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If the person who came in believed Yuanyuan, and received the 2 pieces of fairy order, it would be considered a failure.

If it fails, the Yuan Xianling fragments belong to Yuanyuan.

If the people who come in do not believe Yuanyuan, then it is considered to have passed the test, and they can share a piece of fairy debris with the passer.

In other words, Yuanyuan only needs to stay here, and he can easily get the pieces of Xianling.

Regardless of whether the person who comes in succeeds or fails, Yuanyuan can get the pieces of Sin Ling, which is a bit cheating.

If the person who comes in fails, then Yuanyuan can directly take 2 pieces of Xianling fragments. If the person who came in succeeded, then Yuanyuan can also take a piece of Sin Ling.

This is simply a profitable business, and it is simply the difference between the pie in the sky.

Such a beauty difference fell on Yuanyuan’s head, and it was given by the emperor Saint Sovereign himself.

Earlier, Saint Sovereign Emperor Emperor gave Yuanyuan a bronze ball, but now he gave Yuanyuan a fat difference.

This is good for Yuanyuan, it is simply an act of extrajudicial grace, breaking the fair and just rules.

Of course, Qin Xiao doesn’t mean to be envious and jealous of Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan can successfully pass the test. Qin Xiao is naturally happy for him.

Just curious in my heart, Yuanyuan girl is who are you? What the hell is it?

Is it very unusual to make Saint Sovereign emperor’s emissaries so pleased?

To say that Yuanyuan girl doesn’t have a big head, Qin Xiao doesn’t quite believe it.

The first time he saw Yuanyuan, he felt that Yuanyuan was not simple. She always had a breath that was imperceptible and mysterious.

Yuanyuan itself is not at all mysterious, but she hides a mysterious atmosphere.

Now, Qin Xiao is more affirmed with this idea.

However, this is not an important thing. No matter what Yuanyuan came from, Qin Xiao did not feel anything.

Anyway, Yuanyuan is getting bigger and bigger, and Qin Xiao never thought about the benefits of relying on Yuanyuan.

Yuanyuan didn’t want to say that Qin Xiao hadn’t thought about asking this question, but he was curious that’s all.

Yuan Yuan just treated him just as he was ordered by Saint Sovereign Emperor Envoy. Yuanyuan did not know the purpose of the emperor Saint Sovereign to let her do this, but she did so obediently and did not think about anything else.

Where does she know that her move is a hidden test for Qin Xiao?

So, after Qin Xiao understood it, she was still confused, and she didn’t understand what was going on.

Yuanyuan simply does not have any thoughts, others say she will do it, it is such a simple thing for her that’s all.

As for the rest, she couldn’t think of that level at all.

It is precisely because Yuanyuan is a’natural appearance’, so he almost deceived Qin Xiao in the past, and he almost took over the 2 pieces of Xianling debris.

What makes Qin Xiao interesting is that he is not the first person to reach the 8th level, but he is the 5th.

That is to say, there were 4 people before him, but they all fell into the hands of Yuanyuan. None of them could pass the test, and they all lost.

Only Qin Xiao succeeded.

In this way, Yuanyuan now has obtained 9 pieces of Xianling fragments, even if it passed the second round test directly.

It was really very easy. I didn’t even move my hand and just passed it.

And looking at it this way, Qin Xiao felt that Yuanyuan should be the first person to collect all 9 pieces of Xianling debris and complete the second round test.

However, the way the Yuanyuan is completed has to be admitted, it is a suspect of cheating.

But this “cheating” was given by Saint Sovereign, the emperor of the emperor himself, who dare to say anything?

However, in Qin Xiao’s heart, he felt that Yuanyuan could get this’extra-legal grace’, nor does it mean how generous the Saint Sovereign Emperor Envoy is, it is really special care. In other words, Yuanyuan itself has such abilities and talents potential, so he has the qualification to get such’extra-legal grace’?

At least Qin Xiao thinks this kind of probability is very big, he is very convinced.

“Hehe, I seem to have gotten 9 pieces of Xianling. The door to the aisle is also open. Does that mean I can leave here too? Has the test been completed?” Yuanyuan suddenly laughed.

She didn’t want to stay here all the time, she wanted to leave long ago.

Qin Xiao nodded said: “It should be, you have already got 9 pieces of Xianling fragments, which means that you have passed the test of this round.”

“But it’s too simple and easy? There must be no challenges at all, it’s not fun at all. Don’t don’t, I don’t want to be like this.” But Yuanyuan was not happy, she took the head, will The piece of fairy order was pushed to Qin Xiao, saying: “I don’t want this piece, or give it to you.”

“I have stayed here all the time, and I haven’t done anything. It’s so easy to collect 9 pieces of Xianling debris, without feeling the real test.

“I want to play again, I don’t want to end so soon.”

“Haha!” Qin Xiao couldn’t help laughing when he heard Yuan Yuan’s words.

In this case, I am afraid that only Yuanyuan can say it?

