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“First, I want to restore the free heart of Liberty City, the spirit of peace in Liberty City, and the vast light of Liberty City.”

“So, I want to expel all the evil people who are hiding in the Free City from the Free City. Especially for those who are evil, I can kill them, warn others from following bad examples.”

“Freedom City, although it is a free city. But this freedom is the heart of freedom, the heart of goodness, not the freedom of an evil heart. Freedom City is not a wanted criminal, not a hideout for evildoers. , Not a paradise for them to escape.”

“The arrival of these people will only pollute the air of Liberty City, and it will only bring bad customs to Liberty City. If this continues, it will slowly defile the Liberty City and produce bad effects.

“Liberty City is not a Buddha, and it doesn’t have the ability to fertilize the wicked and purify the wicked. Therefore, it can only be simpler, blocking the wicked from the city wall and preventing them from stepping into the city.

“With this idea, everyone may feel that they have violated their freedom, and they may think that those wanted criminals and those who did evil dodged in Freedom City, and they would not accept evil in Freedom City.”

“But I still firmly believe that these people are a hidden danger, and there will always be troubles after a long time. There are people who abandon the evil and follow the good, and after the good, you will come from the city, then we welcome. Before the good, we don’t welcome. “

“It’s just that we don’t welcome evildoers, we don’t forgive all evil, we should kill them.”

“We, Liberty City, don’t fight the world and don’t like killing, but some people step into the Liberty City and enter our territory, then we should take control.”

“I’m thinking about it, everyone think about it, let’s discuss it together.”

Qin Xiao looked at everyone seriously, and said his first mention.

I have this idea because I have seen one-eyed person like one-eyed person in the Freedom House restaurant before. And Qin Xiao later learned that there are so many unscrupulous people like one-eyed person, wanted criminals, but there are still many hidden in the Liberty City.

Qin Xiao is also a jealous person. Now that he is the City Lord of Liberty City, how can he tolerate that these people continue to stay in it?

So, this is his first thing to do.

In response to this, everyone immediately started a discussion.

Some people really don’t think it matters. After all, there are still very few people who enter the Free City.

Occasionally there are some who have done evil, but it is not too evil, and there are many people who come to Liberty City to become honest.

Of course, some extremely evil people are having trouble in Liberty City. This has happened a lot.

After some intense discussions, everyone finally had a consensus.

Chief Elf Race stood up as a representative and said: “We also feel that some extremely evil people do pose a great hidden danger to our Liberty City. Now that Liberty City is being reorganized, we agree with City Lord’s suggestion The evil ones are all driven out of Liberty City.”

“Some wicked people are directly beheaded and cannot be left in the world. We can also be regarded as enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.”

“City Lord, do you have any other ideas?”

Other suggestions?

Qin Xiao actually did not at all mention something, but after thinking about it at this time, he still said: “Although we are said to be a city of freedom, everyone has a heart of freedom, and the 10000 ethnic groups get along very harmoniously. But I think There are good points in this environment, and there are some disadvantages.”

“The good thing is that everyone in the Free City is very happy and comfortable. It can basically be said to be carefree, no need to think about anything, no competition pressure. There is nothing to be cheated or intrigue.

“Everyone is very simple, so there are many people in Liberty City who have lived through the 10000 cosmic era.”

“But because of this, the overall strength of Liberty City is not strong, and no genius was born.”

“If this continues to develop in the past, I think it is also very unfavorable to Liberty City.”

“So I think it should be strengthened in terms of cultivation and the cultivation of future generations. The best thing is to set up an institution such as a free Academy and concentrate on cultivating some excellent disciplines and bring out some competition. To inspire some geniuses to be born.”

“Then we can concentrate some resources to cultivate these few geniuses and continuously deliver powerhouses to the Free City to strengthen the Free City.”

“The ultimate guardian power still depends on strength. In terms of the current strength of Liberty City alone, it is indeed weaker. This time, just a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment that’s all, almost destroyed the entire Liberty City. Now.”

“So this issue, I think it is also very important.”

At this time, everyone’s discussion became more intense.

“City Lord, but we have always been in this rhythm of life. If there is competition, then it is not conducive to unity and harmony?”

“Yes, City Lord, we have always come here like this. And our resources are relatively limited and scarce, it is difficult to devote a lot of effort in cultivating the discipline.”

“If you set up a Liberty Academy, there will be a lot of competition, and there will be more competition. I am afraid that there will be more things like intrigue. Is this not a good thing for the freedom of our Free City? “

“Our Free City has always been a land outside the world, not fighting with the world, not fighting with people, only willing to live our easy life. Although this is indeed a lot less pursuit, but we do not care much These ones.”

