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4 people quickly approached the fluttering stone. The side of the fluttering stone was very smooth and flat, as if it had been straightened by a sword.

It seems that the rune and sword marks on this floating stone should be left artificially.

These runes are a bit incomprehensible, and it is difficult to read to understand what they mean.

Those sword marks seem to have been left intentionally. If you look closely, you will find that there are some laws in it, which are not left randomly.

rune, sword marks, what exactly do you want to express?

Every rune, every sword mark, makes people feel that it contains terrifying sword energy. And the seal is in the rune and sword marks, I don’t know how long, I am afraid it is from 10000 ancient origins.

Assaults the senses are full of ancient and vicissitudes.

As soon as Lang Jinghong came, he was attracted by the rune and sword marks on the stone, and he was fully invested in it.

Qin Xiao also looked at it carefully, feeling the rune in the stone wall and the breath in the sword marks, sword intent.

This is a pure sword, the sword practice is pure sword, use sword to enter dao, use sword to cut everything.

This is true Kendo.

Qin Xiao, the person who cultivated the sword, also knew that 100 Chuanfusu and Yu Young Master were 2 people, but after the 2 people entered the fairyland, the focus also shifted to the road of immortal dao cultivation.

Qin Xiao also likes swords very much, but his true understanding of kendo is not that deep.

Sword cultivation is to bring the sword to the extreme of Peak and reach a very unimaginable point.

Qin Xiao likes swords, but he hasn’t entered the real way for swords.

But Qin Xiao feels that, like Opening Heaven Sword, this cultivation art is still more suitable for the cultivation of sword cultivation.

Opening Heaven Sword, the sword can open the sky, it is also necessary to stimulate the sword’s way to the extreme, in order to play out the powerful formidable power of terrifying.

Kendo, overbearing and extreme edge.

There is only one sword in the world. 10000 things are open, and there is only one sword.

Looking at the rune and sword marks, Qin Xiao soon felt that there were 10000 ancient sword edges in begin to stir, as if to hide the power of 10000 ancient, and it would burst out at this moment.

xiu xiu xiu!! !!

Suddenly-among those rune and sword marks, terrifying sword energy burst out at the same time, exuding Supreme’s edge, with the power of 10000 ancient sword intent sword power, screaming out of the way.

The road with the sword, the law of the sword, comes directly from suppress and kill, directly through 10000 ancients.

With a sword down, the world is dead, everything is under the sword’s Law Power, it is suppressed and sealed, frozen and stagnated, terrifying to the extreme.

“A strong and strong sword, there is a sword edge in 10000 ancient times, and a sword cuts out the sky of silence!”

Qin Xiao was also shocked in his heart. Every word energy that roars out is much more powerful than what was shown by Lang Jinghong just now.


Under such a terrifying peerless sword energy edge, Qin Xiao also felt a danger in his heart and quickly retreated.

At the same time, Lang Jinghong shot, his sword was out of the sheath, with a peerless edge, the power of the law of kendo blossomed, turned into one after another sword energy, and ushered in.

Exquisite, incomparable exquisite.

This is Law Power of Kendo!

Seeing Lang Jinghong performing Kendo, Qin Xiao suddenly felt like a new door was opened, and entered a new world, the world of Kendo rules.

For Kendo, Qin Xiao’s cultivation is already very shallow, and there is no law that can comprehend the way out of Kendo.

Moreover, Qin Xiao actually did not at all really go through the sword cultivation road, and it is not really a road to the sword cultivation road.

It’s just that the sword is very inclusive. No matter which path of cultivation is cultivated, you can actually use the sword.

In addition to kendo, sword is also widely used as a weapon.

So swords can be said to be amazing things.

It is used by almost all life, but there is a separate sword.

But the most amazing thing is that if you really want to enter the sword cultivation path, it is very difficult, at least it is much harder than Dadao and immortal dao.

It is said that the sword moves with side stroke, the path of cultivation of sword cultivation, can be considered as a slant.

So Rao said that Qin Xiao’s mastery of the sword is still passable, but in fact Qin Xiao not at all really entered the road of sword cultivation.

Of course, it is actually very easy to enter. The threshold of sword cultivation is the lowest of the eight path of cultivation, but the difficulty of cultivation is that it can be ranked in the top 8.

If Qin Xiao really wanted to enter sword cultivation, it was actually very easy.

But Qin Xiao wants to control the law of Kendo, it is difficult, too difficult, too difficult.

At this time, Qin Xiao saw the law of kendo exhibited by Lang Jinghong, and it was indeed shocked to Qin Xiao, deeply touching the soul.

For Kendo, Qin Xiao’s love is very strong.

The sword energy of rune and sword marks also gave Qin Xiao a lot of enlightenment, gave Qin Xiao a look of New World, and presented the world of the rule of kendo in front of Qin Xiao, let Qin Xiao fall into a piece In the ocean.

This ocean is extremely turbulent, powerful, sharp, terrifying, and boundless.

It’s too difficult, too difficult to truly integrate into this ocean.

