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There are 10000000 million kinds of roads and 10000000 million kinds of probability.

The road ahead is unknown.

It is very difficult to kill a piece of light out of this unknown.

This is really like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses crossing a single tree bridge. I don鈥檛 know how many Pathfinders are dead, but none of them succeeded.

It makes people feel that there is an abyss in the front, find out a possibility in the endless impossible.

What’s next?

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong suddenly looked at each other. The two seemed to think of another piece and glanced at the person in the corner over there.

Qingmu Shengzun got a few words from the Senior, but walked out of the lost palace alive.

Although it was not at all successful, did not get the chance in the maze, did not leave here, but after all, it is still alive.

Two people, Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong, have the perseverance to explore, but they also want to be able to live out at least, not to fail to fail.

If you have the opportunity to survive in the event of failure, then naturally it is also the best choice. This can be considered the last guarantee, which will allow them to fight and wrestle freely.

“Brother Qin Xiao, are we going this way?” Lang Jinghong seemed to worry a little softly.

Qin Xiao nodded and said: “Yeah, otherwise how can we pass? No matter what, you have to give it a try? I think, we will not be so bad luck?”

“Cough, this kind of thing, but I can’t be sure. The Qingmu Shengzun said that the Ancient Saint with a very strange personality might provoke him to Senior.” Lang Jinghong said.

Qin Xiao shook the head: “Since we don鈥檛 know how to do it, we don鈥檛 have to think about that many, just leave everything behind and do it according to our own ideas. If you don鈥檛 believe this day, you have to believe us. Not yourself, let’s go.”

“Haha, Dele, I don’t believe me to be so bad luck.” Lang Jinghong laughed, although he sometimes said something that seemed to worry.

But actually, he has to do it. He is also an unambiguous person.

2 The person walked over to the side of the existence, and slowly approached the presence of the existence. Here comes the sense of danger.

However, Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong were not affected, and still walked firmly there, not afraid of everything.

He is neither humble nor overbearing, and shows his truest face, and will not deliberately show anything.

“Boy Qin Xiao, I’ve seen Senior!” Qin Xiao stopped at the 30 feet in front of the existence, and paid a respectful salute.

Lang Jinghong also followed a salute to show respect for that being.

The person who didn’t all care about Qin Xiao 2 was still sitting there without any movement, and it seemed that he didn’t hear Qin Xiao 2’s words at all.

Of course, that existence must have been heard, but just too lazy to take care of that’s all.

Under the dense white hair, only a faint face could be seen vaguely, but it was not clear what it looked like, nor the eyes.

Even ignore yourself?

What should I do?

Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong glanced at each other again. Both of them felt a little helpless at this time.

It seems that it is really difficult to deal with this existence. Not only is it difficult, but the key is also full of many dangers. Accidentally, it is very likely that this person will be angered by this existence.

So, for Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong, there is also a test here. What should I do?

Is it a continuous opening, or an interesting departure?

The point is, it’s very unclear what that person means. This is not echoing, is it the intention of chasing customers, or is it a test? Or is it so cold in itself, don’t want to take care of Qin Xiao them?

These may all be there. The key is how you think and how you do it.

But Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong are not people who will easily back away, and Qin Xiao also remembered what Qingmu Shengzun said to them before, Qingmu Shengzun said that the existing pair has courage, bravery and integrity. , Humble people will be closer.

In that case, if you make yourself more audacious, there should be nothing wrong, and it does not necessarily provoke the existence.

the thoughts got to this point, Qin Xiao continued to walk forward.

But Qin Xiao had just 2 steps, the presence suddenly waved his hand, a terrifying Grand Dao Law Shengwei rushed out, and instantly hit it.

Terrifying’s Grand Dao Law came from Shengwei, and Qin Xiao’s heart was also violently picked up. His heart was shocked, and he looked at the existence with some surprise.

Isn’t it, isn’t the character really so weird? This way?

If this is the case, then there is really no solution, only to admit bad luck.

Now that things have happened, it is useless to say anything now, and Qin Xiao has no hesitation and wants to retreat.

However, it is no longer urgent, and Qin Xiao is ready to go all out to fight.

If you really want to do it, it can only be a fight. Qin Xiao was also ready to use the ancient order, and he didn’t believe it. With the Ancient Saint of Master on his body, he was still afraid of the existence of that one?

If you really want to put it together, it鈥檚 not necessarily your own loss.

Furthermore, there should also be some life-saving methods in Lang Jinghong’s life. I believe it is still possible to deal with the existence of a 3-step Ancient Saint environment?

