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A desolate desert, an endless glance is a desert, can not see the end.

In this desert, it is rare to see any life, and occasionally to see a few plants, I am afraid that it will wither and wither.

A teenager who looks more delicate and pretty, but has a sturdier figure walking in this desert, expression is somewhat haggard.

“8 grandfather also said that there are a lot of treasures buried in this desert, and that this desert is a restricted area in this area, and clansman is not allowed to come in.”

“This desert is all sand, where is there any treasure, where is there any danger? I really don’t know why it is called a restricted area.”

“I see, it’s a deserted place that’s all.”

“Ai, curiosity killed the cat. White harmed me and tried my best to sneak out, but came to such a ghost place, and there was no gain at all.”

“Xi Zi, the dog guy, doesn’t mean anything at all. He said that if he came out to explore the treasure together, he just slipped away when he entered the desert.

The strong young man frowns, whispering something while shaking his head, not in a good mood.

Walking in this barren desert, he is like a withered flower without color.

Sizzle! ! !

Suddenly a strange voice came through, and the strong young man at first hadn’t responded yet. After a few steps, it was a shock. The whole person suddenly stopped like a freeze.

Quickly glanced back at all around, but all around calm and tranquil, where is there anything?

The strong young man scratched his head very puzzled: “Why did I hear a voice just now, did I hear it wrong?”

“Is it not in a good mood, there is auditory hallucinations.”

The strong young man hooked the head and moved on.


But after not going for a while, I heard the strange voice again, and the voice was a little clearer than before.

“There is really a voice!”

If it is said that it may be because of auditory hallucination, but it is heard for the second time, it is definitely not as simple as auditory hallucination.

The strong young man is very sure that he must have heard it correctly, but there is nothing all around. He used Divine Consciousness not at all to find out.

“Underground? Is there something under the ground?” The strong young man thought for a while and reacted violently. There must be something under the ground.

As soon as this thought came out, he suddenly became a little scared, and immediately thought of some stories in the desert restricted area that the old people in the family often told him.

What are the cannibal flowers, the cannibal trees, the dark pits that will swallow up everything, the dust storms that cover the sky… and so on.

There are various natural strange powers in the desert restricted area. These powers are terrifying and kill many people.

I have even heard the most frightening statement that the red sand in this desert forbidden area is blood dyed with countless lives.

Say Ancient Era, the desert sand is white, but now it is red.

The more I thought about it, the more sturdy the young man felt, and his feet were trembling.

How to do?

Is it really in danger?

is it possible that all the old people in the clan are telling the truth?

Thinking of this, the strong young man also regretted it. He shouldn’t have come out to play with such curiosity. What should I do?

“Yes, this is not far from going out. As long as I run quickly, I should be able to escape.”

“I am also a two-step Heavenly Venerable Human Immortal. I am also very strong and I can definitely escape.”

As soon as the strong young man thought about it, he suddenly added a little confidence to himself.


The speed of the strong young man suddenly broke to the extreme, fleeing desperately.

But just as the strong young man was about to escape, there was a scream of “Peng” screaming in four places, and I saw a series of giant snakes flying out from under the desert. Within a thousand thousand li, countless The giant snakes, each of which seemed to be infinitely long, sprinted towards the strong young man.

All around, the moment is to cover this square ten thousand li, forming an absolute general area.

In an instant, this square ten thousand li turned into a cage.

The countless giant snakes can even grow small snakes, as if the spider is under the web, and quickly wrapped this piece of heaven and earth tightly.

If you take a closer look, you realize that the sand that broke out is not a giant snake, but a strange life.

Like the roots of trees, there are countless thin roots all over the body.

The body is brown and black, and his body is covered with barbs, sharp and sharp, and at a glance, he knows that the lethality is very strong.

Where has the strong young man seen this?

Almost not scared, he collapsed to the ground, fearing 10000 copies, almost crying.

“What the hell is this? How could there be such a huge, terrifying life?”

“Is this – this is the 10000 foot demon cypress that the old man in the family told me? A ghost that eats people?”

“It’s too amazing right? It’s more terrifying than the old people in the tribe, what should I do?”

“What can I do now, I can only do it now.”

Although the strong young man was extremely scared in his heart, he also gathered courage at this time, struggling to kill those’snake snakes’ with all his strength.

But the giant snake was too hard, and the sword of the powerful young man was cut continuously, and all his strength was bounced back.

A tree branch was pumped heavily on the body of the strong young man, like burning beans, crackling, immortal physique was quickly broken.

After a face-to-face meeting, the strong young man didn’t remember how much he had suffered, and he vomited blood directly, resisting weakness.

He also wanted to resist, but soon the twigs entangled him to death, making him unable to move even a little bit anymore.

The barbs on the twigs, forcibly pierced into the body of the strong young man, so that the strong young man did not fall in pain and screamed again and again.

