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The drunken messenger can talk to himself so much and benefit himself a lot. I understand a lot. Qin Xiao is grateful.

“Thanks for the guidance of Drunk without Teacher, and the graciousness of Drunk without Teacher, Qin Xiao took note.” Qin Xiao thanked.

The drunken messenger laughed lightly and waved his hand: “Don’t hurry to thank me, but I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

Not finished yet?

This is a good thing, it seems that today’s gains are much more than that.

Qin Xiao was naturally very happy to listen and listen, and continued to listen to the instructions and instructions of the drunken messenger.

“Aren’t you entangled in the cultivation technique? How can I choose? Well, I can give you some advice. Of course, it depends on whether you personally want it or not.” Drunk Wu Envoy said.

Qin Xiao was immediately delighted and immediately nodded and said: “Willing to be willing, of course 100 to 1000 are willing.”

“Students are really entangled and a little worried. If the drunk without Teacher can give some advice, it is naturally an undesirable thing.”

“Is such a good thing, Junior unreasonable?”

The drunken messenger laughed, satisfied with the nodded, he really appreciates the brat like Qin Xiao.

There are many people who are not interested.

Proud and arrogant, that’s not a few.

Little Brat, the No. 1 in the holy list, is such a humble thing. So, he was drunk and no messenger was willing to chatter with Qin Xiao more and give some experience that’s all.

It’s too busy, it certainly won’t help.

“If you decide to continue cultivation, it is obviously a good choice for you.”

“You are No. 5 in the Holy List. You have the privilege to choose 1 cultivation techniques. This is a huge advantage for you, and you should make good use of it.”

“In addition to heart attack, I think there are 2 other very good choices, that is 9 secrets.”


9 Secret?

Qin Xiao was shocked when he heard the drunken messenger, and he looked at the drunken messenger with surprise, and said in amazement: “There are 9 secrets here?”

The drunken messenger nodded and said: “Of course there is, since it is Saint Academy, then naturally the best cultivation cultivation technique of the entire fairyland will appear here. Saint Academy is to give you the best and most powerful things, let You go to practice and cultivate you with all your strength.”

“Otherwise, do you think Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors will join forces to create Saint Academy at will?”

“9 secret 9 cultivation techniques, all here.”

Crazy, really crazy.

9 secret 9 kinds of cultivation techniques, all of them here, it’s exciting to think about it.

As for the 9th secret, Qin Xiao has always been rushing, and it is a longing.

If it is 9 secrets, it is Supreme’s secret technique, which is comparable to holy technique. Moreover, it is much rarer and more precious than holy technique.

After all 9 secrets, there are only 9 that’s all.

And 9 secrets are extremely rare. If any forces have them, they will be stored as rare treasures and will not be easily taught.

In the entire Southern Desolate, only the Tianshan City Lord has the Confront’ Character Secret cultivation cultivation technique known to Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao has never heard of the other 8 secrets, nor do I know which forces have 9 secret cultivation cultivation techniques.

It is said that if the 9 secrets are put together, it is a holy technique of Supreme.

9 The value of any secret is incalculable.

A force can have a 9 secret, it is already a remarkable thing to show off.

But didn’t expect Saint Academy has such a great handwriting, even the collection of 9 secret 9 cultivation cultivation techniques, all placed in these 10000 pavilions.

No wonder Qin Xiao will be deeply shocked after hearing this news.

There are 9 secrets, what else to consider?

Choose the 4 secrets for all the remaining 9 doors, and then try to select other 9 secrets in the future.

If you can practice the complete 9 secret words, how powerful should it be?

Nine Secrets Unite, that is Supreme’s holy technique, straight through Wuji.

Qin Xiao has heard a lot about 9 mysteries.

The power of Nine Secrets Unite is deeply imprinted in the mind of Qin Xiao anyway.

The drunken messenger laughed and said, “I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that all 4 other gates will choose 9 secrets, or even 5 gates all choose 9 secrets.”

“Your idea is very good. If you can, I actually suggest that you choose 5 secrets from all 9 doors, plus your own Confront’ Character Secret, then you have 9 secrets out of 6 secrets.”

“If you think about it in the future, there is still hope that all 9 secrets will be put together as soon as possible.”

“Nine Secrets Unite, that’s unstoppable. It can definitely help you stand on top of the fairyland.”

“However, the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Such a good thing will naturally not be given to you.”

Qin Xiao frowned slightly frowned, I had long thought that there is no such good thing.

It seems that there should still be some conditions.

Sure enough, the drunken messenger continued: “According to St. Academy’s regulations, ordinary students can only choose any 9 secrets. And you, as an exception, can choose 2 9 secrets.”

“So, you can only choose any 9 of 2 secrets.”

Can only choose 2 doors?

This really makes Qin Xiao feel a little bit lost, after all, his expectations for the 9th secret are indeed very high.

However, since this is St. Academy’s regulation, there is no way out. It can only be accepted.

It’s just that Qin Xiao doesn’t quite understand it: “Drunk without Teacher, why should there be such a regulation?”

“Now that the 9th secret is so powerful, why should you restrict others to choose? Seriously, I really want to choose the 5th secret for all 9 courses.”

