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9 Secret: Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, Lie, Qian, Xing.

Each has its own strengths, its own characteristics, and its own subtleties.

But 9 secrets, any secret is extremely powerful, and any secret is close to the existence of holy technique.

The most important thing is that any secret is close to holy technique, but the threshold of cultivation is not as high as holy technique. As long as you have enough talent for comprehension, even a 2-step Heavenly Venerable environment can cultivate 9 secrets.

When Qin Xiao cultivation 9 is secret, there are only 3 steps in the Heavenly Venerable environment.

But holy technique, it is basically difficult to cultivate without going into the holy land.

Regarding the 9th secret, Qin Xiao actually did not at all how much research, but only had some understanding of his mantra, that’s all, but he knew very little about the other 8th secret.

9 mysteries are originally extremely mysterious powerful existence, and people in the world rarely have access to 9 mysteries.

Therefore, people in the world know very little about the 9 secrets.

Qin Xiao looked at the 9 secrets carefully at this time, and examined them in detail.

“The mantra of Bingzi stands for energy and can stabilize Divine Heart and increase the vitality of life. It moves as fast as a dart-the 3rd World Capricorn Club, Great Vajra Wheel Seal…”

“Fighting words, cosmic resonance power, bravery and courage, encountering difficulties and surging the performance of fighting spirit. Unify all difficulties-rational interest, Outer Lion Seal…”

“The word mantra, restoring power, expressing the power to freely control your own body and the body of others. 10000 spiritual power of things, let me contact-a seal of association, a seal of inner lions…”

“All words are mantras, crisis-sensing power, showing the ability to know and manipulate people’s hearts. Unravel all the troubles-4 seals, seals outside…”

“The real words, telepathy, and stealth power show the ability to gather wealth and respect in one body. Perspective and insight into the enemy’s psychology-the support meeting, the inner seal…”

“Listing mantras, controlling power in time and space, expressing relief to others’ hearts. Breaking down all obstacles that hinder oneself–micro-meeting, wisdom punching…”

“The first word of mantra, 5 elements control the power, which means that you can use super powers more freely. Make 10000 things flat-3 Mai Yahui, Sun Wheel Seal…”

“The mantra of words, light, and the power of the Buddha’s heart represent the realm of the Buddha, that is, the superman’s realm. My heart is Zen, Myriad Transformations-the ultimate body meeting, the bottle seal (or invisible seal)…”

After carefully digesting some of the basic knowledge of the 8 secrets, Qin Xiao also has a basic understanding of the 9 secrets. The power represented by each secret, in some cases, is finally understood.

What surprised Qin Xiao a little is that the mantra of the Chinese characters actually has the power of the Buddha’s heart and superhuman Buddha realm. Is this Buddha related to Buddhism?

It stands to reason, It shouldn’t be? After all, the 9 mysteries existed for a long time. Before the birth of Buddhism and Taoism, there were 9 mysteries.

9 The secret is Nine Characters Incantation. It is something closely related to immortal dao. It is not something derived from Buddhism.

In other words, it is also possible that the Buddhism and Taoism have also drawn some things from the 9 secrets and merged into the Buddhism and Taoism.

The mantra is related to Buddhism and Taoism. It should be impossible, so you don’t have to worry about cultivation.

Indeed, as the drunken messenger said, the 9 secrets are actually the same, each has its own strengths, each door is extremely powerful, and choosing any one is actually a good choice.

You have to know that 9 secrets is enough for countless people to break their heads.

But here, Qin Xiao can choose arbitrarily, naturally it will make some tangled.

All is good, I want it, but I can only choose 2 doors, which is also a cruel thing.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao is not that kind of greedy person. Others can only choose one. He can choose two. It should be contented.

2 doors, how to choose?

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao made a decision: “Just choose the mantra of the word and the mantra of the word, the mantra of the word, the strength of the universe, the best fight. For my practice, it should still be helpful. of.”

“Among the 9 secrets, if the battle strength is the strongest, it should be the fighting word mantra.”

“The mantra of the word can control the power of 10000 spirits of things. It is all for me, and I can quickly recover myself, so that I can always maintain a sufficient state of strength. Such a method can also play a great role in combat. The role of can always keep my battle strength in the most powerful state.”

With a decision, then no longer hesitate.

4 cultivation techniques have been selected.

Suffering from Xingong, 5 Fa Lu, mantra and mantra.

After the selection, Qin Xiao did not stay here any longer, but walked out and saw the drunken messenger.

Qin Xiao told the drunken messengers the 4 cultivation techniques he had chosen. Seeing the 4 cultivation techniques chosen by Qin Xiao, the drunken messenger slightly nodded laughed: “It’s almost the same as what I guessed. You feel that you are most likely to choose When it comes to the mantra and the mantra, it really is.”

“You can’t take away these 4 cultivation techniques, you can only understand cultivation in it. As long as you understand the technique of cultivation, the cultivation is the same everywhere else.”

“Time is enough for you, 4 cultivation techniques, you can perceive 100,000 years of time in each course. Of course, the chance is only this time.”

With that, the drunken messenger waved his hand, and four keys appeared in Qin Xiao’s hands. Each key had the name of cultivation technique on it, and it should correspond to each pavilion.

“You go to the pavilion corresponding to your cultivation technique, and with the corresponding key, you can find the space for cultivation.”