2 twigs suddenly stood up, and turned into 2 long needles standing in front of the eyes of the strong boy. Looking at it like this, he wants to put away his eyes.

The strong young man was frightened and frightened, but he was unable to resist.

“I’m dying–“

“Forget it, losing Avatar is a big lesson for me to be naughty.”

The muscular boy closed his eyes in despair, the world entered a darkness, and what awaited him would also be a darkness.

Death is about to come, and everything will go into darkness.

But in this darkness, suddenly a bright rays of light crossed.

Like a meteor in the night, it is so bright.

After the bright rays of light crossed, the strong young man was surprised to find that his body seemed to be less painful.

The thing that would pierce his eyes did not pierce anymore.

what happened?

The world seems to be much quieter.

The twigs that had wrapped around him quickly backed away, letting him go and let him regain his freedom.

There is no shackles.

its not right?

Why is this happening suddenly?

Is he already dead?

No, it’s not right, there is still a connection with the deity, I’m not dead, I’m not dead.

The sturdy boy slammed a shivered, and suddenly opened his eyes. At first glance, he jumped in shock.

The 10000 foot demon cypresses that have filled up the entire ten thousand li have just disappeared, and the desert has returned to calm, as if nothing exists and nothing has happened.

This made stared wide-eyed even the young and powerful, and even some doubted whether he had hallucinations just now.


The strong young man’s eyes saw a place where there were a lot of broken branches scattered around, which were 10000 foot demon cypress branches.

“Someone saved me?”

The strong young man’s eyes quickly looked around, and he really saw 3 silhouettes.

The powerful and powerful young man exuded from 3 people knows that the strength of these 3 people is far above him. Could it be 3 great immortals? Even—Is it the 3 most immortal?

But-they are outsiders!

“Are you okay?” Qin Xiao asked involuntarily when he saw that the strong young man was scared and stupid.

The 3 people who saved the move were naturally not others, but Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao just passed by here just now. Seeing a scene here, Qin Xiao rescued the strong young man.

The strong young man suddenly turned around and turned his head to run, seeming to be afraid of Qin Xiao 3 people.

In this case, Qin Xiao was slightly stunned and looked towards Meng Dali.

Mongolian scratched his head and said: “Qin Xiao, I think he should be afraid of us. As far as I know, the whole of the Kalang area is relatively exclusive and does not like outsiders. Some ancient ethnic tribes, even Outsiders are devil-like, and they fear to retreat when they see them. They are very scared.”

“This Little Brat, should know that we are outsiders, so I am afraid to hide from us.”

Qin Xiao shook the head, somewhat helpless laughed: “It feels like we are bad guys, he just saved him just now. This is the first indigenous we encountered in the Karang area, how can we not let him slip away? , I still have to rely on him to ask for some information.”

After all, Qin Xiao silhouette caught up with the strong young man and moved in front of him.

Seeing that Qin Xiao 3 was overtaken by the strong young man, he was very scared and wanted to escape, but he was thrown away by Meng Dali and was trapped there.

“Hehe, kid, if you run again, I will kill you.” Meng Dali said intentionally.

The tremendous young man shuddered in shock and looked at Meng Dali, but he gritted his teeth, a face that was not afraid of death: “Alien, if you want to kill, kill, I know I fell to you There will be no good ending in the hands.”

“You just saved me just to kill me? Since this is the case, don’t talk nonsense, just kill it?”

Meng Dali’s pretending smile made a negative test: “Hehehe, it’s really clever, and you’re right.”

“Somehow caught an indigenous, how can we let you die in the hands of those 10000 foot demon cypresses? Isn’t it a pity?”

“So, we will save you, and then slowly play you to death, isn’t it more interesting?”

“Boy, you talk about it, how do you want to die? I can be more generous and let you pick the death method. How is it good for you? Cherish the opportunity.”

The powerful young man coldly snorted, but became more and more courageous: “If you want to kill then kill, if you want to kill, I will not be afraid of you.”

“My son Erlang of the Qisheng Clan is not a cowardly and cowardly person. I am not afraid of death. I am not afraid of you killing me.”

“After you killed me, you also want to go out of this cool area. My deity has notified my clansman, they will come over immediately, catch you, then kill you, and revenge blood for me. hate.”

“Come on, kill me, you guys will do it quickly. If I’m frowned, it’s not a Qisheng man.”

Meng Dali had been unable to bear and wanted to laugh. He looked at the strong young man in a good-looking way and said to Qin Xiao: “Brother Qin Xiao, are you here or am I? This kid is very fun. Don’t you play with me again?”

Qin Xiao gave Meng Dali a blank look and said, “Okay, don’t play anymore, he takes it seriously. In this way, I’m afraid I won’t believe us anymore, let him go.”

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