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Geridou also showed no weakness, stood up, fighting intent high.

The two people face each other and don’t give in to each other. A big battle seems to break out.

Qin Xiao was happy to watch the play quietly there. If he let these two pampered young masters fight because of him, it would be a very interesting thing.

However, this situation is believed to be very difficult.

Looking at these two postures, Qin Xiao knew that it must be loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, and did not raise.

Sure enough, the 2 people just pulled down, but soon faded.

“Forget it, my small place can’t stand tossing. If we do, then I will definitely be ruined here. I will have a chance in the future, and I will teach you again.” Gerald Fiercely said.

Geridou also fought back: “Yeah, you have to have the strength to teach me, which one is not your lose?”

“Hehe, it seems that we really had hands together? Don’t pull things out as a child, it’s not counted.” Gerila smirked.

these two people, if you say one word or one sentence, the dialogue is a bit funny.

Qin Xiao who is unable to bear wants to laugh. Are these two people still playing?

“Gerila, then you say, how do you divide this person? There is only one person, we all want it. You don’t want to say what you said first, we compete fairly, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, you talk about how we compare. If you fight, if you want to, I will accompany you to the end.” Geridu said.

Gerila is not as rigid as it was just now, but slightly frowned, with a straight face: “Since we are all playing, then in order not to hurt the spirit, not equal to me, we have played for one million years. ? Take turns.”

One person, one million years?

Gerudou thought about it, nodded and said, “Well, that would work, it’s a good way.”

“We can play once each, and it’s almost the same.”

Gerila said again: “We are like this, still playing with the old rules, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose. The person who wins will use one million years first, and then be replaced.”

“However, the guarantee is that the winner should not kill the kid in a million years, otherwise he will not have to play, how?”

“Okay, just do what you said.” Geridu nodded agreed.

The 2 men pulled up again, again with swords drawn and bows bent.

Such a situation makes Qin Xiao a little curious. What do these two people want to play?

“Gridu, are you ready?”

“Hmph, I’m already ready, I’ll wait for you to come to the house to die.”

“Hahaha, come to your door to die? You might look at yourself too much? Don’t think about your own strength.”

“Ah, it wasn’t me who won last time? Why, so quickly, I forgot how I lost last time?”

“Come on, let’s talk about it last time. Last time you won me by fraud, it doesn’t count. I don’t recognize it anyway.”

“Yo yo, can’t afford to lose? Do you want to make a face? If you can’t lose, then don’t play.”

“Hmph, let’s get started. I must win you at this time, and must revenge on my last revenge. Gerila, you are dead at this time. Come and die.”

2 people with 4 eyes facing each other, staring at each other violently, bursting out sharp rays of light.

Suddenly-2 people shot at the same time.

Qin Xiao also watched the battle with interest. Could it be that these two people still have to fight?

Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao is happy to watch them fight.

However, Qin Lu’s desire was clearly not fulfilled.

Gerila threw a fist away, Gerdu threw a pair of scissors.

2 people fist and scissors collided together, in this brief moment time stopped.

fist? scissors?

This is what the hell?

Is this playing rock-paper-scissors? Are you serious?

Seeing such a scene, Qin Xiao’s eyes widened uncontrollably, and he almost didn’t bite his tongue. Is this too funny?

I thought what exciting and fierce battle they were going to do. Didn’t expect turned out to be a very low-level game of scissors and rock cloth played by ordinary children.

“Haha, Geridu, I said you have to lose. Just because of your strength, do you want to play with me?”

“Last time you lost, you were not convinced, did you lose your heart this time?” Gerila was very pleased.

He won Geridu twice, enough for him to show off well.

“True motherfucker, I’m so miserable, you’re so mournful, I won’t be here in the future.” After Geridu’s panting with rage called cursed, he left.

Qin Xiao was standing there, and it was really a bit of forbearance that he could still play like this.


But Qin Xiao doesn’t care about these things. What he cares about is who he fell into.

Fortunately, it was the best result in the end. He fell into Gerila’s hands without any risk.

If it fell into Gerdu’s hands, it would be a hassle.

Fortunately, such a thing does not happen at all.

Gerila’s eyes quickly fell on Qin Xiao’s body, and suddenly became extremely majestic: “Kneeling down quickly, give your soul, recognize me as your Lord?”

Lei Li’s voice was like angry thunder. He suppressed it and wanted to overwhelm Qin Xiao.

Under such a prestige, Qin Xiao was still standing there steadily, and he also raised his head and looked directly at Gerila without any fear.

Give your soul and recognize Tajira

How is this possible?

Therefore, there is no other choice now, only to reveal yourself.

Gerald saw that Qin Xiao didn’t kneel down, and didn’t even have the slightest fear. It seemed that he didn’t even hear him, which made him very angry.

A humble foreigner is not a dare.

Just a trifling 2 step Heavenly Venerable environment Human Immortal, his Xianwei can’t suppress it?

