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Elf Race also felt that these people should not be allowed to stay in Liberty City, but the problem is that the Liberty City Gate cannot be closed, so how to keep these people out of Liberty City?

So this question, he came to ask Qin Xiao.

“Extraordinary times, it is natural to use extraordinary means.”

“Since these people don’t listen to education, then give them some hard means.”

“Drive them out of Liberty City directly, and then warn them sternly, if you dare to enter Liberty City again, then execute without any mercy.” Qin Xiao said coldly.

Elf Race is frowned, saying: “Sir City Lord, if we do too harshly, I am afraid it will cause obstruction by others.”

“These people are clearly pioneers, and there are more than 100 and 10000 people watching, and even cheering them up in secret, otherwise these people will not be so confident.”

“If we use stern measures against them, will it cause more riots?”

“If you really want to kill them, would that make people think that our Liberty City is a city of killing, and simply does not hold its name?”

Qin Xiao waved his hand and said: “I have considered these issues you said. Now we have no other choice. There is no better choice. We can only choose this extreme.”

“The situation forces us to do this.”

“Those people may think we dare not do this, so they will be fearless, they will act like that, and they will treat Liberty City as their back garden.”

“We, Liberty City, don’t need to care about what other people think, we just need to be responsible for ourselves.”

“If you don’t forget your original intention, you will always have it. What we pursue is the freedom of freedom, true freedom of freedom, no struggle with the world, no fight with people, and no heaven.”

“But if anyone tries to destroy Free City and our home, then we should show our fangs and expose our bloody side. We are not fighting, it does not mean that we are afraid. An attitude of freedom that’s all.”

“What do other people think and do with us? Even if no one comes to our Liberty City, do we need it?”

“We have 10000 people in the Free City and live in harmony, enough to live forever.”

“On the question of right and wrong, it is not necessary to suffer from gains and losses. The reputation and the like are only external. In fact, not at all is so important.”

Elf Race is looking thoughtful for a long time, and is deeply nodded, like a clear comprehension.

“Understood Sir City Lord, it was my idea that was too solidified and caught a misunderstanding.”

“I know what to do, squander the mess, and use a sharp knife.”

Qin Xiao nodded, and said to Elf Race again: “Well, you can deal with it, I will pass by.”

“Don’t worry about anything, just deal with it. There is something, I sit in town, I want to see who dares to make a wave in my Liberty City.”

With Qin Xiao’s words, Elf Race is more at ease and can do things boldly.

Sir City Lord still believes in his strength.

As long as it is not Ancient Saint, I believe there is no problem.

Even if it is Ancient Saint, I am afraid not to offend Sir City Lord easily? What is the identity of the current Sir City Lord? The stronger the person, the less dare to provoke easily.

Elf Race long left, Qin Xiao also followed to watch the lively, but Qin Xiao will not show up for the time being, just watching in secret.

Soon Elf Race arrived at the scene. In a large open space, more than 10000 troublesome outsiders were besieged by the full-armed free Legion and suppressed there.

all around in the dark, there are many outsiders watching around, watching the situation here.

The trapped over 10000 troublemakers are all fearless, not afraid of anything.

There are even many people shouting there.

“We, but you Sir City Lord put into Liberty City, he let us into Liberty City, why do you want to besiege us?”

“Yeah, what are we doing wrong? Isn’t it just a little misunderstanding and little friction? My cultivator, it’s a normal thing, isn’t it a normal thing? We didn’t kill or set fire, what crime did we commit ?”

“I just smashed something, at worst I’ll pay it, is this normal everywhere?”

“Where is Liberty City? I think Prison City is almost the same, everything controls everything, what is Liberty City? What is the heart of freedom? Isn’t it ridiculous?”

“Hehe, that’s how you Liberty City is to outsiders? Also keep on saying what is said to be open to the world, I think it’s all vain. Liberty City, I think it’s a reputation.”

“After being around us for such a long time, what do you want Legion to do freely? It is better to say it directly. Who can make a decision, but come out and preach with us.”

“That’s right, we don’t have a heart for trouble, but if we force it like that, then we really have trouble.”

Everyone said more and more excited, and finally quarreled directly.

The situation has become increasingly uncontrollable.

And it seems that some people are specifically instigating the fire, encouraging others to make something happen.

In a secret loft, in a elegant room, there are several men sitting and drinking.

These men all expressed shady, eye shows the ominous light, and at a glance they knew it wasn’t good.

But these people are all in the presence of a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment, and all of them are powerhouses.

“It’s brand-new, the good drama is about to start. Hum, although Qin Xiao is back, I don’t want to change anything.”