“But only let me choose two, which is really troubling me.”

“Hehe, youngster, don’t be greedy.” The drunken messenger laughed.

Is this called greed?

Maybe call it.

But on this matter, Qin Xiao really wants to be greedy, but Saint Academy will not give him this greedy opportunity.

“Actually, there are reasons for St. Academy’s regulations, which are based on many considerations, and the regulations are the same.”

“The attraction of 9 secrets is indeed stronger than other cultivation techniques. But the difficulty of 9 secrets is actually more difficult than that of overwhelming majority of cultivation techniques.”

“You have practiced 9 secrets, you should be very clear about this.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he is indeed clear about this, and he has to admit that it is a fact.

9 secrets, it is too difficult to practice, there is no absolute talent comprehension, there is no way to practice 9 secrets.

“Although those who can enter St. Academy are extremely talented, they are all excellent people carefully selected from the whole person within the realm.”

“But it is 9 secrets after all, and indeed not everyone can practice successfully.”

“If everyone is greedy and chooses all 9 secrets, it may cause a result, that is, after the election, it is impossible to cultivate.”

“As a result, there is no way to choose other cultivation techniques. It can only keep the 9 secrets that cultivation can’t. Isn’t that a bad thing?”

“Moreover, the 9th secret is not necessarily for everyone. The cultivation technique here is over 10000, everything is extremely powerful. So, there is no need to stare at the 9th secret, you can still choose other cultivation techniques. .”

“So, the final rule is that everyone can only choose one 9 secret, and then choose other cultivation techniques.”

“You are special. You are given the qualification to choose 2 courses and 9 secrets. You should be content.”

“How greedy, but not chewy. The 2 doors are already good.”

Qin Xiao immediately laughed, nodded and said again and again: “Yes yes, drunk without Teacher said right.”

“I can choose 2 doors, it is already better than others, it is indeed time to be satisfied, I am very satisfied.”

“But I still have a problem. Drunk without Teacher. For example, I picked 2 9 secrets this time. If I want to practice other 9 secrets later, is there any way to get them again?”

“For example, I only choose 3 cultivation techniques at this time, and the remaining two cultivation arts are not selected for the time being. When I want to choose 9 secrets next time, is there any way to choose?”

The drunken messenger shook the head and said, “Of course, this will not work. It is because of your 5 chances, you can only choose 2 doors and 9 secrets.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you choose now or not, it will be the same and will not change all the time.”

Doesn’t it mean that there is no chance to get other 10000 secrets from the 9 cabinet?

If this is the case, it is really a pity.

If this is the case, it also makes Qin Xiao a little puzzled. Saint Academy clearly gave 9 doors and 9 secrets, but why not let people practice too much?

For example, if you choose 2 courses and practice successfully, then if you want to practice, do you not cultivate yourself?

In this way, doesn’t it seem very inhuman?

The establishment of St. Academy is to cultivate peerless genius, and cultivate the young peerless genius of the human world into true powerhouse.

Since it is to train young geniuses, it should not be so stingy.

Isn’t it necessary to set such a high threshold for cultivation cultivation technique?

“However, there is no way out.” The drunken messenger said suddenly.

Qin Xiao suddenly moved his heart, is there a way?

As long as there is a way, it is a good thing.

No matter how difficult it is, you can always do it.

“I’m just saying that you can only choose 5 of these 2 opportunities, but you can also complete tasks, get rankings, get rewards, etc. to get additional opportunities to choose cultivation techniques. “

“The chance of choosing a cultivation technique again will not limit your choice of 9 secrets.”

“Of course, in theory, it also requires you to choose the 9 secrets you can succeed in order to continue the selection, at least you should also reach the Small Accomplishment level.”

“So, if you want to choose 9 secrets in the future, just meet these 2 conditions.”

“You choose 2 doors and 9 secrets now, which is enough for your temporary cultivation. You can talk about things in the future. The solution is that there are still some.”

Qin Xiao nodded is completely relieved.

Leaving aside his lips, he said: “If this is the case, then it would be better. For the time being, choose 2 doors and 9 secrets. For me, it is really enough.

“Then I have identified 3 cultivation techniques for the time being, I have heart skills and 2 techniques. 9 secrets.”

“Right or wrong, 2 doors and 9 secrets. I haven’t figured out which 2 doors and 9 secrets to choose.”

“Drunken without Teacher, now that I have troubled you, the student has to be so cheeky, so give me some advice.”

The drunken messenger said: “Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, Lie, Qian, Xing, 9 secrets. You already have Confront’ Character Secret. The remaining 8 secrets are actually almost the same.”

“9 secrets, each has its own strengths, and complement each other. Together, the formidable power is great. So, in fact, no matter how you choose, there is little difference.”

“This, it’s up to you to pick it yourself, or to see which aspect you prefer more.”

“Weapon Character Secret and Fight Character Secret are more combat-oriented and lethal. The others have their own strengths and characteristics.”

“You can try to see which combination will be better in your battle. You can think about it from this idea and finally decide which 2 secrets to choose.”

Qin Xiao nodded, since Drunk Wu Teacher said so, then choose it yourself.

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