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“No no no, don’t kill me, forgive me, Pu Xiaoshu, please, don’t kill me–“

“Stop, hurry up!”

“Park Xiaoshu, you dare kill my Avatar, I am bound to swear that I will not let you go, I will not let your family go.”

“If you kill me today, I will definitely kill you and your father. I want you not to have the will to live, unable to ask for death. You should believe that I have this means–“

“No-uh -“

Bian An finally threatened Park Xiaoshu, but Park Xiaoshu was no longer the former Park Xiaoshu.

He has been transformed in all aspects, the most important is the transformation of temperament, so that he is no longer weak, no longer compromise, no longer fear.

Therefore, Park Xiaoshu was still determined to kill Bian An, giving his heart a complete relief and a complete release.

By this time, Park Xiaoshu’s transformation was truly completed.

This is how the heart transforms and sublimates.

At this time, Park Xiaoshu feels completely different, completely transformed into a person.

“It turned out to be a very happy thing to kill someone who hates in my heart.”

“Bian’an is like a stone that has been stuck in my heart all the time, and now this stone can finally land.” Park Xiaoshu’s heart was very happy.

Uncle Park was so angry that Park Xiaoshu had killed Bian An. Fein was not angry, and he was very pleased and applauded.

He knows that Xiaoshu killed Bin An through this time, and completed the first transformation of his soul, sublimation.

This will give him a lot of brilliance throughout his life, and this transformation is of great significance to his life.

“Father, the child used to be too weak and too incompetent.”

“But after this danger, under the impact of cruel reality, under the circumstances of danger lurks on every side at this time, let the child understand.”

“Let the child deeply understand the survival rules of this World. As Bian said, I am weak, I am weak in character, and I am very counseling, so I should be bullied by him all the time.”

“So, I understand now that I want to make myself stronger. Only in this way can I be protected from being bullied by others and protect my father.”

“Father, the child will definitely work hard to cultivate in the future, and he will become an immortal as soon as possible and become stronger.” Park Xiaoshu said again.

Uncle Park was shocked, looked at Park Xiaoshu with a happy face, and patted Park Xiaoshu’s shoulder heavily, saying: “Good, this is my good son, proud of your father for you.”

“Decided, then do it, and I hope you can become a talent for your father.”

Park Xiaoshu’s heavy nodded showed his determination.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao was also laughed and said: “Park Xiaoshu, cultivation is the most important thing.”

“Any Powerhouse must have a Heart of Powerhouse.”

“It’s a good thing that you are bullied, encounter danger, feel crisis, seek after-effects, Ran Qiangxin, and your heart transforms.”

“But your future is still very long. Cultivation is a very long and painful process. I hope your sudden enlightenment, mutation, can change your life and support your future cultivation. the road.”

“If you keep your current passion, state, and temperament, then your future will still make a difference.”

“Come on, it’s the most important thing for aspiring things.”

Park Xiaoshu solemnly nodded: “Thanks to Qin Young Master, Xiaoshu will definitely work hard.”

Park Xiaoshu’s metamorphosis is just a small episode. The five people didn’t stay here too much, but left quickly.

Soon, 5 people left Pan Guo’s territory, and left Pan Guo’s territory. Uncle Park was finally able to be relaxed. It felt safe.

In Pan Guo’s realm, he would always make him nervous.

After all, the shocking sun just hurt that many officers and men just now. If this matter is investigated, it is a major event, but it is not a trivial matter, and it naturally makes him worry.

Now that he has left the state of Pan, I believe that those officers and soldiers are unlikely to chase them.

“Brother, there are 2 3-step Heavenly Venerable realms chasing towards us. They are chasing from the Pan Guo realm. They should be the ones who are coming towards us.” Xiao Gu suddenly said softly to Qin Xiao A sentence.

Qin Xiao brows slightly raised, to Xiao Gudao: “Don’t care about them, we continue to walk our own and wait for them to come to the door to talk.”

“In my estimation, it should be the people of Park Wang Mansion. If it is the people of Park Wang Mansion, then we can see it. Let’s take a look at those people in Park Wang Mansion.

“We are going to fight for the king’s palace anyway, anyway, these people will have to face it sooner or later, and they will come across it.

“So now that they have come to the door, we will just meet them.”

Xiao Gu is nodded, only 2 people and 3 steps in the Heavenly Venerable environment, he is naturally not taking seriously.

If he is willing, then he can directly eat them in the past.

Qin Xiao and Xiaogu were quiet, and Park Xiaoshu’s father and son naturally approached them without realizing the danger.

Park Xiaoshu seemed to have some sense of crisis, and his eyelids suddenly jumped, which made Park Xiaoshu worried and said to his father: “Dad, my eyelids suddenly jumped very seriously just now. Is it going to happen?”

Uncle Park comforted the next Park Xiaoshu and said: “We have left the Pan state, and it will not be anymore, we are safe now.”

“Soon, we can see the people of the Park family, and you can also see your grandfather. Haven’t you always admired your grandfather?”

