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Qin Xiao glanced at the two people who were talking softly. The two people seemed to notice that someone looked at them, and left in a hurry.

Qin Xiao’s hearing is very good, so he can hear the relatively small sounds far away.

Lan Lingsheng 5 of them did not hear the conversation of the 2 people.

“Li Sheng’s 1000 gold came to Hu Ling? This is interesting.” Qin Xiao laughed in his heart.

Although he is not a Lee Holy Sect, but how to say, Qin Xiao is really eager to become a Lee Holy Sect when speaking in deep in one’s heart.

Li Sheng is a person who admires and admires in his heart.

The two greatest figures in the age of Xianyu are Shakyamuni and Li Sheng.

Compared with Buddhism, Qin Xiao prefers the flying sword way. Although Buddhism is more wide-ranging and profound, and stronger, Qin Xiao feels that he does not like it and is not suitable for himself.

Li Sheng, as one of the two greatest figures in the age of Immortal Territory, naturally has an incomparably high status, and his strength is incomparably powerful.

So when this news came out, it was normal for Hu Ling’s children with surnames to come up and find Li Sheng 1000 gold and make friends with her.

If you can capture the heart of Li Sheng 1000 gold, then there is indeed a feeling of ascending to the skies with a single leap.

Li Sheng’s only 1000 gold, the attraction is really not imaginable.

But Qin Xiao has no interest in this kind of thing. Of course, he does not discriminate against such things.

If there is an opportunity to be able to worship under Li Sheng’s door, Qin Xiao will also desperately pursue it. Of course, Qin Xiao has its own bottom line principle, and Qin Xiao cannot do anything to sell his soul.

“Lan Lingsheng, look, there is a beautiful girl over there.” Shi Kou suddenly pushed Lan Lingsheng.

To be long and handsome, Lan Lingsheng must be very handsome. After all, he is a person of Elf Race, and his appearance has always been a symbol of Elf Race.

“I only like the girl of Elf Race. I don’t dare to be interested in other races. I can’t appreciate it.” Lan Lingsheng glanced at it, which is the hook the head.

Shi Kou glared at Lan Lingsheng, but he didn’t look. The girl in Human Race was so beautiful that she couldn’t appreciate it.

tsk tsk, the girl in front of me is really beautiful and cute, and she also exudes a very special temperament, which will make people feel the eyes shine.

It’s beautiful, it’s really beautiful.

“It’s been 100-200 years since I came to Shangyong City, and I have seen a lot of beautiful girls. However, like this girl is so beautiful and attractive, there is still nothing. What should I do, I can’t walk “Look,” Shi Kou looked at a girl not far from her eyes with a demented expression, and said fascinatedly.

Lan Lingsheng patted Shi Kou’s head directly, and said, “Come on Shi Kou, not to be the brother’s blow to you. Just because of your height and appearance, can the girl look at you?”

“Ah, don’t think that you can be humiliating if you are handsome. I – I’m not short, I’m short, I’m fat, my skin is black, my face is round, how can I grow bad?”

“Furthermore-I didn’t say I wanted to pursue the girl, I just couldn’t look at it.” Shi Kou said very dissatisfied.

But in terms of Dwarf Race’s appearance, judging from the aesthetic standards of Human Race, it is indeed not good.

Qin Xiao also noticed that the girl they said was indeed of the kind that can be attracted to the past at a glance.

It’s very beautiful, looks like seventeen-eighteen, wearing a light blue palace skirt, a pair of very delicate Princess boots, a cute and refreshing big ponytail, wearing a very chic chain, and still having a hand on it A delicate and beautiful bracelet.

The skin is very white, just like the best sheep fat jade, there is a sense of sight that blows away.

There was a sunny smile on his face, which gave a very youthful and energetic feeling.

There are 2 small dimples that make me smile.

She has a very special temperament, this temperament is very attractive, people can not help but look at her a few more times.

Sunny, lively, beautiful, and lovely.

The pretty girl Qin Xiao has really seen a lot. To say that the most attractive in temperament is the owner of Xiaoyu County. This is no way, people have natural advantages, then it is a peach body.

Ranked second, it should belong to the Ming Yue who claimed to be Jade Lake Saintess.

The one in front of him is definitely ranked third. Even speaking, it may not be worse than Ming Yuexin, but it may be that the temperament of Ming Yuexin shows more.

But the girl in front of me is just a 3-step Heavenly Venerable environment that’s all. From the perspective of the years, it should be only about 2 30,000,000 years.

Still a young girl.

At that time, the girl was very happy to stand in front of a stall, picking things up. It was a small jewelry booth, and there were many girls’ household accessories on the stall. What bracelets, hostas, sachets, ornaments, rings, earrings and the like, myriad, there are many kinds.

The girl’s family loves something very beautiful, the girl has a lot of things in her hand, and every and everyone can’t put it down.

Try this, take a look at that, and Boss’s mouth is also very slippery, and the girl is also very happy.

This girl’s smile is particularly innocent, or it can be said-naive!