“Hehe, how about his Qin Xiao coming back? We are not going to treat him, it’s just that Cholera Free City that’s all, isn’t that what we are good at?”

“Hahaha, I said Shinshen, Supervisor, you still have to be careful. Qin Xiao is not a simple character, don’t fall into his hands.”

“Che, because of your timid fear, I don’t know what you are afraid of?”

“That’s right, you just watch it from the side and watch our wonderful performance.”

Elf Race is coming, coming with a majestic look, and with a fierce gaze.

Seeing that Elf Race is coming, those people are even more violent. Each and everyone is coming to Elf Race to discuss the posture.

When Elf Race grows up, and not 2 words, it directly orders Liberty Legion: “Everyone will be driven out of Liberty City, and then they will not be allowed to re-enter Liberty City.

“At the city gate, I have sent a Liberty Legion to guard it. In the future, anyone who is expelled from the Liberty City will dare to enter again and kill him in place.”

After talking, Elf Race looked at the people with long eyes. Those people were obviously shocked by the order of Elf Race. Everyone was quiet, staring at Elf Race with wide eyes.

Elf Race’s long voice also increased by an 8-degree, cold and majestic way: “I didn’t even comply with the most basic city rules. After being punished, he dared to gather to make trouble and disturb my Free City. Sin cannot be forgiven.”

“I waited at first glance and knew that there was no heart of freedom. I didn’t really want to join my free city. I was alien, and I was not allowed by my free city.”

“Sir City Lord has an order, and orders you to leave the Free City consciously and quickly, and you shall not enter the Free City again in the future. Otherwise, you know the consequences.”

“Freedom Legion listen to orders and act according to orders!”


Liberty Legion’s loud voice sounded in unison, like a thunderous explosion, very imposing manner.

With such a method, the people who were actually beaten were completely unprepared and did not respond for a while.

Soon, those people reacted one after another, and one after another sounded.

“What do you mean? Will we be driven out of Liberty City? Why?”

“Yeah, I think your Liberty City is a lie. It’s so good to pretend to be false, but it’s actually fake.”

“I don’t care, anyway, I have come to Liberty City, I won’t leave, I don’t believe you really dare kill my.”

“Yes, everyone is united and they don’t leave. See if they dare to really kill us. They still don’t believe it. We are more than 10000 people, are you still afraid?”

“That is, we did not kill or set fire in Liberty City, and we did not know how to commit a heinous crime, and to drive us out of Liberty City. This is a humiliation to us. We do not accept it.”

“Besides us, there are more than 100 people in Liberty City. Are you afraid of causing public outrage when you do this?”

“That’s right, we all came here admirably. How can you do this? It’s pretty unreasonable? If you do this, what’s the difference between it and the bandits?”

“Everybody listens to me, we will not leave here, as long as we are united, then they will not dare to move us. At worst, we fight.”

“Yes, we are united and we will never leave.”

“I agree, if they come hard, then we will fight, what are we afraid of? We are bullied, there are more than 100 10000 people, they will certainly do justice for us.”

At this time, there were more onlookers, many of them were outsiders, and they were approaching here.

In fact, Free Legion is given some oppressive tendency. These people seem to be telling Free Legion in this way, so that Free Legion should not be chaotic, otherwise they will stand up.

And the support in this situation has boosted the arrogance of those people, so that those people are more confident and confident, just stand there and don’t leave, and see how free Legion can bear them.

Faced with such a situation, Liberty also hesitated slightly.

“What are you hesitating about? Didn’t you hear my order just now? This is the order given by Sir City Lord, and it will be executed immediately. Who dares to come out to stop and kill it directly. No one can destroy the city regulations of our Free City. .”

“The dignity of our Free City does not allow others to provoke it.”

“Those with heart, old man here advise you again, don’t go further and further on the wrong path.” Elf Race is almost useful.

Liberty Legion heard of such a roar, naturally no longer hesitated, immediately shot.

This time is coming.

The power of free Legion is still very strong.

Those people saw that Legion really came true, many people were a little panicked, and suddenly lost their resistance.

But there are always people who pick things up.

“Oh, the people of Free Legion have killed people. I didn’t resist them. They also killed people. Don’t be fooled. Don’t believe them. They will kill us.”

“Rather than sit back and wait, not equal to me, let’s take action together.” Suddenly a voice cried out.

This voice also immediately affected many people and made many people hesitate and have some ideas.

“Lao Tzu can’t control that many anymore. If you want to kill Lao Tzu, you have to ask Lao Tzu’s fist to disagree. Lao Tzu fights with you.”

At this moment, a man jumped out and launched an offensive directly against Liberty.

The man’s movement, like a fuse, suddenly ignited the war.

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