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So Qin Xiao at this time is also very entangled, a little I do not know how to feel good.

While tangling his own safety, he was also worried about Fu Yunni’s safety.

Although it is said that Fu Yunni is a bit arrogant, she is able to form a Fuess Saintess group, condense 4 of them, and form a powerful force to remove evil spirits and sweep away the darkness of the world. Evil has filled the world with light.

In response to her noble spirit, Qin Xiao will also vote for her.

Therefore, Qin Xiao naturally does not want Fu Yunni to have any of them.

In particular, there is the very kind woman who is willing to help others.

However, Qin Xiao has no ability to participate in this level of battle.

So, what Qin Xiao can do now is only to pray in silence. Fu Yunni and their 10000000 don’t have anything to do.

It’s just that Qin Xiao has always had a bad intuition. He had such an intuition before the battle started. He always feels that there will be a major event today, and the situation may not be good.

Sure enough-Qin Xiao’s bad hunch was quickly verified, and a silhouette flew out of the monstrous rays of light energy, looking a little embarrassed.

And the person who was knocked down and flew out was Xuanmumu. I saw a trace of blood spilled from the corners of her mouth. The tightly knit came together, and a trace of pain appeared on her face.

A 4-step Ancient Saint realm existed and was injured.

But Xuanmu Mu was also a strong girl. After she gave a roar, she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and continued to rush back, ignoring her injuries.

Next, Fu Yunni and each of them, each and everyone, were knocked down and flew back, but they were extremely strong and stubborn, and refused to accept the defeat.

Combined with the strength of their 5 people, they were not even defeated by this blood brake Young Master.

This is the existence of 5 4-step Ancient Saint realms, and it is still a 5-step Ancient Saint realm with 4 to the highest surname.

How powerful are their Innate Divine Ability? How powerful are their Holy Artifacts? How powerful are their holy technique secret techniques?

Even speaking, they are all people of Immortal King physique, their bodies are strong enough, which is not comparable to the ordinary 4 step Ancient Saint environment.

However, the strength of their 5 people is still a big loss. I really don’t know how terrifying the strength of this blood brake Young Master has reached.

It’s no wonder that the terrifying force that can be created comes out of the blood brake alliance.

Both Yao Xuelian and Mo Bao are still in the hands of the blood brake alliance. In my heart, Qin Xiao certainly wants the blood brake young master to die.

If the Alliance Leader of the Blood Temple is dead, then it is estimated that the Blood Temple will also fall apart, and soon collapse.

It will be much easier to save people at that time, only need to deal with Jia Lan Venerable Lord and You Rakshasa Ancient Saint 2 people.

You Rakshasa Ancient Saint is just a one-step Ancient Saint realm that’s all, Qin Xiao can now mobilize 3 respects one-step Ancient Saint realm, it’s not easy to deal with him as a strange Rakshasa?

It’s just that there is a powerful and mysterious blood brake alliance behind You Rakshasa Ancient Saint, so Qin Xiao is afraid of it.

“Hahaha, 5 little girls, with your strength, dare to come out and kill this Young Master? Is it the courage that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors gave you? You might as well let them come and kill me personally, then I’m sure Will not be afraid of it.”

“But you don’t have five plump little girl films, and you dare to come out to show your chivalrous spirit. You can only say that what you think is too beautiful, too naive.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, five such beautiful girls, it would be a pity if they were killed, it’s a pity.”

“Okay, after playing with you for so long, this Young Master has no time to play with you any more.”

“Now, let you see this Young Master true strength.”

After a loud laugh from the blood brake Young Master in the blood light of the sky, the power suddenly increased more than ten times and suddenly enveloped this world.

As soon as the power came out, Qin Xiao hiding in the light cube suddenly felt murky heavens dark earth, the heaven and earth in his mind rotated, and he felt fainted.

What is this power?

It feels beyond the power possessed by the 4-step Ancient Saint realm.

A trace of divine might come out, all the heavens are destroyed, and 10000 ancient silence.

In this brief moment, it seems that there is no sky, no ground, no time and space, no light and darkness, and even no 10000 things.

Qin Xiao only felt dark and blank in front of him, he could no longer see anything, he could not feel his existence, only a trace of remaining consciousness, floating within the realm freely in the endless world, just like a duckweed.

This is the feeling of falling into destruction, the feeling of dying.

“Am I-are you dying?”

“Is there any chance to ask the Master for help?”

Qin Xiao’s subconscious mind also issued such thoughts.

At this moment, he felt that nothing was his anymore, only this trace of remaining consciousness, and this consciousness was also a little vague, and was gradually dissipating.

Gradually-everything turned into nothingness, consciousness disappeared.

“Am I-dead?”

Qin Xiao vigorously moved the heavy eyelids, trying hard to open the eyes, but felt that the eyelids had an average weight of 10000000, and there was no way to open them.

The whole body was very weak, there was no trace of strength, and there was not much consciousness. The head was dizzy and wanted to wake up, but it couldn’t wake up.

In this state, I don’t know how long it lasted. Qin Xiao exerted his force. This opened his eyes, and his consciousness returned to his mind completely in an instant.

When the consciousness completely returns, the body feels its own. It can control the body and move.

