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Under a towering tree, a white clothed handsome man was playing ancient zither there, and he was very intoxicated.

The melodious melody is as crisp and sweet as the mountains and flowing water. It is between the natural sounds. There is no trace of impurities in it, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Qin Xiao has never heard such a nice piano sound, so I can’t help being intoxicated by it, and slowly approached here.

Qin Xiao also looked at the white clothed handsome man who played the piano. Although the other party’s head was slightly lowered, he could basically see how it looked.

This is a handsome Leng Jun man, his face is as cold as cold.

Is this bully day?

This is not the same as the bully day that Qin Xiao imagined. Qin Xiao thought it was called bully day, it should be more evil than the evil monk.

Now it seems that I was wrong. Bully Sky doesn’t seem to be evil at all, but it’s a bit cold.

Is it just a title?

But Qin Xiao still thinks that since it’s called this title, it must still be related. Otherwise, no one likes this title?

Some things can’t be seen on the surface. It may be that this is true terrifying.

Being able to sit in the dominance of the Night Wolf Valley and make everyone else feel extremely fearful is enough to explain everything.

Yu Niang was extremely afraid of the bully.

So in the face of bully, Qin Xiao naturally dare not carelessly, Qin Xiao also patiently listened to the sound of the piano, it is indeed very sweet and beautiful, the melody is very beautiful, and it will make people feel very Comfortable.

This kind of feeling is like when you are exhausted and exhausted, sit down and take a good rest, throw away all the thoughts of being happy, just want to relax.

The body and mind are completely relaxed unconsciously. This feeling is very beautiful.

Slowly, slowly, Qin Xiao’s consciousness became more and more relaxed, and only the piano voice remained in his mind.

The sound became louder and sweeter, and filled the entire world.

“Not good -“

Qin Xiao reacted violently, knowing that this tone is not simple, very not simple.

But after Qin Xiao reacted violently, he found out that it was too late. He had entered a wonderful world within the realm, the world of temperament within the realm.

The entire world is full of the melodious sound of the piano, lingering in the ear.

Even, one after another can be seen with the naked eye. The rhythm symbol keeps flying in this wonderful world with the realm.

This World is the world composed of phonetic symbols.

Obviously, Qin Xiao is trapped in this World.

“The sound of a good piano is really a good way. My Mental Will is so powerful, but I was inhaled into the realm after listening to it.”

“I was prepared before, but it’s really unpreventable.”

“The magic of this piano sound is really too strong to resist.”

“It seems that this is the trouble that Bully Sky has given me. Without going out of this temperament world, I don’t even have the qualification to talk to him.”

“It’s okay, since it happened, let’s solve it, it’s nothing.”

Qin Xiao started to look at this melody world, but his mind was constantly filled with beautiful melodies. This beautiful piano sound is too beautiful, and it is too comfortable to listen to.

Under such a comfortable temperament, simply does not want to think about other things, just wants to sit down and listen to this wonderful piano sound quietly.

This wonderful feeling can be enough to sink into it, unable to extricate themselves, as if enchanted.

This feeling is like returning to the arms of long-lost mother.

If you want to check the situation of this wonderful world, you must first overcome your own consciousness. At this time, your consciousness is completely confused by this temperament.

Qin Xiao’s consciousness can’t accommodate other things by giving consciousness to the occupied past.

Therefore, Qin Xiao has no way to look at this temperament world, but there is a trace of consciousness that’s all there, and other consciousness is occupied by the confusion of this temperament.

This made Qin Xiao aware of the difficulties, and this 1st Step is to fight back his control of consciousness.

But that temperament has very powerful control power over Qin Xiao’s consciousness, so it is difficult for Qin Xiao to regain control of consciousness.

This kind of feeling is like an ordinary person caught in a quagmire. It is too difficult, too difficult to get out of the quagmire.

The harder the struggle, the deeper it may fall.

It’s the feeling that you are all stuck in the mud, nowhere to focus.

You have strength, but there is no way to use it. There is no way to use your strength to pull yourself out of the mud.

Qin Xiao also tried it, but there was no way to break free of consciousness.

The biggest problem before us is to let the consciousness recapture first, but the consciousness is caught in the’mud’.

It’s hard to pull out of the mud.

“I can’t force it. The force struggle will only get deeper and deeper. There is no way to break free.”

“If you want to get out of the quagmire, you can only rely on external help.”

“External help? It feels like I am not at all now. If there is external help, and I can only rely on my own strength, what should I do?”

“You can’t struggle with your own power, then you can only rely on skill. What is skill, force?”