I’m afraid I’ll be happy to go for another person. Where can I still care about that many?

I have already got 9 pieces of Xianling debris, which means that the second round test has been passed. Will such a good thing be refused?

Isn’t this stupid?

Isn’t the process important at all? What matters is the result.

But Yuanyuan didn’t want this end because it was not fun, so he didn’t want this piece of fairy order.

Such a personalized sentence, if passed, I’m afraid I don’t know how many people are going to be crazy.

This person is better than others, sometimes it is really mad.

To be honest, such a thing happened to him Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao will definitely accept it. After all, in fact everyone’s pursuit is only the result that’s all, not a process.

Yuanyuan is special, probably because she doesn’t want to participate in the selection of St. Academy from the very beginning, so everything doesn’t matter to her.

Different mentality means different ways of looking at the problem.

“I don’t want it, it’s your thing, you should still take it.” Qin Xiao shook the head, not at all accepted, but sent it back.

Yuanyuan blinked and looked at Qin Xiao, saying, “What’s wrong? Why don’t you? It’s sorry?”

“Ah, there is nothing. Although I am a girl’s house, you are a big man, but you don’t have any sorry for taking my things, and it’s not a precious thing.”

“Anyway, I don’t want it, so I gave it to you and you accept it.”

Qin Xiao laughed, saying: “It’s not a matter of good sorry, it’s a matter of principle.”

“Furthermore, I have full confidence and confidence in this round of tests, so I don’t need your piece of fairy order, I can collect it myself.”

“Men have the dignity of men. Everything I want can be obtained with my hands.”

“What you get by your own hard work is precious, it is worth being happy, and you are at ease.”

“It’s very uncomfortable for me to collect your fairy order fragments. That’s not a gift for me, but a needle stick that makes me uncomfortable.”

Yuanyuan seemed to listen to the fog, blinked his eyes, and confused the head: “I don’t understand.”

“Hehe, even if you don’t understand it, there is no need to understand it. In short, just listen to me, you can take it away. If you want to break in again, then don’t put together 9 pieces of fairy order pieces for now. .”

“Let’s take a look at the 9th level together, it’s not necessary, just put it away first.” Qin Xiao smiled and said.

Yuanyuan understood this a little bit, and after thinking about it, it was also nodded: “Oh, well, let me put it away first.”

2 After everyone had collected the Xianling debris, they stepped into the door of the passage and entered the 9th level.

Level 9 is the most important level for Qin Xiao. Perhaps it is the last level for him to complete the test.

So for the 9th level, Qin Xiao is also very cautious, and has a high degree of spirit, and the sense of expectation in his heart is particularly strong.

The ninth level is a world of nothingness, as if entering a Land of Primal Chaos, all around is all nothingness, can’t see anything.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao and Yuanyuan came in together, and the two were still together.

Unlike other levels, as soon as you enter the channel, they will be forcibly dispersed and sent to different worlds to participate in the test.

In the 9th level, they were not separated, but still came in together. This is something that surprised Qin Xiao.

It seems that something that has never happened before has happened now.

Yuanyuan doesn’t know some of the rules here, so not at all feels that there is something special about entering the 9th level with Qin Xiao.

She looked all around curiously as soon as she entered.

After looking at Yuanyuan, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but feel a touch of emotion. The previous level was really dangerous.

Even when I think about it now, I still feel a bit thrilling.

Almost, almost I fell into the trap, and lost to the 8th level.

This made Qin Xiao also have to admire Saint Sovereign Emperor, using Yuanyuan as the Guardian of the 8th level, and let her appear in her own character. It is indeed very confusing.

Because everything is true, the test is hidden deep and very difficult to detect.

Qin Xiao was also the last moment to flash a streak of divine light in his heart, and finally figured it out, understand.

This 9th level, I don’t know what test will be.

Qin Xiao also seriously looked at all around, empty all around, as if he could not see anything.




Vaguely heard the sound of a water drop falling to the far point in front of me.

Qin Xiao’s eyes looked towards the distance ahead, but he couldn’t see the specific situation there.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look.” Qin Xiao said to Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan naturally follows Qin Xiao’s arrangement and is nodded.

So the 2 people walked in the direction of the sound.


2 people did not walk a few steps, they heard a surprise voice came over.

The familiar voice let Qin Xiao know who it is immediately. Qin Xiao was also a little bit happy when he heard this voice.

This voice is naturally not from others, but from Young Master.

I saw Zhang Yang Young Master quickly approached here with a happy face, the smile on his face was very strong, and he was in a happy mood.

“Haha, it’s really you. Qin Xiao, Yuanyuan girl, how did you two get together? Isn’t your luck so good? Can it all go together?” Zhang Yang Young Master smiled.

Qin Xiao laughed, saying: “The ones who met at level 8 went to level 9 together.”

“Isn’t your luck also good? As soon as you enter the ninth level, you suddenly met the two of us. This luck is not a cover.”

“Hahaha, too!” Zhang Yang Young Master laughed.

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