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Seriously, Qin Xiao doesn’t want to come again.

But in the future, I really want to come. With the experience of this time, I don’t have to worry about anything.

Of course, it is better not to come here.

Qin Xiao is somewhat thankful that he is a mental cultivator, which should be a magic weapon for him to stay sober in this worry-free world.

If you change to a 4 step Heavenly Venerable environment, you may have been lost.

Now that the illusion is broken, what is the next step?

Qin Xiao did not dare to carelessly, and after carefully looking at all around, he said: “Let’s go ahead and try to bypass those worry-free flowers. Through this land, we have reached our destination, and the victory is in Before our eyes.”

Worry-free flowers are actually not terrifying, as long as the worry-free fruit is not close, it is not so terrifying, and the most terrifying is still worry-free.

Worry-free worms can actively attack people, and can attack from a distance.

How terrifying is Worry-Free, Qin Xiao Although they haven’t experienced it personally, they can definitely be terrifying.

Worry-free, it’s better not to encounter it, don’t feel it for yourself.

Feeling this may cost a certain price.

Wanting to bypass those worry-free flowers, Qin Xiao they found out that there are really a lot of worry-free flowers here, and there are also films.

Of course, it is said that it is a film, but in fact there are only ten of them, but it is quite a lot.

Therefore, the scent of carefree flowers here is indeed a bit rich, and the power of confusion is very strong. If you accidentally, then you are likely to be lost.

Qin Xiao 3 people were cautiously moving forward, alerting each other, and having learned the lessons just now, so they did not encounter any danger, and finally passed through the area.

The fragrance of worry-free flowers is gradually weakening, and the feeling of Qin Xiao 3 is slowly getting better.

“Haha, really came over, almost gave up and missed the opportunity.” Adon smiled and said.

Qin Xiao grinned and said, “Yeah, I almost gave up. Fortunately, I woke up in time to catch the opportunity of this time.”

“Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, the things to be solved later will be even more troublesome.”

“And, what makes me very happy is that since we can successfully come over, it explains a problem. Then it shows that the message left by Park Hua Shengzun is really probability is very high.”

Aston nodded, in this way, it is indeed very high.

In my heart, Ah Tong really admired Qin Xiao.

His Ancient Saint did not respond at all just now, but Qin Xiao was just a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment, but he reacted, and finally broke the illusion in his heart and passed through the area.

Also, when I was in the Immortal Palace, it was Qin Xiao’s first reaction, and it didn’t cause a disaster.

If it was Adon who came in alone, or even two of them, Wuqi, who was Adon, would probably be lost in it.

Because of this, Adong only admired Qin Xiao in his heart. This is a person worthy of admiration.

Qin Xiao looked at the map, compared the terrain here, and then determined the approximate location. He pointed to a location and said: “The destination is over there, it’s not far away, we have to look carefully, we should It’s not that easy to find.”

3 people explored the way along the direction, and soon reached that area, but in that area, obviously not at all found anything.

After 3 people searched the area, they still didn’t find it.

“Not found?” Qin Xiao brows slightly wrinkle up, what’s going on?

It stands to reason that it should have reached the area indicated on the map.

Unless this map is wrong, there will be no such situation.

But as an Ancient Saint, it is absolutely impossible to draw the wrong map, unless it is intentional.

But Qin Xiao did not believe that Park Hua Shengzun would do this intentionally. He believed that the message left by Park Hua Shengzun was true.

“Qin Xiao Young Master, won’t we really be deceived? We’ve already searched this area twice, but we still haven’t noticed anything. Even if it’s concealed, it won’t be concealed to us. Go to the point?”

“If you can’t find it, how can we find it?” A Dong couldn’t help but doubt.

“No.” But Qin Xiao believed the head and said: “I believe that Park Hua Shengzun will not lie to us, and this map should be right.”

“So, that place must be in this area.”

“It’s just that it should be hidden very well, so we searched twice, and we didn’t notice it at all.”

“Actually, it’s possible to think about it. If it’s so easy to be discovered by someone, it might be difficult to save.”

“Although few people are able to walk in here, but things have probably passed 200000000 million years ago. There is no guarantee that no one will come in.”

“And speaking, if Park Hua Shengzun wants to find a destined person to come in, it will naturally prevent others from discovering it. Therefore, hiding something hidden is a very likely thing.”

“We didn’t find it, it may be the wrong method, or we have overlooked something, we should think about it carefully, analyze it carefully, and look at the details. Often the key to the problem is in the details .”

A Dong shook the head and said, “It’s a good saying, but Park Hua is just a step in Ancient Saint that’s all, not very powerful existence.”

“Even if he wants to be so concealed, he may not have this ability.”