“You can enter the cultivation space to cultivate, and you will be sent out automatically after 100,000 years. Of course, you can also come out in advance.”

“Okay, go.”

Qin Xiao did not hesitate, after nodded, he went to cultivation.

On a mountain top, in a room, a grey man sits cross-cultivation.

Not far from his side, a black clothed man was drinking there.

Frowning and locking his face, his eyes flashed from time to time with a fierce color, showing that he was not in a good mood.

Drinking fine wine, I also found it tasteless.

The more you drink, the more annoying you become.

It was really annoying. The black clothed man suddenly shot the glass on the table and walked over to the grey man. He said, “Senior Brother, we have all been waiting here for 100,000 years, and we have to wait so aimlessly. Go on?”

“It’s too difficult to be too hard to wait for Qin Xiao’s boy to come out. And even if it comes out, maybe he will also come with the Ancient Saint followers, and we have no chance.”

“I don’t think we should wait like this. We will create opportunities without opportunities.”

“Isn’t the kid very value emotion, value friendship? We can make a fuss about it, and we can’t force him out if we don’t believe it.”

The gray-clothed man glared at the black clothed man coldly, and said angrily: “Black Hawk, you are really getting more and more impetuous in doing things. What’s the use of your anxiety?”‘

“You are anxious for Senior Brother, I am even more anxious, Senior Brother I have come to avenge you, my time has not been wasted, I have no complaints, but you have complained?”

“If you don’t think Senior Brother Qi is capable, then you still have to ask the Master to go out for yourself. I’m too lazy to care about your ass.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Blackhawk immediately changed his face and said flatly: “don’t, don’t, don’t Senior Brother, my good Senior Brother, you are my dear big brother. Junior Brother is wrong, Junior Brother is not too anxious.”

“This hatred is not reported for a day, Junior Brother, I really have no mood, I am very irritable.”

“Wait all the time, it’s really a torment.”

“Junior Brother, I don’t think about it. We can create a little chance. Is that better than waiting here?”

The grey man coldly snorted, said: “Sometimes it will be better to wait, and the opportunity to create a hug will often be greater. The risk is only a few hundred thousand years. You can’t wait? If you want revenge, then you have to Be prepared for the long term.”

“A few hundred countless years, not so and on, don’t worry so much.”

“Since Senior Brother has agreed to you, since he came out, then this person Senior Brother will naturally kill you for you. Otherwise, Senior Brother’s face is also dull, right?”

“The opportunities created are full of uncertain factors, and may not necessarily have a good effect. And the opportunities created, he will definitely bring the Ancient Saints out, so things are not easy to handle.”

“Our best now is to wait for opportunities and wait for good opportunities.”

Lord Blackhawk said again: “But Senior Brother, I think that even if he wants to come out of Qin Xiao, it is estimated that he will bring the Ancient Saint followers. So, we are waiting for him to come out, I am afraid there is still not much chance.”

“That’s different, he only has something to come out. Even if he brought the Ancient Saint follower, he can still find a way to support his Ancient Saint follower.”

“Well, people always come up with ideas. If there is a way, there must be a way.”

“If we make an opportunity to force him out, do you think he will have an Ancient Saint follower around him?” Gray man shook the head.

Lord Blackhawk thought for a moment, as if this was indeed the case.

It’s just that opportunities are hard to wait for.

Waiting is indeed the most painful thing.

But there is no way. Since Senior Brother said he had to wait, he had to wait.

“Look, the chance will come.” The gray man suddenly laughed.

Opportunity is coming?

Hearing this, Lord Blackhawk immediately rejuvenated and looked at all around, not at all what he found.

“Senior Brother, what opportunity is coming? Qin Xiao left St. Academy?” Lord Blackhawk asked with a puzzled expression.

The gray man got up, looked towards a direction, and the smile on his face became deeper.

“He hasn’t left St. Academy yet, but he should be leaving St. Academy soon.”

“Let’s go, we should prepare in advance. Opportunities don’t need to be made by us, but if we want to kill him, we need to carefully arrange it, so that the success will be higher.”

Black Hawk Lord looked towards the grey man and looked towards the direction, even more puzzled.

“Southern Desolate?” The Black Hawk Lord looked at the gray man in doubt and said, “Senior Brother, are we going to Southern Desolate?”

“Yes, Southern Desolate.” Grey man said.

Lord Blackhawk puzzled: “Why are we suddenly going to Southern Desolate?” Although I know that Qin Xiao came out of Southern Desolate, shouldn’t Qin Xiao return to Southern Desolate again? “

“He is also not a Southern Desolate, he should have no feelings for Southern Desolate.”

“We go to Southern Desolate, can we really wait until Qin Xiao?”

The gray man lightly laughed and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, just follow me. Do you still believe that Senior Brother?”

“Since I said the opportunity is coming, then naturally it has been grasped by several points of.”

“Based on my knowledge of his Qin Xiao, he will definitely go, and he will soon go to Southern Desolate. This is the opportunity God has given us.”

“Do you think that Senior Brother really just sits here and waits? Senior Brother I have long distracted my eyes everywhere, and there are always news feedback, Senior Brother is just waiting for a good news, suitable opportunity that’s all .”

“Now, this opportunity is coming, and it is a very good opportunity. It is certain that Qin Xiao will definitely show up.”

Lord Blackhawk is stumped. It turns out that Senior Brother has already secretly taken action, so don’t worry about anything.

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