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Although I had some speculation in my heart, when I heard Qin Xiao say this in person, Ding Zhi was still stunned and looked at Qin Xiao with great gratitude.

It took a while before I was excited: “Will, of course, thank you! Servant Ding Zhi, Has seen the Sir…”

He said that Ding Zhi was about to kneel, but was stopped by Qin Xiao. He said with a straight face: “Ding Zhi, what are you doing? You and I are friends. Friends help each other. Common thing. Although you and I are now nominal servants, but I always regard you as a friend. So in the future, you will still be in contact with my peers, don’t have the mustard because of an identity.”

“People of cultivation should not restrain these subsections. Otherwise, I’m sorry.”

“How does this work?” Ding Zhi was a little embarrassed, that is, the number of servants, then he should be Qin Xiao’s servant.

Under this world, where are the servants and brothers called brothers?

Qin Xiao shook the head, took pictures of Ding Zhi’s shoulders and said, “I can do it, you can’t do it, then I will give you this servant’s quota. Otherwise, I will get all my friends’ lives, That is not worth the loss.”

“This…” Ding Zhi hesitated slightly, or nodded and said: “Okay.”

However, in his heart, Ding Zhi has secretly vowed that this relationship, he will definitely return. When he reported his bloody revenge, he willingly followed Qin Xiao as a slave and servant.

But he is also very clear, want to revenge easyer said than done? Want to kill Enemy 9, easier said than done?

Now, he just wants to seize all possible opportunities. The selection of the Desert Academy failed. The servant’s quota must be seized.

Although the servants did not receive the same treatment as Holy Son, it was also a great thing to stay in the Desert Academy to practice.

After Ding Zhi was settled, Qin Xiao was ready to practice.

The whereabouts of the understood father are now stronger for Qin Xiao’s desire to become stronger, and he needs to practice harder.

Qin Yanzi Qin Yanzi They should come and have to wait for a while, and Qin Xiao has also ordered Ding Zhi, if anyone else comes, let him press the line.

After arranging these, Qin Xiao went out and came to the old great hall at the bottom of the Academy in the desert in a short while.

From a distance, you can feel the Supreme majesty of this great hall, as if it were an ancient wild beast dormant there. Even if it is calm, it also makes people feel terrified.

Before he got close, Qin Xiao’s heart was tensed uncontrollably, and inexplicably would be a little vigilant, as if there was something dangerous lurking all around.

“Scripture Pavilion, one of the four major sites of the Desert Academy, is also the foundation of the Desert Academy. After 4 years of accumulation, the Scripture Pavilion of the Desert Academy can be said to be incomparable by any force. What is the Palace of Elysium in Elysium Palace, What is the headquarters of 1000 Pavilion is far inferior to this Scripture Pavilion. The accumulation of the desert country for 3 years is all here.”

“Although I’m still proficient in Profound Truth’s training, I don’t have a good cultivation technique to assist in the training. I still feel a little slower. Moreover, my Sword Martial Skill is also lacking.”

Qin Xiao came to Scripture Pavilion for the purpose of looking for Martial Skill and Cultivation Art that suits him well.

For the newly-increased Holy Son, you can choose 2 from Scripture Pavilion. If you want it again, you need to redeem the contribution point.

Qin Xiao’s eyes quickly fell on the silhouette of Scripture Pavilion sitting on a jade platform, which is a bare-bearded old man. The majesty of Baoxiang is daunting.

The person in front of him is the 2 long citrus Elder of the ranked second among the ten Eighth Elder, Elder Ranked 2nd, which is enough to explain his qualifications and status in the Desert Academy.

The ability to Zhenbao this Scripture Pavilion is also evident.

The four major sites of the Desert Academy are: Scripture Pavilion, Tsutenkaku Tower, Profound Truth Room and Fantasy Valley. The four major sites are the foundation of the Desert Academy and the advantage of the Desert Academy’s training discipline.

The 4 places are different and have different functions.

Scripture Pavilion is a place to collect endless treasures. Cultivation Art and Martial Skill and even secret technique are available. Spiritual Artifact Spirit Treasure Spiritual Pill is endless. Scripture Pavilion can also be said to be the most expensive place of the Desert Academy. There was a dead Elder’s town, and nothing had happened.

Withered Elder’s majesty is definitely not covered.

“Junior Qin Xiao, I’ve seen Ku Elder!” Qin Xiao dared not to care, shouted respectfully.

Withered Elder rarely opened his eyes and looked at Qin Xiao with deep eyes, before slightly nodded and said: “Go in.”

Qin Xiao nodded, then entered the Scripture Pavilion.

The Scripture Pavilion of the Academy of Damo, Qin Xiao’s first impression is that it is too big and too big. Looking at the past, simply can’t see the end. Compared with the Bliss Hall in the Bliss Palace, it’s really nothing.

Similar to the inside of the Bliss Hall, it is also divided into several areas for people to find what they want faster.

Qin Xiao first watched it in the Profound Truth cultivation technique area. The total number of Profound Truth Kung Fu in the Bliss Hall is just dozens, but there are more than 500 Profound Truth cultivation techniques here.

“Sure enough, it is the Desert Academy, which is indeed terrifying.” Qin Xiao was also shocked by more than 500 Profound Truth cultivation techniques.

And there are many Profound Truths that Qin Xiao has not heard of. There are many kinds. Qin Xiao counted one and found that there are more than 100 kinds of Profound Truth.

Of course, basically all are low grade Profound Truth.

For middle grade Profound Truth, there are only more than 30 copies.

