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Clang! ! !

Clang! ! !

Clang! ! !

3 Long and loud voices rang in Langyatian.

As soon as the sound came out, the whole Langya sky became full of excitement, one after another silhouette flew out of 4 places, and flew over to the boulder in the center, and some of them ran quickly over the Xianqiao. .

Quite a few in groups of three or four, while rushing to the road, there was still intense discussion there, wanting to know what the major event happened.

3 Youming, that is, Li Sheng is calling all the people in Langyatian, and all go to the center to gather.

Such a situation can only happen when something very important happens in Langyatian, or that such a grand event is held every epoch for the New Year.

But now, it’s not New Year’s Eve. What major event happened in Langya’s heaven?

No, I haven’t heard of the major event in Langya Tianzhong recently.

Everyone carried the unknown, but did not dare to hesitate, but rushed to the center boulder as quickly as possible.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Xiao was also slightly surprised.

“Haha, Qin Xiao Junior Brother, don’t be surprised. Now that you are back in Langya, Master will naturally host a grand entry ceremony for you.”

“You are Master’s Direct Disciple, and your status is above the 10000 Li Holy Sects. Those people will have to call your uncle at least, most of them have to call you Ancestor Master.”

“The big scene, but opened for you. We Langyatian, but it is rare to have such a grand occasion.” Feng Yi Young Master said with a smile.

Qin Xiao actually thought that he should hold an entry ceremony for himself. The Master has said before that when he breaks through the sanctification, he will hold an entry ceremony and announce the identity of Qin Xiao.

As a result, everyone in the world will know that Qin Xiao is Li Sheng’s Direct Disciple.

Li Holy Sect will be respected when he is outside, let alone Li Sheng Direct Disciple.

Soon, it was close to the boulder in the center. From a distance, I saw that there were already a lot of people there. Looking at the picture of the vast crowd in the past, it was really spectacular.

“There are not many people in Langyatian. We, Li Shengyi, have very strict requirements on the receipt of the discipline. Not anyone who wants to receive the recipe can receive it.”

“Some even if they are accepted, they can’t meet the requirements to enter Langyatian, they can only be outside, but they can’t live in Li Holy Sect.”

“Must is qualified to enter Langyatian, and a person who has been granted an approved identity is considered to be a real Li Holy Sect.”

“So, the people of Langyatian are mainly based on the descendants of the recipe, and they will also collect some disciplines in the human world. After layers of selection, after passing the harsh test, they can enter Langyatian.”

“So far, our total number of Langyatians is only as low as 10,000,000, which is pitiful.”

Feng Yi Young Master also introduced Qin Xiao to Lang Yatian about some of these situations. Qin Xiao is naturally unaware of these situations.

The understanding of Langyatian outside is just a vague impression that’s all.

Qin Xiao knew that there were not many people in Langyatian, but I was surprised to hear that it was only 10,000,000, which was much less than he thought.

10,000,000, in the fairy land, it is indeed too little too little.

Even in a barren land like Southern Desolate, just find a tribe and the population can reach 10000000 million.

Fengyi Young Master continued: “The 10,000,000 I said is the sum of all of us in Langyatian. To be precise, it should be the sum of all life. But it does not mean that the life in Langyatian will be able to It’s Li Holy Sect.”

“Even if it’s domestic, Li Holy Sect’s requirements are very high, and many people born in Langya Heaven can hardly meet the requirements.”

“So, the number of real Li Holy Sects is actually only more than 100 and 10000 that’s all.”

what? Only more than 100 Li Holy Sect? so little?

Does this mean that in Langya Heaven, only about 1% of them are Li Holy Sect?

In this way, it is really not easy to become a Li Holy Sect apprentice.

“Fengyi Senior Brother, how can I become a Li Holy Sect? Only a success rate of 1%, is this too little?” Qin Xiao unable to bear asked.

Feng Yi Young Master smiled and said: “It’s not too much, after all, the requirements of Li Holy Sect are indeed very high. Let’s talk about a basic requirement, at least if it is a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment. This is the only one The most basic condition is enough to eliminate 70% of people.”

“The 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment is only one of the most basic conditions that’s all, and there are many other conditions. It also needs to pass a rigorous test. Only after layers of selection can we become a glorious Li Holy Sect apprentice. “

“So, this number is actually quite good. Our Li Shengyi’s discipline training is not boasting. Looking at the whole fairyland is also second to none.”

“Master’s ability in this respect is recognized by the immortals of the immortals.”

Hearing Feng Yi Young Master’s answer, Qin Xiao’s mouth twitched involuntarily. It was not surprising.

The 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment is just a basic requirement… That is to say, as long as he is a Holy Sect, the weakest is the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment? That is to say, in Langya Heaven, the number of Heavenly Venerable environment in 4 steps is at least 1000000?

This is too scary, right?

“You know what I said by a number. Among the more than 100 and 10000 Li Holy Sects, the Holy Realm is more than 4%, and the rest are all first-class 1-step Heavenly Venerable realm levels. Of course, there are Some people who have gone astray will not say anything if they have entered the semi-holy realm.”

