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Qingmu Shengzun was also confused by Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong. They looked at the two people but didn’t speak for a while.

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong were both staring at Qingmu Shengzun, just waiting for him to point out one.

But Qingmu Shengzun seemed to be deliberately hanging two people’s appetite, and did not speak for a while.

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong were also able to calm down, and not at all for a while to urge Qing Sheng Mu.

After a long time, Sovereign Kiyoshi said: “If you want to be close to that existence, it is difficult to say, but it is not difficult, but it is not that difficult.”

“For the time being, don’t think about approaching and provoking the existence first. Such an abruptness is something that the existence does not like very much.”

“You guys, go to the Lost Palace first. There are a lot of things left by the ancestors at the door of the Lost Palace, as well as some things left by the lost master.”

“If you can be in it and understand what comes out and what you gain, then I’m afraid I will give that being another look.”

“Well, there is some hope that can be approached. Of course, even if it is close, whether it can gain anything, then it depends on your own fortune. Even if there is any gain, can you be in the lost palace? What you gain, whether you can live out or not, depends on yourself.”

“Actually, the old man is very unwilling to go to the labyrinth. The terrifying inside, in the view of the old man, can be many times harder than going out from this vortex*.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s ten deaths without life. I’m afraid that since these endless years, I and the two people who existed in the maze can still live out.”

“Of course, the only one who really wants to speak of which is the one who exists. After all, I was directed to get alive, and I must have died in it.”

“You said you two youngster, why is it so unreasonable? Oh, forget it. I want to come to the old man. What I say is useless. You certainly can’t hear it.”

“It’s just that the old man is really a little bit watching you die to death. You said that since you have a status, there will be a world god to save you. Why do you need to work so hard?”

Lang Jinghong took a sip of wine, smashed his mouth, and said to Qin Xiao: “Brother Qin Xiao, how do I think it makes sense to clear what Senior Mu said?”

“Yeah, why do we have to work so hard? At such a great risk, if Accidentally really died in the Lost Palace, it would be a big loss.”

“Even if we wait here, I believe there will be someone to save us. Isn’t it a bit silly behavior to say that we fight like this?”

Qin Xiao looked at Lang Jinghong calmly and spit out a few words: “Then what?”

“Then–” Lang Jinghong laughed, raised his sword in his hand, and drank a sip of spirits. “However, we are the kind of people who dare to dare to dare to dare to take risks? Let us do? We are sitting here and the others to save, that is totally impossible.”

“Life is alive, young and frivolous, we are just young, how can we not be frivolous? Once not frivolous, is that still the youngster?”

“With Blade Mountain, then we will go to Blade Mountain. If there is fire sea, then we will go down to fire sea.”

“If there is a dragon, then we will slaughter the dragon. If there is a tiger, then we will kill the tiger. We are serious and courageous in the way forward.”

“So, no matter how dangerous terrifying this lost labyrinth is, we will all be impossible and not shrink back. Even in the situation of ten deaths without life, we have to work hard to make a way out.”

“Hahaha, my swordsman, if you have wine and sword, then you will not be afraid of all difficulties and challenges.”

Qin Xiao also smiled when he heard Lang Jinghong’s words.

I knew that Lang Jinghong was not such a cowardly person, and he was not a person who flinched when facing some danger.

If Lang Jinghong really flinched, then Qin Xiao must have looked down on him in his heart, and he certainly would not have deep friendship with him again.

Fortunately, Lang Jinghong is not such a person. A bold swordsman should not be such a talent.

He has the spirit of being a great man.

“Yeah, my cultivator, what are you afraid of? Since you have decided, then you must go to it.”

“Clear Senior Mu, we know your good intentions, and we know that being lost in the palace is indeed very dangerous, and we have prepared for the worst.”

“We are still full of strong confidence in ourselves, and believe that we must be successful and can come out of the maze alive.”

“There are also many seniors’ concerns, as we all know.” Qin Xiao hugged Cup One Fist in the other hand.

Qingmu Shengzun shook the head, and said nothing more, and he knew he was useless no matter what he said.

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong didn’t listen at all.

Of course, everyone has their own ambitions, and he can’t force his ideas to be imposed on others, which is also unreasonable.

“Qing Senior Mu, is there anything else?” Seeing Qing Mu Ancient Saint did not continue, Qin Xiao couldn’t help asking.

Qingmu Shengzun said the head and said: “No, there are so many. The rest depends on your own creation, so you can do it yourself.”

After talking about Qingmu Shengzun, he shook his head and left.

As he walked, he muttered in his mouth, “How can you not think of it like this at a young age?”

Hearing Qingmu Shengzun’s whisper, Qin Xiao bitterly laughed, it wasn’t that he couldn’t think of it, it was he knew that he had to go this way, he had to go, he couldn’t go without it.

Waiting for the Master to rescue them, that’s just the last resort that’s all they have to do.

