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“Hahaha, I guessed that you must be wondering this, just like me, haha. Even your expression now looks very similar to me.”

10000 Falang couldn’t help but laughed, and said: “But your question is too big, I really have no way to answer you specifically. This doubt, in fact, I still have it. However, I can give you Some basic answers.”

“You should know that Innate Divine Ability determines a person’s talent. Although it is said to be in innate talent, it is actually a training talent on the physical realm, right?”

Qin Xiao thought about it carefully before being nodded.

“And Profound Truth? It’s Heaven and Earth Law, Supreme Avenue, the power of nothingness. Profound Truth’s power doesn’t need the power of your body to inspire. You can borrow the place of Heaven and Earth Law, Even the heavens may be of the Grand Dao. The deeper your Profound Truth level, the stronger the law of the borrowed might of the Grand Dao, and the power on the realm of the body, on the contrary, it will not be used much, you carefully experience it, Is it this way?”

Qin Xiao thought about it seriously. He has now practiced Profound Truth of Sword, Formation Profound Truth and sword array Profound Truth, but he used Profound Truth before, but his physical strength still dominates.

But if you think about it carefully, Qin Xiao immediately understood. Now his own physical strength still dominates, that is because his Profound Truth realm is too weak, but he is only 10000 layers of that’s all, so naturally he needs to rely more on the physical strength.

In this way, Qin Xiao knew a lot in an instant.

“Innate Divine Ability, talent is in the realm training of the body. And Profound Truth is in your realm. In fact, the two are not in conflict. They are completely in two different directions, and they can be trained separately. Of course. , Although there is no necessary connection between the two, but also not said that there is no connection, at least that the two can complement each other. The higher the realm of your body, the combination of physical strength, the power of Profound Truth It is also more powerful.”

“Moreover, the higher the realm of your body, the stronger the state of mind, and it will naturally be of great help to the practice of Profound Truth.”

“The reverse is also true. However, the level of Innate Divine Ability is indeed very restrictive to the body. So there are many places where I can’t get answers. I can say that there are just so many, more I’m afraid how deep things can only be known by the presence of Holy Lord, I don’t know anyway.”

Qin Xiao was a bit relieved. Although he didn’t understand it thoroughly, he finally understood it.

Profound Truth training can be completely separated from the realm of the body. Of course, without assistance, the difficulty will definitely increase that’s all.

But for the time being, it is still a little distant.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao does not worry about this, after all, his Innate Divine Ability is not fixed, but can be upgraded. As long as he has enough abilities, he can always improve his Innate Divine Ability grade, or even to the extreme level of Grade 9.

Don’t worry about Innate Divine Ability, all Qin Xiao’s thoughts are now on Profound Truth.

A chat with the 10000 method one after another is indeed a 1-year book, which is too much for Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao also took note of this relationship.

To say noble, this 10000 method is definitely a noble in Qin Xiao training, and it can be said to be the first one.

Bai Jian begs this kind, can’t be said to be a noble, it is a step by step brother of life and death.

The so-called 1000 Lima often exists, but Bole rarely.

Meeting a noble person is equal to meeting an opportunity.

Now Qin Xiao has a clear mind and a very good mood.

The purpose of coming to this Bliss Hall is also achieved.

“Brother 10000, you come to me this time, it seems that you are not just here for these?” Qin Xiao said directly.

“Smart.” 10000 Fayi laughed: “Sure enough, I didn’t hide from you. Since you took the initiative to speak, I won’t tweak. First of all, introduce myself, I’m a 10000 Fa, one of the 10000 palaces in the Desert Palace. deacon.”

“10000 Palace? Desolate Palace? Deacon?” Qin Xiao listened with confusion, simply did not know what the origin of this 10000 Palace was.

However, he felt it. The beginning of the 10000 formations seems to be not small. The desert country has its own division, and it is a division.

“Haha, it’s normal if I haven’t heard it yet. Let me talk to you briefly. Let’s go to the 10000 Palace, within the boundaries of Xuzhou, it is also considered to be the top ten ancient influence. Especially in Array Dao In the past, our 10000 battles in Anshi are unique in the entire Xuzhou territory, saying that it is the first and no boasting.”

“The 10000 palaces are divided into imperial cities of every force and some important cities. The most important ability of our 10000 palaces is to establish a complete space-time transmission system. Through our 10000 palaces’ Space Transmission Network can easily reach any large city in the Xuzhou territory, and it is almost equivalent to reach any place in Xuzhou.”

“And this part of the desert country is only a small part of our 10000 palace, that’s all, that’s unremarkable. I’m just a very unremarkable figure in the 10000 palace. The part palace of the desert is supported by the deacon In charge of all matters, I am only one of the 6 deacon deacon under the deacon. I am mainly responsible for intelligence.”

10000 Fa Yi explained very patiently that when he talked about the 10000 formation, he also looked proud.

10000 array palace, the real ancient influence, inheritance has not yet known how many 10000 years, said that there are 100,000 years, there are also said a few million years.