“Dare to resist? Kneel down for me!” Gerila sighed again, and Xianwei urged out completely, pressing heavily on Qin Xiao to make Qin Xiao kneel.

Gerila’s strength is indeed very strong, but he simply wants to shake Qin Xiao by virtue of his Xianwei, which is naturally an impossible thing.

Qin Xiao still stood there as stable as Mount Tai, and even looked at Gerila with a slight chuckle, as if he was laughing at Gerila.


what happened?

Or not?

Not right-Gerald soon noticed that something was wrong, not as simple as he imagined.

“You are not a two-step Heavenly Venerable environment, who are you? It’s actually hiding the strength, and it’s so good that it can be hidden, even I can’t detect it, you are not simple, who the hell are you? Dare to mix into my Wagel tribe, what is your intention?” Gerila stepped forward, and the powerful immortal formidable power enveloped here, blocking it.

Since it has been seen by Gerila, and Qin Xiao also intends to reveal his strength, it does not matter.

Qin Xiao no longer hides his breath, reveals his strength, and restores the breath of the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.

“En? 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment? The hidden means of a good history is only a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment that’s all, I thought it is an Ancient Saint.” Seeing Qin Xiao is just a 4-step Heavenly In a Venerable environment, Gerila was relaxed.

A 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment, no matter how the waves of the Wagel tribe can’t make waves.

He Wager tribe tribe 4 step Heavenly Venerable realm that is a lot, there are more than 100, want to pinch a 4 step Heavenly Venerable realm, that is not with no difficulty thing?

Furthermore, there are several Ancient Saints in the Wager tribe, but how powerful can they touch?

Therefore, Gerila is naturally full of confidence, full of confidence, and can ignore Qin Xiao at all.

Qin Xiao took a punch at Gerila and signaled that he was not at all malicious.

“Gerila Fellow Daoist, don’t get me wrong. My name is Qin Xiao. I’m mixed into your Wagel tribe. Not at all, it’s malicious, just because I have a brother who was caught by your Wagel tribe. So, I just want to come in and get him. Rescue that’s all.”

“Oh?” Gerila looked at Qin Xiao faintly, as if looking at the truth of Qin Xiao’s sentence.

“Aliens entered my Wager tribe, and it would all become slaves. Putting it that way, your brother is my slave of the Wager tribe?”

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “Yes, it is indeed a slave. And-it’s your Slave of the Gerald Fellow Daoist.”

“So, I was spelled by circumstances and mixed in. It was also good luck, it happened that you were going to choose a slave, so it happened to be picked up again, and it was so smooth that it was so unbelievable that I saw Gerila Fellow directly. Daoist you.”

Listening to Qin Xiao’s words, Gerila’s eyes grew deeper and looked at Qin Xiao with a glare.

A sneer slipped across the corner of his mouth and said, “That shocking sun is your brother?”

“He he he, this is interesting. A talented 2-step Heavenly Venerable environment Human Immortal, would you have such a 4-step Heavenly Venerable brother?”

“And I think you are not to old, it’s a terrific genius, rays of light ten thousand zhang is very good.”

“What do you think, you are incompatible with the shocking sun, completely asymmetrical, how could he be your brother?”

Qin Xiao pouted, saying: “It is the heart to make friends and the people, not the background of strength.”

“The brother I approve, whether you are in a Heavenly Venerable environment or not, it doesn’t matter, even if it is just an ordinary mortal, it is still my Qin Xiao’s brother.”

“If you talk about strength, talent, and background, then it is not the heart, but the power position, it will change the taste.”

“Gezhela Fellow Daoist, since everything has been said, then let it be clear.”

“I Qin Xiao has no intention to be an enemy with you, and even no intention to be an enemy with your Wagel tribe.”

“It’s my fault to mix into your Wagel tribe. I apologize to you, but I am really forced to help.”

“My purpose is very simple, just want to take my brother away from the sun.”

“So, I still want to ask Gerzhela’s Fellow Daoist to be able to fulfill it, and I can cancel the contract with his master and servant, and let me take the shock away.”

“Of course, Geralda Fellow Daoist can come up with conditions, and I will definitely try my best to meet them.”

“A small slave, I believe that for Gerald Fellow Daoist, it’s not really what it is, but there is nothing to do.”

“Why don’t Geralda Fellow Daoist be a favored one and let my brother go? My Qin Xiao must be grateful, and I won’t let Gerala Fellow Daoist lose.”

“Hahaha!” Gerila laughed, looking at Qin Xiao with some playfulness, and said, “Your relationship? Do I need it? Who do you think you are? Open your mouth and talk about relationships, don’t you find it ridiculous? ?”

“You are just a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment that’s all, what’s the use of I want your favor?”

“Your relationship is in my eyes. It is worthless. It is ridiculous for you to talk about your relationship in front of me.”

Hearing this, Qin Xiao’s face sank uncontrollably. It seemed that the situation was not very good.

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