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In an instant, Qin Xiao’s cultivation in the 10000-dimensional space is countless years.

Would it be so easy to cultivation to realize a law from scratch, from scratch, and from a substantial breakthrough?

Although there is an analysis of this 10000-dimensional space, and there are guidelines from these five methodologies, it is still too difficult.

If you want to do this, it is no less difficult than opening up your own Ancient Road.

The cultivation of countless years, Qin Xiao’s harvest is naturally huge. He has already stepped into the threshold of Space Law, but he still has some distance to master Space Law and reach the initial entry level.

Of course, this distance is not too big, not too small.

It’s just that it’s not an easy task to cross the past.

It’s like, there’s a skyrocket, and when it’s over, it’s a small ridge. If you can’t walk past, it will be a skyrocketing.

Therefore, breakthroughs and no breakthroughs are often just a line apart, but they are like a world apart.

Qin Xiao at this time is already on the verge of breaking through, only this last step.

For countless years, Qin Xiao is completely immersed in cultivation, fully aware of cultivation Space Law.

In the guidance of the 5 Laws, there is a 10000-dimensional space display, which naturally makes Qin Xiao progress very fast on Space Law cultivation.

In addition, Qin Xiao’s talent potential is already very evil, so this cultivation, such a harvest, is also a matter of reason.

Of course, in such a good cultivation environment, there must be a big gain for another person to come to cultivation.

This kind of excellent cultivation environment, it can be encountered but not sought.

This is an opportunity.

Great opportunity.

“What is space? One leaf and one sky, one chestnut and one world. There are macroscopically small and microscopically large–“

“A dust, which can be hidden in another place, place of charm and beauty. A box can be a space. A house can be a space, a world can also be a space–“

“If there are 4 places in the world, you can have space, but space is not just 4 places in the world–“

“Empty means no. In time, a piece of “No” is enclosed, and it becomes a “have” thing, forming a space. But such a space is only a narrow space, not really broad. space……”

“The space in a really broad sense contains countless things in it, and it is extremely deep.”

Cultivation is about perception, and breakthrough is about big perception.

Break, and then stand.

To break is to break a barrier, to break a sky cut across there.

Only after breaking through can we have a sudden enlightenment and a breakthrough.

Like a ray of newborn sunlight, the dawn illuminates the darkness of the sky, and the light gradually comes.

And this bright, Qin Xiao finally caught.

After catching this light, the entire world is lit up, and Qin Xiao is finally relieved, everything is clear.

The way the Space Law works, the countless’origins’ have suddenly become cute and kind, let Qin Xiao know how to understand them.

A burst of space in the space seemed to be celebrating Qin Xiao and paying homage to Qin Xiao.

Soon, the rays of light in Qin Xiao’s eyes calmed down, and a few smiles appeared on his face.

“It’s finally a breakthrough. I first entered Space Law. 10,000,000 million years of cultivation, this time, the value spent.”

“It’s really didn’t expect, my cultivation of this time actually took countless years.”

A cultivation countless years, this is indeed something that Qin Xiao never had.

However, the cultivation of this time, which took countless years of time, was still very successful, giving Qin Xiao a huge gain.

It is also mainly to seize the opportunity of this time that we can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Entering Space Law for the first time is a big step in the cultivation of the law.

When Qin Xiao looked at the ancient life again, he was still trapped here, still walking in 4 places, that is, he didn’t go out, nor was he able to get close to himself.

But at this time in Qin Xiao’s eyes, he saw many roads leading to that ancient life.

Qin Xiao’s mouth twitched with a wicked smile: “hmph, he was chased badly by him. Now, let him try my experience.”

After all, Qin Xiao was body moved and plundered over there.

Soon, Qin Xiao came to the ancient life.

Qin Xiao directly rushed into the space where the ancient life was, and shot directly from behind, sneak attacked the ancient life.

After a successful blow, he immediately retreated.

When the ancient life responded, Qin Xiao already not in the space, and his counterattack power did not fall on Qin Xiao.

The ancient life chased it out, but in the 10000-dimensional space, he couldn’t chase Qin Xiao at all, just like a headless fly, only 4 chaos.

But in this way, there is never a way to chase Qin Xiao.

This feeling is really wonderful. Obviously the other party is in front of you, but you can’t touch him and hurt him.

No matter how powerful it is, it can’t hit the other person. What’s the use? There is no harm at all.

“En? Humble small insect, did you even master Space Law?” The ancient life frowned deeply, and was surprised.

He, an ancient Saint, did not master Space Law, didn’t expect a humble 4-step Heavenly Venerable Human Race small insect, and actually mastered it.

