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Happy to be happy, but still keep calm.

After Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong glanced at each other, they moved on.

In this area, it is also not surprising that, as in the previous area, not at all found clues such as patterns, every detail has not been missed, and there is no awareness of what is there.

Is it again related to these Ancient Saint corpses?

It shouldn’t be, the same clue impossible will be used twice.

Based on the previous 2 experiences, both Qin Xiao and Lang Jinghong both knew that there was not much time for them to think, and soon a deep hole would appear, and they would start to devour them.

Now, it is time to race against time, to figure out clues before they are swallowed up by the pit.

Only get the clue, and come up with the map according to the clue, then you can walk out of this area alive, otherwise there must be only dead end.

But this clue, not at all found, should not be related to those Ancient Saint corpses, so what is the clue?

“These three areas have a lot in common. The first common point has many Ancient Saint corpses. The second common point has similar dangers, but with different degrees and different patterns of appearance. .”

“The first area is directly leaving obvious clues, let us find the clues from the details, and then push back and forth and the map appears, let us come out.”

“In the second area, not at all leaves obvious clues, not clues in details, but leaves clues in the big way. This is a transformation of testing thinking.”

“The third area, in theory, should be more difficult to find clues, and should not be the same as the previous two areas.”

“The situation is similar, but where are the clues from?” Lang Jinghong analyzed there, deep frowns, thinking about this headache.

Qin Xiao is also thinking hard, thinking about this problem.

No details can be overlooked, nor can any major aspect be overlooked.

But in the third area, it seems that there are no details or large aspects. The clues in the details are indeed not seen.

The direction of Ancient Saint’s body is impossible and will be used again.

This is another big problem, which has troubled 2 people at once.

Soon, the ground began to vibrate again, and the pit was about to come out soon.

These pits are definitely more and more terrifying dangerous, and will definitely be much more dangerous than the second area.

The second area from the beginning of the vibration to allow them to swallow them without resistance to add up, I am afraid there will only be up to ten breaths of time.

In the first area, it is 20 breaths time.

Calculated in this way, the time in the third area is probably only 3 interest.

5 How short is the rest time?

It’s so difficult to find clues and research the map in this very short period of time?

But no matter how hard it is, there is no way to do it, but it must be done, otherwise, only the dead end.

Where is the clue?

The thought of each and everyone flashed in Qin Xiao’s mind, but each and everyone was rejected by Qin Xiao.

In a flash, there are already ideas that don’t know how much.

“Law, there must be some rules to follow–“

“The clues in the first area are those patterns that are obviously left deliberately. The clue in the second area is the Ancient Saint corpse that is easily overlooked. What about the third area?”

“There are obvious clues, and clues that have been ignored. If you reason like this, are the clues in the third area not only obvious but also ignored? ?”

“In this case, it follows a law, which is also the law of step by step. This is like the cultivation of the avenue. It is also a step by step process along the way. But in these processes, there can be many avenues. Think out.”

“Well, yes, it must be like this, and it must not be wrong.”

Thinking of this in his mind, Qin Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately made a specific inference based on this idea.

Now that you believe it, stay firm. It can only be right or wrong, because there is no chance to regret the re-start, and time will no longer be allowed.

The deep hole began to appear again, and the time was getting shorter.

“Even if it is clearly left behind, it will be ignored by others, what will it be?”

“The three areas all have in common, that is, Ancient Saint corpses and deep pits. It is precisely because of all the things that are the most conspicuous, but they are often easily overlooked.”

“But there are too many Ancient Saint corpses in the three areas, and they are all in different shapes. The rules of the appearance of the deep pits are also different. How can these be related? How can we infer the application? What about the map here?”

“Seeking common ground while reserving differences–“

“Right, it is to seek common ground while reserving differences. It is enough to pick out the same areas in the three areas.”

Thinking of this, Qin Xiao immediately did it.

Soon, a map came out.

By the way, the deep pits appearing in this area are right.

“Haha, that’s right, that’s how it is.” Qin Xiao’s heart was suddenly filled with joy, and the road was clear, so it was easy to go.

Qin Xiao was about to say to Lang Jinghong that Lang Jinghong laughed aloud over there: “hahaha, my understood, brother Qin Xiao-Huh, look like this, brother Qin Xiao, you are also understood.”

“Haha, it seems that our heroes see the same thing again, let’s go.” Qin Xiao smiled and said.

2 people left quickly, and there was no accident. They left the area smoothly and came to the passage.

Seeing this passage, the two immediately became solemn again.

Now, I have just passed 2 levels that’s all, and there are a few levels waiting for them, which is an unknown number.

