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Anything that exists must have the meaning of its existence.

Often the details can determine success or failure.

Qin Xiao took a serious look at all around and did not miss any details.

But although it is sometimes said that details can determine success or failure, not every detail is useful, and often the details of overwhelming majority are useless.

This kind of feeling is like looking for gold in the desert. At first glance, you can’t feel that there is anything worth thinking about.

Even if you search carefully, it is difficult to find.

For useful details, in addition to being careful, you also need to be able to think about the usefulness of that detail. If you can’t think of it, you will miss it.

Therefore, it is very important to think.

But for Qin Xiao, the way forward is completely unknown. He simply had two eyes blacked out, and he didn’t know what the situation was, he was moving blindfolded. So, for him, he didn’t know what details were important or what was not.

For the time being, it can only come based on your own feelings. But there is no standard basic feeling, it is very fuzzy, hazy, like white smoke in the fog. It seems to be there, but it seems not.

“How did the Ancient Saints die here?”

After Qin Xiao took a close look at all around, not at all found something special, all around looks almost the same.

Therefore, Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on the bodies of Ancient Saints again, and this confusion came out of his unexpected thoughts.

With this doubt, Qin Xiao was thinking about this issue while looking at the bodies of Ancient Saints.

If you can’t find any other problems, start with the corpse. If you can know how these Ancient Saints died here, you might be prepared for it. Knowing what the danger is, you can think about the countermeasures in advance.

If you are prepared, you can do it without panic, and you can cope better and calmly.

In this way, I believe that the probability of survival will be much greater.

“If you look at it from the corpse, it is difficult to find out what the problem is. After all, most of it has become a bone, and there are not many problems.”

“The corpses that have not become bones have been corroded a lot by the time and the dark atmosphere inside, only a few of the complete bodies.

“But these corpses seem to be not fatally wounded.”

“Although it is very chaotic, there are ruins everywhere, and traces of fighting are everywhere. But I always feel that this destructive power not at all is so terrifying. At least, there are still many buildings that have been preserved. It is enough to illustrate a problem, the destruction here is not devastating.”

“If so many Ancient Saint realms died here, they were all killed by powerful forces. If these Ancient Saint realms all resisted with all their strength, then this should not be able to retain their current status.”

“So, if I guess, these Ancient Saint’s deaths have a strange power to kill them. Some corpses feel very complete, not at all any injuries. This Ancient Saint, may even have a chance to shoot not there, it was killed directly.”

“What is the strange power that kills these Ancient Saint realms?”

This question made Qin Xiao very confused and puzzled Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao all around looked at it, and not at all found something strange.

This lost palace, the time when the building came out, I don’t know how long it is, at least it is more than 1000000 cosmic era. It stands to reason that in this lost palace, It shouldn’t be the ancient Saint lives that are guarded.

If there is, there are so many Ancient Saint realms in it, and there are even three to four steps Ancient Saint realms, so that the guard force inside has already been killed.

And the owner who left this palace is probably the supreme existence that surpasses the world’s realm.

This means of existence should not be so low-end.

What power can kill Ancient Saint invisible?

Illusion Technique? Xiangshu?

Lost in the labyrinth, what you see, hear, and feel are not necessarily true.

Qin Xiao also had some speculations in mind about the words on the stone tablet and the words of the existence.

Perhaps there is a very terrifying illusion in it, which is entirely possible.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao is also ready to start the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

No matter how much I think, I also need to go to the actual experience on the battlefield to be able to know what is going on.

Qin Xiao just came back to his senses, and found that Lang Jinghong was gone.

“En? People? Why didn’t it disappear in a blink of an eye?” Qin Xiao’s brow furrowed suddenly. Lang Jinghong was still with him just now.

He didn’t notice anything at all and didn’t know when Lang Jinghong left.

This is not right.

If Lang Jinghong really did something, then he should be told that he was right. Why didn’t he disappear without saying anything?

“En? The breath is darker and darker. I can’t see clearly in some places. I can’t even notice Divine Consciousness. I feel that some power has stopped me.” Qin Xiao’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and the situation was again Something has changed.

He looked at the underground palace just now, but he couldn’t find the silhouette of Lang Jinghong. It seemed that in a moment, the people of Lang Jinghong disappeared.

But this is not possible, Lang Jinghong has been staying by his side just now, he didn’t feel any slight movement.

But a big living person disappeared so out of thin air. In this Underground Palace, there was no silhouette.

It’s like the moment when Jing Jinghong was moved away by a force.

The situation is wrong, very wrong.

Qin Xiao was even more vigilant, and the bad hunch in his heart became stronger.