Qin Xiao sneered with a sneer, and said: “Meng Dali said it well, you are a big smell insect, chasing me countless years, not tired?

“Yes, you just want to go out and there is no way to go out, then it’s better to be stuck inside.”

“What is your situation in Ancient Saint? But in this 10000-dimensional space, you can’t touch me, only the beaten up.”

“Although you can’t kill you, but you can also beat you up well.

After finishing talking, Qin Xiao continued to kill him, shot again and again, and attacked the ancient life again and again, but there was no way for the ancient life to fight back.

He did not counterattack without that strength, but because all counterattacks did not fall on Qin Xiao.

Therefore, every time his counterattack was hit in the void, and fell to the ground, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

Being abused and played by Qin Xiao again and again, this is just torn apart.

Dignified The existence of an Ancient Saint that would be beaten so badly by a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment is simply a jaw-dropping thing.

After stepping on the ancient life and making the ancient life roar again and again, Qin Xiao was very relieved.

Qin Xiao didn’t continue to kill the other party. After a lot of ravages, it ended.

Rather than wasting time on this ancient life, it is better to go out and talk.

Although it is good to continue to cultivate in this space, but if you want to improve your breakthrough, then you don’t know how long it will take.

Qin Xiao this time has been cultivated for countless years, it has been a long time for Qin Xiao.

If you want to break through again, maybe the time will be at least a tenfold increase?

Moreover, such continuous cultivation may not be so effective.

So, Qin Xiao did not intend to stay here to cultivate, but wanted to leave here quickly, leave the Asura battlefield, and return to the Saint Academy.

Qin Xiao left quickly, his Space Law is already in the first stage, naturally seeing through the rules here, and finding the way out is not a difficult thing.

Soon, Qin Xiao went to the edge of the 10000-dimensional space and saw the exit.

Taking a step forward, Qin Xiao suddenly felt happy in his heart: “Haha, finally came out. A sleep is countless years, which is longer than the time I was trapped in Peach Blossom Valley. Um-it seems wrong -“

But how long was Qin Xiao not at all happy, his expression suddenly froze, his face condensed.

Not right-he even entered a space in front of him, a small independent space.

He just did not go out, did not leave this 10000-dimensional space, but actually entered another space.

And the Independent Space is still relatively large, much larger than any space encountered before.

This Independent Space is as if it was deliberately opened up to retreat cultivation.

And through this independent space, you can see the 10000-dimensional space outside, and this time Qin Xiao found that he was actually in the center of the 10000-dimensional space.

There is also a terrifying discovery that this independent space turned out to be completely sealed, like a glass ball, and he was trapped in this glass ball at this time.

Completely independent space, not at all connected with other spaces.

It exists in the 10000-dimensional space, but it seems to be independent. It has no connection with this 10000-dimensional space.

This situation is too strange.

No way out?


How could this be?

Wrong, impossible is like this, what is going on here?

What happened to you just now? Is it wrong? Impossible, I just walked right, obviously, I can walk out of 10000-dimensional space in one step, how come I came here in one step?

Qin Xiao a face of doubt. I wonder why there are thousand thousand in my mind.

He really couldn’t figure it out. Thinking carefully about every detail just now, he found not at all any problems.

But these things that seemed to him to be all right in his eyes, even unexpectedly such unimaginable changes, I really can’t understand, too much to understand.

In the end which environment went wrong?

“Impossible impossible, there must be something wrong. If I think about it, I will find something.”

“I should have left, there is no deeper trapped situation.”

“Is it possible that, I’m so bad luck? Cultivation Space Law to be left to continue?”

“If that’s the case, I’m afraid that without 100000000 million years, I would never be able to go out.”

Counting 100000000 years?

For a Heavenly Venerable environment, it’s nothing.

But for Qin Xiao, it was indeed a long time.

Qin Xiao has lived until now, less than 40 million years old.

Still add this time to retreat and cultivate for 10,000,000 years, and then let him cultivate for another 100000000 years, then think about it is a very painful thing.

Most importantly, Qin Xiao still has a lot of things to worry about, so he is even more reluctant to be trapped here for a few hundred million years.

Only this matter, I am afraid that Qin Xiao will not be willing.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao still can’t think of half of the clue.

Thinking carefully about the link, Qin Xiao still felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and that it was completely correct.

This situation shouldn’t have happened, but why is there such a situation?

Strange, too strange.

“Hehe, is it weird? Not surprisingly, just because your grasp of Space Law is still too weak and the level is too low, so naturally you cannot understand.”

And at this time, a silver bell-like woman’s voice rang, very pleasant.

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