“It’s flat and bland, it’s a kind of happiness for us.”

“Yeah City Lord, if this is the case, then we have to prepare more cultivation resources, but where does the cultivation resources come from? This is probably a new problem, and we have to solve this new problem. The problem.”

“I agree with what the City Lord said. We are in a crisis of this time. In the final analysis, isn’t it because our free city is weaker?”

“At this time, City Lord came forward to rescue us, what about next time? Can we have such luck again? So, we should really consider this issue really, and should really make us become stronger. Just get up.”

“And it may not be as scary as you said, as long as it is well managed, there will be no problems.”

“Otherwise, don’t set up any free Academy. Cultivate the clan by yourself, so there will be less competition. As long as the clan pays attention to this problem, it is true that there will be a lot of free Academy. Disputes.”

“Yeah, that’s all right. This issue should still be taken seriously.”

“Well, this is fine.”

As a result of the final discussion, no free Academy was established, and all clan groups cultivated by themselves. Everyone took this issue seriously.

Since everyone said so, Qin Xiao didn’t say anything more, so let’s do it first, depending on everyone’s wishes.

Qin Xiao also said: “In fact, there is still a way to get more cultivation resources. Our Liberty City has 10000 clan life, and each clan has its own good things.”

“It only requires all ethnic groups to take out their good things, and then organize them reasonably, I believe there will be a good way of doing business.”

“Commercializing with other cities, this is a quick route to earn cultivation resources.”

“You may have some before, but they should all be small. You really have to do it. Everyone should sit down and discuss together to come up with a good plan, and then everyone work with a common purpose and do it together. Make In terms of scale, only then can more chaotic sources be earned.”

“Inside, I have some good experience to give you.”

Qin Xiao’s suggestion was quickly recognized by everyone, and then the matter of commerce was discussed.

As for experience, Qin Xiao had heard a lot of money from Fatty before, and it was considered to be tainted.

The father of Cai Fatty is definitely the genius of business. Qin Xiao is an admirable figure.

In fact, Liberty City has a lot of resources, but they did not know how to use that’s all before, or they were not willing to use that’s all.

Now Qin Xiao has integrated them and made a reasonable plan, which has become much clearer and clearer at once.

In addition to these issues, some other issues were discussed, and all aspects of the Free City were brought out and discussed together.

Then formulated various guidelines, and the city rules of Liberty City remained unchanged.

But many problems have also come up with many solutions.

Everyone discusses together, Qin Xiao is often just a decision-maker that’s all, the details have everyone to discuss together, don’t worry about him.

Actually, the situation in Liberty City is not complicated, it can even be said to be very simple.

Before the Liberty City was scattered, there were a lot of problems exposed, but in the final analysis, it was because the previous Free City Lord’s governance had no way that’s all.

The previous freedom City Lord had no prestige, and everyone naturally did not convince him, so he would not pay much attention to him.

Naturally, everyone will do their own thing, and then naturally there will be some confusion.

Now Qin Xiao has reunited everyone’s hearts together. Everyone is working with a common purpose and working together to make Liberty City better and to be a united city. Naturally, there is nothing difficult for everyone.

And, in fact, there are no hard problems, they are all small problems that’s all, then it is easier to solve.

After some discussion, basically all the issues have been arranged properly.

Then Qin Xiao issued an order to let Elf Race command them to publish all these decisions to the patriarch of the 10000 family, let them know about it.

After doing this, Qin Xiao had to return to City Lord Mansion.

“Although I have been talking for so long, I am dry-mouthed, but finally I have decided both the large and small issues.”

“Fortunately, with Elf Race’s support, it is much easier to manage Free City than I imagined. There will not be many things that have to wait for me to find a solution.”

“Actually, Elf Race, they have all thought about the detailed solutions, and they will all do well, just need me to nod.”

“My role is only to consolidate everyone’s strength that’s all. Then I give orders to let the people of the 10000 clan agree to go.”

Qin Xiao pouted and laughed. Some of his original worries now seem superfluous.

But this is also very good, without that many things, he did not regret to agree to this free City Lord.

Qin Xiao is also very happy to be able to solve the problem of each and everyone in Liberty City, foresee the development of Liberty City in a good direction, and even return to the best state before.

He is now looking forward to that day, it will be a very fulfilling thing.

Doing something seriously is something that is very happy and worth looking forward to.

This feeling is really good, really good!

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