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The fairyland is divided into 3 realms: Heaven, Earth and Mortal.

Heaven Realm is above the 36th layer, detached from the vulgar, not in the world, illusory is a heaven beyond heaven.

The realm, deep into You Ming, turned into Yellow Springs, is extremely extreme Extreme Yin extremely evil land, is the source of evil, is an ancient Land of Sealing.

Whether it is Heaven Realm or the realm, there is a kind of illusory that does not exist in this world.

The possession is extremely deep, and the territory it occupies is very small, far less than 100 one in the human world.

So when it comes to the fairyland, people automatically think of the human world, which is the representative of the fairyland.

The human world, in general, is divided into 5 domains: 9 East Immortal Sect in the east, Southern Desolate in the south, Jade Lake Holy Land in the west, Kunlun Holy Land in the north, 9 Xia Country in the middle, and Middle-earth.

9 Chauhua Xia Country stands in the middle, the name is very impressive, do not dare not obey.

At the junction of the human world and Heaven Realm, there is a Heaven Beyond the Heaven world, named Langyatian, which was developed with great strength.

People in the world, few know the existence of Langyatian.

In the middle of Langya, the mountains and the water flow, the environment is elegant and fresh, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, a scene of prosperity.

Elegant and indifferent.

Above a cliff, there is a small room, which looks a little ordinary.

Just standing on the cliff, but it also looks a little unique.

On all three sides of the house, there are waterfalls falling, and the sound of gurgling water is melodious, as if playing a joyful and lively movement.

On the edge of the cliff, a man and a woman play chess there.

The female’s elegant and poised, the male’s anger is full of anger, face as if blade carved, a face of fortitude. But between the eyebrows, it is not fierce, but has several points of affable feeling.

2 people are playing Go leisurely, with a happy smile on their faces, especially the elegant and poised woman’s face, full of happiness.

You can feel the deep love from the warm atmosphere.

“Xiang Gong, Yuan’er, went to St. Academy. She has been outside. I’m really not at ease. Why not bring Yuan’er back.”

“This girl has never left Langyatian, her heart is very simple, the world is sinister, she is easy to be deceived.”

“Since Yuan’er secretly left Langyatian, my heart has been hanging,” Hua Gui woman said.

Although there is not much change on the face, the tone of worry can be heard in the tone.

The man was slightly laughed and gently patted the hand of Hua noble lady: “The lady doesn’t have to worry too much about Yuan’er, there won’t be any danger. I’ve already sent someone to protect Yuan’er secretly.”

“Yuan’er was unfamiliar and too naive and simple, lacking experience in the world.”

“So this time may not be a good thing for her. You have always been too fond of Yuanyuan, so she never refused to contact the world outside and kept her in her palm.”

“The flowers in the greenhouse are always small, and you have to go out after a while of wind and rain and feel the wind and rain.”

“But–” Hua noble lady wanted to say something, but the man interrupted her: “Okay mother, you listen to her husband, this is also for Yuan’er, don’t think so anxious Bring her back.”

“Even more how said that she has entered St. Academy now, but they were jointly produced by Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. What are you worried about?”

“Hehe, I don’t know what these 5 people are intending to do? It’s not simple to make such a big noise.”

“It seems that I need to visit St. Academy.”

…Cultivation is a learning.

What you learn, even if you learn it again, it is also learned, it is also someone else’s.

This feeling is like someone teaching you to sing a song. No matter how good you sing, that song is also someone else’s. Even if you feel better than others sing, but in fact the song is still someone else’s, you still can not reach the real high realm.

And the beginning of cultivation, naturally is to cultivate others’ things, to learn others’ things.

But later, if you want extraordinary and refined, if you want to transform and sublimate, then you can’t simply learn.

In addition to learning, there must be new evolution and learning to’create’. It may be said that creation is not very accurate, but it probably means that.

Cultivation immortal dao law, no matter how good your cultivation is, and how deep your understanding is, if you can’t take that step, then you will always be trapped in the Heavenly Venerable environment.

Then there is the evil, at best it is just a half saint that’s all.

If you want to go out of this holy road, you must override the law. You cannot be bound by the framework of the law. You must jump out of this framework.

It’s like, if you learn to sing at first, and you have the strength later, then create your own song and sing it yourself.

In that case, realm will get a sublimation.

If you want to walk the Holy Path and step into the Lord, then you must override yourself above the law and jump out of the frame of heaven and earth before you can extraordinary and refined and step into Heaven Beyond the Heaven, no longer bound by heaven and earth. Be at ease.

If you want to do this, think about it is too difficult.

This is true in heavenly ascension.

“The law is a vast ocean. I am still trapped in this ocean and it is difficult to get out.”

“I don’t even have control over this vast ocean now, so why don’t Dandan come above this vast ocean?”

