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However, this can only be thought about, Qin Xiao is also looking at the head, just think about it.

Such a thing can be encountered but not sought.

How easy is it to get a holy fruit of time?

Who doesn’t need this rare holy fruit? Who is not considered a treasure?

This time he was lucky enough to get one, it was still black wood thick skin to ask for, if there is no black wood, then how could he get this time holy fruit?

Previously, in Fu Yunni’s cultivation palace, he picked 6 holy fruits, but he picked it up while Fu Yunni was not at home.

To this end, Qin Xiao also paid a great price. Not only was Fu Yunni taught him a meal, but he also took 2 Shengyuan Fruits, which was considered a huge price.

There is another time holy fruit, and Qin Xiao doesn’t have to think about this kind of thing anymore, at least for now it is not necessary to think too much.

“That’s all that’s all, I’ve got enough of it, I still have to be content and happy.”

“Desire can never be satisfied. People must learn to control their desires. If they are controlled by desires, then human nature will be distorted.”

“I got so much, it’s already a matter of luck.”

“It’s really unrealistic to want to practice Time Law to the first entry with a time holy fruit.”

“I have now stepped into the threshold of Time Law, and the gains are very huge. I have at least some mastery of Time Law.”

“The door is open, the road is right, and the road behind it will be much smoother. Even if there is no time holy fruit, I have 5 methods to help cultivation. If you spend some time, you can still use Time Law. I have practiced until I first entered this realm.”

“Now, it’s quite sure, it’s just time.”

Thinking of this, Qin Xiao is also relaxed, with a little smile on his face, and he felt relaxed and happy for a while.

You can’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Cultivation at this time did not take much time, it was just cultivation for 10000 years that’s all.

The effect limit of the time holy fruit is 10000 years old, and Qin Xiao can be regarded as squeezing the effect of the time holy fruit to the limit.

The effect of the time holy fruit is gone, Qin Xiao not at all stops cultivation here, but continues cultivation. Anyway, there is still time now. I will take more time to cultivate during this time.

This cultivation is another 100,000 years.

The effect of own cultivation is obviously far less than the help of the time holy fruit, the difference is too far too far.

However, this 100,000 years of cultivation still has a lot of gains, at least it has consolidated its previous perceptions on Time Law, and has also improved a lot. Distance to breakthrough is a big step forward.

If this trend continues, it is believed that within a few million years, Qin Xiao will definitely be able to break through.

Qin Xiao wants to break Time Law to the first entry directly in a spurt of energy, but if he really enters such a cultivation state, he must close the cultivation.

Now there is obviously no way to close the cultivation. They can find them at any time, and they may leave here at any time.

Therefore, Qin Xiao also strongly suppressed the charge in his heart. If he retreats, he will wait until he returns to St. Academy.

It is also unhurried this time, with these grasps here, that is the biggest gain, already half successful.

Therefore, Qin Xiao not at all continues the Cultivation Time Law, but shifts his mind to the 10000 law of things.

With a move in Qin Xiao’s hand, the map of 10000 objects that Xuanmu Mu wanted to come to Xuanyuan Fanji appeared in his hand.

It can also be seen from the name that the map of 10000 objects records the law of 10000 objects, the fundamental of 10000 objects, the law of 10000 objects, and the true meaning of 10000 objects.

It must be of great help for the cultivation of the 10000 law of things. It is for this reason that the Xuanmu wood has to ask for Qin Xiao.

This is also a low grade sacred relic. As long as it is sacred relic, it can be said to be of infinite value to Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao took out a map of 10000 objects, slowly opened the scroll, and holy light radiated from the map.

The 10000 things in the heavens are all transformed into symbols of each and everyone, one after another The picture is clearly presented in front of Qin Xiao’s eyes. With that holy light directly into Qin Xiao’s eyes, straight into the mind and consciousness, Allow Qin Xiao to’see’ these things more directly.

The 10000 object map is to draw World’s All Living Things into this map, and express and describe World’s All Living Things in the form of a map.

10000 things 10000 things, broadly speaking, that means World’s All Living Things, everything in the world can be called 10000 things.

Time forms the line of the world, giving the world a past, present and future.

Space, let the world have endless space, there is a leaf and a world, a grain and a sky, there are countless universes, there are countless Small World, countless Heaven Beyond the Heaven, countless space.

Darkness is the most primitive force in the world and the beginning of the world.

The world comes from chaos, and chaos comes from darkness, and darkness is the source of everything.

Light is a piece of holiness that illuminates this World. With light, this World will have balance, stability, prosperity, and the glory of the prosperous world.

But if there are only four kinds of things, this World is at best a nothingness space that’s all.

The 10000 things are the Law Power that really makes this World colorful.

With 10000 things, only derived out of World’s All Living Things, derived out everything.

Everything in the heavens is among 10000 things.

So, 10000 things are the most inclusive law.

