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The girl in red was unmoved, but many people were greatly moved.

Some boys even cried when they were moved.

Some women, also moved by the confusing, each and everyone looked at Lord E Kui like a nympho.

After the silence, some voices began to sound slowly.

“It turned out to be Heaven Realm’s powerhouse. Didn’t expect actually came to our Bianji City. I said that it is most likely the existence of a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment, at least all of them.”

“Why is that girl in red so heart-warming? This Heaven Realm powerhouse has expressed her heart so much, will she not be touched at all? I am a man, so I don’t want to be moved. I want to be a woman Yes, I must agree immediately.”

“Ai, that’s not to say. Some people don’t know how to be in blessings. We are envious of death, but the girl in red is indifferent, too cruel.”

“Women, it’s really unsolvable to be cruel. It’s ruthless than anyone else. Man, still pitiful. Falling in love with someone who shouldn’t be loved is too pitiful. Love is something that I don’t want in my life Touched.”

“It can still be touched, and there are still many good women.”

“Male god, I am the perfect male god in mind. What should I do, I found that I have fallen in love with this Heaven Realm powerhouse deeply, what should I do?”

“Cold salad, you still have to look in the mirror before saying this.”

“Pei pei pei, this Miss is still pretty pretty, okay, isn’t it the realm is a bit lower. I know I don’t deserve it, can’t I think about it?”

“Ai, such a good man, it would be a pity if he died. It was so great. To love the martyrdom, really didn’t expect stories that storytellers only heard in reality can be seen in reality.”

… The life force of Lord E Kui quickly disappeared. If this continues, it won’t take long for him to be here.

People from the entire Bianchi city heard the news, and it was 3% outside and inside the 30rd floor, watching this lively.

Various voices of discussion also opened up the hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Many people are shouting at the girl in red, but the girl in red is still silent, as if she can’t speak at all.

The expression that hasn’t changed in 1000 is still cold, just like it was carved with a piece of cold ice sculpture, 1000 changes uniformly cold.

No matter how many voices said she was cruel, hard-hearted, she still ignored it, still no response, still immobile.

Baby Mo was there in a hurry, she was also unable to bear to say: “Red elder sister, you clearly like him, why do you have to embarrass yourself? Why can’t you overcome your heart? Why? Can’t I break through the barrier? Why can’t I boldly accept Lord Eku?”

“Red elder sister, baby doesn’t want you to regret it for a lifetime.”

“Although the baby doesn’t understand anything, the baby still feels that the elder sister in red should stop sticking to this obsession.”

“Give a chance to Lord E Kui, that is also a chance for red elder sister yourself.”

“The elder sister in red, if you don’t promise Lord E Kui, he will really die, he will really die.”

“Once Lord E Kui is really dead, then everything is irreparable, so there is no hurry.”

The girl in red looked at the baby, and the expression obviously changed.

The red girl’s hand was not tightly grasped, Liu Mei frowned slightly, as if she was struggling with pain in her heart.

However, the girl in red still didn’t speak, didn’t respond, and still sat there, leaving the baby in there so anxious.

Lord E Kui’s continued self-burning, life force has lost 80-90%, the breath has become very weak at this time, the person has almost become unstable, his face is pale, his body is crumbling.

Now, it has reached a very dangerous point. If you go on like this, you will really die.

A life has gone 90%, which is very, very dangerous. If you go on like this, it will definitely hurt you if you don’t die.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao was also anxious. Seeing the appearance of the girl in red, it still seems to be impressed, but still can’t impress her.

If the girl in red no longer speaks to stop Lord Eku, there is no hope.

At least at this time, Qin Xiao was ugly and hopeless.

Qin Xiao’s heart can only be very helpless, helpless sighed.

On the side of Lord Eku, not at all means to stop, already striking the extremely dangerous line.

Once he crossed the extremely dangerous line, if he was not stopped immediately, he would be dead.

Even if you stop it right away, it might hurt you.

This situation is still very terrifying, making Qin Xiao’s nerves tense up uncontrollably, and staring at Emperor E Kui.

Qin Xiao also sent sound transmission to Baby Mo, hoping that Baby Mo will make the final effort, but Baby Mo has done his best, and it is still not possible, there is still no way to convince the girl in red, let her take it Stop Lord E Kui.

Although the expression of the girl in red has changed a little, her body is trembling slightly, and you can see that she should be struggling fiercely there.

2 people seem to be hitting their respective dangerous lines.

In the end, it was Eun Kuai Shengzun’success’, he successfully crossed his extremely dangerous line.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao is also really unable to bear, and he yelled quickly: “E Kui Shengzun Senior, hurry up, stop, otherwise you will die, you will really die!”

