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Sword, open the sky!

Sword up, sword down, cut!

The Opening Heaven Sword recipe is indeed powerful, it is indeed an endless edge, it is indeed open to the sky.

The sword’s edge, even the void, was torn apart a bit, which shows how powerful the might of a single sword is.

Fairyland’s void is extremely stable, it is extremely difficult to tear apart.

But the sword of Qin Xiao has almost done it.

But the final result is still not ideal, and has not reached the point where Qin Xiao expected.

The size of the ripped opening is similar to the full strength attack just now, slightly larger, but not much larger.

So the results, obviously, still haven’t been able to tear them apart completely, and failed to let Qin Xiao go out of this field.

Not even the Opening Heaven Sword recipe!

“In this case, even if Li Shengfei’s knife is used, it may not necessarily be able to open this field.”

“How can this be? There is no reason to be right, is my Qin Xiao’s strength really still not strong enough? Did not reach the point where he can pass this third round test?”

“It shouldn’t be, there are many Peak geniuses who have lost to my hands, and I was the first to complete the second round test. It stands to reason that the strength It shouldn’t be in them It’s below.”

Qin Xiao has always been very confident about his own strength, and his strength has definitely reached the Peak level of the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.

But this time, it hit him a bit.

His strength has been used to such a point that there is still no way to tear open this field, there is no way to leave from here.

It stands to reason that Qin Xiao thinks that with his strength, it should not be a problem.

If he has no way to tear open this field, how many people can participate in the selection of St. Academy at this time?

The number of people who took part in the third round test was five-six hundred, and in the end, those who can pass the test and become St. Academy students should have 20-30%.

In this way, at least has more than 100.

Qin Xiao didn’t believe that his strength was among these seed geniuses, even more than 100.

If he couldn’t pass it, wouldn’t it be a very strange thing?

Qin Xiao has always been confident, but he is very confident to pass the test of this time and become a student of Saint Academy.

This kind of blow really made Qin Xiao start to doubt a bit, and even questioned his self-confidence. Is his self-confidence normal or a bit arrogant?

Have you really overestimated yourself? Overconfident?

This is the 4th test, do you stumble yourself?

Such a blow made Qin Xiao’s mood really down, standing there, bowing his head in silence, many thoughts in his mind came out, and it became a little more complicated.

Qin Xiao encountered such a blow very rarely.

At this time, except Li Shengfei’s knife was not used, other means of destruction were used, and there was still no way.

Qin Xiao’s estimate of Li Shengfei’s knife should not work.

That is tantamount to his current strength, even if he is doing his best, there is no way to tear open this field?

Crazy Blast and Twin Simultaneous Skills Used Simultaneously?

Qin Xiao is also thinking about it and seeing if there is a solution.

The mad explosion technique can make the strength explode several times instantaneously, and the twin simulant technique can be differentiated into an Avatar, equivalent to 2 simultaneous shots.

If these two mysteries are performed at the same time, it can indeed make his strength explode.

But such a madness is mainly reflected in the immortal strength and strength. For the Opening Heaven Sword, the amplitude effect of Li Shengfei knife should not be very great.

Therefore, even if the two secret techniques are performed at the same time, it is estimated that the effect is not particularly great, or Qin Xiao is at a loss, and there is no certainty.

What should I do?

What should I do?

For a time, Qin Xiao’s heart was irritated, but he never did.

“No, right–“

Qin Xiao suddenly moved in his heart: “When did I shake my mind like this? When did I doubt myself so much? When was I so unconfident?”

“No no no, this is not you, simply is not me.”

“At any time, I should be a person with strong convictions, a person who can’t lose words, and a very confident person.”

“No matter what setbacks are encountered, I can’t hurt my strong heart.”

“I was completely unprepared by this blow from the beginning, and then I fell into the atmosphere of self-doubt, as if there was a weird force guiding me not to be confident.”

“Once people are not confident, they are already defeated. It is destined to be impossible to pass this test.”

“This test I thought at first, it should involve many aspects, maybe this is also one aspect.”

“So, I can’t be misled by this strange power, I can’t fall into this strange circle, I can’t be so unsure.”

“I want to calm down and analyze it carefully.”

Qin Xiao’s gaze became extremely firm again, and his strong self-confidence was recovered again.

He was very convinced that he could pass this test. No difficulty could knock him down, and he wanted to trap him.

He walked along the way, experienced suffer untold hardships, solved countless difficulties, passed countless dangers, and is still alive and well.