“This road to the holy is too difficult to walk. In terms of my current strength, it is still far away. On the road of the law, I have not reached a far-reaching point. Want to override the law It’s just that the ants are shaking the mountain.”

Qin Xiao was defeated by Law Power and his consciousness returned to reality.

The time of million years has also arrived.

This million years of walking on this Tongsheng Road has let Qin Xiao clear comprehension a lot, understand a lot, and understand a lot.

Immortal dao law above, since there is no small improvement.

With some clear understanding of the holy road, I also know roughly how to walk the holy road and how to get to the holy realm.

This gain, speaking of which is not small. When you understand the way to go, you see a ray of light in the darkness.

Only need to continue along this light, that one day will successfully finish the Holy Road and step into the Holy Land.

The Holy Realm is extremely mysterious, always covered with a thick veil.

But even a thick veil can be torn away slowly. This is a long and difficult process.

Only those who can do it can continue to move forward and go further on the road of cultivation.

Powerhouse is built by yourself, and Shenglu is made by yourself. It is the powerhouse that can be left in the end.

Success has always belonged to a very small number.

Pyramid theory has always been applicable on top of cultivation.

“This way, I’m still early and far away.”

“But bright, I have caught a trace, and I have cleared the way ahead.”

“This trip, plentiful harvest, is true. It is also a Saint Academy. This ordinary pen is far from being able to be brought out by other forces.”

“This path to holy path is simply the path of guidance. As long as I stay in this path of cultivation, I can’t feel an epoch time, and I can definitely step into the holy land.”

An epoch time, although it is not short for Qin Xiao.

But for the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment cultivation, it is actually very short, but that’s all for a moment.

Not to mention the breakthrough to the Holy Realm, the time of that era, simply not worth mentioning.

But Qin Xiao is so ambitious at this time, giving him an epoch time to break through the holy road, he is confident that he can step into the holy realm, how confident is this?

From this powerful self-confidence, it is also enough to explain how powerful this guiding path is and how powerful it is to guide.

But then again, it really takes an epoch to stay in this cultivation, which is also a very difficult thing to imagine.

At least Qin Xiao had been traveling for 100 years before he was beaten back. It is not an easy task to continue.

There is a powerful guiding force in Tongsheng Road, but there are also powerful obstacles in it. If you want to go far in it, it is extremely difficult.

“That’s all, don’t think about these things for now, take a step by step.”

“The road ahead is full of unknowns. It is also a pleasure to explore the unknown step by step.”

Qin Xiao pouted and smiled lightly, and soon he was relieved.

After leaving Tongsheng Road, they saw Zhang Yang Young Master. They were all there, and seemed to be waiting for themselves.

“Haha Qin Xiao, you can figure it out, if you don’t come out, then we have to go first.”

“Master Messenger has given notice, let’s go to Shengtai to participate in the student. You don’t know, Saint Academy has been very lively.” Zhang Yang Young Master said.

Qin Xiao also knows that the time is up, laughed.

As soon as he came out, he also felt that the atmosphere was not the same. St. Academy, which was originally very quiet, has become very active now.

There are a lot of lively voices coming from a distance, and a lot of breath coming, which means that many people have come to St. Academy.

Students at this time, it is open to the whole world, and powerhouse is also widely invited to participate.

There are 100 schools of children, Three Great Holy Lands and Southern Desolate. I am afraid that some people will come to this event.

Student, this is something inside St. Academy, but it is such a magnificent grand event that I don’t know what the intention is?

But the greater the momentum, it may not be a bad thing for St. Academy students.

If you can bloom the rays of light in this student’s competition, it is famous throughout the world, which is recognized by the Great Influence.

This is also a glory of Supreme, which is enough for many people to fight for.

The majestic momentum and such grandness also reflected the importance attached by St. Academy to all students, and the importance attached by Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to St. Academy.

The purpose is to tell the world how high the status of St. Academy is. Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors set the focus to establish St. Academy. It is necessary to build St. Academy into a symbol of the adult world and become the supreme cultivation of all people in mind. Holy Land.

To enhance the status of St. Academy in all people’s hearts, to truly achieve Supreme’s status.

After all, this is the first term, so Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors attaches such importance to it, and it is reasonable to think about it.

Since Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have paid so much attention, and Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan will also choose a Direct Disciple, so naturally all students are full of passion and passion for this student, and they want to perform well.

“Qin Xiao, you have spent millions of years in Tongsheng Road, and it is very good to want to reap the benefits? We have all exited early and have been waiting for you. You are really good.” Zhang Yang Young Master Asked.

Qin Xiao laughed lightly and said, “In general, not at all is a very big harvest, a little bit.”

“Hehe, you are really not humble.” Zhang Yang Young Master said.

Qin Xiao waved his hand and said, “Let’s go, let’s go quickly.”

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