While talking, Qin Xiao also flew over and was about to force his shot to stop Lord Eku.

However, Lord E Kui shouted to Qin Xiao: “Don’t come over, Qin Xiao, I won’t stop. I thought long ago, if this time can’t succeed, then I would rather die, I don’t want to be so painful Is alive in the world, it doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“The girl in red does not agree, then let me die, death ends all one’s troubles if I die, and I am free.”

“Tired, I want to sleep!”

“Girl in red-we, say goodbye -“

After the last few words of Emperor E Kui weakly said, the heavy eyelids finally could no longer support and closed.

The whole of him fell down suddenly and helplessly, and fell under the high wall.

The people on the high wall were suddenly frightened and dispersed as birds and beasts. Lord E Kui no longer had a breath of life. He lay quietly on the cold ground and cut off his life.


The existence of a 4-step Ancient Saint realm was actually martyred for love, and it was so dead.

Qin Xiao also fell down, looking at the body of Lord E Kuai lying on the ground. He was also left in the same place as a lightning strike, staring at the body of Sheng Kui.

Qin Xiao did not expect that the Emperor Kui was really destroyed by himself, and he really came to the death step.

Originally, Qin Xiao proposed this crazy idea, but I just wanted to play hard once. Use this method to fight it.

Qin Xiao did not want to let E Kui Shengzun really go to this step, but E Kui Shengzun did this step.

So Qin Xiao was also blaming himself for a while at this time, thinking that Lord E Kui was killed by him.

If I had known this already, I wouldn’t have made such a suggestion myself, but now it’s okay, and the Lord E Kui really died.

How did that happen?

Lord E Ku, why are you really dead? You obviously can’t die, why do you have to go to this step of death?

Qin Xiao was dumbfounded, and Xiaogu and Shuling were dumbfounded. The two of them stared at the spot with their eyes wide open.

Countless people on the sidelines in Bianji City were also dumbfounded, as petrified stiffness was on the spot.

Things have evolved to such a degree that no one expected.

To die for love is so vigorous and dead, so touching is the heart.

“It’s over, it’s all over, this is really big play. Alas, this baby is so sad.” Baby Mo blinked, covering her face and feeling sad.

At the moment when he saw the death of Lord E Kui, the red girl who had remained unmoved finally stood up suddenly, and her body began to tremble violently.

With both hands squeezed, fingers were pinched into the flesh, and Yinhong’s blood ran out of her fingers.

The girl in red bit her lips fiercely, staring at the body of Lord E Kui with a complex look in her eyes.

It can be seen that the emotion of the girl in red at this time has also reached the verge of a collapse.

Keep pressing, press again, fiercely pressing.

At the end of the press, it really couldn’t hold it down. It burst out in one fell swoop, just like a volcanic eruption, spewing out.

Such an outbreak is the most terrifying.


After watching it for a while, the girl in red suddenly made a roar of grief and mercy.

The roaring sound of the sky, the countless buildings that actually shattered collapsed.

Such a comfortable situation really scared the people of Bianji City, and the 4 places were chaosed up, which suddenly made Bianji City a little confused.

The girl in red flew over and fell before the body of Lord E Kui, looking at the Lord Kui who died before her. She could no longer suppress herself and collapsed completely.

In the cold eyes, tears fell down.

The girl in red cried, she really cried.

But Qin Xiao, who saw this scene, was not happy, and could only shake his head helplessly. Why did he have to wait until this moment to explode?

If it breaks out earlier, then Lord E Kui will not die.

Now that Emperor Kui is dead, then everything is meaningless. People are dead, nothing can be irreversible, and this love is at an end.

The girl in red obviously loved Lord E Kui, why has she been suppressing herself before and refused to speak?

Heart disease still needs a heart medicine, is it really only the death of Lord E Kui who can fully stimulate the girl in red, can she let her break through the barrier in her heart?

But even this is still a tragedy.

The girl in red shivered step by step toward the body of Lord E Kui, a short road, but it seemed extremely long.

The girl in red walked for a while, and finally came to the body of Lord E Kui.

She slowly squatted down and hugged Lord Eku.

There were 2 lines of tears on her face.


The girl in red once again raised her roar in the sky, the roar of hysterics, the roar of compassion and mercy, the roar of 10000 points of pain, and the roar of regret, and the roar of pain in her heart.

She cried very sad, very painful, very regretful, very self-blaming.

At this moment, she has overcome everything and broke everything.

What barrier, whatever obsession, was defeated by her, breaking through.

The power of the last desperate thought swept away everything.

However, what about it?

Everything is too late, too late!

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