The map of 10000 things, which records World’s All Living Things, and endless things slowly emerged, quickly appeared before Qin Xiao’s eyes, and entered Qin Xiao’s mind.

Qin Xiao was immediately attracted by the map of 10000 things, and his consciousness seemed to be inhaled into the realm of 10000 things.

Just accepting the 10000 object information on the 10000 object map, Qin Xiao took 10000 years to fully accept it.

Qin Xiao is a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment with extreme genius. It’s natural to say that the ability to accept self-confidence is self-explanatory. I’m afraid it won’t be inferior to the ordinary one-step Ancient Saint environment.

It takes 10000 years for such a powerful ability to receive information. It is considered to have received all the information of 10000 objects on the map of 10000 objects.

But I just accepted that’s all. It’s just how useful it is to receive information not at all. It just means that I understand some basic things.

But the most important thing about cultivation is to appreciate cultivation, not to understand some basic things.

The basic thing is that that’s all fur.

The fur is just the shallowest thing, the really important thing is in the core.

Therefore, receiving the information of the 10000 things, just walked out of the 1st Step that’s all, so that Qin Xiao had a general understanding of the 10000 things.

But this understanding really widened Qin Xiao’s horizon, opened a window, and saw the new world of each and everyone.

“World’s All Living Things is really wonderful. I’m afraid nothing in this world can be more exciting than this World’s All Living Things.”

“World’s All Living Things is so colorful, with many strange shapes and weird ones, only what you can’t think of and what you can’t think of.”

“Everything in the world is in 10000 things. The law of 10000 things also exists in 10000 things, everywhere. The power of 10000 things is the power of all the heavens.”

“If you can master the law of 10000 things, then you can borrow the land of 10000 things in heaven, all the power of heaven and earth, 10000 things in the world, and 10000 things in the world can do for me, and use my power to help me kill the enemy, then How powerful and overbearing?”

“The five basic rules, if you are fighting, then Dark Law ranks first, and the 5 law of things can definitely be ranked second. Even if it is well applied, the 10000 law of things is not weaker than Dark Law. It might be stronger.”

“Dark Law is the beginning of everything, the source of everything, and it is extremely powerful terrifying. But the law of 10000 things, including 10000 things, all the 10000 things in the sky are used for it, and it is not necessarily weaker than Dark Law.”

“Dark Law is extremely overbearing. And the 10000 law of things can accommodate everything. The two have their own strengths.”

“It is worthy of the 5 basic laws. Although in realm improvement, it may not be as good as the 8 Grand Dao Law on the road of cultivation, but in other respects, I am afraid there is still an absolute advantage.”

“After all, when the world first opened, the five basic laws existed, and they were the laws of the natural birth of the world. 5 Grand Dao Law is all the Tao created by future generations, the laws of creation.”

Qin Xiao is immersed in the map of 10000 things, perceiving the laws of 10000 things, and seeing through this World’s All Living Things.

10000 is in the world, 10000 is in the way, 10000 is in the law, 10000 is in the heart… the cultivation of the law, there are too many doors, too deep and too deep.

Once immersed in it, you will find that you have entered a vast ocean. You have to swim in this ocean, to discover, to ascend, to accumulate, to break through-the time of cultivation always seems to have passed So fast.

Although the 10000 object map is not as powerful as the guiding aids of Five Elements, it is still very good and has a very good guiding power.

Time was like an arrow, and soon 5 100,000 years passed.

In this Secret Realm, Qin Xiao and Fu Yunni also stayed for 2 6 years, only 100,000 4 years that’s all left.

However, Xuan Mumu apparently hasn’t heard from them yet, and they haven’t come here to find Fu Yunni.

Fu Yunni has been healing, Qin Xiao has been cultivation.

Fu Yunni occasionally visits Qin Xiao, but every time Qin Xiao is immersed in cultivation, Fu Yunni does not bother Qin Xiao. Obviously sometimes he is also bored.

“This guy, in fact, is not so annoying when he takes it seriously, even–has several points of unique man taste–“

“Pei pei pei Fu Yunni, Fu Yunni, what are you thinking? This abominable guy is a shameless bastard, a donkey, a bastard who likes to provoke this Miss, where is he a little bit? Manly?”

“Hu, Fu Yunni, you have seen Eldest Young Lady with countless excellent men. You can’t be fooled by the appearance of the guy Qin Xiao. You can’t have this kind of thinking.”

“Your anger hasn’t fully expressed, you can’t let the Qin Xiao guy pass with such forgiveness. Well, no, absolutely not.”


And at this time, Fu Yunni’s Liu Mei suddenly picked up, and her eyes looked towards the hole, and a rays of light flickered past.

“Hmph, someone really found it here.” Fu Yunni coldly snorted.

At this time, footsteps came from the door.

“En?” Qin Xiao frowned also opened his eyes and glanced over.

The cultivation was interrupted, which made Qin Xiao very uncomfortable.

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