It’s just that Qin Xiao felt a sore body all over, still feeling a little weak all over his body, and he didn’t know what had happened.

Eyes opened. I saw a rock wall that was only ten feet in front of me. It was a little dim here, and the light came from one side. Presumably, it should be in a cave at this time.

There was also a cold feeling on the back, lying on the ground, which also confirmed Qin Xiao’s guess.

“I am not dead!”

Qin Xiao soon became relaxed, it seems that he is still alive, this time is really a blessing, and he is not dead yet.

Think about it, it’s all afraid after a while, the terrifying of that scene is also deeply imprinted in Qin Xiao’s mind, just like what happened just now.

In fact, it happened to Qin Xiao just now. After all, he didn’t know how long he was in a coma. There was no memory at all during this time, so the memory remained at the moment of destruction.

“It’s a big blessing, and there will be a blessing. I have to see where this is first.”

Qin Xiao comforted himself in his heart. His body just wanted to move, but he felt a ball of soft cotton coming from his arm.

There was a body pressed against his arm, so soft and petite, it should be a woman’s body.

Qin Xiao was really surprised. He turned his head and looked over. What he saw in his eyes was a familiar profile, a familiar silhouette, and a familiar breath.

Although the fragrance of Yulan came out, Qin Xiao had no intention to enjoy the refreshing woman’s body scent.

At this time, the woman who pressed his arm with his body was none other than Fu Yunni.

2 All of them were lying on the ground, and Qin Xiao’s arm was pressed by Fu Yunni, showing that Qin Xiao was hugging Fu Yunni.

Why is this so?

What happened in this comatose time?

And looking at Fu Yunni’s appearance, it seems to have fallen into a coma, why?

Did Fu Yunni save herself?

But what’s going on here? How could you fall asleep with Fu Yunni?

Such an intimate move, Qin Xiao has never done Gu Lingyue, it really makes Qin Xiao feel like crying without tears.

At this time, I am afraid that even if I jump into the Yellow River, I won’t be able to clean it.

Qin Xiao tried to draw his arm, but Fu Yunni was in a deep coma and couldn’t pull it out simply.

Qin Xiao didn’t dare to pull it out hard. If 10000 immediately awakened Fu Yunni, then he was 100 inexplicable.

Fu Yunni still had blood on her lips, her face was pale, her breath felt weak, and she must have been seriously injured.

Thinking of that battle, Qin Xiao also guessed that Fu Yunni and I feared that they would have suffered a great loss in the hands of Young Master Xuexue.

Qin Xiao slowly, cautiously pulled his arm out, trying not to disturb Fu Yunni.

It is best to be able to take Fu Yunni’s arm out before waking up, and then think nothing has happened.

Otherwise, if Fu Yunni sees herself as taking advantage of her, she still doesn’t know what moth will happen.

Qin Xiao, the woman’s wild temper, knows that it is best not to provoke the woman, otherwise you must suffer.

But what makes Qin Xiao cry without tears is that if something is worried, it will happen.

Qin Xiao just pulled his hand halfway, and Fu Yunni suddenly opened her eyes suddenly, staring at Qin Xiao.

Coupled with the blood stains on the corner of her mouth, and the paleness of that face, as well as the waking eyes of a murderous aura, it was like 2 swords, fiercely stabbed into the mind of Qin Xiao .

This feeling is indeed terrifying.

Suddenly, Qin Xiao was shocked by the sudden stare.

“Asshole, rogue—”

Seeing that he was being held in his arms by Qin Xiao, Fu Yunni was immediately ashamed and angry. After being cursed, she raised her hand and slapped it on Qin Xiao’s face, slapping Qin Xiao’s slap firmly.

At this time Qin Xiao also completely pulled his hand out, but this slap still did not hide, and was caught in the sturdy fan.

Qin Xiao subconsciously took 2 steps back, but the tingling sensation on his face immediately struck.

“pu ——”

Fu Yunni was also excited to think of playing Qin Xiao, but her blood was chaotic for a while, a mouthful of blood spewed out again, and she fell back helplessly.

Obviously, she was extremely injured, and may have been injured. At this time, her body was very weak, and it was difficult to stand up.

Being slapped in the face is the first time in Qin Xiao’s life.

Originally Qin Xiao wanted to attack, but seeing Fu Yunni’s appearance, the inexplicable fire was extinguished again.

In this matter, he really felt a bit inexplicable, and he didn’t know how to hold Fu Yunni and fell asleep.

I am afraid that Fu Yunni doesn’t know. She was held in bed by Qin Xiao, so both of them were stunned, and they didn’t know what happened.

Fu Yunni fell asleep to discover this scene, it was naturally subconsciously to hit Qin Xiao.

But seeing how she vomited blood and fell to the ground, Qin Xiao’s side addiction was touched again, and she couldn’t catch fire.

Although the person fell back, Fu Yunni’s eyes were full of anger and hate, staring at Qin Xiao coldly, gritting his teeth, a look that hated Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao curl one’s lip, calmed down the mood, only said: “Vol Eldest Young Lady, first of all voice, I also just regained consciousness, I don’t know what happened here, I didn’t intend to take advantage of your Eldest Young Lady of.”

“Although I was unintentional, it is indeed a fact that you take advantage of the Eldest Young Lady. You slapped me, and we are even.”

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