are our City Lord, I will not agree to anyone else.”

“Qin City Lord!”

“Qin City Lord!”

“Qin City Lord!”

Faces sincerely invited, strong feelings, incomparable enthusiasm.

Qin City Lord shouted, and finally 10000 people shouted in unison.

Under such enthusiasm, Qin Xiao didn’t know what to say.

If you refuse, what should you say at this time?

But what if I don’t refuse? Unacceptable?

Qin Xiao really didn’t think about being a City Lord, so it was really embarrassing at this time, and I didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Qin Xiao brother, it’s hard to be kind, you should be the first one. Really not, if there are good candidates in the future, you will give way. The Liberty City can be preserved, it is your credit, your deepness People’s hearts, except for you, I am afraid that no one will be supported by City Lord.”

“If you don’t do it properly, then Liberty City will probably not have a new City Lord for a long time, and no one dares to stand up and be.”

“In this case, it is estimated that the situation in Liberty City may really get worse.” Yu Young Master persuaded.

100 Chuan Fusu knew Qin Xiao’s concerns and embarrassments, so he didn’t say much, he respected Qin Xiao’s choice.

In fact, Qin Xiao also knows this, and the situation that Yu Young Master said, he also considered.

And he also knows that when he is a City Lord, there are definitely benefits.

He came to Xianyu 2 for more than 1000 years. Although his own strength has grown a lot, he has not established his own strength.

If you become a free City Lord, then you have a power of your own, and it is a very powerful force. This may be a resource for you to stand in the fairyland in the future.

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