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After looking at Qin Xiao, E Kui Shengzun started to talk straight.

Normally at Shura World, no one wants to come and listen to him, and he doesn’t want to tell anyone around him anymore.

After listening to the confession of E Kui Shengzun, Qin Xiao understood what was going on between him and the girl in red.

It turned out that the relationship between Saint Eve and the girl in red was not only acquaintance, but also an old acquaintance. The two met each other a long time ago, and there was some entanglement. Speaking of which, the situation is still a bit complicated, and it is not easy to make a decision. What is the relationship between the two?

If two people know each other, it was probably out of blows friendship grows before 2 epochs. The strength of the two people is evenly matched.

Of course, if you really work hard, then Lord E Kui should be better.

But this is not the point, the point is that they met after a fight, and they feel a little bit sympathetic.

At first, the girl in red didn’t know that Lord E Kui was a person of Celestial Court, so she didn’t at all reject Lord Kui.

E Kui Shengzun is also a love for the girl in red at first sight. The girl in red gave him an unprecedented feeling that no woman had given him the feeling before. Such a feeling made him slamming his heart, thinking of the girl in red all the time.

So, Lord E Kui stayed and found various reasons, approached the girl in red, traveled with the girl in red, cultivated, argued, and lived a very happy day.

But the character of the girl in red is indeed a little too cold. Although not at all strongly rejects Lord E Kui, it does not allow him to get too close to him.

Whenever Lord E Kui wanted to take a step closer, the girl in red would be keenly aware, and she would begin to reject Lord Kui.

Therefore, there is no way for Lord E Kui, but to keep a certain distance with the girl in red and get along with the mode of getting along with ordinary friends, which is basically to live together in harmony.

The girl in red may also be used to loneliness, so he is not exclusive to Lord Eku.

But once Lord E Kui tried to confess something close to it, she immediately rejected it and did not accept it.

The most interesting thing is that up to now, Lord E Kui did not know the real name of the girl in red, but she was always called the girl in red, and she always claimed to be the girl in red.

Not accepted, nor too much repelled, so the mode of getting along with the two becomes a little strange and subtle.

Lord E Kui was really fascinated by the girl in red. She would try every possible way to get along with the girl in red. She was not a girl in red all the time.

It’s almost like being enchanted. It’s really enchanting.

In this way, in such a weird mode of getting along, two people got along for an epoch time.

An epoch time is not too short, it stands to reason that there is such a long time together, a male and a female together alone, passionate collision, that should spark out some sparks of love.

E Kui Sheng Zun but at first is love at first sight, has always been away for the purpose of love, and has always been pursuing the girl in red.

He has lived this life for most of his life, and he has played with countless women, but he also found the feeling of love in the girl in red for the first time.

But the girl in red is really cold like a piece of ice of 100000000 10000 era. Simply there is no way to melt it.

Lord E Kui tried everything he could, but still couldn’t get closer to the girl in red.

Even once, Lord E Kui gathered up the courage to hold the girl in the red dress. At the moment when the girl in red shocked, Lord E Kui wanted to kiss.

But at the last moment, the two people’s noses have already touched a piece, and after a little more, they will kiss.

But at this time, the girl in red shot directly, and unexpectedly re-punched Lord E Kui, almost not killing him.

At that moment, the girl in red shot particularly hard.

After eating that big loss, Lord E Kui did not dare to take any further action.

2 people still get along like a pair of lovers, but they can’t get closer like lovers.

That’s the kind, there is a feeling of’if you are away’. Together, you can get along well. Separate it, and reluctantly. But take it one step further, and it is the insurmountable thunder pool. This is really crazy.

He always felt that the girl in red should have that kind of meaning to him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get along with him for so long, living together for an epoch time, which is a relatively long time.

Moreover, even Lord E Kui expressed her feelings to her many times, tried many times to approach her, and went further.

Every time a little bit of friction came out, which caused Lord E Kui to suffer a little bit, but the girl in red also not at all meant to leave, and she still wanted to get along with Lord E Kui.

If you don’t like it, why is that?

But the problem is, how can we not cross that gap, can’t break that layer of paper, and the relationship can’t really develop to the step that he wanted to be.

This is a very painful and tangled thing.

And the most terrible thing happened. After the girl in red understood Lord E Kui was a person of Celestial Court, her attitude immediately changed greatly. After questioning some Lord Kui, she decided to leave. Since then, he has been estranged from Lord E Kui, truly cold, and truly rejecting a thousand li.