Qin Xiao now imagines himself as an ordinary person stuck in a quagmire. Considering the situation where the ordinary person is immersed in a quagmire, he thinks about how to use skill to pull himself out of the quagmire.

But it is also very difficult, it must be cautiously, if a little careless, it may fall deeper.

Therefore, Qin Xiao is also trying step by step, cautiously trying.

After trying countless times, Qin Xiao was so moved that he finally saw the effect.

The road was finally found.

Finding the way, then everything is much easier to manage.

Qin Xiao continues to walk along this road, the wider the road, the brighter it will be.

Sure enough, soon, Qin Xiao completely regained control of consciousness.

As soon as the power of consciousness was regained, Qin Xiao also consciously shielded the rhythm to prevent the sound from interfering and controlling him.

Qin Xiao started to take a closer look at this World. Qin Xiao really can’t say anything about the temperament.

In this musical world, within the realm, if you want to rely on Brute Force to break out, it is not impossible, but it is definitely not an easy thing, and it will definitely consume a lot. This may be a gain and loss.

Therefore, if a better solution can be found, it is naturally the best.

Find the weak spot, and then break this World in one fell swoop.

Qin Xiao also tried it out and found that this World could actually devour his power.

devouring strength, so that his strength is greatly weakened, it is unlikely to want to break this World with only a trace of strength.

Of course, Qin Xiao also just tried it, not at all how much means.

But it is enough for Qin Xiao to discover the powerful terrifying of this World. It is not an easy task to force a breakthrough in this World.

Therefore, the best way now is to discover the laws of this World and find some weak spots and weak spots.

To understand some of the situations in this World, we can have a corresponding good method, otherwise we can only rely on Brute Force.

The formation of this World is composed entirely of temperament symbols, but Qin Xiao is completely ignorant of this aspect and is completely an idiot. The monk has no idea.

But things are slowly understood from not understanding, so there is nothing.

The key is to have a thorough understanding.

Qin Xiao also started various attempts, and tried slowly.

But all kinds of attempts seem to find no way.

The more you can’t find the doorway, the more you will lose your direction, and it will gradually make you restless.

However, Qin Xiao has a strong state of mind and Willpower is also very strong, so it will not easily lose direction.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Qin Xiao still hasn’t found a way, and countless attempts have failed.

During these times, he has been comprehending this World, but still not much gain.

“I may have walked into a misunderstanding, so I never found a way, like a headless fly.”

“If you don’t find the right direction, you can’t work hard.”

“I haven’t been able to get out, it means that I have entered a misunderstanding, how can I get out of this misunderstanding?”


Qin Xiao suddenly moved in his heart, a single thought surged up.

“No, no—”

“I don’t know anything about the temperament, but the test is not necessarily an understanding of the temperament?”

“The test is the heart, the will. From the beginning, it is controlling my will, so if you want to go out of this World, the most important thing is the will and the mental power, it should not be the temperament.”

“Yes, it must be like this. If it is a temperament, it will look very strange.”

Having figured this out, Qin Xiao suddenly felt that he was suddenly bright, and many of the previously puzzled places can now be found in all, and he was relieved at once.

After a detailed analysis, Qin Xiao felt that the probability should be great.

Therefore, Qin Xiao immediately put into action.

In terms of willpower, this is Qin Xiao’s strength.

Qin Xiao used this idea to try it immediately, and immediately found out the situation.

Sure enough, this idea was right, he at first was preconceived, so from the very beginning was introduced into the misunderstanding.

I have been unable to get out of the misunderstanding before, but now I have finally come out.

The road is right, it will be easy.

Soon, Qin Xiao’s mental strength was to tear open a mouth directly, broke the world of this temperament, and returned to reality.

Everything dissipated, Qin Xiao returned to the true world, and the bully sky that played ancient zither under the tree reappeared before Qin Xiao’s sight.

Seeing Qin Xiao coming out of the world of temperament, the bully Tian slightly looked up at Qin Xiao, but not at all ignored, but continued to play his piano.

After Qin Xiao glanced, he continued to move closer to the past, and soon came to the front of the bully.

Qin Xiao is not in a hurry, and slowly waits for the bully to end the sky. Anyway, now the piano sound has no effect on him, and I won’t let the situation just happen again.

I don’t know how long it took, the bully genius finally stopped, and didn’t continue to play.

He slowly raised his head, still the extremely cold face, cold.

Especially the pair of cold eyes, it feels simply not like the eyes of Human Race, the cold terrifying, it seems that there is no trace of emotion in it, and the strange thing is to look at the people.

Bully Sky looked at Qin Xiao in this way, Qin Xiao also looked at him, two people and four eyes looked at each other.

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