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But Qin Dinghu hit the table with a heavy hand, glaring at 2 people: “Old 3 fourth child, we took Position of Patriarch with some means but that’s all, but now we still need to add old 6 and Qin Is Xiao dead? Don’t forget that they are also our Qin Family people, and the old 6 is also our biological brother, our Qin Family people, is it possible that it really needs to be broken up?”

“Cooperate with Song Xiongyan’s old fox? Don’t you know that Song Xiongyan doesn’t dare to start our Qin Family now, because of the existence of the old 6? If the old 6 is dead, can our Qin Family still be like this? I’m afraid that before Song Xionghuo fires, some other forces will have to deal with us. At the end of the day, our Qin Family 50 years of foundation will be destroyed once, and by then, all of us will die. This question, you Don’t you understand?”


Qin Dingsheng and Qin Dinghe also suddenly appeared out of cold sweat, and they didn’t think about this issue much. Now think about it, it really is.

Song Xiongyan is definitely a vicious and merciless, very old wrist fox. As long as he gets the chance, it will definitely kill Qin Family. Once Qin Dingtian is dead, then there is really no one in Qin Family who can compete with Song Xiongyan, but Song Xiongyan will let it take hold.

After being silent for a while, Qin Dinghu’s eyes flashed with rays of light, and he looked at 2 people seriously: “Old 6 can’t die, not because he can keep my Qin Family safe, but because he is the person of our Qin Family , Is our biological brother, a loved one who is connected with flesh and blood. If we even kill our biological brother, are we still human? Taking Position of Patriarch does not mean that we are cold Xue Wuqing. Man , Which is not full of unlimited desire for power and strength?”

“And the old 6 is sometimes too rigid to do things, so I want to take over the Position of Patriarch. At first, I did have a strong desire and ambition for power. 2 In the past, I also want to display my talents and make Qin Family even more. Okay. Qin Family, which was established by my father, I don’t want to ruin us. Do you understand this?”

Qin Dingsheng Qin Dinghe 2 There is some shame on the face, nodded.

“Brother, you are right. We just talked about it. Speaking of which, Lao 6 has always been very good for us. We can’t kill him because of the power struggle. If Lao 6 really passed away, then Our Qin Family is indeed dangerous.” Qin Dingsheng has finally changed his mind.

Although normally, he and Qin Dingtian are the most choking.

“Family, no matter how fierce the fight is, it is still a family.” Qin Dinghu said meaningfully.

Hut, Qin Dingtian warmly pours wine.

“The humble house is relatively primitive, and where there is slackness, Senior Wang should not be surprised.” Qin Xiao said.

Bai Jianqiu smiled lightly and waved his hand: “It’s okay, I never stick to these bars. I don’t have to call Senior Senior. My name is Bai Jianqiu. If you are a few years old, take advantage of you. Call me Bai Ge.”

Qin Xiao is also polite, directly nodded and said: “Good white brother, that’s why I picked up a big bargain. I’m a kid in Body Shedding’s Early-Stage, and I can call you a devastating desert. Brother Wei Bai. I’m taking advantage of it.”

“That may not be the case. It may be you taking advantage now. Maybe I will take advantage of it in the future? I always have a feeling that your future growth is limitless. Your strength is still weak, but your growth rate will definitely be very high. Fast. I’ve read a lot of people, and it’s a bit of a question to read the person’s ability. Talent is not the most important thing on Martial Dao’s journey, temperament is the most important thing. You don’t necessarily have a peerless talent, But you have a temperament that I admire, and this will be your successful killing move. So, I am very optimistic about you.”

Such praise is indeed a joy in Qin Xiao’s heart, said with a smile: “Brother, you are so proud of me, I am not very embarrassed. However, I will definitely be more loyal to you, Brother Bai’s good words. Hard work. Daweiwei, I will definitely become. For me, this is just the first little challenge in life that’s all. If I can’t cross this little challenge in the past, then I will also be impossible As.”

“Well, it is very good for you to have such self-confidence. Become Damowei earlier, and we will have more opportunities to meet in the future. Damowei will have an assessment once a year, and there will be 3 months today. Missed This time, I have to wait another year. The three-month period is still too tight for you.” Bai Jian asked.

“3 months…” Qin Xiao’s brow furrowed. The time of 3 months is indeed tighter. If you want to become a Daweiwei, the qualification for entry is the strength of Body Shedding Peak. Moreover, this is a hard requirement for the registration conditions. If you can’t reach the realm of Body Shedding Peak, you don’t even have the qualification to register. In 3 months, if I want to upgrade from Body-Shedding to Early-Stage to Body-Shedding to Peak, I think it is an impossible thing.

However, Qin Xiao does not want to wait another year, and then another year, then Qin Xiao is fully confident that he can reach the realm of Body Shedding Peak. However, he did not want to wait.

So, in 3 months, he has to fight. If you follow the normal training speed, it may not be at all. But Qin Xiao has Innate Divine Ability in his body, as long as there are enough beasts to devour Innate Divine Ability, it is entirely possible.

This is also the hope of Qin Xiao.

Bai Jianqiu also saw Qin Xiao’s thoughts, and he even praised Qin Xiao in his heart. This temperament does indeed even have him ashamed of being inferior.

Bai Jian asked for a move in his heart and said, “Otherwise, Qin Xiao, I am also preparing to enter the Great Desolation this time and have a good experience. It is better to go into the Great Desolation with me, although it will be more dangerous, but with me by my side It shouldn’t be an accident. In 3 months, if you want to fight once, I am afraid you can only enter the wilderness to see if there are any opportunities. Otherwise, you really have to wait another year.”

“Into the Great Waste…” Qin Xiao couldn’t help laughing: “Brother, don’t tell you, even if you don’t mention this, I’m afraid I have to fight hard. I have entered into the Great Waste. I thought of it before. , 3 days later into the great wasteland. If you can go in with Bai Ke, then it is naturally the best thing. Danger lurks within the riches and honour, it can only be a fight.”

Bai Jian asked for a smile: “So, then we just hit it off.”

Qin Xiao looked towards Qin Dingtian, Qin Dingtian said: “You decide, just do it, your father will never be your fetter. No matter what you decide to do, your father will support you. This time there is a white Young Master. You, you are more at ease for your father. Bai Young Master, everything please.”

“Relax, everything has me.” Bai Jianqiu nodded, and said: “Since it is decided, then you clean up, we will start now.”

“Okay, there is nothing to clean up, so be it.” Qin Xiao immediately nodded and said.

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