“It doesn’t mean that he must have lied to us, not necessarily that the map is fake. It is also possible that he was later discovered by others, and then destroyed by others the guardian institution he left behind, and took away the Shengyuan fruit This is also possible.”

“After all, you said Qin Xiao Young Master, 200000000 million years have passed. How can this time be said, not too long, but definitely not too short.”

“Like Qin Xiao Young Master, you have only lived for more than 2 and 1000 years that’s all.”

“In 200000000 million years, anything can happen.”

Qin Xiao thought about and analyzed Adong’s argument, but still felt that this kind of probability should not be great.

Yes, yes, but Qin Xiao is naturally reluctant to believe in this probability.

So, after thinking about it, Qin Xiao said: “I will not give up whenever there is a chance.”

“Anyway, since it’s already here, it’s 3 feet of digging, and I have to find it.”

“If I can’t find it, then I will give up. Now, I will give up impossible.”

“I always feel that if I overlooked something, there must be a way to solve this man’s problem.”

“Park Hua Shengzun is just a step in Ancient Saint. The situation is good, and his strength is not as strong as that. However-he is a more powerful organization, Grandmaster Jia, and his accomplishments in the organization are very deep. What.”

“En? By the way, the organs are in armour–“

Qin Xiao suddenly moved suddenly in his heart, grabbed a key point, and his heart lit up suddenly.

Yeah, why did you ignore this?

The Exquisite Pagoda was made with the organ array armor, and the message left by Park Hua Shengzun also said that this Exquisite Pagoda is the key. He arranged the organ array armor in the place of Shengyuan Guo, only holding Exquisite Pagoda This key can be used to open that organ.

Although the organ array is not a special disaster, but if you want to forcibly destroy it, the organ array will destroy the Shengyuan fruit inside.

Therefore, you must not be able to forcibly break the organ armor unless your strength has reached a certain point.

For example, in front of a world god, everything is nothingness, meaningless.

“It’s not difficult to break the organization. I guess Park Hua Shengzun also thought about this before he died. If someone finds this place, it may be destroyed directly regardless of 3 7 21, forcibly broken Off.”

“In that case, Sheng Yuanguo will also be destroyed once, and this situation is obviously something that Park Hua Shengzun would not want to see.”

“Then what he needs to do most is to hide the organ from being easily discovered. In this case, it will be much safer.”

“Exquisite Pagoda is very cleverly designed. If it is forcibly destroyed, then you will not get the information inside simply.”

“Only by successfully cracking the Exquisite Pagoda, can you get the information inside. Therefore, it is very likely that someone who is able to come here is likely to be a good person in the organization.”

“According to this line of thinking, the greatest possibility of Park Hua Shengzun is to use the technique of organ formation to hide the location of the Holy Fruit Armor, which is not easy to find.”

“Because of this, we just found it twice and we didn’t notice the clues.”

“But if you want to hide a small area here, under the conditions of Park Hua Shengzun at that time, I am afraid that you still need to use a special terrain to have a better effect.”

“The damage to the art of organizing armor is that it can be naturally combined with 10000 things and arranged, resembles nature itself, very delicate.”

“I guess it is most likely that Park Hua Shengzun hid the place where Sheng Yuanguo is located by such means. If I want to find this place, then I have to perform reverse thinking and reasoning.”

Having figured this out, Qin Xiao also found a direction.

With direction, it’s easy to do things.

No matter what you do, the most fear is that there is no direction. As long as there is a direction, the remaining things will be much easier.

As long as it is a definite thing, no matter how difficult or how much resistance, it is nothing. If you want to solve it, there will always be a solution.

Qin Xiao recalled all the topography of this area in his mind, to see where it is most likely to arrange the organ array, and analyze and exclude one by one.

Fortunately, this area is not large, what Qin Xiao has determined is Fangyuan Hundred thousand li that’s all.

In the end, after one after another, Qin Xiao selected 3 possible places to come out.

Qin Xiao came to the first place, and looked at it again carefully, and noticed whether there was any organizing of armor.

Although Qin Xiao’s organ array is not high, it certainly is far from being comparable to Park Hua Shengzun.

But if you want to come, Sovereign Park Hua will leave some room, so you only need to find the right place, which should be easier to handle.

Just looking for it, it is not too difficult for Qin Xiao, a detailed analysis can still be noticed.

I checked it in the first place for a long time, and finally Qin Xiao still hooked the head: “Not here.”

After excluding one place, Qin Xiao went to the next place.

The second place, not at all, was for Qin Xiao’s harvest, which was still unaware, and was finally ruled out by Qin Xiao.

Next, we will go to the third place and the last one.

Success or failure depends on this.

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