It is the feeling of innocence and innocence, as if it were a piece of white paper without a trace of stain, pure as if it had just snowed.

It’s hard to say that such a person has not experienced worldly discipline. He doesn’t know the cruelty of the world. He is very naive and very cheat. I believe everything and there is no trace of distraction in my heart.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but feel a little strange. With such a simple person, how could the family be assured that she ran out alone?

Such a person can easily lose money, and even be abducted and sold.

Although it is a 3-step Heavenly Venerable environment, in 9 Zhouhua Xia Country, the 3-step Heavenly Venerable environment is nothing. If it is a four-step Heavenly Venerable environment, the average talent may not dare to provoke more.

Just like in the black market, there is a slave in the 3-step Heavenly Venerable environment, but there is no slave in the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.

Shi Kou walked over there as if he was enchanted, Shi Kou walked over, and Qin Xiao they naturally could only follow.

“Sex embryo, nature revealed.” Lan Lingsheng scolded Shi Kou contemptuously, but the latter didn’t hear it at all.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but shake his head and laughed. If he could make Shi Kou like this, the girl would be considered a victim.

“Hehe, girl, look at your beautiful Shui Ling’er. If you add these accessories, it will be more beautiful and charming.”

“Tsk tsk, especially when you laugh, it’s simply awesome.”

“And these baubles are not expensive. If the girl likes them so much, buy them all.”

“I think girls are pretty and honest, so I will give you a lowest price, you can take them all, and just give 100 Chaos Source.”

The stall owner was an old fox, and the squinting eyes looked at the girl as if looking at a prey that was being slaughtered by him.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll ask for it all. The source of 100 Chaos is indeed very cheap.” The girl smiled happily.

100, is it cheap?

Hearing this, the stall owner sniffed involuntarily, and his price was several times higher than usual. The girl even said it was cheap?

Today, I really encountered a wealthy rich man. The stall owner regretted it immediately. The price was less. I should report more.

But in his hands, where could there be such an easy thing to let go.

With a smile in the heart of the stall owner, a new idea came out immediately.

“Hehe, that must be cheap, isn’t it according to Miss Gu you?”

“I think you are so close to the girl, not equal to me, I recommend something good to the girl, to ensure that you like the girl, and the price also gives you the lowest discount.”

“Girl, look at these pieces, all these are for you, and they are counted as 100 source of chaos.”

The girl seemed to be a little embarrassed to look at those things, and hesitated a little before saying: “Boss, although I don’t like these very much. But I don’t think it’s easy for me to see Boss. Since this is the case, then I have to Okay.”

“100 plus 100, that’s a total of 2 100 source of chaos, right?”

“Hahaha, yes, yes, girl, you are such a good person, then I thank you girl.”

There are such silly people under the sun? Is there such a good deal?

tsk tsk tsk, this money comes, don’t be too easy, just pick it up.

For these few sentences, 2 100 Chaos Source Stones are about to be obtained. The cost of about ten Chaos Source Stones is eliminated, and the profit is 190 Chaos Source Stones.

It is usually difficult to have such income in 10000 years, and now didn’t expect this time to get the effort.

“Girl, let me give you money.” The stall owner didn’t hesitate, and immediately reached out.

Only when the source of chaos is in hand, then it is considered a deal.

The girl blinked at the stall owner, and after a long while, she suddenly glared’yeah’ and made the stall owner startled.

The stall owner froze for a moment before asking: “Girl, what’s wrong?”

A bad hunch suddenly came up, which made the stall owner’s mood suddenly very good.

This is the duck in your mouth, don’t fly away.

The girl said sorry: “I’m sorry Boss, I forgot, in fact, I came out without chaotic source stones this time. So-I don’t have a chaotic source stone on my body.”


There is no source of chaos?

Is this playing yourself?

The stall owner’s face was suddenly green, so white and happy and excited. I thought that there would be 2 100 chaotic source stones in the pocket immediately.

Didn’t expect, just give a blow to the critical strike, this feeling, don’t mention how much you want to kill.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry, Boss, I didn’t mean it on purpose, I just forgot it for a while.”

“Or-I’ll come back and buy?” The girl’s embarrassed and shy face turned red when she saw Boss’s face change, and she quickly apologized.

The muscles on the stall owner’s face were twitching fiercely, at this time he didn’t want to talk, just wanted to hit someone.

Bai’s taste of being happy is so uncomfortable.

Seeing that Boss was still angry, the girl was also anxious, biting the lips lightly, and she looked particularly innocent and guilty.

The powder puffy face, now showing bloody red, is even more lovely.

Suddenly, the girl saw Qin Xiao 6 people, her eyes swept over Qin Xiao 6 people, and finally fell on Qin Xiao’s body.


When Qin Xiao was seen, the girl’s swift eyes flashed a surprise, and she didn’t know what she was surprised.

She has been looking at Qin Xiao for a long time, and she reacted violently. Her eyes turned, and she suddenly reached out to Qin Xiao, saying, “Well, can I borrow 200 Chaos Source? Stone, I will give you back twice.”

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