“Sword, incomparably pure, this feeling is like when I was a mortal spirit, when I was the humblest and youngest, I practiced the sword.”

“Practicing swords at that time was relatively pure. There was only a sword in my mind, and a sword was a sword.”

“Swords have the power of swords, swords have the edge of swords, swords have the speed of swords, swords have the flexibility of swords.”

“But later, we must slowly integrate our own strength, the learned martial skill, and integrate many other strengths into the sword, and use the sword to display it.”

“In this way, the sword becomes a weapon that’s all, a weapon that you use to exert your stronger power is equivalent to a carrier that’s all.”

“Although the carrier is also called a sword, the original heart of the sword, the root of the sword, and the true word of the sword have been abandoned to the side.”

“The kendo I cultivated in the Hongmeng universe before was simply an impure kendo. Incorporating other powers, it has actually deviated from the kendo. So my sword is now more and more impure.”

“I found out when I practiced the Opening Heaven Sword recipe. I was involved with too much power, so it often becomes complicated when cultivating. Use other forces to drive the Opening Heaven Sword recipe. , Although it can be practiced, it can also exert the powerful power of Opening Heaven Sword terrifying.”

“But if it is measured by the definition of kendo, it is not pure kendo.”

“But although it is not pure kendo, it is closely related to kendo and closely connected.”

“The less pure it is, the more people can’t see the true kendo–“

At this time, seeing such exquisite rules of kendo, so touched Qin Xiao’s heart, and instantly touched many new things and opened his eyes.

From these new things, Qin Xiao can feel the kendo, understand the real kendo, and realize his many problems in kendo.

If you can, it may not be impossible to cultivate a sword.

It was also because Qin Xiao always loved swords, but unfortunately, there was no good opportunity to cultivate kendo and step into the real kendo.

In other words, kendo thought before, but now it seems that it is not really kendo, pure kendo, but kendo mixed with many other powers.

Such kendo cannot really peep into the laws of kendo, and there is no way to truly embark on real cultivation.

At this time, under the guidance of such pure kendo, Qin Xiao instantly felt a kind of suddenly enlightened feeling, only to truly understand the understood, what is kendo, and how to step on the real kendo.

However, Qin Xiao is too complicated now, so if you want to really enter pure kendo, you need a stripping process.

Those things that are deeply rooted are completely removed, and they are stripped of cocoons, leaving only the real kendo in the end.

But there are some things that are too deep and fused, and want to get rid of them, is it something easier said than done?

Moreover, Kendo is originally an extremely difficult cultivation path. For Qin Xiao, what I really want to challenge is to comprehend the cultivation of the rule of kendo, and step into the gate of the rule and master the rule of kendo. Significant.

Otherwise, just knowing some Taos and controlling some Taos does not make sense at all.

To be able to control the law of sword cultivation, that is the real big gain.

In this way, Qin Xiao’s cultivation will be of great help, as well as the improvement of strength.

Qin Xiao is also thinking, if you use sword cultivation to develop and cultivate Opening Heaven Sword, what should it be?

The effect will definitely be much better than now. Using Immortal Dao Force with the sword to cultivate the Opening Heaven Sword tactics, in fact, it is a lot of things mixed, so that the most essential things of the sword can not be exerted, and the formidable power naturally feels a little discounted.

But speaking, all major cultivation roads will complement each other, and there will be close internal connections.

Especially Kendo, can be very closely connected with any Dao.

8 major path of cultivation, if Dao is ranked first, then Dao Foundation is qualified to compete with immortal dao for 2nd.

Although it is said that the 8 major cultivation roads are not at all ranking, if it is necessary to rank, then it must be the undisputed first. If it is the second and third, it may be more difficult to choose, but what is certain is that the sword Monasticism and immortal dao are definitely the second and third choices.

The avenue is absolutely closely connected with any avenue. There are many internal connections that can accommodate everything.

Sword Xiu Dao can basically do this, but it’s a little worse than the Avenue that’s all.

Any power can be integrated into the sword way, and can be used to cast the sword.

So practicing kendo, no matter what, it is absolutely helpful for cultivation.

Touched by these many insights, Qin Xiao also began to cultivate the sword.

With such a good guide, the shock of the 10000 ancient sword’s front, coupled with Qin Xiao’s own realm, and Qin Xiao’s own understanding of the sword.

Although it was said that the previous mastery was indeed mixed with many other powers, it is also a foundation after all. Now it is only necessary to separate the rules of Kendo alone.

Although the process is very difficult, but under such a big touch, Qin Xiao’s understanding of Jian Xiu Dao suddenly increased a lot.

Naturally, cultivation becomes a lot easier, it can be improved quickly, and can have a large span.

Qin Xiao also tried to comprehend the law of sword cultivation, touch the power of the law, enter the threshold of the law, and realize a qualitative leap.

Of course, this is difficult, very difficult.

Xiaogu and Mobao couldn’t understand anything, so after watching it for a while, the two retreated to the side and swept up for Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong, in case there was any power to disturb one 2 Human cultivation.

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