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Such a thing will make people feel a bit dazed when thinking about it.

A half-saint, the death is so strange, worry-free flowers worry-free fruit, it really is killing invisible.


Suddenly, Qin Xiao noticed that the dead half-saint’s mouth moved.

what happened?

Did your mouth move?

Isn’t the person dead yet?

So impossible, there is no Life Aura in his body, how come he didn’t die? Such a weird situation is really amazing.

A Dong and Wu Qi apparently also found something, both looked at the dead half-holy with a puzzled look.

It should be very certain that the half saint has died, and there is no case that has not yet died.

Fake death wants to hide their three people’s awareness, obviously there is no such possibility, after all, the other party is only a half holy that’s all. Even if it is a step of Ancient Saint, there is no such possibility.


Suddenly there was a sudden vigilance in Qin Xiao’s heart, and a strong sense of crisis came to his mind.

A single thought came up, and Qin Xiao was suddenly surprised. He quickly said to Adong and Wu Qi 2 people: “Not good, let’s go, let’s go!”

The two of Adong and Wu Qi did not hesitate, they also suddenly thought of what to dare to stay there, and the group of three quickly left there.

And when the three people just left, a strange insect flew out of the mouth of the dead half saint, not big, but it seemed very strange and strange.

The insect glanced at the direction of Qin Xiao 3’s departure. After hovering in the air, he flew back to the mouth of the half-sage, and soon disappeared.

It wasn’t until after running away that there was no movement in the back, the speed of Qin Xiao 3 slowed down, and it was relaxed.

“I now finally understand how that half-holy man died. It turned out that there were worry-free worms and was killed by worry-free worms.”

“Worry-free flowers and worry-free flowers are dangerous, but they should only purify life and let life lose itself in the place of worry-free Formation.”

“Without worrying about bugs, it can actually kill people.”

“So, Xia Donghou also told me not to touch the flowers, not to be close, and run immediately after seeing the insect.”

“We weren’t close, and the time we ran again was no trouble. But next time, we have to be more careful.”

“A half-saint is there’s no resistance in front of the Wormless Worm. If we are really stared by the Wormless Worm, that would be extremely dangerous.”

Aston nodded agreed: “Yes, Worry-Free Worms should be extremely dangerous terrifying things, killing invisible.”

“I’m afraid the worry-free bugs are the most terrifying in this place of worry-free Formation. Others, we should all be able to cope with the preparedness. But when you see the worry-free bugs, don’t think about other things, you have to run and stay away It is.”

Worry-free insects are terrifying again, but they cannot stop Qin Xiao’s determination.

After reassuring his mood, a group of 3 people continued on to the place where Sheng Yuanguo was.

This journey is more than 100 years old. According to the map, it is already close, and it can be reached in decades.

Being closer to the destination, Qin Xiao’s mood will naturally be better, and the things he has been expecting are naturally eager to realize it slowly.

Mood, more and more relaxed.

A Dong and Wu Qi also showed a little smile from time to time on their faces, and even had some mood to appreciate the scenery here.

“Do you look over there, does it look like an Immortal Palace?” A Dong suddenly pointed to a place in front of him.

Qin Xiao looked at the past, but at first glance it had several points of grand and shocking feeling. It was indeed like a mammoth Immortal Palace in an imposing manner, located at Immortal Palace more than 9 days ago.

All around Immortal fog lingers, strange mountains and stones, clear water and blue sky, auspicious clouds and magnificent, not magnificent.

Of course, it’s just like an Immortal Palace, but it’s not really an Immortal Palace. It’s just that the mountains and rocks there are combined together, and against the all around scenery, there is such a fantastic visual effect.

Wonderful scenery, really a wonder.

Such a spectacle will always arouse a longing in people’s hearts, want to get closer, to peek at it, see what is happening, and feel the dreamy feeling.

“Qin Xiao Young Master, shall we take a look at it in the past?” Asong said intentionally.

Qin Xiao nodded agreed with A Dong’s suggestion, he also wanted to take a look.

So the 3 people walked over to the Immortal Palace over there. It seemed that the distance was not far away, but when they came, they found that the distance was still quite far. After walking for a while, they still felt how close not at all was. Somewhat strange.

Obviously, there may be some weirdness in the space. It seems that it is not an easy task to get close to it.

“The space here has been distorted and there is a lot of overlap, so it is difficult for us to get close to the Immortal Palace.”

“If light walks like this, it will never be close.”

“So, we have to break the distortion and overlap of this space before we can cross this space and reach there.”

“Leave it to me,” Adong said, seeing the mystery.

Qin Xiao also felt it. The space here was changed by a powerful force, so this would happen.

Aston is cracking the space, Qin Xiao stood by and looked at the Immortal Palace over there.

Inexplicably, it seemed that a thought suddenly came up.

I felt a stream of ice flowing through my mind, and it instantly cooled my mind and calmed down.

It feels like something is not right!