So, I really want to fight, and Qin Xiao is not afraid of anything.

If the situation really falls into this step, then only one battle will be said.

Fortunately, that strength not at all meant to hurt Qin Xiao, but instead siegeed Qin Xiao, forming an invisible road cage, and enveloping Qin Xiao.

The prestige of Grand Dao Law enveloped a side World and trapped Qin Xiao in it.

On the other side, Lang Jinghong grinned, but also very helpless.

He just wanted to do something, and the presence was waved again, which also trapped Lang Jinghong.

Now, Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong are both trapped. The existence has returned to its original state, and it continues to sit there as if nothing has happened.

“The presence of not at all would do to us, and not at all meant to hurt us, not to mention driving us away, but instead temporarily trapped us in this Grand Dao Law. “

“The principle of the avenue formed a small cage, which, while trapping us, should also give us a chance to test.”

“Perhaps, that being just wanted to test us and see if we can break through this cage, are we qualified to talk to him in the past?”

Qin Xiao immediately calmed down, thought about several possibilities, and finally felt that this kind of probability should be the highest.

That is the case, then first look at how to break this cage.

Qin Xiao’s avenue has just broken through to sanctification, and he has a lot of understanding of Grand Dao Law, and has mastered some of it. It is considered to be the door of Grand Dao Law.

But this cage is obviously very complicated. It is not so easy to break this cage.

Of course, if you want to break it with hard force, Qin Xiao also thinks he should be able to break it.

But if the fruit is broken by hard force, then I am afraid that it is not what the existence wants to see, then I am afraid there is no chance to get close to the existence again.

Therefore, Qin Xiao will naturally not use hard force to crack, but will use Grand Dao Law to solve this cage, just like solving a complicated problem.

Isn’t this cracking process an opportunity to learn about the Cultivation Grand Dao Law?

Now that you are trapped, let’s learn about cultivation Grand Dao Law.

Moreover, if there is this problem to be solved, it can be regarded as a guiding force for cultivation, and it is still helpful for cultivation.

Qin Xiao immediately devoted himself to the Grand Dao Law of the cage, carefully inspected the structure of the cage’s laws, and found the subtleties.

After watching it carefully for a while, Qin Xiao also had to admire: “Exquisite, indeed exquisite, so exquisite.”

“The application of the law can be so delicate to the point. Although the law used is not at all found, the technique used is too brilliant.”

“Obviously it’s a relatively simple thing, but under this proven method, it becomes extremely delicate.”

“This is like taking a few ropes. Originally, ropes are very common and simple things, but if these ropes are woven into more complicated patterns with good craftsmanship, there will be a qualitative sublimation. Now.”

“I want to break this cage, I want to find the source, find the source, find the rules, and then come back, and I can easily unlock the cage.”

Soon Qin Xiao’s thoughts became clear. Once the thoughts were clear, the next things became much easier.

With a clear goal, you know where to start and what to do.

And the facts are indeed as Qin Xiao analyzed.

So, soon he found the root cause, and instead, he began to crack the cage.

It didn’t take long for Qin Xiao to break open the cage and let him walk out of the cage.

And the entire process, Qin Xiao not at all how long it took, I am afraid it is only a little half a day, it is extremely short.

In such a short time, Qin Xiao did it and finished it.

After coming out of the cage, the existing head finally lifted slowly. Through thick white hair, a glance fell on Qin Xiao’s body. Qin Xiao felt a sense of being looked at.

Qin Xiao also knew that his eyes were looked at. He seemed to be right.

Sure enough, this was just a test of that’s all.

If you pass, you can get close to this existence. If it fails, there is no way to approach this existence.

Fortunately, he passed.

Qin Xiao walked towards the existence, and the existence was not blocked. He sat and looked at Qin Xiao, as if waiting for Qin Xiao to arrive.

“Junior Qin Xiao has seen Senior!” Qin Xiao quickly but close to the existing one, salute again.

As we approached, we could also feel the strong and has several points of terrifying breath.

Obviously, this existence feels not very friendly, but has several points of You Sen, has several points of terrifying.

The average person would be very scared under such a breath.

But Qin Xiao was calm and calm, and stood there calmly and calmly.

He didn’t think that this existence would take action against himself. 2 In his heart, he has several points of confidence. Even if it is the worst plan, he also has the ability to save life, even the ability to fight back.

Therefore, if you have the bottom of your heart, then you will not worry about anything or anything.

At this time, Lang Jinghong also came out of the cage. Although it was later than Qin Xiao, but in terms of speed, it was still very fast.

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