Such as Profound Truth of Yin-Yang, such as illusory shadow Profound Truth, such as penetrating Profound Truth, such as Jinhuang Profound Truth… and so on.

Any 3 kinds of low grade Profound Truth fusion can become a middle grade Profound Truth, any 5 kinds of Profound Truth fusion can all become a high grade Profound Truth. Peak’s 2 low grade Profound Truth fusion can become a middle grade Profound Truth, such as Profound Truth of Water and Profound Truth of Fire fusion Profound Truth of Yin-Yang, which is middle grade Profound Truth.

The Profound Truth of Sword, the combination of Formation Profound Truth and Profound Truth’s sword array wind Profound Truth, is also middle grade Profound Truth.

Profound Truth’s promotion, the most common way is to integrate, the most difficult way is to understand.

For example, Qin Xiao’s Profound Truth of Space is a re-understood Profound Truth. Although it is the evolution of the sword array wind Profound Truth, it is different from the sword array wind Profound Truth.

Profound Truth of Space is completely a new type of Profound Truth, an independent Profound Truth. Of course, because the inner connection with the sword array wind Profound Truth is too large, it is easier for Qin Xiao to understand.

If you let Qin Xiao understand Profound Truth of Time, it will be much harder.

“Sure enough, I didn’t expect that Profound Truth of Space’s cultivation technique not at all, the sword array wind Profound Truth cultivation technique actually had a copy, but it was useless to me.” After looking at all Profound Truth Kung Fu, Qin Xiao was a little disappointed. the head.

In the end, Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on the Profound Truth of Yin-Yang cultivation technique.

Qin Xiao has mastered Profound Truth of Water and Profound Truth of Fire. If these two types of Profound Truth can be merged, it is Profound Truth of Yin-Yang.

Qin Xiao has now practiced Profound Truth of Space. If he can practice Profound Truth of Yin-Yang again, and then integrate Profound Truth of Space and Profound Truth of Yin-Yang, he can be promoted to high grade. Profound Truth. And this is also a long-term plan for Qin Xiao.

Therefore, Profound Truth of Yin-Yang, Qin Xiao must definitely try.

Of course, in addition to Profound Truth of Yin-Yang, Qin Xiao will try to follow the path of Profound Truth of Time. However, Qin Xiao now only has a little bit of sentiment that’s all, which is still far from mastering Profound Truth of Time.

If you can master Profound Truth of Time, then the combination of Profound Truth of Time and Profound Truth of Space can be transformed into Profound Truth of Space-Time, high grade Profound Truth.

Moreover, Time and Space is already well integrated. This one may be more integrated than Profound Truth of Space and Profound Truth of Yin-Yang.

These two roads are the long-term roads selected by Qin Xiao temporarily.

The higher you go, the more you need Profound Truth.

If Profound Truth cannot be promoted, the strength will always be stronger.

For example, if you have only mastered low grade Profound Truth, since you have a realm of God’s realm, I am afraid that you don’t have the power of a king. I am afraid that a Profound Magic realm with a harmful point can abuse you lightly.

The higher the realm, the strength of Profound Truth directly determines the strength.

Profound Truth of Yin-Yang cultivation technique, Qin Xiao first put it away, and then went to see the Sword Martial Skill area. The Sword Martial Skill that can be stored in the Scripture Pavilion is obviously very out of the ordinary. On the 1000 Sword Martial Skills seen by Qin Xiao, they are all high-quality products. The most recent ones are high grade martial skills, and even many top grade martial skills.

Although they are very good, Qin Xiao’s vision is too high, so I haven’t seen anything that can impress him.

Qin Xiao has come to the secret technique area again. The secret technique is different from the martial skill because the secret technique has many special abilities.

Therefore, secret technique is far more precious than martial skill.

Secret technique Qin Xiao has encountered a lot before, like Liangyu’s Sword Art secret technique, His Royal Highness secret technique 7, Black 3 really stick secret technique. A secret technique, if it can be practiced successfully, the formidable power exerted in combat is also extremely terrifying.

Qin Xiao is now on Sword Art, he feels very lacking, so naturally he wants to practice a suitable secret technique.

Secret technique is relatively rare, there are only 50 kinds of that’s all.

“”Earth Crack”, this is not the secret technique practiced by Liangyu Young Master. It does exist in didn’t expect Scripture Pavilion. However, I did not master Profound Truth of Earth. This secret technique is powerful, but it came to me It’s useless to say.”

“”Golden Sun”, the secret technique practiced by Profound Truth of Metal and Profound Truth of Fire, is extremely overbearing, but unfortunately it is not suitable for me.”

“”Hao Jinyan”, um, this is not a secret technique practiced by His Royal Highness? Is it really strong enough, without urgency, and the most cutting-edge. Unfortunately, I have not mastered Profound Truth of Metal, otherwise this is a good choice .”

Qin Xiao has watched His Royal Highness take the shots, and the secret technique of this secret technique is also clear. As soon as it is displayed, it has a great sense of integrity, unparalleled strength, and quite a few feelings of invincibility.

Qin Xiao’s eyes suddenly fell on a secret technique, and his heart moved: “”Tian Canjian”? How is this name the same as “Tian Can Jian” I mentioned before? Is there any inherent connection between them?”

However, Qin Xiao also felt a little strange. The “Tian Can Sword” I bought in Liu Feng’s County City Heavenly Treasure Pavilion was just an incomplete martial skill that’s all.

The “Tian Can Sword” in my hand now is a secret secret technique.

There is still a substantial difference between martial skill and secret technique.

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