“Apart from this, among those of us who haven’t become disciples, nearly 2,000,000 are in a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.”

“So, it must be counted that our Langya sky is more than thousand thousand in holy realm, and the four-step Heavenly Venerable realm is more than 4, you feel it yourself.”

This, this… The shock just now hasn’t completely calmed down yet, Feng Yi Young Master is smashed again, and the Qin Xiao is even more shocked.

Oh my god!

The holy realm exists, unexpectedly, even more than thousand thousand?

This, this, this is a terrifying force?

5 Whether there are so many holy places in Dazhi Gao’s surname Qin Xiao does not know, but Qin Xiao can be sure that the 100 schools of the sons are definitely not there, and they are far away.

Qin Xiao still has some knowledge about the situation of the 100 schools of Zhuzi.

Take the entire Southern Desolate as an example. The existence of the holy land is probably over 10000.

With such speaking of which, the total number of Southern Desolate’s holy places adds up to less than 10% of Langyatian.

The 3,000,000 step Heavenly Venerable environment of over 4, I am afraid that the number can also be comparable to the entire Southern Desolate.

The number of Heavenly Venerable Realms in 4 steps is not so shocking, but the existence of Ancient Saint Realm, which is more than thousand thousand, really shocked Qin Xiao.

Listening to this, Qin Xiao really has the feeling that the Holy Land now has to be many as dogs and has gone everywhere.

In Langya Heaven, I am afraid it really can be said.

In such a small Langya sky, there are even more than thousand ancient Ancient Saints converging here.

Feng Yi Young Master pats Qin Xiao’s shoulder, he laughed aloud: “hahaha, shocked Qin Xiao Junior Brother. Don’t worry, don’t worry, there are even more shocking.”

“As you should have expected, our Langyatian is naturally extremely powerful. It’s so proud to be a person in Langyatian.”

“Langyatian will definitely give you a strong sense of belonging and honor.”

“Let’s go, it’s estimated that everyone is almost there, and we are just a few.”

Qin Xiao took a deep breath and calmed down quickly.

Listening to Fengyi Senior Brother said so much, it really made Qin Xiao proud of being a Holy Sect apprentice.

This sense of arrogant pride is so hearty.

The closer, Qin Xiao’s heart was a little excited.

On the side of the central boulder, all Li Holy Sects are gathered here, and Li Holy Sects with a number of more than 3,000,000 are basically all together.

Everyone arranged in an orderly manner, standing neatly in their respective camps and teams.

The closer the position is, the higher the seniority. The lower the position, the smaller the seniority.

Qin Xiao sees that there are already ten or seven camps in each and everyone’s camp. This means there are ten or seven generations here. Coupled with the Direct Disciple generation, it is eighteen generations.

Li Shengyi’s inheritance has only eighteen generations that’s all.

It can be seen that Li Shengyi’s discipline is indeed very rare, and the requirements for the discipline are extremely harsh.

However, speaking of which, for someone who has a talent for cultivation with the flying knife, it was originally ten thousand li to pick one, which is also very difficult to find.

So these situations are superimposed together, which caused this situation.

On the center boulder, there is a huge platform. At this time, a lot of things are placed on the huge platform. All Li Holy Sects are all around around this huge platform.

In the middle of the huge platform, there is a high platform, carved into a throwing knives.

There is a throne above the platform. Two figures sit on the throne, one male and one female.

Below the high platform, there are 4 silhouettes, with divine poise and sagelike features, some freelancers, some young masters, and some weak scholars.

These 4 people actually showed 4 different appearances and different temperaments.

Others Qin Xiao did not know, but Master Li Sheng sitting on the throne Qin Xiao naturally saw it from a distance, so it seems that the person sitting with Master Li Sheng should be the master.

Qin Xiao just looked at her master, and she felt like she was being captured, and she was completely shocked.

Master mother elegant and poised, there is the wind of the mother of the world, like the emperor in charge of heaven and earth.

From the breath, Qin Xiao feels that Master’s breath is not much weaker than Master Li Sheng. Is it possible that Master is also a realm at the same level as Master?

Wrong, if the entire human world reaches this level, isn’t there only 8 people?

5 Emperor Saint Sovereign, Kunlun Lord of Holy Land Kunlun Divine Emperor, Yaochi’s West Queen, Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect’s Huashan Divine Emperor, and Li Sheng?

But Qin Xiao also clearly felt that Master’s breath was stronger than the world gods he had seen, such as Rain Dragon world god, Huanglong world god.

It is also possible that the master is a world god of extreme harm.

The Master is so powerful, the Master is so powerful, it’s incredible.

Qin Xiao’s gaze looked towards the 4 people standing under the platform again. The breath of these 4 people turned out to be of world god level.

“This is the other 4 Direct Disciples of Master?” Qin Xiao thought, he knew that Li Sheng had received a total of 5 Direct Disciple before him. These 4 plus Fengyi Senior Brother, it was exactly 5 Too.

Qin Xiao’s heart is full of words. Master Li Sheng’s 5 Direct Disciple, even 4 of them are world gods.

Although Fengyi Young Master is still in the divine position, it is also a 4-step Ancient Saint realm.

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