And Qin Xiao is very reluctant to develop the situation to this situation. Although this is the way, in Qin Xiao’s mind, it is definitely the last way.

Cultivation is your own business. The way is to go out on your own.

Qin Xiao has always believed that anything he encounters is something he should encounter, and will not be superfluous.

When you encounter anything, you should treat it calmly and treat it with confidence, without any fear, you should overcome it and solve it.

Everything must teach and bring something to yourself.

is it fortune or misfortune, in fact, often in their own mind.

What Qin Xiao wants to do is to turn the scourge of this time into a blessing and complete his thoughts.

“Come on, let’s go to the Lost Palace and see.”

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong glanced at each other very tacitly, and said the same thing in unison.

2 people walked towards the Lost Palace. The Lost Palace was easy to find. It was in the center of the Lost Continent.

The entire Lost Continent is so big that the two of them will soon be in front of the Lost Palace.

The lost palace in front of me is very common for 2 people, and it is a palace that is unremarkable. From the outside, the palace is not big. But Qin Xiao believes that the inside of this palace is definitely not small.

In front of the palace gate of the Lost Palace, a square was built, and above this square, there was nothing but a stone monument.

Under a stone tablet at the farthest corner of the square, Qin Xiao 2 saw a white haired old man sitting there and bowed his head slightly.

The thick white hair and beard almost dragged to the ground, and almost completely covered his face. If it was not close to the front, I am afraid I could not see clearly.

Looking at it from afar, I only feel that a large group of white hairs are covering a person, which is obviously very strange.

The breath of white haired old man is also converging, not at all exudes a little, so at first glance, it will not make people think that white haired old man is a terrifying existence.

Because of this, at first Qin Xiao when viewing the Lost Continent, they all mistakenly thought that the white haired old man was just a 2-step Ancient Saint environment that’s all.

It didn’t expect that this white haired old man was actually a 3-step existence of Ancient Saint Realm.

Ancient Saint who entered the lost continent, died in his hands, but there are as many aszen, this is definitely a terrifying existence.

For such terrifying existence, Qin Xiao is also in awe, and dare not provoke this existence.

It seems that Sage Kiyoshi doesn’t know what the name of this existence is, so he has always called that existence.

Just glanced at it, Qin Xiao didn’t look at it too much, lest it really annoyed the person who existed accidentally, then the major event was not good.

Lang Jinghong is the same, also glanced quickly, then quickly withdrawn his eyes, and also made an expression to Qin Xiao.

They can be regarded as courageous people outside, but they are influenced by Qingmu Shengzun’s words. Two people are really afraid of this existence in front of their eyes. near.

Adjusting his mood, Qin Xiao walked over to the stone tablets. There were 100 stone tablets standing on the whole square. These stone tablets are all carved with text patterns and the like, each stone tablet is not high, only ten feet long, half feet wide that’s all.

Qin Xiao walked to the nearest stone monument at the entrance of the Lost Palace. That stone monument was larger than other stone monuments, so it was very conspicuous and very special.

That is the stone stele facing the lost palace gate, and the words left on the stone stele are also different from other stone steles. Although there is not much breath left, it also feels that the words are powerful and unique. Is a special word with charm.

The words on this stone tablet, is it possible that the owner of the Lost Palace left?

Qin Xiao looked seriously at the words left on the stele. There were not many words. It was written like this: “I found a lost continent in the eye of death, and I built this lost maze. Enter the lost palace and get some of my inheritance, then you can leave here smoothly.”

“The Lost Palace is lost in the Lost Palace, and there is Dongfeng in the Lost Palace. Whoever borrows the Dongfeng will not see Yellow Springs!”

“Ten deaths without life, stay an inch, and be brave and short. 30% shorter. Tian Ni Wu Wu straight ahead, the end of the road looks back to spring.”


These are the words in front, and these brief words occupy half of the stele.

On the other half of the stone wall, there is only a big Dao’.

This Dao (道) character is very wonderfully written, unlike any other way of writing. Looking at this Dao (道)’ character will make people have a very firm determination, no one in the world can write this Dao (道)’ character out.

On the surface, it seems that you can’t see what comes out, and you can’t feel the breath on the Dao (道)’ character.

But after really seeing the found mystery in it, you will find that you have entered an entirely new world within the realm, the world within the realm.

Qin Xiao is also a avenue cultivator, and his avenue has been trained to a four-step Heavenly Venerable environment level. He has mastered a lot of avenues. It is only one step away from mastering Grand Dao Law that’s all.

For Dadao, Qin Xiao’s feelings are undoubtedly the deepest. This is the way he started cultivation from an early age.

Dadao has witnessed the growth of Qin Xiao and achieved everything that Qin Xiao is today. It is the cornerstone of Qin Xiao, and it is naturally the most unforgettable thing of Qin Xiao.

Although most of Qin Xiao’s energy has not been on the avenue of avenue cultivation in recent years, he has not been able to reduce his love for the avenue.

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