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“Good.” Qin Xiao’s direct nodded agreed.

Meng Dali was a little anxious and pulled down Qin Xiao, saying: “We don’t even know much about the situation now, so we rashly agreed, is it too bad?”

“The strength of their Qisheng clan is not too weak. Even if they dare not go in, let us go in and help them solve it. It always feels a bit like letting us die.”

“Eh I said Grandpa, wouldn’t you deliberately spoil it?”

Grandpa sneered and said, “Whether you go or not, it’s up to you. In short, this is my only condition. If you don’t promise you, please go and find another brilliant.”

Meng Dali was not happy: “We said that we must look for you. The ethnic tribes in the Karang region have said less than 10000. You refuse to help. We can find someone else. Anyway, it is not necessarily Really need to find someone else, we can also check it ourselves.”

“Finding you, at most, is that you might hurry that’s all, and it’s still an unknown.”

“For an unknown, asking us to sell your life for you, this is really good for wishful thinking.”

Grandpa didn’t say much, but made a gesture to Qin Xiao 3 people, please let me gesture.

“Hey, I’m so angry–“

Meng Dali was a little angry, Qin Xiao pulled him down, begging him not to say more.

“Good Grandpa Senior, let’s go in and see.” Qin Xiao said to Grandpa.

Grandpa Leng stared at Meng Dali before saying to Qin Xiao: “Well, we are here for you.”

Qin Xiao nodded did not say anything more, but signaled that A Dong and Meng Dali vigorously entered the deep forest abyss.

A group of 3 people went directly into the abyss of the forest. The inside was really strange, the outside was already strange, and the inside was even more strange.

The suppression force inside is also several times more powerful.

And not only this repressive force, but also a very powerful force against the soul and will are attacking and influencing, so that you can’t relax your vigilance at all times.

I am afraid that there are 3 steps in the Heavenly Venerable environment, simply don’t want to enter it, I am afraid that you will have to be swallowed up by this strange power, and you will die inside soon.

Even if the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment comes in, you have to be careful and vigilant, and feel that there are dangers everywhere, and you can’t stay in it too much, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble.

“Qin Xiao, that old fox is fine and ghost-like. It’s not simple inside, we all have to be careful.” Meng Dali said something uncomfortable.

Qin Xiao took a photo of Meng Deng and said, “Forget it, take what you need. It doesn’t matter. Although it feels very strange and dangerous, we should be able to cope with it.”

“But it’s really weird. If there is any hidden life hidden in it, it’s easy to understand.”

“But from Grandpa’s words, it used to be the same as other places before. It was only when a mutation occurred before an era that suddenly became like this.”

“If Grandpa’s words are true, then there is a weird power that instantly changes here, covering an area of ​​this abyss of the forest.”

“Although this area is not large, what strange and powerful power can change the power of an area? Such a strange situation, Meng Dali, do you know?”

Meng Dali shook the head and said: “I don’t know, I have never heard of it. It stands to reason that no matter how strong a person is, can’t he do this?”

“Even if it is a field strength, it can cover an area, and it can be changed in a short time, but the long-term changes, impossible, right?”

“If Grandpa didn’t lie to us, we have maintained an epoch time here.”

“Even I wonder if there is power to change the law’s trajectory here. Only by changing the law’s trajectory will it be permanent and will continue.”

“Like the Karang area, the law’s trajectory is changed.”

“But when you think about it, you don’t think it’s possible. How can the trajectory of the law be changed so easily? If this is really the case, then it’s very terrifying.”

Adong, who has never spoken, said: “It is not that the law’s trajectory has been changed, but that a powerful and strange force shrouded in this area.”

“This force has always existed, and has maintained this inside, so it will always become so terrifying inside.”

“And you haven’t found it. Everything inside has mutation.”

“The soil is not like soil, the stone is not like stone, and the plants are growing very strangely, and everything has changed.”

“So I think there is a force that has always existed, has been covering this area, has been changing this area.”

“We have to solve this problem only by finding a source of strength and then solving it.”

What Adong said made Qin Xiao and Meng Dali even more surprised. What a strange and powerful force?

Always exists, has been changing here?

Meng Dali asked doubtfully: “Will that be a powerful life?”

Aston shook the head and said he didn’t know: “It’s possible, I’m not quite clear for the time being. I checked this with Divine Consciousness. It’s not big here, but the strength is everywhere, so there is no way to find the source directly.”

“But according to my speculation, the source should be in the most central area, so that the power can be better dispersed.”

“And this power point should be fixed, we just go to the center point and look slowly.”

A Dong didn’t find out what happened, and Qin Xiao and Meng Dali didn’t find out anything, so for the time being, I can only go to the center and talk about it.

