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“It’s you?” Hu Ranwu also saw Qin Xiao. He was obviously a little surprised when he saw Qin Xiao. Obviously not at all thought Qin Xiao was able to go to the 7th test.

The person who can go to the seventh test, even if there is a lucky element, but its own strength is also beyond doubt.

“Hmph, didn’t expect you have a bit of ability, but it’s also a stream of snakes and rats that’s all.” The random dance lightly snorted, the lightness in the words expresses contempt for Qin Xiao.

His random dance is not good for Zhang Yang Young Master, so naturally he is also not happy with Qin Xiao.

People who don’t like the eyes, they don’t hide and dance.

Qin Xiao hasn’t figured out the situation in the 7th test place, so he is too lazy to have any conflicts with random dances.

But it’s a proud and arrogant, that’s all, it’s not necessary to lower oneself to somebody’s level.

Qin Xiao looked at this World on his own, and soon saw two stone monuments of hundred zhang high. This is a round stone monument with a diameter of about ten zhang.

The stele is engraved with various patterns, weird words and the like, densely packed to completely cover the whole stele.

The two stone tablets are exactly the same, no difference.

How come there are 2 identical steles here?

Although Qin Xiao can’t see that these two stone tablets are dry and so on, but at first sight, they know that these two stone tablets should be the test of this level.

Before Wu Ranwu came to the stele, he also frowned slightly. Obviously he did not understand the stele, but he also realized that this was the test of this level.

2 identical stone tablets, one for each, can be tested simultaneously without disturbing each other.

But what is the test?

In addition to these two stone tablets, there are no other dangerous things.

That is to say, the test is on this stele?

But what’s on this stele?

Qin Xiao took a serious look at the stele. The ancient characters on the stele were too esoteric and difficult to understand. Qin Xiao studied it for a long time and only vaguely noticed some information, but not at all. Understand some fur.

It seems this test is difficult.

Even if I haven’t understood it yet, I don’t even know how to pass this test.


But it is also normal, and has reached the 7th test, and it is normal for the difficulty to come up.

How easy is it to pass this second round test?

But there are more than 100 Peak-level geniuses gathered here. This contest and matchup must be very exciting and intense.

“It seems that there is no danger. The test of this level should be related to this stele. Everything is on this stele.”

“It is related to this stele. There are some things like patterns and words on this stele. Although many do not understand it, the meaning expressed in it is the core of passing this test.”

“Perhaps this is a cultivation technique like Immortal Technique, maybe a game of Strange Sects shields, or maybe it is to rearrange and combine the above pattern text.”

“But no matter what, this test should be very difficult and a big challenge.”

Qin Xiao is already thinking about how to deal with the test of this time.

The more difficult the test is, the less anxious you are, the more you have to calm down, sink your heart and think carefully.

Starting from the smallest details, we need to take the wire and peel the cocoon and slowly understand what the test is about.

As long as everything is clear, we can take the right medicine and pass the test of this time faster and better.

Qin Xiao is thinking about various probabilities, but he feels that the greatest probability should be similar to cultivation techniques like Immortal Technique, although I can’t see anything about cultivation techniques for the time being.

But Qin Xiao feels that since it is to be tested, it is the one most likely to be tested in this respect.

For the time being, since everything is unknown, you might as well make a hypothesis first, and then move towards this hypothesis to make further inferences and insights.

There must always be a beginning, and since this beginning is not clear, then it may be better to assume one and do the reverse thinking.


Suddenly a voice came over, interrupting Qin Xiao’s thoughts.

Qin Xiao Mei Yu picked it up slightly, turned her head and looked at it, naturally, hey he danced wildly.

This light tone makes Qin Xiao a little displeased, so Qin Xiao also politely replied: “I’m not called hey, you dignified Hu Young Young Master, don’t you have some basic politeness?”

“Polite? Hum, are you worthy?” Hu Ranwu sneered, and glanced at Qin Xiao with disdain.

The contempt in the bones also jumped out.

“Isn’t it worth it? Can you shut up?” Qin Xiao’s face was slightly cold and he responded coldly.

“Hmph hum, has several points of temper?” Hu Ranwu sneered a lot, looked at Qin Xiao with some playful eyes, said: “Listening to your tone, it seems that you are not convinced?”

“This Young Master has always served people with fists. Since you don’t, then this Young Master will make you lose your heart today.”

“You can go to the test of level 7, it is counted as you walked the lucky dog ​​excrement, don’t think how much you can endure.”

“This Young Master will let you know how unable to withstand a single blow in front of a true genius, true powerhouse, how ridiculous. I will let you understand what a cruel reality is.”

“How about, do you dare to compare with this Young Master, to understand the mystery of this stone tablet first, who will pass the test of this level first?”