This passage can also lead to an unknown and dangerous road.

“Brother Qin Xiao, I said that the owner of this lost palace is really ruthless enough. The test left behind is really too terrifying.”

“Since these endless years, the Ancient Saint that has died in this lost palace has existed, but it is remembered in 1000000, think about it, terrifying, what a huge number is this?”

“Tsk tsk, this is also equivalent to the existence of the Ancient Saint Realm that had been killed by the master of the Lost Palace for 1000000? You said that in this way, the master of the Lost Palace did a good thing, or did it What a bad thing?” Lang Jinghong said with emotion.

This question was asked by Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help thinking for a while, ah, how should I look at this issue?

The Ancient Saint Realm with more than 1000000 notes died in this lost palace, can it be indirectly killed by the owner of the lost palace?

The Ancient Saint realm that has passed 1000000, you should know that the entire Southern Desolate in the fairyland adds up, but it is only the Ancient Saint realm that can withstand more than 10000. The number of Ancient Saint realms that died here adds up to 100 times the entire Southern Desolate. So many.

And not only is it 100 times in quantity, but it is probably 10000 times in quality.

After all, most of those who died in this lost palace are in the presence of the 2-step Ancient Saint realm, and there are still many 3-step or even 4-step Ancient Saint realms.

Think about it, it is an incredible power, this is a huge loss of the 8 Sacred Domain.

It is really hard to imagine that so many Ancient Saints have died here.

So if you really want to think about this issue in depth, you really don’t know how to judge this matter.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao shook the head said: “The original idea of ​​the master of the lost house may not be the case, but simply want to leave a lost house and want to give the future generations a chance.”

“The eye of death was not created by the owner of the lost palace. The eye of death was formed naturally and existed originally.”

“It’s just that the owner of the lost labyrinth found it and found it interesting, so a lost labyrinth was built inside.”

Lang Jinghong curl one’s lip, said: “It’s right to say this, but if there is no lost palace, the most people who come in will be trapped in the lost continent and will not die.”

“Always trapped, there will always be world gods coming in to save people. When saving people, you can go out with them.”

“Died in the maze, then it was really dead. Since these endless years, haven’t you got the chance in the maze.”

Qin Xiao shook the head, with a light smile, said: “I don’t want these anymore, these are not things we can imagine. No matter what those happen, let’s talk about the road to our feet first.”

“Anyway, we have all come in. Now in the maze, then you shouldn’t think about the bad master of the maze.”

“Maybe, what chance will we get?”

“Haha, too.” Lang Jinghong laughed.

The two did not hesitate anymore, they stepped into the passage and entered the test of the next level.

After crossing the passage, the 2 people came to a secret room.

The secret room was empty, and only 9 dark channels appeared in the all around of the secret room, surrounding the secret room in a circle.

apart from this, there is nothing else.

At this time, Qin Xiao 2 was standing in the middle of the secret room, surrounded by 9 dark passageways, facing them.

Seeing these 9 dark channels, the Qin Xiao 2’s brows were immediately wrinkled.

As far as the feeling of breath is concerned, the breath inside is very cold and terrifying, very terrifying, just like in the Nine Nether Lands prison, there is a very rich Death Aura.

Every channel feels like a demon ominous beast, giving a very terrifying feeling.

“Nine channels, is it that we can’t choose one?” Lang Jinghong said.

After a few laps, Qin Xiao said, “It seems that this should be the case. Choose one of the nine channels. If there is a multiple-choice question, it should be 9 channels. Only one channel is the raw road, and the other 9 are all. dead end, it depends on how you choose.”

“Of course, this is not necessarily the case, and it may just represent the difficulty of the test that’s all, and it may not necessarily have 8 dead ends.”

Lang Jinghong walked over to the 9 passages and stood at the 9 passages. Each and everyone felt a little, the deeper his brows grew.

After feeling it, his face was completely gloomy and cold, and said to Qin Xiao: “Brother Qin Xiao, I think you should feel it first and then discuss this.”

Seeing Lang Jinghong’s appearance, Qin Xiao knew that the situation might be more terrifying than they had imagined.

Qin Xiao just walked over, one after another to feel it, it really is more terrifying.

After feeling the feeling, Qin Xiao was deeply frowns, and his mood was somewhat suppressed.

“Nine roads, every channel feels like a Death Road. Every one is extremely terrifying, and there is a very terrifying Death Aura.”

“As soon as I approached, I was strongly warned that I can’t go in, 10000000 can’t go in, and I will definitely die.”

“How can this happen? The 9 channels, all of which are dead end? No point, no point at all.”

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