Intuition tells him that a big trouble is coming, and there is danger approaching him.

“Illusion Technique? Xiangshu?”

“Did I unconsciously cover this place? Did I enter the illusion without even realizing it?”

“Or, from the moment I stepped into the labyrinth, I was already in the illusion?”

“What exactly is going on?”

Qin Xiao was also confused and very puzzled, and could not understand what was going on.

Although he couldn’t tell himself whether he was caught in Illusion Technique, what was going on, he felt that everything was normal and there was no problem.

But it is impossible to explain, Lang Jinghong directly disappeared, this is not simple at all.

Qin Xiao was a little uneasy about this situation.

But in this case, I can’t think of it just by myself.

Since I can’t think of one, I don’t think about it. Well, when you don’t know how to get there, just go.

If there is no way, then go out a way.

Qin Xiao held Opening Heaven Sword in his hands, and Gu Ling was ready to use it at any time, making all preparations and preparing for the worst.

Both the Tianjifang and the Light Cube are ready to be used, and the soldiers will block it, see tricks.

Ka-cha !

Qin Xiao stepped out and entered the Underground Palace.

Above the ground, there are fragments of gravel everywhere, corpses everywhere, those of Ancient Saint.

Qin Xiao was moving forward while cautiously looking at all around, and watched all around with a high degree of vigilance to prevent any unexpected situations.

Qin Xiao walked very slowly, and he was always exploring the way ahead, but it seemed to be very quiet inside, with some terrifying quiet, and some weird terrifying.

And this strangeness is not a good sign for Qin Xiao.

Under excessive silence, there may be extreme terrifying danger, which is exactly what Qin Xiao is worried about.

The situation is very wrong, there is no reason to be so quiet, and there is no danger of coming.

This walk, at least 1000 miles away, still nothing happened, as if there wouldn’t be any danger here.

But is this possible?

Qin Xiao will naturally not believe that there is no danger here. There must be danger here, but I don’t know where the danger is or when it will come that’s all.

Perhaps, the danger has been quietly approaching, but Qin Xiao has not found that’s all at all.

This situation is the most terrifying one.

There are more than 3000 Ancient Saints who died here, which is enough to explain the terrifying.

For a while, Qin Xiao’s eyes suddenly fell on the body of an Ancient Saint.

I saw a sword inserted in that Ancient Saint’s body, and that sword directly penetrated the ancient Saint’s corpse’s forehead, and it felt like the Ancient Saint was crucified there.

This death method was originally nothing, but here, I do not know what is going on, which always makes Qin Xiao feel weird and strange.

This method of death makes people feel as if they were killed by others.

But inside, there should be no other life, right?

If there is no other life, how could this Ancient Saint be so dead?

Who was he killed in the end?

Even people who die in the art of illusion should not have such a way of death? In this way of death, there is only one possibility, that is, it was killed by other people, and it was killed by a sword.

Even if this Ancient Saint is a one-step Ancient Saint, if he can live a step into the Lost Ancient Saint, his strength will definitely not be weak.

Such Ancient Saints have been killed by a sword, so what kind of strength is normally required?

At least, at least, it requires a very striking 2-step Ancient Saint environment, right?

But Qin Xiao immediately found another situation, that is, from the expression on the ancient Saint’s face, it seemed that the death was relatively quiet, not at all showed a very painful and struggling look, what’s going on?

Does it mean that when he died, there was no resistance at all?

In the face of death, do not resist?

Does this make sense? Even in the art of illusion, there should be a movement of resistance.

Strange, strange, this is too strange, right?

The point is, Qin Xiao is still not sure whether he is caught in the art of illusion. Is this true or false?

It can only be said that both types of probability exist and all exist.

But in connection with the situation of Lang Jinghong, Qin Xiao is more inclined to fall into the art of illusion.

But it is only biased towards that’s all, and it is not 100% sure.

The corpse in front of him couldn’t help Qin Xiao thinking about it, and the speculation about the technique of illusion was a little more.

“If I really have become apparent in the art of illusion, how can I break this game?”

“I don’t even have a little consciousness, even if I guessed this possibility in my heart, but I can’t find the slightest sign that I’m caught in the illusion.

“I can’t find any signs, how can I break this game?”

“If you can’t break this game, then I am in this illusion, even if I am killed, it will really die.”

“It’s really a difficult problem. I came across such a terrifying problem as soon as I came in.”

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but sighed, hook the head.

But he immediately gritted his teeth, and his belief was still very firm: “No matter how difficult it is, to break it, I will not believe it.”

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