Lord E Kui did not give up, and tried several times to approach the girl in red, but she was rejected by her, and several shots wounded Sheng Kui.

Originally, Lord Kui had thought of giving up, and even forced himself to give up for a while.

But there are some things, like planting venomous insect’s poison in the heart, it is very, very uncomfortable.

Lord E Kui also wanted to make herself forget the girl in red, but she couldn’t do it anyway.

Draw a knife and cut off the water, the more the water flows, the more so, but the more difficult it is for him to give up.

So much so that he now has no interest in any other woman.

It feels a little bit of interest, but when it really comes to that kind of thing, I completely lose interest.

Under this kind of pain, Lord E Kui was almost mad, thinking about the girl in red all the time, and her head was full of girls in red.

So ah, every time I forced myself to forget to put down the girl in red, I failed, and finally came to the girl in red, but every time I was rejected by the girl in ruthlessly. If you look back, you don’t even have the chance to be friends.

The girl in red is completely ostracizing the Lord E Kui, because she hates Celestial Court, she hates anyone or anything in Celestial Court.

In this way, there is also an era of entanglement. The Lord E Kui still can’t let it go, or he can’t forget it. Instead, he is more blissful and more inseparable.

Or maybe it’s more powerful to get what you don’t get. It has become a strong obsession.

This obsession has taken root and germinated, and it has been deeply planted on the heart of Lord E Kui.

Such a story is not very special, but it can happen in a 4-step Ancient Saint realm, which is relatively new.

“Qin Xiao, you told me seriously and honestly, is this my love?” Sovereign Emperor Eku asked with a straight face.

Qin Xiao thought for a while and said: “This is true, I really dare not make such a conclusion. After all, I don’t know much about love. I can’t say what it means to be love. To conclude your business?”

“However, from what you said, I think you should really like the girl in red before, and really fell in love with her.”

“What did you really like before? My heart hasn’t changed, but I like it now, and I love it too.” Sovereign Emperor Ekui glared and said immediately.

Qin Xiao continued: “Senior, you shouldn’t be so excited, let me finish talking first.”

“I’m not you, and I can’t clearly judge what you are thinking, even if you are not 100% sure of this matter, otherwise you won’t ask me that way.”

“As far as I feel after listening, Senior was in the era when you were with the girl in red, I believe you really like the girl in red, and you also want to start a love relationship with him. Any problem.”

“In the next epoch, you have been entangled with each other, and you have tried to let go. But without letting go, you even think more and more.”

“There are two situations, one is really love, there is really no way to let go, and I really want to be with the girl in red. The other, maybe just because I can’t get it, That’s why you have such a heart, so that you can have a kind of heart knot and form a obsession.”

E Kui Sheng Zun frowned, looked at Qin Xiao, thought for a while and then said: “How do I know if I really like it, or is it just a obsession?”

“I really think about the girl in red all the time, always want to see her, always want to come out to find her, always pay attention to her news. As long as there is her news, I will ignore everything Come out to find her, want to be close to her, even if just to see her is good.”

“I also feel like I’m a bit enchanted, but is this really just obsession?”

This question is really asking Qin Xiao a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

Good God, although he has been in love, he still feels ignorant, okay? I still feel that I don’t know what is true love.

For love, Qin Xiao really feels that he doesn’t understand anything.

Therefore, when asked by E Kui Shengzun, Qin Xiao really didn’t know how to answer it for a while.

This thing, maybe 10000 people have 10000 understandings, but what is true love? Qin Xiao doesn’t know.

So, Qin Xiao is also looking thoughtful. After thinking for a while, he said: “I think, obsessive words are just an expression of unwillingness in my heart, but the more I get, the more I want to get the magic In my heart.”

“If you are obsessed, you simply want to get everything, and everything is around getting service.”

“That is to say, as long as it can be obtained, even by fair means or foul, it will never be hesitated. It seems to be love, but it is no longer love. It is in the guise of love, and it is true. , Are mainly to be able to serve.”

“But once I got my hand, the obsession was broken, and everything was reduced to nothingness, and it was bland. By then, it was no longer important.”

“If it’s love, then this kind of thought in the heart is the thought of deep love, and it’s a sweet thing. When you think about it, you’ll be happy, and your heart will sway. What you do, you want to get, but get It’s not the first factor. The first factor is whether the other party is going well.”

“As long as she is good, as long as you can still see her, that is good.”

“So, whether you are obsessed, it depends on your own heart.”

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