“It’s about to come. It won’t take long to arrive. Besides, Qin Young Master is with us, and we are absolutely safe.”

That’s right.

But the thing came after all, two powerful breaths came, and two figures were rushing towards here.

At the same time, a thunderous thunderous cry came: “Park Shanqian, Park Xiaoshu, you father and son are so brave.”

“Hmph, how dare you betray Park and escape from Park Wang’s mansion, what should you do?”

As soon as the voice fell, two powerful silhouettes came to the front, standing in the void, and the heavy and powerful Xianwei oppressed it, just like vast and mighty heavenly prestige, to suppress all people.

These 2 comers are all three-step Heavenly Venerable Realms. In terms of strength, they are indeed pretty good.

Two 2 step Heavenly Venerable realms were sent out, just to catch a one step Heavenly Venerable realm, a mortal spirit, this situation is indeed not small.

The 2 three-step Heavenly Venerable environment simply did not see Qin Xiao 3 people in their eyes, and ignored them directly, when they did not exist.

After seeing the two coming people, Uncle Park’s complexion is gloomy. He looked back at Xiaogu, and his heart was slightly relieved.

Xiao Gu Ke is a Ancient Saint, there is Ancient Saint for his guarantee and protect. What else can he worry about?

Qin Xiao is not in a hurry, but first look at the situation. Anyway, everything is under his control.

Only merely a trifling 2 names 3 steps Heavenly Venerable realm that’s all, under his eyelids, no waves could come out.

Before waiting for Park Dashu to speak, Park Xiaoshu was excited and angry first: “hmph hum, good one betrayed Park, I want to ask, who is betraying Park?”

“Today’s Park, whose Park is it? Is it the Park of the new king, or the Park of our old Ancestor Park Hua Shengzun?”

“Our Old Ancestor Park Hua Shengzun from the very beginning has publicly stated that we will fully support Ninth Prince, but now the new Park King has tampered with the old Ancestor’s will to support Eldest Prince.”

“Don’t you betray Park’s doing this? If we are all loyal to Old Ancestor, then we are truly loyal to Park’s.”

“You two are the traitors of shameless, and there is a face here to interrogate us, don’t you even have a little shame?”

“Aren’t you the descendants of Old Ancestor Park Hua Shengzun? You now only know to obey the king of New Park, I am afraid you have already forgotten Old Ancestor already?”

“The current King Park is used by the crown prince, you all obey the Eldest Prince. It’s not good to say, you are all just Eldest Prince’s dog that’s all. that’s all .”

“All the majesty that Park Wangfu should have was lost by you dog thieves. You still have faces to ask me and my father? Do you have faces?”

“You ask yourself, do you have a face?”

Such powerful words came out of Park Xiaoshu’s mouth, even Uncle Park was a little dazed, and stared at Park Xiaoshu, and some of them didn’t believe that this was his son’s words of flesh and blood. .

This is the sound of the heart that the Park’s people should have.

“You impudent, impudent!”

The words of Park Xiaoshu naturally angered the 2 three-step Heavenly Venerable environment.

The three-step Heavenly Venerable realm on the left pointed at Park Xiaoshu’s nose and scolded: “Park Xiaoshu, you are a mad kid, you can’t hide your mouth, you can’t stop talking, you are extremely foolish, extremely extreme.”

“Old Ancestor has passed away, but time will not stop there, and history is still moving forward.”

“We can’t do anything without the Old Ancestor. Since the new king has been sealed, then we, the Park’s, will naturally support the new king.”

“To unite our Park’s, screw them together tightly, and listen to the orders of the new Park King, in order to be able to preserve our foundation of the Park’s endless years in a crisis.”

“If we don’t do that, then we, King Wang’s Mansion, will probably fall apart from the sky, and if we don’t save it again, we will suffer the disaster of extinction.”

“Was such a deep doorway understood by a yellow mouth child?”

Another 3-step Heavenly Venerable environment glared at Uncle Park and shouted coldly: “Small is not sensible, is the big one so sensible?”

“The ancestors passed away, and I was in a precarious state.

“Xinpu Wang Linwei was ordered, in order to protect our Park family, it was painstaking and wronged, and finally came out a bright road.”

“Without King Xinpu, do you think our Park Wangfu can still be well now?”

“The king of New Park has done so much for me Park, but he did not get the understanding of you foolish people, and each and everyone will stand up against King of New Park, and even a batch of rebellions fled from King Park. What do you want to do?”

“Is it possible that you guys, still want to reverse the power of king, do you want to renovate King Park?”

“Or do you have to kill the Park clan for the genocide, can you be satisfied?”

“Although Park Wang Mansion’s status is far less than when Old Ancestor was alive, it has at least preserved our Park Wang Mansion and has several points of majesty.”

“What are you dissatisfied with in such a good situation? You have to quarrel every day to push and renovate Park King, to separate us from Park’s, and to make our Park’s chickens and dogs restless and unable to work together.”

“You are the biggest sinners of our Park’s, are you talking?”

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