10000 formations, but the top ten Great Influence in the Xuzhou territory, even if you look at the 9 forces of the entire 3000-continent world, it still exists in the top 100.

Let me put it this way, in front of the 10000 formations, the weak country is no different from an ant. No, it’s not even as good as an ant.

“10000 formations, so powerful…” Qin Xiao was also shocked, and immediately took note of this force, and it was terrifying to think about it.

9 The forces of the continent, such as the Desert State, have more than 300 forces. The first city of each force has a division of 10000 formations. If you add some other places, I am afraid that 10000 formations Gongguang is more than 500 in the division, and there is a more terrifying headquarters. What kind of power is this?

There are a total of 10000 deacon managers like 6 Law One, each and everyone may be the strength of Wu Dong Jing Peak, and there are more decisive deacon.

The strength of one division is so, how terrifying is it if more than 500 divisions add up?

Moreover, I am afraid that the details of the headquarters are even more terrifying than all the other palaces combined, right?

The more I think about Qin Xiao, the less I dare think about it, and his current knowledge is indeed too shallow.

In his view, the desert country is already powerful. At least he was just an ant that’s all in front of the desert, weak and pathetic.

But now looking at the 10000 formations, this is called real Great Influence.

After the shock, Qin Xiao’s blood boiled again.

One day, he will also go to see such Great Influence.

Knowing the identity of 10000 Fayi, Qin Xiao seemed a little weird: “Brother 10000, why are you looking for me?”

10000 Fa took a picture of Qin Xiao’s shoulder and said, “Don’t be nervous, I’m just a low-key lackey that’s all. You and I are willing to be together, friends of friendship, don’t be a student.”

Qin Xiao laughed, 10000 method one is indeed very approachable, without a little powerhouse shelf.

This kind of person is still worthy of deep friendship.

“It’s a good thing to find you. Naturally, the foundation of our 10000 formation palace is Array Dao’s unique world. Our 10000 formation palace specializes in this course, and carries forward this course with great achievements and incomparable achievements. See We know the name of the sect, 10000 array palace, directly pointed to Array Dao.”

“All the divisions of our 10000 formations are scattered throughout the Xuzhou boundary. Once they maintain the transmission array, they will also do some incidental things in the second time. For example, collecting information, for example, decentralizing tasks, for example I will do some transactions such as treasure, and even have escort tasks, and also absorb fresh blood for the 2 palace.”

Qin Xiao also understood and understood that 10000 method one had his own purpose. It turned out that he wanted to absorb himself.

Qin Xiao suddenly hesitated.

10000 Method 1 continued: “I am responsible for intelligence collection. Someone under my staff just saw a battle between you and Ji Wuhua and saw your amazing talent on the Formation. Above the battle, you broke through the Formation Profound Truth, in a very short time, Profound Truth of Sword and Formation Profound Truth are merged together. Although the fusion is still relatively rough, you have taken this step after all, and you have stepped out in such an environment. “

“Plus, you got the inheritance of the Apocalypse King again. King Keshi, an apocalyptic king who made great achievements in the Formulation. If you get his inheritance, then you will definitely go a long way on Array Dao.”

“Dare not say that looking at the entire 9 continent world, but at least looking at the entire Xuzhou territory, on Array Dao, there is no force that can compare with our 10000 formation. So, to absorb you to join the 10000 formation, for you, But it is also a great thing.”

“Qin Xiao, from a personal standpoint, although at this time you do have the hope of becoming the Direct Disciple of the Desert King, the Desert King is at best only the existence of a king, that’s all, compared with our 10000 battles, that’s worse The horizon is gone. If you can enter the headquarters of the 10000 formations step by step through your own efforts, and then stand out as the Core Disciple of the 10000 formations, then your future achievements will definitely not be under the King of Revelation. .”

“I am still very optimistic about you. Since I worked in the Desert Palace, you are the best talent I have encountered on Array Dao.”

Qin Xiao thought for a while and said, “Brother 10000, if I promise to join you, can I go to the headquarters of 10000 Palace?”

“Cough…” The 10000 method shook his head immediately: “This is naturally impossible. How difficult is the assessment of the discipline by the 10000 palace? How can it be easily absorbed into the headquarters? Want to enter the headquarters, this has to be step by step Pass the test.”

“1st Stage, you have to pass the test of our divided palace, with your talents, pass the test of our divided palace, the problem should not be big, but it takes some time that’s all. After passing the test of our public palace, you can go Qinghe County City is responsible for the re-test of the branch palace. If it passes again, it will be eligible to participate in the headquarters test. It will also pass the headquarters test and be eligible to stay in the headquarters. All three stages of the test will pass. , Is an Inner Disciple in the 3 formation.”

“If you can’t pass the test, you can join me in the 10000 battle, and you will get a little errand. Like me, I only passed the 1st Stage test and planted it on the 2nd Stage, so I made a errand here. If you can’t pass the 1st Stage, you will not be eligible to join the 10000 battle.”

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