No matter how difficult it is, there will always be a solution.

If it is something that can’t be solved by fighting for strength, it must be that you have entered a misunderstanding and you haven’t found the right direction, so naturally you are doing useless work.

Direction is very important!

“Domain, water–“

Qin Xiao’s heart moved, and his thoughts became clear and clear.

“No matter how sharp the sword is, it can’t cut the water in half. As the so-called draw-off knife cuts off the water, the water flows more. The water is flowing and flexible, so it can’t be cut. You cut it and it will immediately Has recovered, and the recovery ability is too strong.”

“So, it is not that your sword is not sharp enough, but that you use the sword to cut water. Even if it is sharp, it is useless. The method is not correct. From the very beginning, it is doomed to failure.”

“So, no matter how I used to shoot, no matter how much power I used, there was no way to tear the field apart and make a passage.”

“Not because my strength is not strong enough, but because my strength is stronger, it is just a “sword” that’s all. As long as this “sword” is used to cut this “water”, there is no way to cut it. Break.”

Qin Xiao finally figured it out completely.

Things I want to understand, the thinking is clear, and I see more things.

Things are clear, but how can we tear open the field?

There must be a way, Qin Xiao believes firmly.

“The sword cuts the water constantly, but if you use a huge board to shoot the water, you can shoot the water away.”

“It’s like a sword passing through the water without leaving any marks. But if I throw a boulder directly into the water, it will squeeze the water away.”

“Chopping the water constantly, then I will squeeze the water away temporarily.”

Wanting to understand this, Qin Xiao raised a light smile on his lips, and he knew what to do.

“This field cannot be torn apart by the sword’s front. It must be smashed by strength.”

“Although I used the power of within the body world before, the within world of the body was still integrated into the dragon sword technique. It was not smashed with pure power, but transformed into the edge of the sword, so Still the wrong way.”

“Now I don’t need to transform the power of within the body world into the sharp edge of the sword, but pure power.”

“Strength can break everything.”

“With strength breaking myriad laws, that’s it!”

The thinking is certain, and Qin Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately launched the actual action.

Qin Xiao took out a big hammer, held the big hammer in his hand, and then pushed the true meaning and power of the power and the power of within the body world to the extreme.

This is pure power, without any fancy, without any skills, pure power is brutally hit, fiercely hit the field.

Under the bombardment of this extremely powerful force, the situation finally changed.

The powerful force directly smashed this field, just like a huge stone fell into the river. It directly squeezed the river and broke it off.

At this time, the effect of Qin Xiao’s shot is also the same, relying on the powerful force forcibly squeezing that piece of space out of an empty zone, and a channel suddenly appeared in front of Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao did not hesitate anymore, and quickly left from that channel.

There was no accident at this time. Qin Xiao left the field and walked out of the nether world.

After leaving the nether world, his eyes suddenly opened up and his breath became better.

Sure enough, as Qin Xiao had previously guessed, the area was in the peripheral zone of Styx.

So after crossing the field, he went straight out of the Styx and crossed the Styx.

“Hu, finally came out and crossed the Styx.”

“In the Styx, I still can’t see other silhouettes. It seems that the first four tests can’t meet other people, and they all test their own.”

“In this way, it’s still beneficial, because you have to walk by your own strength and no one can help you.”

“But the bad thing is that there is no way to compete with other people, so I also feel less passionate.”

“There is competition, there is battle, there is torture, it can be more intense.”

Qin Xiao shook his head immediately again, he was not a belligerent person, so in fact, in any way, there was no difference for him, it was the same anyway.

Looking back at Stygian River, there are indeed many places to test, and it is easy to get people struck, and there is no way to get out of it.

For Qin Xiao, this time can be said that there is no danger.

So, I couldn’t help feeling some emotion.

At this time, a fairy order came flying, Qin Xiao took the fairy order.

After receiving the Xianling, it is truly passed the test.

Now that Qin Xiao has passed the 4th test, more than half of the total 6 tests have passed, and the success is getting closer and closer. Only the last 2 tests are enough.

Quickly looked at the information in the Xianling, Qin Xiao learned the information of the fifth test: Devil’s Fire!

Another map appeared in Xianling. The area of ​​this map is about the same as before, but there are not many places marked on it, there are only 3 places that’s all.

“Plucking the Devil Fire? What does this mean?” Qin Xiao was a little puzzled about what this test meant.

Magic fire?

To pick up the magic fire?

Literally, it should be like this.

But don’t care anymore. Let’s go over and read.

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