Qin Xiao looked at Adong again, looked at Wu Qi, then looked at the Immortal Palace, and then looked at all around, his expression gradually dignified.

Not right, too wrong.

“Worry-free feeling, in the unconsciously, when we are not conscious of ourselves, our mood is slowly becoming relaxed and happy.”

“Moreover, just to visit the Immortal Palace just now, I will not hesitate to break the barrier of this space and spend time here.”

“Unconsciously, we did not put the mission of this trip in the first place and were attracted by other things.”

“From the very beginning, I thought that the closer I was to the destination, the more relaxed my mood would be. But it was precisely because of this that I was unconsciously caught in a puzzle.”

“We are all trapped in a very powerful deceptive power, unconsciously, the deeper it gets, the deeper it gets, and finally it reaches the point of terrifying.

“Once you get there, everything will be too late.”

“Here, it should be the worry-free world. Sure enough, the worry-free world has no fixed boundaries. Once it enters, the danger will multiply.”

Qin Xiao diligently dismissed the worry-free thoughts, warned himself, clarified his purpose, and reminded himself not to be fooled by this power.

On the other side, Adong is still working hard to destroy the space.

Wu Qi suddenly pointed to the Immortal Palace and said, “Look, there is an Ancient Saint there.”

Qin Xiao looked at it, and it turned out that in the Immortal Palace, a fairy with hair and beard all white flew out, Yuli Void, looking at this with a friendly smile on his face, it seemed to be a sign to Qin Xiao 3 people it is good.

From the point of view of breath, it must be an Ancient Saint, and may be very powerful Ancient Saint.

There was someone in the Immortal Palace.

Seeing that person, Qin Xiao is even more affirmed that this is the worry-free world.

“A Dong, hurry up and stop, Wu Qi. We will step back quickly and leave here, don’t get close.” Qin Xiao said solemnly.

Two people, A Dong and Wu Qi, looked at Qin Xiao with puzzled eyes, but when they saw Qin Xiao’s extremely serious expression, the 2 people hesitated a little, and still listened to Qin Xiao’s words, and the 2 people quickly retreated. A certain distance from the Immortal Palace, away from the Immortal Palace.

And after they moved away, the Ancient Saint who flew out of the Immortal Palace flew back again and disappeared.

A Dong asked a little puzzled: “Qin Xiao Young Master, why don’t you let me continue to crack the space? Is there any problem over there?”

“There is the Immortal Palace over there, and the Ancient Saint in the Immortal Palace. That Ancient Saint is not at all hostile to us, and shows us well. Perhaps, we can go in the past to explore the situation.”

Qin Xiao shook the head said with a straight face: “Awon, you are awake, and Wu Qi, you are all awake.”

“Here is the worry-free world, and we are unconsciously, we have entered the worry-free world.”

“According to this situation, our destination is in the worry-free world, and our difficulty has increased a lot, so we have to be more careful.”

what? In the worry-free world?

Adong and Wu Qi glanced at each other, and they could not help thinking carefully.

In fact, many times they are fans of the authorities, and the audience is clear, but if someone clicks on it, they will immediately pull out the clouds and see the sky.

So, after being so broken by Qin Xiao, both Adong and Wu Qi were awake for a while, and then they thought about it and they did understand it.

“Really, I just forgot about the real purpose of our trip in order to go to the Immortal Palace. I was thinking about Immortal Palace in my head at that time, and must think of must to break the space.”

“In retrospect, the state at that time was indeed a bit obsessed.”

“Here, it’s really the worry-free world.” Adong shook his voice.

Wu Qi also came to consciousness, believing that there is no worries in the world.

Unconsciously, I entered the worry-free world, which made the expression of the three people seem a little dignified.

Entering the worry-free world, the danger has multiplied a lot, which is not a child’s play, and it will naturally make all three people have a high sense of vigilance.

The sense of crisis in my heart has also increased several times.

“The more this time, the more we need a calm mind, a cold heart, and a strong consciousness.”

“Now that we already know that we have entered the worry-free world, we should maintain a high degree of vigilance and be alert to us at all times. This is the worry-free world. We must not be lost and purified. We can no longer hold anything If you have any interest, you can’t make yourself too relaxed.”

“Moreover, we should remind each other from time to time, let the other person calm down, and don’t worry too much.”

“The power of the worry-free world kills invisible, and our consciousness cannot be guarded against. Unconsciously, it will make us lose ourselves.”

“So, in order to prevent this, in addition to our own strong inner strength against it, we also need to remind each other to be alert. Only in this way can we remain unpurified and lost.”

“Once you get lost, the consequences are unimaginable.”

“The current situation is a huge test for us, and the danger has always haunted us all around. If we are not careful and careful, it is very likely that our lives will be lost here.”

“So Adong, Wu Qi, the most important thing for us at this time is to tightly twist our hearts together to form a force to fight against the power of the worry-free world. Only then can we win.”

Qin Xiao’s solemn words were also recognized by Adong and Wu Qi as nodded.

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