“Compared with me? Hehe, are you worthy?”

The random dance is waiting for Qin Xiao’s reply, but it is a sentence that makes the random dance face instantly ugly.

This is the sentence that he just scorned against Qin Xiao, and now Qin Xiao has given him back the random dance.

The lethality of this sentence is indeed powerful, making the random dance feel extraordinary shame and humiliation, which was humiliated by fiercely.

It is unprecedented offense, provocation, humiliation.

Who is he? He is a child of the Hu family, and he is also a leading figure among countless young children of the Hu family. In the Hu family, it is the existence of call the wind and summon the rain. How high is his status?

To put it bluntly, even if the Ancient Saint of other surname forces met him, I feared that he would have several points of being polite.

Hu’s, but the absolute Sovereign of Hu Ling, the only ruler, Supreme Existence.

Under Hu Ling’s universality, who dares to provoke Hu’s?

As a leading figure of the Hu family of youth, who dares to humiliate him so provocatively?

The other peak genius saw him, they were all in awe, not afraid to offend.

But the Qin Xiao in front of him was so good that he dared to be so offensive and humiliating, which angered him to dance wildly, making him irritated and burning his chest.

“Hmph, the advantage of speaking the tongue? It is bold enough to be arrogant, I don’t like your madness very much.”

“Dare to talk to this Young Master this way, you are the first. The first person to eat crabs, but there is nothing good to eat.”

“When the second round test is over, I will let you know how to write dead words.”

The dance was coldly snorted, and the tone was full of threats.

But for such threats, Qin Xiao obviously did not care too much. Instead, it was curl one’s lip: “You guys cause pampered young masters with an identity background, are you talking so boring? The lines are exactly the same, so you can’t change one and engage. Get creative and get fresh?”

During the first test, someone told him that Qin Xiao would let him know how to write 2 words of regret.

But as a result, Ye Heqiong got the taste of regret.

Now, Wu Ranwu is talking about letting him Qin Xiao know how to write dead words, Qin Xiao sneered in his heart, snort disdainfully for a while.

In this case, he was tired of hearing.

However, Qin Xiao was too lazy to ignore it, and was not afraid of offending him to dance arbitrarily, so Qin Xiao bowed his head in front of him, forbearance, Qin Xiao could not do it.

If you are offended, you are offended. It’s nothing. Just a random dance, Qin Xiao is still offended.

Besides, this kind of person who has to step on himself when he comes up, Qin Xiao does not have any good feelings, and will naturally fight back.

Everything else is imaginary. The most important thing now is to understand the mystery of the graphic characters on this stele. This is the most important thing.

Because of this, Qin Xiao is much lazy and choked on random dance, and it is more practical to put his mind on the stone tablet.

If this time loses to the random dance, it will only help the other party’s arrogance.

Although Qin Xiao is not willing to follow the random dance and does not want to compare with him, but since the other party has forcibly found the door, then they have to fight.

At least speaking, you have to fight against your heart and win.

Qin Xiao’s heart is completely immersed in the study of the enlightenment of the stele. This is a huge project. It is too difficult to find the correct information from the massive unknown information.

This is difficult for Qin Xiao, it is a huge test.

But the same is true for random dance, everyone is on the same starting line.

This time to test, I am afraid that the most important is innate talent comprehension ability.

But this doesn’t seem to give you a high grade Immortal Technique, a powerful secret technique, and an cultivation technique for you to learn from and see who can fix it the fastest To the point of great perfection.

The test in front of me is ten times more difficult than this, and I’m afraid it will not end. It will give you some complicated and confusing information, and it is also esoteric.

You need to grab useful information from these esoteric and massive information, and slowly combine them to find the right thing, and then come to learn cultivation.

With a few more processes, the difficulty increases geometrically.

Therefore, this test also has an upgrade to the talent comprehension. In addition to the talent comprehension, there are many other capabilities, and even luck also plays a role.

“I must first clarify one direction and firm one direction to understand the research, and slowly Dissection, it is possible to use point to break surface, take the wire and peel the cocoon, and slowly uncover the mysterious veil.

“In my guess, what is hidden in the many confidences on this stele should be a cultivation technique or the like. The biggest difficulty is to find out and read the meaning.”

“If you want to do this, the first thing you need to do is to fully understand the meaning of the symbolic characters on the stone monument.

“But those pictorial characters can have many meanings, they can be changeable, they can be just an understanding, they are not specific, so this is also very difficult.”

“To do this, it is undoubtedly a bit of the feeling of looking for golden sand from the desert.”

“I will first clear my direction is clear, and the rest depends on the luck and talent comprehension ability. I have always believed that my luck is not bad, and my talent is not bad.

“Taking the Immortal Technique cultivation technique as the presumed direction, then I will now slowly find the presumed direction.

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