3 people did not walk long. When passing a plant forest, the plants suddenly came to life, each and everyone branches became slender snakes, turned into countless tentacles, and killed Qin Xiao 3 come.

Such a plant made Qin Xiao think of the 10000 foot demon cypresses he had encountered in the desert of the restricted area.

But these are obviously not 10000 foot demon cypresses, but strange trees, or changed trees.

Mongolian shot vigorously and soon cut these trees into countless fragments.

But Qin Xiao found that these trees would spew out strange powers, making it seem to be covered with mist.

These forces, with no opportunity, infiltrated into Qin Xiao 3’s body, attacking Qin Xiao’s body fairy, soul and will.

This strange power can actually be attacked.

In other words, the more these plants are slashed, the stronger the strange power is, and the stronger the attack will be.

Under such circumstances, if these plants are not killed, they will be swallowed by them. If they are killed, they will also be attacked by them.

It’s weird, really weird.

Moreover, the range of this plantation forest is not too small, and it has launched an offensive against the Qin Xiao 3 people in succession. More and more, there is a feeling of endless killing.

The general 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment comes in. I am afraid that I will be trapped for a while and I will die here.

“Hurry up,” Qin Xiao said.

Although these forces pose no threat to them for the time being, they cannot stay in it for long.

Small injuries are also injuries. Once small injuries accumulate, it is also a bad thing.

Meng Dali drove the road ahead, and forcibly made a way for him, Qin Xiao 3 did not stay there for a long time and kept going.

The further forward, the more plant life, the more powerful, the crazier.

Moreover, Qin Xiao’s strength was suppressed, so Lianmeng Dali soon felt strenuous.

Qin Xiao also shot and joined the battle, which completely stabilized the situation.

A group of 3 people continued to move forward, and it really took a lot of effort to finally remove all obstacles and successfully walked out of the plant forest.

“Hu ——” After he came out, he was sighed and couldn’t help but looked back. He was a little scared and said: “If this is a person, it’s really possible to fold inside.”

“Mainly our strength has arrived here, and it has been suppressed so much that only 2% of the strength that’s all is left.”

“Fortunately, our defensive power is very strong. If the defensive power is weaker, it will have been swallowed up by the strange power.”

“This ghost place is really a bit dangerous.”

It is true that Qin Xiao and Meng Dali are students of St. Academy, but from among the endless young geniuses in the whole human world, a handful of people stand out, but stand in the pinnacle genius.

In every aspect, it is naturally extremely powerful.

Whether it is soul or will, immortal physique, and state of mind, these aspects are very powerful.

The general 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment, where there is such a strong, as long as there is a weaker one, then it is very likely to fall into it.

Therefore, for those of the Jisheng clan, it is indeed a terrifying place, and they are not afraid to step into the place easily.

I am afraid that those 4-step Heavenly Venerable situations will come in, and they will soon be scared back.

“Whether it’s Longtan or Tiger’s Cave, since you’re in, let’s break into it,” Qin Xiao said.

Meng Dali suddenly laughed out loud: “Hahaha, that’s of course, but we are the people who winds and waves.”

“Even if it’s heaven, we have to poke out a hole.”

“As long as we come in, it must be a Heaven and Earth turning upside down.”

“I still don’t believe his mother is evil, what strength can stop us.”

3 people move on.

Similar to the dangers of plant forests, there are many along the way, endlessly emerging, and they are all mutated things.

Even the stones and dirt can attack people, and they are also terrifying.

Sloughs, underground life, rocks, storms…each and everyone A strange power appears and wants to devour Qin Xiao 3 people.

If you are alone, there may really be no way to cope with it.

Qin Xiao was also forced to shoot with all his strength, and joined forces with Meng Dali, this way was not surprising.

But Adong never shot, and it’s not worth his shot.

If he needs to use his shot, then the situation is a bit troublesome.

After 9 disasters, Qin Xiao 3 finally arrived in Central Zone.

When you arrive at the Central Zone, it seems to be much quieter. There is no wind, no waves, and no danger. It seems to be a place to rest and settle.

“Believe in him as a ghost. There is no life in it at all. Except for those lives, I didn’t see normal primate life. I didn’t even see a ghost shadow.”

“How do we solve it? Can’t we remove the whole thing?” Meng Dali smashed his mouth and said.

Qin Xiao looked at all around and was thinking about this problem.

Yeah, there are no black beasts and beasts, and there is no human race alien life, you can’t see the life of primates.

Some are just plants, rocks, and the like, so how can this be solved?

If it is said that there is any hidden life hidden in it, then it is easy to handle, just kill the killed life directly.

But no.

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